Icon-mightymorphinThis article is about an episode in Mighty Morphin Power Rangers.

Wheel of Misfortune is the twenty-seventh episode of Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers, Season 1.


Rita turns Kimberly's grandmother's spinning wheel into her dangerous new monster, the Wheel of Misfortune.


The six teens along with Bulk and Skull are rehearsing for the school play, Rumpelstiltskin. Principal Caplan is supervising. Bulk goofs around and damages Kimberly's grandmother's spinning wheel. From the moon, Rita Repulsa devises a plan involving Kimberly's wheel.

At the Youth Center, Kim explains to Ernie what happened to the spinning wheel. Tommy shows up and says he might be able to fix it. The two go to look at it back at school, but Goldar has already taken it. Kim and Tommy ask around to see if anyone's seen the missing wheel.

At Rita's palace, the wheel is turning into the Wheel of Misfortune. Goldar sends Putties to attack Tommy in the park, and eventually tie him up so he can't help his friends.

Zordon alerts the Rangers and tells them about Rita's plan and Tommy's ordeal. The main five morph to go face Goldar and Scorpina at the quarry. Rita is also in attendance. The Dinozords are called upon to handle giant Goldar and Scorpina, but Tyrannosaurus Dinozord is wrapped in a net.

Tommy, tied to a tree, has slowly been weakening the rope around his hands against the bark. He pretends to be sick to draw the attention of the Putties guarding him. He breaks free and joins the other Rangers. Dragonzord and Megazord combine with Titanus to form Ultrazord, and they destroy the Wheel of Misfortune.

Back at school, the team finds the spinning wheel back in the classroom, back to normal and in working condition.

On the day of the Rumpelstiltskin play, costumed Bulk and Skull are watching their show in the supply closet. Their program is interrupted by a news bulletin about the Power Rangers' recent win. Caplan comes in to tell them thatBulk and Skull are late for the performance. On stage, Kimberly awaits Bulk to come in on his cue. He's late and Kimberly snaps in annoyance. Bulk finally joins her, but he splits his pants in the back and runs off stage with Skull as a shield. The audience laughs and Kimberly bows.


  • This is the first time, so far in the series, that the Power Rangers fight an enemy that doesn't have a humanoid form.
  • Despite putting so much effort into creating the Wheel of Misfortune, Rita doesn't use it very much in the actual fight with the Rangers.
  • First appearance of the Ultrazord combo (despite the fact that the Mega Dragonzord, one of the components of the Ultrazord, has yet to be officially introduced).
  • During the news report that Bulk and Skull are watching, Paul Rosenthal is mentioned.


  • Rita Repulsa calls the Wheel of Misfortune the "Dread Wheel of Misfortune".
  • Tommy was restraining his own arms, just before being tied up on the bridge, during the Putty ambush scene. He had plenty of time to grab his bag and communicator.
  • Zordon's voice sounds differently when he contacts Tommy in the park.
  • The Pterodactyl Dinozord was summoned by Pink Ranger, however it doesn't appear again until the Megazord is formed.
  • The Rangers form the Ultrazord despite it not being introduced until later.
  • When Kimberly is talking to Ernie at the juice bar and is clearly sad over the broken spinning wheel, Tommy comes up and asks what's wrong, despite having been there in the classroom when Bulk damaged the wheel.
  • The play seemingly lasts less than two minutes.
  • The news report that details the Rangers saving the day, the reporter again mentions Rita, despite the fact that she never made herself known to the media nor have the rangers ever spoken to the media on the matter. The first time this occured was in "Big Sisters".
  • In the last scene, Kimberly asks "Oh, where is Rumplestiltskin?" however the whole point of the play is that the maiden does not know the titular character's name until the very end.

See Also
