PR2017iconThis article is about a timeline in Power Rangers (2017), a different continuity than the TV series.
Main article: Power Rangers (2017)


Ancient History[]

  • 65 mya : Zordon and his team fight against Rita Repulsa after she betrays them to take the Zeo Crystal and kills them all but Zordon as he takes the power coins and buries them and orders an air strike on Rita sending her into the sea.
  • Zordon is uploaded into the ship’s matrix by Alpha 5.

Present Day (2017)[]

  • Next Day: The team discovers the ship under ground and meet Zordon and Alpha and learn about the history of the Power Rangers. Meanwhile Rita starts to regain her strength by hunting for gold through murderous attempts.
  • 11 Days Later: Rita has regained her full strength and kills Billy after giving her the location of the Zeo Crystal. The team then puts aside their differences to stop Rita and the Morphin Grid opens, with Zordon reviving Billy. The Present Ranger team morphs and successfully saves Angel Grove from Rita and Goldar.
  • A Few Days Later: The Present team all attend Saturday detention with Tommy Oliver joining in only to be absent.
  • 1 Week Later: With Angel Grove still recovering from the "Incident", the Rangers fight off the remaining Putties and deal with twins Jacob and Aubrey having been absorbed by the Putties power. The director of Apex makes a deal with the Rangers keeping an eye on them.