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Icon-abarangerThis article is about a ranger identity in Power Rangers Dino Thunder.

White Dino Ranger

White Dino Ranger may refer to:

Individuals who were the primary inheritor of the White Dino Ranger identity and powers.

Individuals who inherited duplicates of the Ranger identity and powers or are duplicates of the inheritor themself and possed the same Ranger identity and powers.

Rangers who could assume the White Dino Ranger identity through Legend Morphs.

White Dino Ranger[]


Ranger Costume



  • Drago Morpher - Trent stumbled into Mesogog's lab through an Invisiportal where he found a Dino Gem, which transformed into the Drago Morpher. Activated by the cry "White Ranger, Dino Power!" but there have been times when he would instead say "Dino Thunder, Power Up!" but this was few and far between. This morph call may be a reference to a song that often played in the background while Tommy used the White Tigerzord in Season 2 of Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers, which the song repeated "White Ranger Tiger Power" to a tune. The Dino Gem gave him a series of confusing premonitions before transforming him and transporting him to battle a creature sent by Elsa as bait. The Drago Morpher is used to control the DragoZord, and like the other Morphers, it also as an interchangeable face, depending on which Zord is required.
    • White Dino Gem
  • Drago Sword - The Drago Sword is the weapon of the White Ranger. It has the ability to fire laser arrows, all of which explode on impact. Like the Brachio Staff, it can also be joined with the Z Rex Blaster.
  • Dino ATV

Appearances: DT Episodes 11-16, 20-22, 24-32, 34-38, S.P.D. Episode 35, SM Episodes 12, 20 & LBEV, SNS Episode 10


Super Dino Mode

Appearances: DT Episodes 21, 34, 38

Legendary Ranger Devices[]

AbareKiller Ranger Key

The White Dino Ranger Key.

The White Dino Ranger Key is Trent's personal Ranger Key. This key along with the other 14 Official Sixth Ranger Keys are seen lining the Command Center's interior walls. This key is mainly used by Orion (Super Megaforce Silver) who uses it to fight as the White Dino Ranger.

PRDC-Dino Thunder Dino Charger (White Dino Ranger)

Dino Thunder Dino Charger

The White Dino Ranger is one of the Rangers that represent the Dino Rangers for the Dino Thunder Dino Charger, released as part of a special set of Dino Charger Power Packs. In Dino Thunder's case, it featured the Red Dino Ranger, the White Dino Ranger, the Thundersaurus Megazord, and the Dino Thinder title. This Charger was paired with the RPM Dino Charger.



See Also[]

White Rangers
Tommy OliverDelphineAlyssa EnriléTrent Fernandez-MercerSamUdonnaDominic HarganHayley FosterZayto
Tommy Oliver (movie)Lord DrakkonRyu (Legacy Wars)Daniel LaRusso
Secondary Rangers
Omega RangerGuardian of the Hall of Legends
Tiger Shadow RangerWhite Dino Ranger Clone
Power Sets
White RangerWhite Aquitar RangerWhite Wild Force RangerWhite Dino RangerOmega RangerWhite Mystic RangerJungle Fury Rhino RangerNinja Steel WhiteDino Fury Zenith Ranger
White Ranger (movie)