Icon-zyurangerThis article is about a Ranger in Kyoryu Sentai Zyuranger.

"DragonRanger! Burai!"
―DragonRanger's roll call[src]

"Geki, defend the Earth... to the very end, protect... the children, please."
―Burai’s last words before his death[src]

Yamato Tribe Knight Burai (ヤマト族ナイト ブライ Yamato Zoku Naito Burai) is DragonRanger (ドラゴンレンジャー Doragon Renjā) of the Zyurangers and the "Warrior of Power". He was the son of the Black Knight, and the older brother of TyrannoRanger Geki. He too was in suspended animation, but his cave was located outside of town. He was 31 years old, making him the eldest of the team, and was considered the strongest of the Zyurangers.

Quick Answers

What is the backstory of Yamato Tribe Knight Burai? toggle section
Burai, the Yamato Tribe Knight, is the elder son of the Black Knight. After his father's failed coup against the Yamato King and subsequent death, Burai sought revenge. When the Yamato King died in a war with Witch Bandora, Burai shifted his vengeance towards his younger brother, Geki. Geki was adopted by the Yamato King following their father's rebellion. To prepare for his revenge, Burai exiled himself to improve his skills.
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How did Yamato Tribe Knight Burai become the DragonRanger? toggle section
Upon awakening, Yamato Tribe Knight Burai transformed into the DragonRanger, instigating a war against the Zyurangers due to resentment towards Geki's Yamato Tribe. The root of this conflict lies in their shared lineage as sons of the Yamato Tribe's Black Knight. When the Yamato King and Queen adopted Geki as their heir, the Black Knight was killed in the ensuing dispute, leading Burai to swear vengeance.
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Who is the younger brother of Yamato Tribe Knight Burai in the Zyurangers? toggle section
In the Zyurangers, Yamato Tribe Knight Burai's younger brother is Geki. The Yamato King and Queen adopted Geki while seeking a male heir, sparking a conflict with Burai. Burai, fueled by a desire for revenge over their father, the Black Knight's death, sought to battle Geki.
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What makes Yamato Tribe Knight Burai the strongest among the Zyurangers? toggle section
Yamato Tribe Knight Burai, recognized as the Green Ranger in Kyoryu Sentai Zyuranger, is deemed the most formidable Zyuranger. His strength is attributed to his unique lineage and capabilities. Originating from the Yamato Tribe, a group that revered the Tyrannosaurus and Dragon, Burai was the guardian of the revered Dragon Armor. After being awakened from suspended animation by the Zyurangers, he became a potent ally despite initial resistance. His power is further amplified by his personal grudge against the Yamato Tribe, enhancing his resolve and combat prowess.
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What is the significance of Yamato Tribe Knight Burai's cave being located outside of town? toggle section
Yamato Tribe Knight Burai chose a cave outside of town for his self-imposed suspended animation, driven by resentment towards his brother Geki's unannounced elevation to tribe prince. Despite a fatal cave-in during his sealing, his significance remained due to his powers and his connection to Geki.
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Early Life[]

Young Burai's training

Burai as a child while he was trained

Born some 170-million-years ago, Burai was the eldest son of the Yamato Tribe's Black Knight. When the king and queen of the tribe could not sire a son, they intended to adopt Burai's younger brother Geki against the will of his father. Fighting for his son, the Black Knight fell in combat and Geki was named Prince of the Yamato Tribe. Witnessing his father's death, seven-year-old Burai could not forgive the king for this murder and went into exile to hone his skills and plan for revenge. Geki's true family heritage was kept a secret. Tvicon TV STORY-Ep. 18: The Brothers' Sword of Hatred Burai relocated to the mystical forest home of Forest Guardian Gnome and his grandson Ryota where he honed his skills. Ryota soon came to idolize Burai, particularly after the warrior saved his life one day. Tvicon TV STORY-Ep 17: The Sixth Hero

During this time, the five tribes went to war against the evil witch Bandora who sought to bring an end to the age of dinosaurs. In the aftermath of the conflict, the Guardian Beasts stepped in and exiled Bandora and her followers on the planet Nemesis. With their kingdoms in shambles and the dinosaurs facing extinction, Geki joined Sharma Tribe Knight Goushi, Etoffe Tribe Knight Dan, Dime Tribe Knight Boi, and Lithia Tribe Princess Mei in going into suspended animation only to be revived should Bandora ever return to terrorize the Earth once again. Their resting place was placed in a secret underground lair 2000 km under what is now present-day Tokyo and left in the care of the Mysterious Sage Barza. Tvicon TV STORY-Ep. 2: The Revival Hearing of this, Burai—now holding a grudge against his brother Geki—entered suspended animation himself so he could be revived and get his revenge at a later date. The key to his tomb was entrusted to Gnome, who vowed to never open it. Tvicon TV STORY-Ep 18: The Brothers' Sword of Hatred

During his time in suspended animation, Burai was killed when an earthquake caused his tomb to collapse, crushing him in his sleep. However, the god Daizyuzin foresaw that Burai would be needed in the future. He made a deal with Clotho, the Spirit of Life to restore Burai to life. Clotho agreed, but would only allow the warrior to live for a limited period of time once awoken from his deep slumber. Tvicon TV STORY-Ep. 21: The Guardian Beast's Great Riot


Dark DragonRanger[]

In the year 1992, Bandora was accidentally freed from her exile and she renewed her attacks on Earth. In response to this threat, Barza woke Geki and the others who became his champions the Zyurangers. Tvicon TV STORY-Ep. 1: The Birth For months, the Zyurangers, led by Burai's brother, and their Guardian Beasts foiled Bandora's various schemes.

Burai's resting place

Ryota, missing his old friend and hoping to help the Zyurangers, stole the key to Burai's tomb in the hopes of awakening him. Unaware of the connection between himself and this new warrior, Geki and the rest of the Zyurangers defied Barza to do so. To the Zyurangers' surprise, when Burai was finally awoken, he became the DragonRanger and declared war against Geki and his allies. Tvicon TV STORY-Ep. 17: The Sixth Hero Bandora, seeking to enlist Burai's aid, convinced him to join her side by directing him to the Sword of Hellfriede, a weapon she claimed would grant him the power to destroy Geki and the Zyurangers. Unaware that this weapon would also fuel his hatred into outright insanity, Burai claimed the weapon. Meanwhile, the Zyurangers learned of Burai's past and his connection to Geki. Learning this, Geki sought to convince his brother to join their team. However, Burai was too driven by revenge to listen. In the ensuing fight, Daizyuzin intervened to protect Geki and ordered him to kill Burai. When Geki refused, the god punished him. Burai later assisted Grifforzer and Lamy in a battle against Daizyuzin during an eclipse that cut the guardian off from his power source, allowing Bandora to banish the Guardian Beasts below the Earth. Tvicon TV STORY-Ep. 18: The Hate-Filled Brother's Sword

Burai's betrayal against Bandora
Burai forgives Geki for being a villain

However, Burai's alliance with Bandora was short lived as he next attempted to take her life and claim her forces for himself. In response, Bandora banished Burai back to Earth. There he was confronted by Clotho, who told him of his fleeting mortality, telling him that he could only live for another 38 hours. In order to slow his impending death, the spirit took him to the Lapseless Room, a mystical realm where there was no passage of time, effectively stalling his limited lifespan as long as he remained inside it. There, she presented him with a burning green candle that measured how much life he still had left. She also had a gift for him: a green dagger that doubled as a flute, Zyusouken. With Zyusouken, Burai summoned his own Guardian Beast, Dragon Caesar from Tokyo Bay. Impressed, he used Dragon Caesar in an attempt to destroy the city. Tvicon TV STORY-Ep. 21: The Guardian Beast's Great Riot In the ensuing battle, the Zyurangers managed to revive their own Guardian Beasts through the power of prayer. Battling Geki one-on-one, Burai was defeated once again, and the Hellfriede Sword was destroyed. Realizing that his brother truly cared for him, Burai gave up his desire for revenge and agreed to fight alongside the rest of the Zyurangers. However, he quickly disappeared back to the Lapseless Room shortly after joining the team, not wanting them to know about his limited lifespan. Tvicon TV STORY-Ep. 22: Combine! Gouryuzin

Living on Borrowed Time[]

Living on borrowed time, Burai would occasionally appear to help the other Zyurangers, but would always vanish immediately afterwards to return to the Lapseless Room. During this period, he assisted the Zyurangers against Dora Pixie Tvicon TV STORY-Ep. 23: The Knuckleball of Infatuation, Dora Tortoise Tvicon TV STORY-Ep. 24: Hope Springs A-Turtle, Dora Tarantula Tvicon TV STORY-Ep. 25: The Park Where Demons Dwell and Dora Guzzler. Tvicon TV STORY-Ep. 27: Mei On A Silver Platter

Things became more difficult for the Zyurangers after Bandora gained access to the Dokiita Clay, which allowed her to create more powerful Dora Monsters, such as Dora Franke and new Golem Soldiers. Tvicon TV STORY-Ep. 28: Clay Monsters, New And Improved During the ensuing battle, both Geki and Burai were transported to the realm of Beast Knight God King Brachion by Daizyuzin. The pair had to combine their power in order to recover the Thunder Slingers, a new powerful weapon that allowed them to destroy the new, more powerful Golems. Dora Franke, on the other hand, proved more difficult to destroy, becoming the more powerful Zombie Franke. Tvicon TV STORY-Ep. 29: A Mystery!? The Attacking Beast Knight God

Bandora then began capturing children to sacrifice to her so-called "Satan Tower" in order to summon Dai-Satan, the ruler of Hell, and the source of her powers. Despite the Zyurangers' efforts, Bandora succeeded and Dai-Satan transformed her monster to Satan Franke. Tvicon TV STORY-Ep. 30: Satan Comes!! Thankfully, the Zyurangers were assisted by King Brachion, merging with Daizyuzin and Dragon Caesar to become Kyukyoku Gattai Ultimate Daizyuzin, destroying Satan Franke and driving back Dai-Satan. It was during the course of this final battle, Burai revealed the secret of his limited lifespan to the others. Tvicon TV STORY-Ep. 31: Reborn! The Ultimate God

Despite the fact his time on Earth was fleeting, Burai eventually could no longer stand the loneliness of the Lapseless Room. Going out in the world, he befriended a woman named Rie and her baby sister Michiko. Seeing this friendship blossom, Bandora kidnapped Rei forcing Burai to come to her rescue, whittling his time on Earth to less than five hours. Tvicon TV STORY-Ep. 34: Live, Burai! Shortly thereafer, Burai assisted the Zyurangers in protecting a pair of Dinosaur Eggs from Dora Kinkaku. With the eggs rescued, they left them in the care of King Brachion. Tvicon TV STORY-Ep. 37: A Dinosaur is Born He also assisted the Zyurangers in fighting the Monster Goda, whose grief over the loss of its children was manipulated by Bandora. Tvicon TV STORY-Ep. 39: A Subterranean Beast's Tears


Eventually, Burai's regular aid reduced his time on Earth to mere hours, and he began having nightmares of being taken into the afterlife on a rickshaw pulled by Death. In these dreams, he also saw the vision of a young boy, who is also fated to die soon.

Geki, learning that Burai had four hours left, begged the Zyurangers and Barza to search for tomes for one last way to save Burai.

Knowing that Burai's days were numbered, Bandora sought to exploit this and force his death. To this end, she summoned Dora Gansaku to pose as Dragon Caesar to force Burai out of the Lapseless Room. Tvicon TV STORY-Ep. 40: Burai's Departure of Death Ultimately, Geki's cries of what-to-do from within Daizyujin prompted Burai to leave the Lapseless Room. However, Zyusouken did not work, except to summon the real Dragon Caesar, whose attack revealed Dora Gansaku's true identity. Bandora arrived on her motorbike and gloated that while Burai was trying to control the fake Dragon Caesar, she discovered the location of the Lapseless Room and was on her way to destroying it. Geki begged Burai to return, but before he could, Bandora destroyed the room. Burai made an attempt to duel Bandora, but Bandora forced him out with magic lightning and whisked the candle away. Burai landed downtown near where the Zyurangers were present in civilian form.

Trapped in the normal world and his time running out, Burai sought out the boy from his visions intending to spend his last hours with a person who will die at the same time as him. He discovered this boy was Kota Matsui, and was surprised that he was completely healthy. Kota is a huge fan of Dragon Caesar, so Burai plays his flute and gives Kota a ride before his death.

Meanwhile, Barza finds a tome containing the legend and whereabouts of an elixir of life near the land of the gods. Geki and the others sought out an elixir that would prolong one's life, hoping to use it to save Burai. In the process of petitioning Daizyujin, they are temporarily stripped of their Dino-Bucklers.

Exploiting this again, Bandora dispatched Dora Gansaku to return and rampage through the city as Gouryuuzin. Burai sends Dragon Caesar to fight him (now Daizyujin-disguised) as the public turns on the Zyurangers. During the attack, Kota was mortally wounded and needed to be hospitalized. Burai ran him to the hospital with three hours remaining, as he remembers that Death told him Kota was "waiting for the next rickshaw of death". Tvicon TV STORY-Ep. 41: Blaze, Burai!!

Kota's mother blames Burai for being in this state, but Kota explains that it's not his fault. Burai gives his Dino Medal to the boy. Outside with barely more than an hour remaining, Burai watches Dragon Caesar fight Dora Gansaku, and explains his rationale to Geki. Burai wrestles with his mortality — he wants to do something meaningful with his death, but also wants to live a life with his brother. Geki explains that Dan and Goushi are looking for the elixir of life.

With one hour remaining, Burai goes back into battle to aid Dragon Caesar's ongoing duel. Five minutes before Burai will die, Dora Gansaku tosses Dragon Caesar through a building, prompting Geki to beg the gods for an extension. Burai realizes that he is okay with dying as long as he can save Kouta. Two minutes before Burai will die, Geki and Burai's prayers are answered. The Dragon Medal activates in Kouta's hand, transforming him and repowering all of the other Zyurangers. Geki and Burai use Ultimate Daizyujin's Grand Banisher to destroy Dora Gansaku just as Burai runs out of time. Burai disappears from Daizyujin's cockpit.

Elsewhere, the wraith of the elixir revealed itself to be Clotho and explained to Goushi and Dan that Burai could not receive the effects of the elixir as he had already died and been revived once. Goushi asked what the point of the challenge was, then. Goddess Clotho conceded to grant Burai's dying wish and handed over the elixir to give to "the boy" because Burai's medal will not be enough.

Zyuranger episode 42

Burai dying

Boi, Mei, and Geki find Burai dying on a gravel shore. Geki cradled Burai as Burai explained that he was happy to wake up after his long sleep and fight alongside his brother and the other Zyuranger. Geki and Mei begged Burai to hold on for the elixir, but Burai asks they give it to Kouta instead before collapsing again. Burai transformed himself and Geki one last time to place Geki's hand on his chest and grant him the Dragon Armor and Zyusouken. Burai asks Geki to protect the Earth and its children until the end before dying.

Clotho appeared nearby to usher Burai into the afterlife, his body disappearing under the mourning Zyuranger trio. Geki clutched Zyusouken and cried for his brother.

Back at the hospital, Goushi and Dan succeeded in getting the elixir to Kouta and his mother. Dan's mourning for Burai prompted Kouta to ask his mother of Burai's whereabouts before the Dragon Medal disappeared.

Burai took one last in the rickshaw of death, appreciating the nice breeze. He passed Kouta's old bench stop and smiled upon realizing that it was unoccupied. Geki played Zyusouken and got to see his brother one last time as the rickshaw sailed into the sun. Tvicon TV STORY-Ep. 42: Burai Dies...

However, death would not keep Burai out of the fight for long. During the Zyurangers' final battle with Bandora, he appeared before the team and encouraged them to keep on fighting. He also showed them the doorway to the dimension where Bandora was holding the Guardian Beasts prisoner. Tvicon TV STORY-Ep. 49: The Gods Lost!! Thanks to Burai's help, the Zyurangers were finally able to defeat Bandora and send her into exile once more. Tvicon TV STORY-Final Ep.: Viva Dinosaurs

Gaoranger vs. Super Sentai[]

DragonRanger is among the Sentai warriors seen in clips when Gouki (GingaBlue) lectured Sotaro Ushigome (GaoBlack) about the past Sentai strong warriors, humbly claiming to not be nearly as strong as they are. Movieicon MOVIE STORY-Hyakuju Sentai Gaoranger vs. Super Sentai


Burai was seen in the segment "The 30 Sentai Encyclopedia" when they talk about the Zyurangers and finally having a Sixth Ranger in the team. Burai was seen in "The 30 Sentai Encyclopedia" with the Zyurangers. In the segment they said that they have the first Sixth Warrior. Tvicon TV STORY-Task. 19: The Dazzling Adventurer Tvicon TV STORY-The 30 Sentai Encyclopedia


Legend War[]

DragonRanger (Great Legend War)

DragonRanger fights the Gormin.

Years later, Burai somehow returned and fought alongside not only his own team, but every single Sentai Ranger in existence, against the Empire of Zangyack when it attacked the Earth during the Great Legend War. After fighting against hundreds of Gormin and their Sugormin commanders, Akarenger gathered all the Rangers together and gave them the order to sacrifice their powers to wipe out the first invasion's armada. Tvicon TV STORY-Ep. 1: The Space Pirates Appear Movieicon MOVIE STORY-Gokaiger Goseiger Super Sentai 199 Hero Great Battle

In Basco's Possession[]

Sixth Ranger Key Summon (Episode 15) Step 1

DragonRanger Clone in Sixth Ranger Clones group

When Marvelous went to confront Basco, Basco revealed that there were more Ranger Keys than the ones that he, Marvelous and AkaRed collected (With DragonRanger's Key being one of the five keys that Basco showed Marvelous) and quickly turned it into a Ranger Key Clone, after being summoned, the Ranger Key Clone of DragonRanger fought Gokai Blue and beaten by a double Gokai Blast attack from Gokai Pink. After their encounter with Basco, the Gokaigers took the DragonRanger Key along with the other Sixth Ranger Keys and added it to their own Ranger Keys. Tvicon TV STORY-Ep. 15: A Privateer Appears

Gokai Silver[]

6th Sentai spirit

DragonRanger's spirit, together with Mikoto Nakadai (AbareKiller) and TimeFire appearing before Gai Ikari.

Burai's spirit later appeared in his DragonRanger form to Gai Ikari about his becoming Gokai Silver, along with fellow deceased warriors Naoto Takizawa and Mikoto Nakadai. He also grants Gai the Greater Power of the Zyurangers. Tvicon TV STORY-Ep. 18: The Big Abare with the Dinosaur Robot Drill

Farewell Space Pirates[]

After the defeat of Ackdos Gill, Captain Marvelous returned all the Ranger Keys to the former Sentai heroes. It is assumed Burai and his teammates received their keys, allowing for them to utilize their powers once again. Since Burai could still transform in his deceased state, it's assumed its return was a symbolic measure as opposed to the actual return of his powers. Tvicon TV STORY-Final Ep.: Farewell Space Pirates


DragonRanger (Akibaranger Season Tsuu)

Burai as the Green Powerful Ranger.

Sometime later, a reality warp changed history making it seem as though Super Sentai's origins came from the United States, as opposed to Japan. This had an effect on Burai and Geki, who became Americanized versions of themselves called the "Powerful Rangers". Turned into twisted bullies, the pair battled the Akibarangers, thinking of them as nothing more than cheap knockoffs. However, AkibaRed's insistence that the truth of always fighting evil and supporting children, this affirmation broke the spell, returning reality to normal and restoring Burai and Geki to their true selves and eventually lent their Ludicrous Power to the Akibarangers. Tvicon TV STORY-Ep. 5: Delusional Imports

Imaginary Legend

Six official Sentai.

The six Zyurangers later appeared with the now five official Sentai, transforming into their Ludicrous Power which combined with the others to form the Ludicrous Cannon Bazooka, which the Akibarangers used to destroy Kameari Alpaca. Tvicon TV STORY-Ep. 10: Delusional Pillow Talk

Zyuohger vs. Ninninger[]

All 40 Super Sentais

The first 38 Sentai projected into Wild Tousai Shuriken King.

DragonRanger appeared with his team among the first 38 Super Sentai whom collectively empowered Wild Tousai Shuriken King in its fight against the titanic Gillmarda, granting the Ninningers and Zyuohgers the power to perform the Zyuoh Ninnin Super Sentai Burst which destroyed Gillmarda with the combined power of all 40 Super Sentai. Movieicon MOVIE STORY-Doubutsu Sentai Zyuohger vs. Ninninger: Message from the Future from Super Sentai

Chou Super Hero Taisen[]

Team Legend Hero

Team Legend Hero

DragonRanger appeared as part of Team Legend HeroIcon-crosswiki, an unofficial Game WorldIcon-crosswiki team that did not participate in the Chou Super Hero TaisenIcon-crosswiki tournament, exclusively featuring in a promotional conference for the film. Movieicon MOVIE STORY-Kamen Rider × Super Sentai: Chou Super Hero Taisen


In the past, Burai was cowardly and vengeful, putting himself in suspended animation just so he could return someday and get revenge on his brother. This led Bandora to easily sway him over to her side. However, Burai had a change of heart when he realized his brother truly did care for him and devoted what was left of his life to helping him and the rest of the Zyurangers even if it meant keeping his limited lifespan a secret from them.

By the time of his death, Burai was a brave, selfless man who opted to give the life-saving elixir to a boy he'd just met, accepting his own death with peace.





Armorless with armbands


Armorless without armbands

Powers and Abilities[]


to be added

  • Destructive Bullet (破壊弾 Hakai-dan): By focusing his energy, Burai forms a ball of energy in his hands which he then shoots at his opponents. Tvicon TV STORY-Ep. 17: The Sixth Hero
  • Devil Sword Hellfriede (魔剣ヘルフリード Maken Herufurīdo): With Hellfriede, Burai can perfom some attacks:
    • Ground Shockwave: Charging the Hellfriede sword with power, Burai strikes the earth and sends an energy wave across the ground towards his opponent.
    • Sword Blast: By focusing his energy into the Hellfriede, Burai fires a green energy blast from the tip of the Hellfriede
  • Reflection: Playing a melody on the Zyusouken, Burai activates the Dragon Armor's full defensive powers, projecting a forcefield that blocks all attacks as he advances on an opponent until close enough to attack
  • Ancient Play (エンシェントプレイ Enshento Purei): Burai can fingle green colored laser beam from the tip of Zyusouken, this attack was only used in episode 27 and the attack's name revealed in Video Games
  • Cross Blast: By combining power of Zyosouken and Hellfriede or Ryugeki Sword, Burai can fire an even more powerful energy blast.


to be added


  • Limited Lifespan: Burai's remaining lifespan is less than that of a single Earth day, due to being revived with a limited lifespan by Clotho after dying while in suspended animation. Burai is able to effectively halt the countdown on his life by staying in the Lapseless room, where time did not flow, but his periodic trips to assist the other Zyurangers would force it to resume for as long as he spent on Earth. As he had already died once, not even the fabled elixer of life would be able to revive Burai permanently. After Bandora destroyed the Lapseless Room, Burai was forced to live out his remaining time on Earth, where he passed on his powers to Geki just before passing away.



Appearances: Zyuranger Episodes 17-22, 25, 27, 29, 31, 34, 39, 41, 42; Gokaiger Episodes 1, 199 Hero Great Battle, 18; Zyuohger vs. Ninninger


As the Green Ranger of "Powerful Rangers"

Victims of the Delusion World changing Sentai history, the Zyurangers Geki and Burai became the Powerful Rangers who were the first "real" Sentai in history, retroactively erasing old teams. As a result, Japanese Sentai teams starting with Gaoranger became knockoffs of the American versions. Burai became a teenager with attitude...

Powers and Abilities[]


to be added


to be added


to be added


to be added








Villain Groups[]

Bandora Gang[]
Space Empire Zangyack[]


to be added


to be added

Behind the Scenes[]


Burai's Introduction


Burai concept drawing

Burai concept drawing

  • The initial design of Burai was originally designed by Tamotsu Shinohara with Kenta Satou (Riki Honoo/Red Turbo) in mind, and Satou revealed he thought he would play the role of Burai at the time. This draft depicts Burai with both shorter hair and a mustache.
  • DragonRanger has had several appearances with variations from his usual appearance.


His name comes from the word "burai". In Japanese, it means "villain".

Legend Sentai Devices[]

DragonRanger Ranger Key

The DragonRanger Ranger Key.

The DragonRanger Ranger Key (ドラゴンレンジャーレンジャーキー Doragon Renjā Renjā Kī) is Burai's personal Ranger Key and what became of his powers after he along with the rest of the 34 Super Sentai sacrificed their powers to end the Great Legend War.

This key, along with the other fourteen Sixth Ranger keys and the ten Extra Hero Keys, were initially acquired by Basco ta Jolokia and later used by the Gokaigers. Like all of his Ranger Keys, Basco used his trumpet, the Rapparatta, to turn the DragonRanger Key into a puppet to do his bidding. The copy DragonRanger was one of the first five Sixth Rangers that Basco showed Captain Marvelous (Gokai Red), revealing he had found more Ranger Keys. These five puppets fought the Gokaigers and were all defeated, with DragonRanger being defeated by Gokai Blue. Basco left these five keys to the Gokaigers.

A short while after, the first fourteen Sixth Ranger Keys, along with all the Ranger Keys of the first 33 Super Sentai, were briefly taken by the Black Cross King and turned into Ranger puppets that were fought by the Gokaigers and the Goseigers. The DragonRanger key was among ten of these Sixth Ranger Keys who fought, and were defeated by Gosei Knight. Movieicon MOVIE STORY-Gokaiger Goseiger Super Sentai 199 Hero Great Battle

While in the possession of the Gokaigers, the DragonRanger Ranger Key was mainly used by Gai Ikari (Gokai Silver), who used it to fight as DragonRanger. It was also used by Don Dogoier (Gokai Green) on one occasion.

During Gai's encounter with the three Sixth Rangers, it was shown that somehow, presumably due to his deceased state, Burai and all deceased Rangers could still transform.

After Zangyack were finally defeated, the Gokaigers gave the Ranger Keys back to their rightful owners. It is presumed that Burai received his key despite being in the afterlife.


ASDB-DragonRanger Avataro Gear

DragonRanger Avataro Gear

"Donbura Ōgi! Kyoryu Tsuki! (Dragon Caeser summoning song)"
―Finisher announcement in the Ryuko no Geki in Spear Mode[src]

"Donbura Ōgi! Kyoryu Giri! (Dragon Caeser summoning song)"
―Finisher announcement in the Ryuko no Geki in Axe Mode[src]

"Yo! Don! Don! Don! Donburako! Zyuranger!"
―Equipping announcement while spinning the gear[src]

"Hey yo! Kyoryu Sentai! (へいよっ! 恐竜戦隊! Hei Yo! Kyōryū Sentai!)"
―Activation announcement in the Donblaster[src]

"Party Time! (air horns) Zyuranger!"
―Finisher activation announcement[src]

"Hissatsu Ōgi! Legend Zan!"
Zanglassword finisher announcement[src]

DragonRanger Avataro Gear (ドラゴンレンジャーアバタロウギア Doragon Renjā Abatarō Gia) - Allows a Donbrother to assume the form of DragonRanger. Transformed from the Zyuranger Avataro Gear.



  • Because the Zyusouken has no "civillian" form, Burai is the only Zyuranger shown fighting with the same weapon used in his Ranger form. This also accounts for the brief period he wielded the Sword of Hellfriede.
  • Burai is the first official Sixth Ranger, with Shota Yamamori and Ryo Asuka serving as prototype one-off precursors to the archetype.
    • Burai also started the trend of Sixth Ranger suits being slightly modified versions of the designs shared by the core Rangers to designate their "special" status.
  • Hisashi Sakai, who played a younger version of Burai, would go on and play Kou, the Sixth Ranger in the following year's Sentai series.
    • Burai and Kou both share their Power Rangers counterpart, Tommy Oliver.
  • Burai is the first official Sixth Ranger to be a Green Ranger as opposed to having one that is a part of the core team.


Zyuranger video game[]

Dragon Ranger Burai appears as a non-playable character in the Kyoryu Sentai Zyuranger video game. Between stages, he will challenge the player to one of three possible minigames:

  1. A trivia game where Bandora will ask the player a question related to the TV series
  2. A Pong-style game between Daizyuzin and the Dragon Caesar
  3. A hot potato-style game between Gōryūzin and Lamy.

These minigames are also accessible from the main menu and can be played with a second player.

Super Sentai Battle: Dice-O[]

DragonRanger (Dice-O)

DragonRanger as depicted in Super Sentai Battle: Dice-O.

  • Profile
Burai/DragonRanger: to be added

Super Sentai Battle Base[]

DragonRanger is among the vast pantheon of Rangers which are available in the mobile game Super Sentai Battle Base.

Super Sentai Legend Wars[]

DragonRanger Card in Super Sentai Legend Wars

DragonRanger Card

DragonRanger appears with his team among all Sentai in the mobile game Super Sentai Legend Wars.

See Also[]

External Links[]



Icon-zyuranger Kyoryu Sentai Zyuranger
Geki - Goushi - Dan - Boi - Mei - Burai
Dino Buckler - Dinocrystals - Dino Medals - Saurer Machines - Ryugeki Sword - Mothbreaker - Trice-Lance - Saber Daggers - Ptera Arrow - Howling Cannon - Zyusouken - Ranger Stick - Thunder Slinger - Ranger Slinger
Barza - Clotho - Kakurangers - Abarangers - Gokaiger - Kyoryugers
Ancient Tribes: Yamato (King - Queen - Princess - Black Knight) - Sharma (Otome) - Etoffe - Dime - Lithia (Yui) - Apelo (Euro - Baron Clockle - Daisy) - Dahl
Fairy Tribes: Gnome - Gin - Dondon - Ryota
Mecha and Robos
Guardian Beast Tyrannosaurus - Guardian Beast ZyuMammoth - Guardian Beast Triceratops - Guardian Beast SaberTiger - Guardian Beast Pteranodon - Guardian Beast Dragon Caesar - Beast Knight God King Brachion
Shinka Gattai Daizyuzin - Gouryuuzin - Zyutei Gattai Zyutei Daizyuzin - Kyukyoku Gattai Ultimate Daizyuzin
Bandora Gang
Great Satan - Bandora the Witch - Grifforzer - Totpat - Bookback - Pleprechaun - Lamy - Kai
Dora Monsters: Dora Titan - Dora Skelton - Dora Minotaur - Dora Sphinx - Dora Goblin - Dora Circe - Dora Cockatrice - Dora Cockatrice II - Dora Argus - Dora Ladon - Dora Knight - Dora Endos - Dora Pixie - Dora Tortoise - Dora Tarantula - Dora Boogaranan - Dora Guzzler
Dokita Dora Monsters: Dora Franke - Dora Narcissus - Dora Raiger - Dora Ninja - Dora Gunrock - Dora Kinkaku - Dora Silkys - Dora Gansaku - Dora Antaeus - Dora Chimaera - Dora Unicorn - Dora Mirage
Golem Soldiers (Dokiita Golems) - Skeleton Warriors - Dora Gin - Devil Sword Hellfriede - Magic Spinning Wheel - Mirror of Havoc - Monster Goda - Dora Talos
Green Rangers
Main Series
Kenji AsukaBunta DaichiTatsuya MidorikawaShingo TakasugiDaiJunichi AikawaBuraiDaigoShohei YokkaichiMinoru UesugiHayateShou TatsumiSionShurikengerTenkaiSenichi EnariMakito OzuHant JoChiaki TaniDon DogoierSouji RippukanHikari NonomuraTuskHammieSakuya HikawaTowaSena HayamiKinjiro Takehara
Pureun LeeNaoya Morimura
Secondary Rangers
Ryo AsukaJeffrey KenzakiMeleMagisLuna Kokonoe
Misc. Rangers
Eagle agentDummy Clover KingPrevious ShishiRangerCopy ShishiRangerDaigo's grandsonFlower Ninja SuirenZoku GreenCopy TimeGreenFake ShurikengerEvil MagiGreenKurandoAtsushi DomyojiSoujiroToma Yoimachi
Power Sets
Main Series
MidorengerClover KingDenziGreenGreen2Green FlashX1 MaskGreen SaiGreen EagleDragonRangerShishiRangerOhGreenGreen RacerGingaGreenGoGreenTimeGreenShurikengerDekaGreenMagiGreenGo-On GreenShinken GreenGosei GreenGokai GreenGreen HippopotamusKyoryu GreenToQ 4gouMidoNingerZyuoh ElephantChameleon GreenPatren 2gouRyusoul GreenKiramai GreenGozyuEagle
Brave Green DinoMidoHero
Sixth Rangers
Main Series
Yamato Tribe Knight BuraiKou of the Howling New StarRikiYusaku HayakawaNaoto TakizawaTsukumaro OgamiShurikengerTenkaiMikoto NakadaiTekkan AiraHikaruEiji TakaokaHiroto SutoMiu SutoGenta UmemoriGosei KnightGai IkariMasato JinBeet J. StagUtsusemimaruAkira NijinoKinji TakigawaMisao MondouTsurugi OtoriNoël TakaoCanaloTakamichi CrystariaZocks GoldtsuikerJiro MomotaniDangerous JiroJeramie BrasieriSakito Homura
Hyuma Oura
Secondary Rangers
Shota YamamoriRyo AsukaNeziSilverEnterAtsushi DomyojiUppyKwon JuhyeokTicketDark Emperor Zet
Power Sets
Main Series
DragonRangerKibaRangerKingRangerMegaSilverTimeFireGaoSilverShurikengerAbareKillerDekaBreakMagiShineBoukenSilverGo-On GoldGo-On SilverShinken GoldGosei KnightGokai SilverBeet BusterStag BusterKyoryu GoldToQ 6gouStarNingerZyuoh The WorldHouou SoldierLupin X/Patren XRyusoul GoldKiramai SilverTwokaizerDon DoragokuDon ToraboltSpider KumonosBun Violet
Green HippopotamusBrave Gold DinoGinHero