Icon-hurricanegerThis article is about a monster in Power Rangers Ninja Storm.

"Wait! Come back! I'm just getting gassed up!"
―Toxipod before battling the Wind Rangers.[src]

"Oh yeah!"
―Toxipod after being grown by the Scroll of Empowerment.[src]

―Toxipod reacting to the Storm Megazord multiply for the Triple Strike and his final word before his defeat.[src]

Toxipod is a snail-themed monster and one of the two secondary antagonists of the four-part episode "Return of Thunder".


Toxipod was sent by Choobo to heat things up between the Wind and Thunder Rangers. He had the upper hand at first, but the Wind Rangers use the Storm Striker to annihilate him.

He was then grown giant to confront the Storm Megazord, but is again destroyed by the Serpent Sword.

When the Storm Megazord and the Thunder Megazord were about to do battle, Choobo used his staff's lighting bolt on the remains of Toxipod to fully destroy him. This caused Toxipod to use his magical powers to send all five Rangers to an island hidden in the Pacific Ocean, where Choobo upgrades him into Super Toxipod. Tvicon TV STORY-Return of Thunder

Toxipod (alongside Super Toxipod) was later seen in the alternate dimension. He was seen flying a kite in the park. Tvicon TV STORY-The Wild Wipeout.

Toxipod was among the monsters freed from the Abyss of Evil. Tvicon TV STORY-Storm Before the Calm


Toxipod is very calm and goofy, but if told by Choobo, he will take his job seriously.

Powers and Abilities[]


  • Fog Transformation: Toxipod can turn into a stinky white fog for a faster travel.
    • Multi Attack: Also while in his fog mode, he can attack his enemies in multiple directions.
  • Shell Shock: Toxipod can go inside of his shell and rush at his enemies.
  • Teleportation Magic: If destroyed, Toxipod can release clear orange magic from his shell that can send anyone to an island hidden in the Pacific Ocean.
  • Mega Morning Breath: Toxipod can spew out a stinky white fog from his mouth.


  • Strength: Toxipod possesses enormous strength to battle the Rangers with.


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  • Armor: Toxipod wears strong armor that allows him to survive multiple hits without getting a scratch.

Behind the Scenes[]



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  • When he is confronted by the Storm Megazord, he says, "You're about to get shell shocked!" Shell shock is a term used during World War I where a soldier's nervous system was stressed to the point of causing post-traumatic stress to the soldier.
  • Toxipod is the only monster in Lothor's army to have an upgrade.


See Also[]



Power nav icon Power Rangers Ninja Storm Icon-hurricaneger
Wind Rangers: Shane Clarke - Tori Hanson - Dustin Brooks
Thunder Rangers: Hunter Bradley - Blake Bradley
Samurai Ranger: Cameron Watanabe
Wind Rangers: Wind Morphers - Lightning Morpher - Ninja Swords - Hawk Blaster - Lion Hammer - Sonic Fin - Storm Striker - Ninja Gliders - Tsunami Cycles - Tri-Battlized Armor
Thunder Rangers: Thunder Morphers - Thunder Staves - Crimson Blaster - Navy Antler - Thunder Blaster - Thunder Blade - Tsunami Cycles - Ninja Glider Cycle
Samurai Ranger: Samurai Cyclone Morpher - Samurai Saber - Super Samurai Mode - Lightning Riff Blaster - Dragonforce Vehicle
Power Discs - Thunderstorm Cannon - Mobile Command Center
Sensei Kanoi Watanabe - Kelly Halloway - Miko Watanabe - Cyber Cam - Dino Rangers
Zords and Megazords
Wind Rangers: Hawkzord - Lionzord - Dolphinzord - Storm Megazord
Thunder Rangers: Crimson Insectizord - Navy Beetlezord - Thunder Megazord
Samurai Ranger: Samurai Star Chopper / Samurai Star Megazord - Mammothzord
Power Spheres
Thunderstorm Megazord - Samurai Storm Megazord - Samurai Thunder Megazord - Thunderstorm Ultrazord - Hurricane Megazord - Hurricane Ultrazord
Evil Space Ninjas
Lothor - Marah - Kapri - Zurgane - Choobo - Motodrone - Vexacus - Shimazu - Kelzaks - Kelzak Furies
Blue Face - Mad Magnet - Copybot - Terramole - Amphibidor - Florabundacus - Snipster - Toxipod - Super Toxipod - Bopp-A-Roo - General Trayf - Madtropolis - Hiphopper - Sky Scrapper - Sucker - Starvark - Tentacreep - Magic Moustache - Fragra - Mr. Ratwell - DJ Drummond - Beevil - Footzilla - Slob Goblin - Morty Board - Wolfblades - Goldwinger - Bald Loser - Inflatron - Eyezak - Condortron - Catonia - Loong Ago
Zords: Zurganezord - Zurganezord II - Zurganezord III - Hyper Zurganezord - Kaprizord - Marahzord - Shimazuzord - Lothorzord