Icon-gobustersThis article is about a Zord in Power Rangers Beast Morphers.

The Wheeler Zord is Grid Battleforce Blue's personal Zord in Power Rangers Beast Morphers.


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Appearances: BM S1 Episodes 2-3, 5-8, 10-13, 16, 18, 20-22; BM S2 Episodes 1-4, 6, 21


The Wheeler Zord was first introduced after Commander Shaw and Nate Silva introduced the Beast Bots to the Beast Morphers Rangers. Tvicon TV STORY-Evox's Revenge


Linked Mode[]

The Wheeler Zord Linked Mode is a mode with Smash linked to the front of the Zord.

Appearances: BM S1 Episodes 2, 3, 5-8, 10-13, 16, 18, 21, 22; BM S2 Episodes  9, 12, 16, 18, 21

Gorilla Mode[]

The Wheeler Zord Gorilla Mode is a mode where the Zord transforms into a gorilla/football player-like mode. It is formed by typing 'WZG' into the keypad.

Its signature attack is the Rocket Storm, an attack which usually consists of firing bananas forth from the holes on its shoulders which would fly off with the bannana skins falling off to reveal the missiles to hit the enemies. These skins only had any effect in two episodes, the first being the episode "End of the Road" when they slipped Needledrone up cartoon style and in the episode "The Cybergate Opens" when they were sucked up by Vacuudrone and clogged up his vacuum. The missile barrage in of itself destroyed Spikedrone in the episode "Hypnotic Halloween" when flung by the Wrecker Zord with a single volley and later two Gigatronics in the episode "Believe It or Not."

However, in the episode "A Friend Indeed", a version was used where it was blue energy beams shot out of the speakers at Raildrone although they were deflected by its arm guards.

Appearances: Beast Morphers S1 Episodes 3, 7-8, 12-13, 16, 18, 21; S2 Episodes 1, 6

Behind the Scenes[]


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  • This is the first time that the Blue Ranger's Zord has both an animal & vehicle mode.


See Also[]



Power nav icon Power Rangers Beast Morphers Icon-gobusters
Devon Daniels - Ravi Shaw - Zoey Reeves - Nate Silva - Steel - Tyler Rinker
Beast-X Morpher - Striker Morpher - Beast-X Visor - Morph-X Keys - Beast-X Blaster - Beast-X Saber - Striker Saber - Cheetah Beast Blaster - Cheetah Claws - Beast-X Ultra Blaster - Beast-X King Activator - Beast-X King Ultra Bow - Beast-X Spin Saber
Grid Battleforce: Commander Shaw - General Burke - Betty Burke - Ben Burke - Blaze - Roxy - Megan - Cole
Civilians: Mayor Adam Daniels - Muriel Reeves - Joey - Regina Collins - Dr. Walsh - Kerry Dixon - Mike Reeves
Captain Chaku - Doctor K - Colonel Mason Truman - Keeper
Legendary Dino Rangers:Tyler Navarro - Koda - Chase Randall - Riley Griffin - Shelby Watkins - Sir Ivan of Zandar - Conner McKnight - Ethan James - Kira Ford - Jason Lee Scott - Billy Cranston - Black Ranger - Yellow Ranger - Kimberly Ann Hart
Beast Bots

Cruise - Smash - Jax - Steel

Zords & Megazords
Racer Zord - Wheeler Zord - Chopper Zord - Wrecker Zord - Jet Zord - Beast-X King Zord - Reptillobeast
Racer Zord Battle Mode - Beast-X Megazord - Wrecker Zord Battle Mode - Striker Megazord - Beast-X Ultrazord - Beast-X King Zord Battle Mode - Beast-X King Megazord - Beast-X King Ultrazord
Leader: Evox/Venjix
Generals: Scrozzle - Blaze - Roxy - Vargoyle
Foot Soldiers: Tronics - Gigatronics
Zords: Ripper Zord - Chimera Zord - Omegadrone
Season One: Cycletron - Needletron - Shoveltron - Slicertron - Meltatron - Railtron - Vacuutron - Antennatron - Drilltron - Tooltron - Clonetron - Tubatron - Tubatron 2.0 - Burnertron - Turbotron - Shockatron - Spiketron - Infernotron
Season Two: Drilltron 2.0 - Trappertron - Gamertron - Keytron - Digitron - Controlatron - Dumbbelltron - Boxertron - Tiaratron - Bulldozertron - Thieftron - Clawtron - Antennatron 2.0 - Railtron 2.0
Season One: Cycledrone - Needledrone - Shoveldrone - Slicerdrone - Meltadrone - Raildrone - Vacuudrone - Antennadrone - Drilldrone - Tooldrone - Delta Gigadrone 1 - Clonedrone - Tubadrone - Tubadrone 2.0 - Burnerdrone - Turbodrone - Shockadrone - Unidentified Gigadrone 1 - Unidentified Gigadrone 2 - Spikedrone - Delta Gigadrone 2 - Infernodrone
Season Two: Drilldrone 2.0 - Trapperdrone - Gamerdrone - Keydrone - Digidrone - Controladrone - Alphadrone - Betadrone - Gammadrone - Deltadrone - Tiaradrone - Bulldozerdrone - Unidentified Gigadrone 3 - Unidentified Gigadrone 4 - Thiefdrone - Clawdrone - Antennadrone 2.0
Sledge's Crew
Sledge - Snide - Poisandra - Wrench - Fury - Curio - Vivix
Ryjack - Goldar - Putty Patrollers - Triptoids