Icon-dekaranger This article is about a/an monster in Power Rangers S.P.D.

"You'll pay for that!"
―Wootox's first words.[src]

"Ha-haa! I love it! I've got the Megazord set to destroy the planet. It doesn't get much better than this!"
―Wootox in Sky's body while taking control of the Delta Command Megazord.[src]

Wootox the Destroyer is an alien criminal wanted for the destruction of over 50 planets. He requires a special necklace translator to speak English, otherwise it sounds incoherent to the human ear. He has the ability to use his forehead module to switch bodies with anyone he wishes, which he used on Sky Tate. Infiltrating S.P.D. using Sky's body, Wootox searches out the controls of the Delta Base and tries to use its Megazord mode to destroy Earth but Sky in Wootox's body quickly stops him. Wootox is discovered when R.I.C. senses Sky's essence in Wootox's body and Sky takes his own body back. The Rangers then contain him with the Canine Cannon.


Wootox was a dangerous intergalactic criminal who was responsible for destruction of more than 50 planets. Because of this he was wanted throughout the galaxy. He wore translator on his neck since without it his voice sounded distorted and incoherent.

When Wootox arrived on Earth in his robot and started wreaking havoc in Newtech City, the S.P.D. Rangers, along with their commander, Doggie Cruger, destroyed his robot. Wootox escaped from this robot and decided to take over the Delta Base. He briefly fought the Rangers but was defeated, captured and taken to a custody for questioning.

Wootox in Sky's Body

Wootox in Sky's body

Blue Ranger Sky, was taking Wootox to the holding cell but when he tried to place him in it, Wootox used a golden crystal on his forehead to switch bodies with Sky. Wootox ended up in Sky's body and Sky ended up in Wootox's body. Then Wootox, in Sky's body, morphed into the Blue Ranger, removed and then destroyed the translator around his old body's neck so that Sky would be unable to clearly communicate with anyone (without the translator, Wootox's voice sounded very incoherent). Then Wootox trapped Sky in the holding cell and demorphed in order to find the Delta Base's Megazord cockpit.

Cruger claimed that Wootox can't be trusted and permission was then given by judge to confine him. But Sky, in Wootox's body, escaped from his holding cell with some efforts, which caused the alarm to go off. The Rangers, along with Wootox in Sky's body, searched for Sky in Wootox's body.

Sky found Wootox and subdued him, but when he tried to switch bodies back, the other Rangers suddenly appeared, thinking that Wootox was attacking Sky. Sky fought off his friends and escaped from the base. While the other Rangers went to look for him, Wootox resumed his search for Delta Base's Megazord cockpit.

He found Kat Manx and asked her where it was. Then the Rangers' robo-dog, R.I.C., sensed that it wasn't the real Sky and tried to attack him, but Wootox used Sky's civilian blaster to disable it. Then he fought Kat and subdued her, but Cruger appeared and realized that he wasn't the real Sky. Wootox admitted that he swapped his body with Sky's and morphed into the Blue Ranger. Cruger then morphed into the Shadow Ranger and started a fight with Wootox. Wootox defeated Cruger and managed to find the Delta Base's Megazord cockpit.

Meanwhile, the real Sky, after figuring out Wootox's plans, decided to intercept him and get his body back. He got past the other Rangers and made it into the Delta Base as it started transforming into the Delta Command Megazord. When Wootox tried to attack the city with it, Sky got into the cockpit and prevented him from doing so.

As they fought each other, both fell out of the Megazord and continued to battle on the ground. During the fight, Sky got the upper hand and caused Wootox to de-morph. But when he was about to grab him, the other Rangers suddenly arrived, again thinking that Wootox was attacking Sky. The Shadow Ranger also arrived and informed everyone about the bodyswap. Thanks to R.I.C. they managed to recognize who was the real Sky. They grabbed Wootox and Sky used the crystal on Wootox's forehead to switch their bodies back.

Wootox Card

Wootox in a Containment Card.

After getting his body back, Sky morphed into the Blue Ranger. Then they defeated Wootox and used R.I.C. in Canine Cannon Mode to place him in a Containment Card.


Wootox is an extremely callous alien who loves to create chaos for his own amusement.

Body Swapped[]

  • Wootox and Sky Tate body swap, Wootox used a golden crystal on his forehead to switch bodies with Sky. Wootox ended up in Sky's body and Sky ended up in Wootox's body. Wootox temporarily impersonated as Sky the S.P.D. Blue Ranger. Later, it is revealed that Wootox's evil plan is to use the Delta Command Megazord for an attack on the city. Wootox is forced to body swap again and recovers his original body. Tvicon TV STORY-Recognition


TSD-Wojonian Jinche


Powers and Abilities[]


  • Body Swap: Wootox can switch bodies with his targets and assume their identities.
    Wootox (mind swapping)
  • Voice Imitation: Wootox can imitate the voice of the body swapped person.


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  • Coin: Wootox flips a coin whenever he makes a decision.
  • Translator: Wootox originally had a translator that allowed him to speak English. After swapping bodies with Sky, however, he smashed it to prevent Sky from talking to his friends.

Troobian Empire Robots[]


Ranger Costume

Powers and Abilities[]


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  • Planetary genocide
  • Attempted murder
  • Hijacking
  • Identity theft
  • Impersonating an officer of the law
  • Unlawful imprisonment of a police officer
  • Kidnapping a police officer
  • Assaulting multiple officers of the law

Behind the Scenes[]



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See Also[]



Power nav icon Power Rangers S.P.D. Icon-dekaranger
B-Squad: Jack Landors - Sky Tate - Bridge Carson - Z Delgado - Syd Drew
Sam - Officer Tate - Doggie Cruger - Kat Manx - Nova Ranger
Delta Morphers - Patrol Morpher - Omega Morpher - Kat Morpher - Nova Morpher - Magna Morpher - Deltamax Strikers - Canine Cannon - Delta Blasters - Shadow Saber - S.P.D. Battlizer - Delta Enforcers - Delta Cruiser - Delta Patrol Cycles - Delta ATV - Uniforce Cycle - S.W.A.T. Truck
Piggy - Isinia Cruger - Dino Rangers - T-Top
S.P.D.: Supreme Commander Fowler Birdie - Sergeant Silverback - Boom - R.I.C.
Zords and Megazords
Delta Runner 1 - Delta Runner 2 - Delta Runner 3 - Delta Runner 4 - Delta Runner 5 - Omegamax Cycle - Delta Base - S.W.A.T. Flyer 1 - S.W.A.T. Flyer 2 - S.W.A.T. Flyer 3 - S.W.A.T. Flyer 4 - S.W.A.T. Flyer 5
Delta Squad Megazord - Omegamax Megazord - Delta Max Megazord - Delta Command Megazord - S.W.A.T. Megazord
Troobian Empire
Emperor Gruumm - Mora/Morgana - Broodwing - Krybots - Blue-Head Krybots - Orange-Head Krybots
A-Squad Rangers
Charlie - Blue - Green - Yellow - Pink
Other Villains: Zeltrax - Tyrannodrones
Praxis - Ringbah - Parsnippity - Scaleface - Rhinix - Hydrax - Bugglesworth - Giganis - Sinuku - Debugger - General Benaag - Drakel - General Valko - Tomars - Wootox - Katana - Invador - Changtor - Green Eyes - Shorty - Devastation - Mysticon - Al - Slate - Mirloc - Stench - Thresher - Gineka - Chiaggo - Delapoo - Blobgoblin - One Eye - Silverhead - Professor Mooney - Bork - Herock - Dragoul - Kraw - Icthior - Spotty-Eyed Monster - Green Monster - Vine Monster - Delex - Roswell - Crabhead - Spiketor - Lazor - Cricket Monster - Jackal Monster - Demon Monster - Heater Monster - Jail Bird Monster - Tentacle Monster
Troobian Empire Robots
Mega Drill - Ringbah's Robot - Sinuku's Ninja Robot - Marato - Robot of Destruction - Gigabot - A-Squad's Megazord