PR2017iconThis article is about a Ranger in Power Rangers (2017), a different continuity than the TV series.

"It's happening!"
―Zack to the other Rangers during Power induction[src]

Zack Taylor is the second Black Ranger of the Power Rangers, and the main protagonist of the movie Power Rangers (2017).


Zack is a Chinese teenager who cares for his ill mother by himself as they reside in a mobile home park. He fears he might lose her. To bury his emotions, he engages in dangerous activities.

He came across Jason Scott, Billy Cranston, Trini Kwan, and Kimberly Hart in the old mines after hearing an explosion that Billy had caused. Each of them takes one of the five Power Coins, which are different colors. The mine security caught them as they attempted to flee.

The following day, Zack and the others learned they had superhuman abilities. They returned to the mine where they found a spaceship and encounters Alpha 5 and Zordon, who told them of a group of Rangers, including himself, who had been betrayed by Rita Repulsa, who wanted the Zeo Crystals for herself. Zordon tells them that they are the next Power Rangers and that they must stop Rita from releasing Goldar, but the teenagers turn him down. Following a discussion with Zordon, Jason persuades them to reluctantly agree to training.

They spent the entire next day practicing, attempting to morph into their armor. Alpha showed them their Dinozords. Zack elected to go on a joyride with his Zord, nearly killing the team, resulting in a conflict between him and Jason, which Billy broke up. The other Rangers were astounded to see Billy morph into the Blue Ranger, only to vanish. This convinced Zordon that they weren't ready and were dismissed. The teens later decided to camp out since they want to learn more about one another. Zack talks about his mother's illness and his fears of losing her.

That night, after Rita had attacked Trini at her house, the five teenagers went to confront her. However, Rita overcame them and forced Billy to ask where the Zeo Crystal was, telling her it was in a Krispy Kreme restaurant. She drowned him in the water of the dock, killing him instantly. After being set free, the other Rangers brought their friend's body to Zordon and begged him to bring him back to life, but Zordon was unable to do so. The Rangers acknowledged that they should've protected each other.

When the Morphing Grid opened, Zordon decided to resurrect Billy after realizing the Rangers' willingness to work together. Finally able to transform into their armor, the Rangers faced Rita's Puttie Partol and engaged Goldar with their Zords. After Rita refused to give herself up to Zordon, they defeated her and sent Rita off into space. The residents of Angel Grove now viewed the Power Rangers as heroes.


Zack is filled with bravado and swagger. He is tough and cool on the exterior but has many layers beyond his fearless appearance. Zack advertises everything about himself, except the truth, which makes him feel deeply inferior to all his peers.[1]

Zack struggles with the stress of his mother's illness, and he often camps out in the wilderness and decommissioned train cars near his home, deeply terrified of waking up to find his mother dead, and so tries to live life far from home. Despite this tendency to avoid home, he truly loves his mother, often speaking to her in Chinese, playing chess with her by her side, and doing everything he can to take care of her.

However, Zack's public image is anything but that of the dutiful son that he is. In his public life, Zack is cocky, rebellious, and eager for a life unlike his own. He is hyperactive, boisterous, and fun-loving.

He also has something of a combative side, as he and Jason come to blows when Zack nearly kills the team while test-driving the Mastodon Zord in the mountains. In the end, the two are in awe of Billy's first time morphing into a full Ranger suit.

Zack is unorthodox, creative, and perceptive. The latter trait is evidenced when he deduces the reason why they have been unable to morph as well as Trini's sexual orientation despite the fact that she had told no one of it, showing his social intelligence.

Black Ranger[]


Black Ranger

Powers and Abilities[]


  • Power Ranger Physiology: After receiving his Black Ranger power coin, Zack gained the following superpowers that are possessed by Rangers in general:
    • Superhuman Strength: Zack's strength is enhanced to superhuman level.
      • Superhuman Leaps: Zack's Power Rangers-level superhuman strength enable him to jump higher than any regular humans, shown when he leaped over a large abyss.
    • Superhuman Durability: Zack's bodily tissues are substantially enhanced by his power coin to the point that he cannot be physically harmed by ordinary humans.
    • Wall Climbing: Zack's Power Rangers-level superhuman strength improved his grip so that he is now able to climb faster and better than regular humans, as he is now capable of scaling a steep cliff in mere seconds.
    • Morphing: Zack, upon acquiring superpowers bestowed by his power coin, is capable of morph into his ranger form by forming a suit of powerful black armor around his body.

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  • Skilled Combatant: Zack, following team training sessions with Zordon and Alpha 5, eventually became fairly skilled in alien martial arts, and thus managed to defeat many of Rita Repulsa's Putty troops.
  • Bilingual: Zack is fluent in American English as well as Mandarin Chinese. He presumably learned Mandarin from his mother, who like him, is of Chinese descent.


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  • Black Power Coin: Zack's supernatural crystal, which is the source of his powers, and his ability to morph.


  • Black Mastodon Battle Zord: Zack's alien battle vehicle, very powerful, yet hard to control, with Zack only being able to control his Zord after gaining full access to his morphing capability.








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Behind the Scenes[]



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Power Rangers Legacy Wars[]

Legacy Wars Black Ranger 2017 Movie

The Black Ranger as seen in Power Rangers Legacy Wars.

The reboot Power Rangers fight with Rangers from the mainstream universe in Power Rangers Legacy Wars.

See Also[]



PR2017icon Power Rangers
Jason Scott - Zack Taylor - Billy Cranston - Trini Kwan - Kimberly Ann Hart
Power Morphers - Power Coins - Power Sword
Zordon - Alpha 5 - Sam Scott - Beverly Scott - Candace Cranston - June Kwan - Trini's Dad
Zords and Megazords
T-Rex Battle Zord - Mastodon Battle Zord - Triceratops Battle Zord - Sabertooth Battle Zord - Pterodactyl Battle Zord
Rita Repulsa
Goldar - Putties
Black Rangers
Zack TaylorAdam ParkCorcusCarlos VallerteDanny DelgadoTommy OliverWill AstonDillonJake HollingChase RandallJavi Garcia
Adam Park (movie)Zack Taylor (2017 movie)Vesper VasquezCyra DrakeJamie GilmoreXevJohnny Lawrence
Secondary Rangers
Phantom RangerMagna DefenderMike CorbettAnubis CrugerJarrodJungle Fury Bat Ranger
Zack PuttyPuttyZaneAbrahamOsamu TezukaPsycho BlackBison Shadow RangerEvil Black Overdrive Ranger
Mastodon Sentries
Power Sets
Black RangerBlack Aquitar RangerPhantom RangerBlack Space RangerMagna DefenderBlack Wild Force RangerBlack Dino RangerBlack Overdrive RangerJungle Fury Bat RangerRanger Operator Series BlackMegaforce BlackDino Charge Black RangerDino Fury Black Ranger
Black Ranger (1995 movie)Black Ranger (2017 movie)Black Squadron Ranger