Icon-boukenger This article is about a monster in Power Rangers Operation Overdrive.

"Here, master."
―Volkan's first lines as he gives Moltor the Fire Heart Scale.[src]

Volkan is a humanoid bulky Salamander/Lava Lizard-like monster that is a powered up Lava Lizard. Volkan served Moltor. He serves as the secondary antagonist of the episode "At All Cost".


Originally a Lava Lizard that proved himelf to be strongest Salamander among all Lava Lizards. Because of his strength and skill, Moltor transformed him into a powerful volcanic half Dragon, half lizard version of itself called Volkan. In the first battle with Rangers, the monster was too powerful for them. He had strong armor and could shoot fire from his mouth.

His mission was to steal Fire Heart's scale while in route to Hartford Mansion. He was initially too powerful for the Rangers until they found they could damage him by attacking his back.

Moltor's plan was to use the scale to power up this monster into the ultimate beast by exposing the scale to the increasing temperature of the factory where they were located. But the scale was stolen from the building before preventing the building's explosion using the DriveMax Megazord's Cement Formation. With the Rangers reclaiming the scale for the new Defender Vest, Volkan was destroyed by Mack Hartford with the new Drill Blaster weapon. Tvicon TV STORY-At All Cost


Much like the Lava Lizards previously, Volkan is a violent creature that will destroy anyone in his path. But he is also loyal to Moltor.  


Powers and Abilities[]


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  • Strength: This Lava Lizard is shown be be stronger than previous Lava Lizards fought by the Rangers.
  • Endurance: This Lava Lizard was able to endure Moltor's process of transforming him into Volkan without being destroyed.


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  • Scimitar: This Lava Lizard still possesses a scimitar like the previous Lava Lizards before.
    • Energy Empowerment: Unlike the Lava Lizards previously, this Lava Lizard can charge up his scimitar with orange energy and slash at full force toward the enemy.

Powers and Abilities[]


  • Fireballs: Volkan can launch fireballs from his hands.
  • Mouth Fireballs: Volkan can spew out red-orange or yellow fireballs from his mouth similar to the way he fires them from his hands, they are an upgraded version of the mouth heat lasers from the Lava Lizards.


  • Strength: Being a powered up Lava Lizard, Volkan possesses far greater strength then any of the Lava Lizards fought previously, being able to take out all five Rangers with ease.
  • Armor: Unlike the Lava Lizards previously, Volkan possesses strong armor that is extremely durable. It is powerful enough to withstand the Black Ranger's Drive Slammer as well as the Yellow Ranger's Drive Claw without even getting a scratch.
  • Heat Resistance: Volkan is extremely resistant to heat.
  • Hand-To-Hand Combat: In addition to his newfound strength, Volkan is now skilled in hand-to-hand combat, being able to take on all five Rangers with ease.
  • Extraordinary Leaper: Volkan can leap at an incredible distance.


  • Vulnerable Back: Despite his strong armor, Volkan can be hurt in the back if fired at in that area.


  • Spiked Gauntlets: Volkan possesses a pair of spiked gauntlets on his forearms as a mean of combat.
    • Energy Empowerment: Volkan can charge up his gauntlets with yellow energy for an increase in power. One punch was strong enough to make a hole in a truck.

Behind the Scenes[]



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  • Volkan is the very first monster in the Power Ranger franchise to at first be a regular PR foot soldier, but later becoming the new Monster-Of-The-Week for the Rangers to face against, although that was a similar case with the Blue-Head Krybots, they on the other hand became the first Monster-Of-The-Week before becoming regular PR foot soldiers later on.
  • Volkan is the first monster to be faced by the Drill Blaster.
  • His design is based on the Galaxy Megazord from Power Rangers Lost Galaxy.


See Also[]



Power nav icon Power Rangers Operation Overdrive Icon-boukenger
Mack Hartford - Will Aston - Dax Lo - Ronny Robinson - Rose Ortiz - Tyzonn
Sentinel Knight
Overdrive Tracker - Mercury Morpher - Sentinel Morpher - Drive Defender - Double O Zip Shooter - Drive Lance - Drive Slammer - Drive Vortex - Drive Claws - Drive Geyser - Drive Detector - Defender Vest - Drill Blaster - Red Sentinel Ranger - S.H.A.R.C. - Hovertek Cycle - Transtek Armor
Andrew Hartford - Spencer - Vella - Norg - Alpha 6
Retro Rangers: Adam Park - Tori Hanson - Kira Ford - Bridge Carson - Xander Bly
Zords and Megazords
Dump Driver - Speed Driver - Gyro Driver - Dozer Driver - Sub Driver - Drill Driver - Shovel Driver - Cement Driver - Crane Driver - Sonic Streaker - Fire Truck Zord - Rescue Runner 1 - Rescue Runner 2 - BattleFleet Zord 14 - BattleFleet Zord 15 - BattleFleet Zord 16 - BattleFleet Zord 17 - BattleFleet Zord 18
DriveMax Megazord - Super DriveMax Megazord - DriveMax Ultrazord - Flash Point Megazord - BattleFleet Megazord - DualDrive Megazord
Flurious - Chillers
Moltor - Lava Lizards
Miratrix - Kamdor
The Fearcats: Mig - Benglo - Crazar - Cheetar
Others: Thrax
Giant Sea Creature - Atlantis Temple - Ultrog - Weather Machine Monster - Bombardo - Volkan - Big Mouth Monster - Scaletex - Camera Monster - Amplifier Monster - Bullox - Lavadactyls - Top Hat - Blothgaar - Generalissimo - Vulturus - Datum - Garbage Warrior - Golem Warrior - Statue Warrior - Kunoichi Monster - Prince Warrior - Magmador
Robots: Dragonizer - Moltor's Zord - Flurious' Robot - Jet Robot - Commando Robot - Centurion Robot - Cybernetic Rex - Agrios