Icon-mightymorphinThis article is about a Zord in Mighty Morphin Power Rangers.

For the Megazord of Ninja Storm, see Thunder Megazord (Ninja Storm).

"I’m afraid nothing we could do would ever give {the Dinozords} enough power. You now need stronger, new Zords equipped with the power of thunder to defeat Lord Zedd. (...) Jason, you will control the Red Dragon Thunderzord. His power is fierce and true. Trini, yours shall be the Griffin Thunderzord. Swift and accurate. Zack, the Lion Thunderzord will have courage and strength. Billy, your Unicorn Thunderzord has mythological powers and wisdom. Kimberly, the Firebird Thunderzord shall be yours. Powerful and agile. When joined together, all shall form the Thunder Megazord!"
Zordon introducing the Thunderzords to the Power Rangers.[src]

"We need Thunder Megazord power now!"
―The Power Rangers summoning the Thunder Megazord[src]

"Thunder Megazord, power up!"
―The Power Rangers activate the Thunder Megazord

The Thunder Megazord was the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers' second primary Megazord, created by merging the five Thunderzords: the Red Dragon, Lion, Unicorn, Griffin and Firebird Thunderzords, which were all transformed from the Dinozords. The Rangers piloted the Thunder Megazord from the green orb on its chest.


MMPR Thunderzords


"We need Thunderzord power now!"
―The Power Rangers summoning the Thunderzords[src]

The Thunderzords were created from the original Dinozords and had much greater strength than their previous forms. The Thunder Megazord used its sword, the Thunder Saber, as a weapon, and powered up the sword before performing a big slash to finish the monster. Unlike the Thunder Megazord's predecessor, the sword did not fall from the sky, but was kept in a scabbard on its waist. If the sword is taken by a monster, the Thunder Megazord could charge it up and shock the monster which was used when Trumpet Top stole the Thunder Saber and used it against the formation. The Thunder Megazord was also capable of blowing mist from its hands which acted as a weapon.

The Red Dragon Thunderzord is the core of the Thunder Megazord, with the other four Zords acting as armor. The Unicorn and Griffin Thunderzords serve as the boots, the Firebird Thunderzord serves as the fauld, and the Lion Thunderzord serves as the cuirass and helmet of the Thunder Megazord.

Appearances: MMPR S2 Episodes 3-5, 7-9, 12, 13, 15-17, 20, 21, 23, 24, 29, 31-34, 36-38, 40, 42, 43, 46, 47, 49, 52; MMPR S3 Episodes 3, 4


When Lord Zedd comes to Earth, he creates Pirantishead who quickly uses his powers to take control of the Tyrannosaurus Dinozord and the Dragonzord while freezing the other Dinozords in time. As the Zords are frozen beyond salvation, Zordon and Alpha 5 begin work on the creation of the Thunderzords. By using the Dinozords as templates, they will use the "power of thunder" to transform the Dinozords into the Thunderzords. However, the Rangers first have to reclaim their Dinozords from Pirantishead which they do after a struggle using a signal blocker. Although Zedd destroys the Dinozords by using his lightning to send them into lava, Zordon recovers part of them and is able to create the Thunderzords. The Rangers then withdraw to the Command Center and are given their Zords before deploying to fight giant Pirantishead in the countryside by forming their new Thunder Megazord. Pirantishead then tries to take control of the Thunderzords but the formation is immune to his influence so he knocks it back with his nunchucks before wrapping it up. He then electrocutes it but the formation send a reverse charge along it which obliterates the chain and knocks Pirantishead down. Now enraged, the monster discards the now useless nunchaks and announces that he plans to destroy it with his bare fins. However, the Rangers energize the Megazord's Thunder Saber and slay him with a single slash before he can make good on that threat. Tvicon TV STORY-The Mutiny

After Nimrod is enlarged and blasts all five Rangers down, they summon the Thunder Megazord to destroy her, but it is low on power due to the Command Center having its power rerouted for the creation of the new White Ranger. Nimrod summons her henchwomen named AC and DC, and their combined attack causes massive damage and takes it out of action, forcing the Rangers to retreat. Tvicon TV STORY-White Light-part I

After Tommy is granted the powers of the White Ranger, the White Tigerzord is created and fights the trio only to be defeated by their teamwork. As the Scarlet Sentinels advance on his Zord to destroy it, Tommy calls for help from Jason and manages to get the White Tigerzord back on its feet just as the Red Dragon Thunderzord arrives and it rides the Tigerzord into battle, turning the tide by jabbing AC and DC aside with its staff and slashing Nimrod across her waist. AC and DC charge and Nimrod barrages the two with her energy balls but they are unfazed and Tommy has the Red Dragon Thunderzord eject from the White Tigerzord. Tommy then re-enters his Zord and turn it back into Warrior Mode immediately before the Unicorn, Griffin, Lion and Firebird Thunderzords arrive with Zordon having apparently sent them through remote control. Tommy has the Zords combine which forms the new Mega Tigerzord and the new formation finishes off the Sentinels. Tvicon TV STORY-White Light-part II

Although the Power Rangers defeats Four Head with the Power Blaster, Zedd makes her grow before she hits the ground. The Rangers summon the Thunderzords and form the Red Dragon Thunderzord Warrior Mode and White Tigerzord Warrior Mode but she immediately blasts them and they form the Mega Tigerzord] Four Head is not intimidated so it tries to destroy the monster but Four Head manages to reflect the Firebird blast back at the Mega Tigerzord, Fortunately, Zordon sends the new Carrierzord Tor the Shuttlezord to aid the Power Rangers to Four Head's shock. However, the monster manages to topple Tor so the Red Dragon Thunderzord is forced to salvage the situation by flipping Tor back upright. Unfortunately, Four Head charges and delivers a beat-down to the Red Dragon who then grabs and throws her but Four Head lands on her feet and blasts down the Zord. Tor transforms into Warrior Mode and sends blasts right at Four Head who is unfazed. The Red Dragon Thunderzord then enters Tor's shell and Four Head fires at it but its thick armor means that neither Zord is fazed which allows it to re-energize the Zord. The Rangers then form the new Thunder Ultrazord which finally finishes her off. Tvicon TV STORY-A Monster of Global Proportions

When Goldar steals Saba from Tommy due to a spell placed on him that makes him argue with Kimberly a lot, Rita Repulsa temporarily controls the White Tigerzord and turns it into Warrior Mode to fight the Thunder Megazord. Immediately, the Tigerzord does very heavy damage with a single punch and knocks it back with a wind-up punch and then beats on it more. As Rita and her minions cheer on, the Tigerzord topples the Thunder Megazord with a single punch that makes it crush a building but it recovers quickly and they exchange upper body blows as the villains cackle below. The Megazord blocks a powerful swing but the Tigerzord closes in for a very powerful punch so they switch to their swords. Even now, the White Tigerzord is too much and delivers a devastating double slash strong enough that another hit similar to that will destroy the formation. However, before Rita can finish off the Rangers, Alpha 5 builds an Electro Magnet which allows Tommy to recover Saba and retake control of the Tigerzord. Disgraced, Rita and her minions are forced to flee or risk being crushed underfoot by the Tigerzord. Tvicon TV STORY-Best Man for the Job

The Thunder Megazord and the White Tigerzord battle against Rito Revolto shortly after he joins Rita and Zedd on the Moon. Although they appear to be winning, the duel is really an elaborate trap. From the Moon, Lord Zedd and Rita Repulsa use their powers to make the Fighting Flea, the Lizzinator, the Octophantom, and the Stag Beetle into giants, overwhelming the Power Rangers and resulting in their destruction by the Zords literally being ripped apart by a power surge caused by Alpha trying to give the Zords enough power to defeat them all. Tvicon TV STORY-Ninja Quest


Zordon unfortunately commented that he couldn't bring the Thunderzords back when asked by Adam. The same power surge that destroyed the Thunderzords crippled the Power Morphers and caused devastating cracks along with the Power Coins which made them unusable due to how dangerous using cracked Coins was and forced the Power Rangers to seek out Ninjor and obtain their Ninja Ranger powers which granted them access to the Ninjazords which served as the Thunderzords' successors.

After receiving their Zeo powers from the Zeo Crystal, the Rangers gained new Zords. Billy made an offhand comment about recycling parts of "old Zords"; however it was never made clear whether this referred to MMPR-era Zords like the Thunderzords or unused components used to construct the Zeo Zords which were "old" compared to the newly-acquired Super Zeo Zords. Tvicon TV STORY-Mondo's Last Stand

The Dinozords have since been rebuilt in the decades that followed with the Thunderzord transformation retired. Tvicon TV STORY-Grid Connection Tvicon TV STORY-Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: Once & Always


Tyrannosaurus Red Dragon Thunderzord[]

"Tyrannosaurus Red Dragon Thunderzord Power!"
―Jason / Rocky summoning the Red Dragon Thunderzord[src]

Red Dragon Thunderzord Warrior Mode

The Red Dragon Thunderzord was the second Zord of the two Red Mighty Morphin Power Ranger (Jason Lee Scott and Rocky DeSantos) and the successor to the Tyrannosaurus Dinozord.

The Red Dragon was the first Zord in the series to possess two battle modes: Dragon and Warrior. In Dragon mode, it could breathe flame and attack with its claws mid-flight. In Warrior mode, it would fight opponents by hand-to-hand combat or by wielding its staff that he could spin at high speeds to attack. It could also stand on the Thunderzord Assault Team's chariot and to ride the Tigerzord while it is in Tiger Mode. It could also merge with the other Thunderzords to form the Thunder Megazord, serving as the main portion of the Megazord (thus it is simply the Red Dragon in Warrior Mode wearing the other Zords as armor).

Similar to the Tyrannosaurus Dinozord, the Red Dragon was capable of fighting and defeating a monster on its own. Its finishing involved producing its spear and spinning it at high speeds, allowing it to spray red sparks capable of blinding monsters. It would then slide forward and fatally energy slash the monsters who would collapse onto their sides and explode.

Appearances: MMPR S2 Episodes 2-5, 7-9, 12-21, 23-25, 27-29, 31-38, 40, 42. 43, 46, 47, 49, 51, 52; MMPR S3 Episodes 3, 4

Mastodon Lion Thunderzord[]

"Mastodon Lion Thunderzord Power!"
―Zack / Adam summoning the Lion Thunderzord[src]

The Mastodon was the template to create the more powerful Lion Thunderzord. The Zord was piloted by Zack Taylor and later Adam Park. Zordon explained that the Lion had "courage and strength". It did not share the same abilities as the Mastodon, but it was given greater armor and defense.

The Lion Thunderzord was part of the Thunderzord Assault Team, making up the forward component of the chariot. The Lion would serve as the arms, the torso, and helmet for the Thunder Megazord. Also, the Lion could combine with the other Thunderzords and the White Tigerzord to make the Mega Tigerzord, the Lion forming the shoulder pads and back.

Appearances: MMPR S2 Episodes 2-5, 7-9, 12, 13, 15-21, 23-25, 27-29, 31-38, 40, 42, 43, 46, 47, 49, 51, 52; MMPR S3 Episodes 3, 4

Triceratops Unicorn Thunderzord[]

"Triceratops Unicorn Thunderzord Power!"
―Billy summoning the Unicorn Thunderzord[src]

The Triceratops was the template to create the more powerful Unicorn Thunderzord. Piloted by Billy Cranston, it could launch large boulders at foes. Tvicon TV STORY-Two for One It formed the right leg of the Thunder Megazord and Mega Tigerzord, and sat on the right side of the Assault Team. Its design is like that of a moving cart with a single front appendage that allows it to move.

Appearances: MMPR S2 Episodes 2-5, 7-9, 12, 13, 15-21, 23-25, 27-29, 31-38, 40, 42, 43, 46, 47, 49, 51, 52; MMPR S3 Episodes 3, 4

Sabertooth Tiger Griffin Thunderzord[]

"Sabertooth Tiger Griffin Thunderzord Power!"
―Trini / Aisha summoning the Griffin Thunderzord[src]

The Sabertooth Tiger Dinozord was the template to create the more powerful Griffin Thunderzord. Piloted by Trini Kwan and Aisha Campbell, it could project fireballs when used in combat on its own. Tvicon TV STORY-Two for One It formed the left leg of both the Thunder Megazord and the Mega Tigerzord, and sat on the left side of the Assault Team. Like the Unicorn Thunderzord, its design is like that of a moving cart with a single front appendage that allows it to move.

Appearances: MMPR S2 Episodes 2-5, 7-9, 12, 13, 15-21, 23-25, 27-29, 31-38, 40, 42, 43, 46, 47, 49, 51, 52; MMPR S3 Episodes 3, 4

Pterodactyl Firebird Thunderzord[]

"Pterodactyl Firebird Thunderzord Power!"
―Kimberly summoning the Firebird Thunderzord[src]

The Firebird Thunderzord is the Pink Mighty Morphin Ranger's second Zord. It was created from the Pterodactyl Dinozord, utilizing the former Zord as a template. Piloted by Kimberly Ann Hart. The Pterodactyl Dinozord would be struck by a pink lightning bolt, transforming it into the Firebird.

On its own, the Firebird was capable of creating an energy tornado and sending it towards monsters. Tvicon TV STORY-Two for One

The Firebird is one of the five components to the Thunder Megazord. When the Zord is formed, the Firebird would wrap itself around the Red Dragon Thunderzord's waist, forming the belt and kilt. Along with the rest of the Thunderzord Assault Team, it could also combine with the White Tigerzord to form the Mega Tigerzord. The Firebird would form a claw on the White Tigerzord's right arm, also serving as the Mega Tigerzord's common finishing move as it was launched from the arm and charged with energy. As part of the Thunderzord Assault Team, it sits on a pedestal behind the Red Dragon, wings outstretched. The Assault Team could then also form the top portion of the Thunder Ultrazord.

The Firebird was summoned and used as part of the Mega Tigerzord without Pink Ranger on one occasion. Tvicon TV STORY-Wild West Rangers

Appearances: MMPR S2 Episodes 2-5, 7-9, 12, 13, 15-21, 23-25, 27-29, 31-38, 40, 42, 43, 46, 47, 49, 51, 52; MMPR S3 Episodes 3, 4

Alternate Formations[]

Thunderzord Assault Team[]

The Thunderzords could combine to form the Thunderzord Assault Team. The Lion, Unicorn, Griffin, and Firebird would combine into an airborne chariot, which the Red Dragon would ride in his warrior mode. Tvicon TV STORY-Putty on the Brain On at least one occasion, Red Ranger was able to summon the Thunderzord Assault Team without the assistance of the other Rangers. Tvicon TV STORY-The Power Transfer

Appearances: MMPR S2 Episodes 5, 19, 25, 27-29, 35 & 51

Additional Formations[]

Dragon Thunderzord[]

During the battle with the Death Ranger, the Rangers combined the Thunder Megazord with the Dragonzord to combat the Ultra Gold Omegazord.

Appearances: BOOM! MMPR #100, #109

Behind the Scenes[]


to be added


  • PLEX designed the Thunder Megazord. Its design was based on ancient Chinese soldier armor, mostly mountain-pattern armor (Chinese: 山文铠; pinyin: shānwénkǎi). Like the armor, the silhouette of the Thunder Megazord is shaped like the Chinese character for the word "mountain" (山). The Red Dragon Thunderzord is designed like the legendary Monkey King, adorned with 'Hui' or rectilinear spirals, while the Thunderzord Assault Team are designed like stalwart, immovable palace statues. The Lion Thunderzord in particular is modeled after the statue of an Imperial guardian lion, the type that is found in Chinese temples, museums, and government offices, amongst other places. The Unicorn Thunderzord is incorrectly named, as its motif is based off of the winged horse Pegasus, as is the Griffin Thunderzord, which is a Qilin.
Main article: Thunder Megazord/toys
  • The Thunder Megazord has seen several deluxe releases, action figures, collectible figures, and even remote-control versions.


to be added

Legendary Ranger Devices[]

Thunder Megazord Ninja Power Star

Thunder Megazord Ninja Power Star

The Thunder Megazord Ninja Power Star is a special Ninja Power Star that bears the likeness of the Thunder Megazord and is marked with the kanji for "machine". This star is exclusive to the Super Ninja Steel toyline.


  • The Thunderzord summoning effects were created through a mixture of puppetry on a green screen, miniature scenery and digital additions to the models in post-production to try and make them look less plastic. The effects team had to buy some toys of the Mythical Qi Beasts for this effect and watched over Zyuranger footage to keep the style of lightning in the storm footage with that of the lightning used to transform the Dinozords in the transformation sequence.
  • Though normally referred to as the "Thunder Megazord", the original five Rangers on occasion incorrectly referred to it as the "Mega Thunderzord". In "The Mutiny: Part 3", Zordon himself referred to it as the "Mega Thunderzord", even though he called it the "Thunder Megazord" in the previous episode.
  • Because of the intense level of splicing footage between Zyuranger, Zyu2, and Dairanger footage, the Thunderzords rarely fought individually with the summoning of the Zords being followed by a combination sequence except during the fight against Lipsyncher.
  • Individual cockpits for the Thunderzords were never shown because of the need to construct new cockpit sets to showcase the Zyuranger costumes instead of the Dairanger costumes. Individual Zord cockpit sets were never made and only the Thunder Megazord received a newly constructed set.
  • According to Jeff Pruitt in the comment section of his Zyu2 videos on YouTube, all the footage of the Thunder Megazord's cockpit was all filmed in a single afternoon since it was able to be reused interchangeably throughout the series.
  • The Thunderzords were summoned without the Dinozord transformation in the episodes "White Light: Part II", "The Power Transfer: Part I", "Best Man for the Job" and "Wild West Rangers: Part II."
  • The Thunder Megazord's counterpart had a spear that never appeared in Power Rangers as its only Dairanger appearance was in the film which was not adapted due to being a separate purchase than the TV rights.
  • The toyline referred to the combination of the Red Dragon Warrior Mode and the Thunderzord Assault Team as "Thunder Megazord Attack Mode", but this term was not used in the series.

Mastodon Lion Thunderzord with rear legs.

  • Bandai toys were used to film the Dinozord to Thunderzord transformation sequences, which explains why Lion Thunderzord was decorated with thunderbolts and lost some green coloration. Rear legs were also added to the Zord; these limbs were absent from its Dairanger counterpart.
  • To reinforce the point that the Lion Thunderzord was the Black Ranger's Zord, the Lion Thunderzord's head was repainted black in the American toy release instead of green. The Lion Thunderzord originated as the Zord of Dairanger's Green Ranger.
  • The names of the Unicorn and Griffin Thunderzords don't match their appearances. The Griffin Thunderzord resembles a Kirin while the Unicorn Thunderzord resembles a Tenma.


See Also[]


