Icon-liveman This article is about a monster in Choju Sentai Liveman.

Time Brain (タイムヅノー Taimu Zunō) was a clock-themed Brain Beast at the service of the Armed Brain Army Volt.


This clock-themed monster was created by Doctor Obular from the contents of his Time Chaos Capsule with the ability of time travel and time manipulation, even holding a power to reverse time in a battle to lose all damage it takes (such as being dragged around at one point by Yuusuke and Colon in Live Cougar). This monster was sent to the Mesozoic Era for the purpose of bring dinosaurs into the present to cause city-wide destruction. After capturing a baby dinosaur, the Brain Beast loses its capture where animals goes missing for ten days, upon which it encountered a boy which the dinosaur infant befriended. Returning the present days, this monster attempted to take Gon from the Livemen, but he ended up wounding the baby dinosaur. After the Livemen disabled this monster, this monster was blasted by the Biomotion Buster before being reformed by Gash and then destroyed by the Live Robo. Tvicon TV STORY-Ep. 6: Attack! The Dinosaur That Lived


This Brain Beast was a cunning, ruthless, strategic and unpredictable creature, that was determined to finish his mission. His personality was much more calculating and careful than his predecessors, because he used a more cunning and complicated plan of defeating the Livemen. However, he also showed a much more savage, abusive and violent side, such as being cruel to animals and was highly angry when the baby dinosaur, which he captured, escaped from him. In generality, his personality was nothing different than personalities of the previous and next Brain Beast.

Powers and Abilities[]


  • Time Manipulation: Time Brain is able to control time.
    • Reverse: Time Brain is able to reverse time in a battle to lose all damage it takes
    • Time Travel: Time Brain is able to travel through time.


  • Physical Strength: His strength was pretty big and superior to the human one, but it wasn't not his primary power and wasn't anything particular.
  • Hand-To-Hand Combat: He also possessed some fighting skills, but overall was, can say, an average fighter.
  • Energy Blasts: He also could project energy blasts.


  • Time Reversal Limitation: His primary power of time reversal could be averted by disabling his body.


  • Fists: While he lacks melee weapons, but Time Brain uses his bare hands and fists in the fights.

Behind the Scenes[]



  • Time Brain's design was based on the clock.

Concept Art[]


  • to be added


to be added




Icon-liveman Choju Sentai Liveman
Yusuke Amamiya - Jou Ohara - Megumi Misaki - Tetsuya Yano - Junichi Aikawa
Colon - Takuji Yano - Mari Aikawa - Doctor Hoshi
Legend Sentai: Riki Honoo - Daichi Yamagata - Youhei Hama - Shunsuke Hino - Haruna Morikawa - Captain Marvelous - Joe Gibken - Luka Millfy - Don Dogoier - Ahim de Famille - Gai Ikari
Transformation Devices
Twin Brace
Live Blaster - Falcon Saber - Falcon Sword - Lion Bazooka - Lion Punch - Dolphin Arrow - Bison Rod - Sai Cutters - Biomotion Buster - Triple Bazooka
Moto Machines - Live Cougar
Mecha and Robos
Jet Falcon - Land Lion - Aqua Dolphin - Bison Liner - Sai Fire
Machine Buffalo
Giant Robos:
Choju Gattai LiveRobo - Live Boxer
Armed Brain Army Volt
Leader: Great Professor Bias
Bodyguard: Guardnoid Gash
Generals: Doctor Kemp - Doctor Mazenda - Doctor Obular - Doctor Ashura - Guildian Guildos - Chibuchian Butchy
Brain Beasts
Disconnect Brain - Virus Brain - Transmission Brain - Engine Brain - Time Brain - Anger Brain - Tank Brain - Maze Brain - Baboon Brain - Test Brain - Poison Gas Brain - Elec Brain - Fire Brain - Plasma Brain - Pierrot Brain - Twin Brain - Study Brain - Regeneration Brain - Obular Brain - Guitar Brain - Sword Brain - Pig Brain - Spirit Brain - Light Brain - Earthquake Brain - Vega Brain (Vega Baby) - Gore Brain - Robo Brain - Gal Brain - Guild Brain - Armor Brain - Shark Brain - Wolf Brain - Meteor Brain - Space Brain - Invisible Brain - Bomber Brain - Guildo Brain - Reckless Brain - Hacker Brain - Battle Brain - Nightmare Brain - Terror Beast Brain - Electron Brain
Footsoldiers: Jimmers
Mecha: Giga Volt