Icon-timerangerThis article is about a monster in Power Rangers Time Force.

Tronicon was a large and powerful golden robot which was the main antagonist of the episode "The Time Shadow".


Tronicon is created by Frax to destroy the Time Force Ranger and Silver Hills to prove that robots are superior to Mutants. He is powered by a Trizyurium Crystal which Frax created from the Zyrium Powder that Izout stole from Mr. Collins' Bio-Lab.

Tronicon is sent to destroy the city and is enlarged when Frax removes his Seal Patch before deploying him to town.

When it attacks the city, the Rangers can't use their Megazord because it is heavily damaged from the battle with Izout. They try to fight the robot with their V-Weapons but it is useless against the sinister machine. Mr. Collins sends the Raimei Destroyer against it but, despite the help of the Rangers, Tronicon easily destroys this weapon. The robotic monster continues his destructive rampage and the Rangers can't fight with it so they evacuate all the people and try to battle against the monster with their weapons to no avail. When all looks lost, the mysterious Shadow Winger arrives (having been sent by a mysterious figure) which transforms into the Time Shadow Megazord and, after the big battle. With this extra help, the Megazord finally destroys the villainous robot. Tvicon TV STORY-The Time Shadow


Realizing the formidable power and threat posed by the Mutants due to Tronicon's attack, Mr. Collins later founded the Silver Guardians as Silver Hills' defence force. Tvicon TV STORY-Worlds Apart

Frax later uses the remains of Tronicon to create Max Axe. Tvicon TV STORY-A Calm Before the Storm


Tronicon only spoke in sounds and appeared to be completely mindless and only capable of following Frax's orders.

Powers and Abilities[]


  • Strength: Tronicon easily overwhelmed the Rangers and knocked all five of then down with a single stomp.
  • Durability: Being a robotic monster, Tronicon shrugged off from the multitude of lasers released from the Silver Guardian's Raimei had little effect and the V-Weapons did nothing whatsoever.
  • Energy Field: Tronicon could generate a large purple and clear blue energy field in front of it capable of deflecting the Raimei Destroyer's energy blasts and the V-Weapons.
  • Enlarging: Despite not being a mutant, Tronicon had the ability to enlarge himself by removing a Seal Patch.
  • Lasers: Tronicon could fire yellow lasers from its hand powerful enough to destroy the Raimei Destroyer.
  • Shoulder Discs: Tronicon could fire yellow energy discs from his shoulders like a machine gun that were powerful enough to knock down the Time Shadow.


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  • Arm Cannon: Tronicon had a cannon in place of his right arm that could fire powerful white or orange energy balls.
    • Missiles: Tronicon could also fire missiles from his arm cannon.


  • Mutant Seal Patch Location: Upper Left Leg.

Behind the Scenes[]


  • Kim Strauss was credited for voicing Tronicon but the robot never spoke.


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  • Tronicon was the only monster that the Time Shadow Megazord destroyed by itself.


See Also[]



Power nav iconPower Rangers Time Force Icon-timeranger
Wesley Collins - Jen Scotts - Lucas Kendall - Katie Walker - Trip - Eric Myers
Chrono Morpher - Quantum Morpher - Time Force Badge - Visual Scanners - Chrono Blasters - Chrono Sabers - Vector Weapons - Electro Booster - Quantum Defender - Time Ship - Vector Cycles - TF Eagle - Strata Cycle - Quantum Mega Battle Armor - Red Battle Warrior
Alex - Circuit - Captain Logan - Mr. Collins - Silver Guardians - Dr. Michael Zaskin - White Knight - Carter Grayson - Chad Lee - Joel Rawlings - Kelsey Winslow - Dana Mitchell - Ryan Mitchell - Cole Evans - Taylor Earhardt - Max Cooper - Danny Delgado - Alyssa Enrilé - Merrick Baliton
Zords and Megazords
Time Jet - Time Flyer 1 - Time Flyer 2 - Time Flyer 3 - Time Flyer 4 - Time Flyer 5 - Shadow Winger - Quantasaurus Rex
Time Force Megazord - Time Shadow Megazord - Shadow Force Megazord - Q-Rex Megazord - Transwarp Megazord
Ransik - Nadira - Frax - Gluto - Cyclobots
Demons: Vypra - Quarganon - Demon Warriors
Other: Black Knight - Dragon
Flamecon - Jetara - Fearog - Mantamobile - Tentaclaw - Rabbitcon - Medicon - Fatcatfish - Izout - Vexicon - Redeye - Electropede - Univolt - Brickneck - Commandocon - Klawlox - Cruel Senturicon - Turtlecon - Notacon - Conwing - Contemptra - Dash - Ironspike - Artillicon - Cinecon - Steelix - Venomark - Severax - Mr. Mechanau - Miracon - Angelcon - Chameliacon - Serpicon
Others: Samurhive - Chef Bug - Eyeacon -
Frax's Robots: Tronicon - Dragontron - Max Axe - Doomtron