Icon-magirangerThis article is about a group of characters in Power Rangers Mystic Force.
Tribunal of Magic

Tribunal of Magic

""We admire the ability it took to get here. We applaud the case you presented us. By the powers entrusted in us...we...do not...grant your request."
―Red Tribunal to the Rangers[src]

The Tribunal of Magic are a group of three powerful, cloaked beings who oversee all magic in the different worlds. They are visited by the Rangers in the "Dark Wish" trilogy, who ensure the existence of magic and reside in a separate dimension.


After Imperious' "Dark Wish" was granted, the Rangers had to make their way to the tribunal, in hopes of having the wish reversed. By making it to the Tribunal, they had succeeded where many before had failed in the past three centuries by fighting those who had failed to reach the Tribunal of Magic.

The Rangers recounted the events that happened leading up to Imperious' wish being granted, and asked that the wish be reversed. After being asked why, they responded that their world, once filled with "good, wondrous magic" was now overrun by "dark, evil magic". Upon the Tribunal's request, the Rangers told them how they lost Jenji in the first place while at the same time refused to take responsibilities for their actions. After hearing what the Rangers would reclaim back should the wish be reversed, the Tribunal conferred and denied their request, sending them home.

This, however turned out to be a facade as a way to test the Rangers to see if they had learned their lesson, as the Tribunal continued to watch the events unfold in the human world. After the teens showed courage and bravery in the face of insurmountable odds, the Tribunal decided to unanimously reverse the Dark Wish, and color & the Rangers' Powers, were restored to the world.

"A valuable lesson merits a valuable reward."
―The Black Tribunal[src]

After seeing that the Rangers finally acknowledged their faults and took responsibility for their actions, the Tribunal granted the Rangers the power of the Legend Warriors as a reward.


Tribunal of Magic Black

Black Counselor

The hotheaded male overseer of Dark Magic. He is quick to negative decisions. It is revealed that Black is related to Necrolai in the third part of "Dark Wish".

Tribunal of Magic Red

Red Counselor

The calm and comprehensive overseer of Neutral Magic. He is the one most willing to listen to a case.

Tribunal of Magic White

White Counselor

The female overseer of Good Magic. While she is compassionate, she is also inquisitive.

Behind the Scenes[]



  • It is unknown why the Tribunal of Magic did not interfere when Octomus attacked Mystic Mother.
  • The red councilor, appeared to be the leader of the Tribunal.




Power nav icon Power Rangers Mystic Force Icon-magiranger
Nick Russell - Chip Thorn - Madison Rocca - Vida Rocca - Xander Bly - Daggeron - Udonna - Leanbow
Mystic Morphers - Snow Staff - Solar Cell Morpher - Wolf Morpher - Fierce Dragon Morpher - Magi Staffs - Mystic Force Fighters - Laser Lamp - Mystic Muscles - Mystic Legend Armor - Mystic Lion Staff - Red Dragon Fire Ranger - Ancient Mystic Mode - Knight Saber - Wolf Shield - Xenotome - Mystic Racers - Mystic Speeder - Mystic Carpet
Clare - Toby Slambrook - Phineas - Jenji - Leelee Pimvare - Fire Heart - Tribunal of Magic - Snow Prince - Mystic Mother
Zords and Megazords
Mystic Phoenix - Mystic Garuda - Mystic Mermaid - Mystic Sprite - Mystic Minotaur - Solar Streak - Catastros - Mystic Firebird - Mystic Lion - Brightstar
Mystic Titans: Dragon Formation - Titan Megazord - Centaurus Wolf Megazord - Centaurus Phoenix Megazord - Solar Streak Megazord - Manticore Megazord - Phoenix Unizord
The Master
Morticon - Necrolai - Koragg, The Knight Wolf - Imperious - Hidiacs - Styxoids
Ten Terrors: Sculpin - Magma - Oculous - Serpentina - Megahorn - Hekatoid - Gekkor - Matoombo - Itassis - Black Lance
Dark Troll - Mucor - Hydra Worm - Clawbster - Rock Troll - Taxi Cab Monster - Giant Spider - Flytrap - Boney - Skullington - Gargoyle of the Gates - Jester the Pester - Behemoth - Gnatu - Spydex - Screamer - Barbarian Beasts (Warmax - Shrieker - 50 Below - Fightoe) - Ursus - Chimera