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Yaiyai Yarucar (ヤイヤイ・ヤルカー Yaiyai Yarukā) is a member of the Sanseaters and a reformed general of the Great Space Invasion Running Team Hashiriyan, who was self-appointed in making defeated Kurumaju grow. He is an alien from planet Yarucar. He was later turned into the Kurumaju Grumer (クルマジュウグルマー Kurumajū Gurumā) by Great Chief Officer Grantu Risk.[1]
Yaiyai Yarucar was born on the planet Yarucar, but apparently, Yaiyai had so much energy, he flew off the planet right after being born. During his flights through space, he smashed into an asteroid and lost his crest which also left him in a state of amnesia. However, he was very well known about within the community of his homeworld as a prodigy.
Yarucar first met Decotrade and Itasha when they found him sulking in an alleyway about his amnesia where he had no idea where he came from or where he was going. When Decotrade offered to form a group with him and Itasha, Yarucar eagerly accepted saying he wanted to be friends with them too. After forming their group, they made an oath that they would race for the road for Villainy and aim for the top.
Yaiyai, alongside Decotrade and Itasha first met Mad Rex when they were being attacked by 3 other alien thugs on another planet and when they failed to fight back, receiving a latge scar each. Itasha and Yarucar were ready to give up and die but Decotrade was the only one willing to keep fighting and called out the two stating that they haven't lost yet because they were still alive. However, before he could fight, Mad Rex appeared and rescued them from the thugs taking them all out. After he introduced himself he stated that he liked Decotrade's fiery spirit and thus, recruited him, Itasha and Yarucar to become the Hashiryian's Sanseaters.
Sometime afterward, he and his two friends failed on conquering another planet but when Mad Rex appeared whilst they were crying in an alley he encouraged them to keep on moving faster and forward and whilst it was a harsh pep talk, they felt indebted to their captain.
Arrvial on Earth
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As Kurumaju Grumer
Decotrade expresses his worries about Waruido Spindo after witnessing him disposing of Disrace, wondering if Spindo valued MadRex the same way. Yarucar says that despite that, Spindo said that he likes their way of acting (at least according to Grantu Risk), with Itasha adding that invading the Earth was what MadRex wanted. Suddenly, a strange noise causes Yarucar to go berserk, so Decotrade and Itasha follow him and find him sitting in front of Grantu. Grantu reveals that he has the ability to control all of the Yarucars in the universe, and that an army of elite ones are making their way to Earth. The Yarucars' instinct to swallow Ghassolin is a command issued by Spindo, but because of the modifications that Cannonborg gave him, Yaiyai is distinctive from the others. He then inserts his Ignition Key into Yarucar, transforming him into Kurumaju Grumer. Decotrade and Itasha are confused since they thought that Kurumaju are supposed to be created from things that cannot race, but Grantu scolds them that because of their low track record, they're barely racing themselves. He says that if they defeat the Boonboomgers, he'll ask Spindo to promote them to become Hashiriyan's raid team captains. A motivated Kurumaju Grumer agrees, with his hesitated partners following suit.
When Jyo and Sakito were busy fighting the ISA, the Sanseaters arrive and use Kurumaju Grumer's Gyahstumize ability to attack all of them. Jyo and Sakito protect the ISA and the police, but Maimi asks them to retreat and let the Hashiriyans take care of the Boonboomgers. Jyo and Sakito then transform to fight the Kurumaju. Meanwhile, Genba continues fighting Ishiro but manages to keep him away with a barbed wire.
Kurumaju Grumer attacks the Boonboomgers with Wedding Dress and Neon Gyahstumize, but suddenly starts overheating as his eyes turn purple. He begins attacking the Boonboomgers with a barrage of Gyahstumize abilities, until they're saved by Genba. Genba asks Sakito to deliver the object back to Taiya before transforming and joining Jyo. Jyo transforms them into Champion Boonboomgers before resuming the fight with Kurumaju Grumer. Yarucar keeps overloading, and Jyo and Genba worrying that he'll explode and take a chunk of the city with him, a fact that also worries Decotrade and Itasha.
Jyo and Genba keep fighting Kurumaju Grumer, who transforms into a mutated Yarucar. Decotrade and Itasha try stopping him so that he won't explode, but the attempt fails. Jyo and Genba then manage to remove his wheels before using Bakuage Champion Booster Drive to purify the Gyahsoline out of him and revert him back into Yarucar. Decotrade and Itasha rush to their friend and are glad to see that he's well, realizing that they owe Jyo and Genba for saving him. Suddenly, the army of Yarucars that Grantu summoned arrives from a wormhole and enters the Ghassolin that Kurumaju Grumer left behind, merging into a gigantic copy of the Kurumaju. The Sanseaters are worried that Yarucar's fellows will end up as disposables for Spindo, and decide to stop it. They summoned the Boonboom Killer Robo and tell Spindo that they won't let anyone become his disposables. They dodge Kurumaju Grumer's attacks and impale him with the Killer Drill before jumping into the sky, seemingly dying in the explosion of the Kurumaju and the Killer Robo, as Jyo and Genba watch in silence. TV STORY-Bakuage 46: The Future is in Your Hands
Having survived their act against Waruido Spindo, the injured Sanseaters were now considered enemies and ended up cornered in an alley by the Nejiretta who were about to execute them, only for Jyo to be the one who saved them which left the Sanseaters baffled. Jyo reveals to them that a group of boys had heard their screams and asked him to save the trio.
Later, Jyo bandaged up the three after attending to their injuries from the Killer Robo explosion and the shots they took from the Nejiretta. Decotrade reveals to Jyo that he, Itasha and Yarucar had told Spindo that they were quitting the Hashiriyan since they refused to be seen as disposable and wanted to hold onto their pride. This caused Jyo to relate to the three as he had to give up his job as a police officer if it meant protecting innocent lives from the Hashiriyan and the corrupt ISA, surprising both the Sanseaters and the children. Decotrade jokingly states that Jyo is practically in the same position as them: a group of people who quit their jobs to hold onto their pride. This gave the four a good laugh and after Jyo asked what they planned to do now that they've defected from Hashiriyan, Yarucar eagerly stated that they would carry on driving to the top which Jyo described as 'cranked-up' with the Sanseaters agreeing.
However, their bonding was interrupted by a new horde of Nejiretta that came to finish the job (Killing the Sanseaters) and Jyo rushed over to fight off the Nejiretta, telling the Sanseaters to take the kids and find somewhere safe. Watching Jyo fight for not only the kids safety, but their's too made the Sanseaters see things in a new light, after everything they've done, he was still willing to protect them. When more Nejiretta appeared and aimed their weapons at the kids, Decotrade rushed in front of everyone and turned around, taking the shots for them so his friends and the kids would be left unharmed. As a surprised Itasha and Yarucar checked on him, Decotrade was baffled himself that even he stepped in to protect the kids from. When the kids thanked the trio for saving them and asked if it hurt Decotrade, the former general declared that it did not and rushed over to battle the Nejiretta alongside Jyo whilst Itasha kept an eye on the boys with Yarucar. Decotrade began announcing that he can get used to this change he, Itasha and Yarucar have made.
Normally, YaiYai Yarucar is mischievous and energetic, he enjoys causing chaos and destruction when speeding and racing. Since he is the youngest member of the Hashilians, he almost never fights the Boonboomgers and he can usually be seen being held by Decotrade or Itasha. Yarucar is always ecstatic and ready for a little chaos when it comes to collecting Ghassolin and is eager to make the Earth Hashilian territory. He shows many childlike traits (even being treated like a child by his team) since he likes to play games but doesn't seem to be above cheating to win.
Yarucar likes to act and talk like a gangsta, he is very wild and is always in the mood to cause some trouble as well as being very snarky and sometimes rude to his captains, namely Cannonborg and Disrace since he isn't afraid to throw insults or say something that could get him and his friends in trouble which often leads to Decotrade and Itasha covering his mouth to avoid getting them into any issues. Yarucar has a fondness for Dinosaurs and was very fond of the Kaseki Grumer but this unfortunately showed his bratty and selfish side as he was furious and enraged when it became friends with Jyo, Yarucar was even willing to fight him to get his dinosaur back and when it got destroyed, he was left in tears. Yarucar shows some hints to being fame hungry, after arriving on Earth, he was desperate to make the headlines on the news or appear on TV and when the Sanseaters managed to announce the Hashilian invasion on live TV, he rushed to the cameramen simply to brag about how the Hashilians will conquer the Earth. He's also quite modest and blushed when WeiWei called him a prodigy. Unlike Decotrade and Itasha, he is not gullible.
Yarucar loves Decotrade and Itasha as they were the first ones to take him in ever since he lost his memory and is deeply loyal to them, to the point that he gave up chances offered to him to become an elite so that he could stay with the two. When Cannonborg tried forcing Yarucar to enlarge Decotrade and Itasha, Yarucar furiously refused and enlarged Cannonborg instead, unwilling to sacrifice them even if it was to aid the Hashilians. Yarucar is intensely loyal to Mad Rex, despite being squeezed by him twice for his Ghassolin, and he is willing to risk is life for Mad Rex.
Initially in the series, when exposed to Gassholin, Yarucar turns into a massive, insane beast with red eyes, rampaging all over the Highway Dimension until the BoonBoomgers knock him off course; afterwards he has no memory of his rampages. Cannonborg later gave him modifications that allow control over his Gassholin-induced form, letting him choose targets, though his eyes still change showing he still wasn't in full control. It is later revealed he (Alongside his entire species) was being mind-controlled by the Hashiriyan consigliere, Grantu Risk under the orders of Waruido Spindo.
- Height: 18 cm (9.3 m Giant)
- Width: 15 cm (7.7 m Giant)
- Length: 35 cm (18.0 m Giant)
- Weight: 5 kg (81.0 t Giant)
Powers and Abilities
- Enlarging: Yaiyai Yarucar is able to enlarge his size.
- Lasers: Yaiyai Yarucar is able to shoot yellow lasers from his eyes.
- Bombs: Yaiyai Yarucar is able to produce bombs from his exhaust ports.
- Missiles: Yaiyai Yarucar is able to produce missiles from his exhaust ports.
- Duplication: Yaiyai Yarucar is able to duplicate himself as much as he wants.
- Ghassolin Absoption: Yaiyai Yarucar is able to absorb Ghassolin from the human's screams.
- Kurumaju Enlarging: Yaiyai Yarucar is able to enlarge the Kurumaju by absorbing their Ghassolin Big Rampage Body and then releases it to enlarge them.
- Highway Beam (ハイウェイ光線 Haiwei Kōsen): After being modified by Cannonborg, Yaiyai Yarucar is able to enlarge the Kurumaju instantly without the need to enter the Highway Dimension by creating an energy field that gives off a similar effect to entering said space directly.
- Kurumaju Enlarging: Yaiyai Yarucar is able to enlarge the Kurumaju by absorbing their Ghassolin Big Rampage Body and then releases it to enlarge them.
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- Fake Fire Extinguisher (インチキ消火器 Inchiki Shōkaki): Shokaki Grumer's original weapon that Yaiyai used.
- Height: 186 cm (44.1 m Giant)
- Weight: 252 kg (597.7 t Giant)
Powers and Abilities
- Kurumaju Emblem (苦魔獣エンブレム Kumajū Enburemu): The emblems on his body that correspond to a different Kurumaju before him.
- Ghasstomize (ギャースタマイズ Gyāsutamaizu): When any of the emblem's on Kurumaju's body are activated, Kurumaju grumer can utilize any of the powers or arsenal of any of the Kurumaju before him.
- Darts Shooting: After the Darts Grumer emblem is activated, Kurumaju Grumer can fire large energy darts from the tailpipes on his back.
- Neon Attack (ネオンアタック Neon Atakku): After the Neon Grumer emblem is activated, Kurumaju Grumer could use Neon Grumer's neon attack to fire neon sign-like blasts from his body.
- Kajiburn (カジバーン Kajibān): After the Shokaki Grumer emblem is activated, Kurumaju Grumer can expel a large flame from his mouth.
- Soap Generation: After the Sponge Grumer emblem is activated, Kurumaju Grumer can generate soap to have attacks slide right off him.
- Music Stream: After the Akogi and Electric Guitar Grumer emblems are activated, Kurumaju Grumer can release two streams of red and blue staff-like streams at enemies.
- Train Track generation: After the Senro Grumer emblem is activated, Kurumaju Grumer can release a train track from his body to attack his enemies.
- Ghasstomize Festival: When revved up, Kurumaju Grumer can unleash a barrage of random objects based off the Kurumajus with weapons at his opponents.
- Kurumacar Form: Kurumaju Grumer can transform into a monstrous Yaiyai Yarucar form to rush down anyone in his path.
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- Antennae: After the Antenna Grumer emblem is activated, Kurumaju Grumer could equip his right arm with Antenna Grumer's arm antenna.
- Lightning Blast: Kurumaju Grumer could use his antenna arm to fire blue lightning.
- Boxing Gloves: After the Gong Grumer emblem is activated, Kurumaju Grumer could equip himself with Gong Grumer's Boxing Gloves.
- Baking Buster (ベイキングバスター Beikingu Basutā): After the Wedding Dress Grumer emblem is activated, Kurumaju Grumer could equip his left arm with Wedding Dress Grumer's Baking Buster Gatling weapon.
- Rockets: Kurumaju Grumer could use the Baking Buster to fire candle-like rockets.
Appearances: Boonboomger Episode 46
- Height: 18 cm (Giant: 9.3 m)
- Width: 15 cm (Giant: 7.7 m)
- Length: 35 cm (Giant: 18.0 m)
- Weight: 5 kg (Giant: 81.0 tons)
- Speed: Fastest Sharp Tongue
- Courses:
- Earth Course
- Space Course
- Height: 186 cm (Giant: 44.1 m)
- Weight: 252 kg (Giant: 597.7 tons)
- Created from: Himself
- Speed: Fastest Tail to Nose
- Number: 9010
- Courses:
- City Course
- Building Course
- Great Space Invasion Running Team Hashiriyan - Former Allies
- Leader
- Generals
- Sanseaters - Allies/Friends
- Boonboomgers - Former Enemies
- Bundorio Bunderas
- Byun Diesel
- Raid Team Captain Madrex - Savior, later Idol
Behind the Scenes
- Yaiyai Yarucar is voiced by Sumire Morohoshi (諸星 すみれ Morohoshi Sumire).
Yaiyai Yarucar
- Yaiyai Yarucar is based on a Sports car and the Pui Pui Molcar franchise.
Kurumaju Grumer
- Kurumaju Grumer is based on Yaiyai Yarucar and the Kurumaju before him.
- Its name is a play on Pui Pui Molcar (which is another Bandai Namco franchise).
Legend Sentai Devices
to be added
- Kurumaju Grumer is the final Grumer in this series.
- Kurumaju Grumer possesses circular decorations on his body that possess the face of a majority of the previous Kurumaju on them, in a clear dark parody of the Boonboomger's Champion Boonboomger power up. With that said, of the entire roster, the Kaseki, Sword, Circuit, Ishiyakiimoki, and Block Wall Grumers are the only Kurumaju faces to not be found.
(Right Shoudler)
(Right Shoulder)
(Right Shoudler)
(Left Shoudler)
(Right Shoulder)
(Left Shoulder)
(Left Shoulder)
(Left Shoulder)
(Left Shoulder)
(Right Shoulder)
Bakuage Sentai Boonboomger
- Bakuage 1: Deliverer's Handle
- Bakuage 2: The Informant Does Not Approve
- Bakuage 3: The Driver Won't Stop
- Bakuage 4: A Voice Calling For a Hero
- Bakuage 5: The Police Will Not Falter
- Bakuage 6: White and Black
- Bakuage 7: Procurer's Brake
- Bakuage 8: Runaway and Divide
- Bakuage 9: Deliverers' Handles
- Bakuage 10: An Exciting Mission
- Bakuage 11: What The Boy Wants
- Bakuage 12: Explosive Engine
- Bakuage 13: Treacherous Procurement
- Bakuage 14: Cool and Wild
- Bakuage 15: Lock and Key
- Bakuage 16: Purple Settler
- Bakuage 17: Bun and Byun
- Bakuage 18: I Don't Like the Settler
- Bakuage 19: Amanogawa and the Path of Heaven
- Bakuage 20: Yesterday Once More
- Bakuage Sentai Boonboomger GekijoBoon! Promise the Circuit
- Bakuage 21: Flaming Delivery
- Bakuage 22: Lion's Flaming Fury
- Bakuage 23: Flaming Baseball Adversity
- Bakuage 24: The Song I Want to Deliver
- Bakuage 25: Six-Wheel Fireworks
- Bakuage 26: Secrets of The Universe
- Bakuage 27: Not An Easy Choice
- Bakuage 28: Switch Off The Light
- Bakuage 29: Spy and Family
- Bakuage 30: The Rampage Is Mine
- Bakuage 31: A Magnificent Challenge
- Bakuage 32: Hell's Playing Trains
- Bakuage 33: The Procurer Won't Give In
- Bakuage 34: Cars That Carry Dreams
- Bakuage 35: Blue Champion
- Bakuage 36: The Road to Dreams
- Bakuage 37: Two Spies
- Bakuage 38: Vow of the Sanseaters
- Bakuage 39: Screaming Stars
- Bakuage 40: The Immeasurable Man
- Bakuage 41: A Supportive Back
- Bakuage 42: Holy Night Presents
- Bakuage 43: Powerful Handle
- Bakuage 44: The Deliverer Doesn't Arrive
- Bakuage 45: Enemies of the Earth
- Bakuage 46: The Future is in Your Hands (as Kurumaju Grumer)
- Bakuage 47: There is More Than One Deliverer
- Bakuage Final: Your Handle
Bakuage Sentai Boonboomger vs. King-Ohger