PRT Dimitria
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Tog 0gou And Toq -100gou

ToQ -100gou and three ToQ 0gous.

"ToQ 0gou, ToQ 0gou!"
―Transformation announcement[src]

ToQ 0gou (トッキュウ0号 Tokkyū Zero-gō, ToQ #0) was a demotion grade temporarily assigned to several of the ToQgers by Fountain Pen Shadow. Tvicon TV STORY-Station 36: 100% Dream

Ranger Keys[]

ToQ 0 Red Ranger Key

ToQ 0 Red Ranger Key

The ToQ 0gou Ranger Key (トッキュウ0号レッドレンジャーキー Tokkyū Zero-gō Reddo Renjā Kī) is a Ranger Key released as part of the Ranger Key Set: RAINBOW EDITION. It is unknown if it will appear in a future crossover. Of course as with all Ranger Keys, should it exist, it would be able to transform one, i.e. Gokai Red, into ToQ 0gou Red.

ToQ 0 Blue Ranger Key

ToQ 0gou Blue Ranger Key

The ToQ 0gou Blue Ranger Key (トッキュウ0号ブルーレンジャーキー Tokkyū Zero-gō Burū Renjā Kī) is a Ranger Key released as part of the Ranger Key Set: RAINBOW EDITION. It is unknown if it will appear in a future crossover. Of course as with all Ranger Keys, should it exist, it would be able to transform one, i.e. Gokai Blue, into ToQ 0gou Blue.

ToQ 0 Yellow Ranger Key

ToQ 0gou Yellow Ranger Key

The ToQ 0gou Yellow Ranger Key (トッキュウ0号イエローレンジャーキー Tokkyū Zero-gō Ierō Renjā Kī) is a Ranger Key released as part of the Ranger Key Set: RAINBOW EDITION. It is unknown if it will appear in a future crossover. Of course as with all Ranger Keys, should it exist, it would be able to transform one, i.e. Gokai Yellow, into ToQ 0gou Yellow.

ToQ 0 Pink Ranger Key

ToQ 0gou Pink Ranger Key

The ToQ 0gou Pink Ranger Key (トッキュウ0号ピンクレンジャーキー Tokkyū Zero-gō Pinku Renjā Kī) is a Ranger Key released as part of the Ranger Key Set: RAINBOW EDITION. It is unknown if it will appear in a future crossover. Of course as with all Ranger Keys, should it exist, it would be able to transform one, i.e. Gokai Pink, into ToQ 0gou Pink.

See also[]
