Icon-mightymorphinThis article is about an episode in Mighty Morphin Power Rangers.


At the Youth Center, Tommy helps Kimberly work on her float design for the upcoming parade. Bulk and Skull come to make trouble, but Bulk is allergic to Kim's flowers. Rita Repulsa sends Putties to attack Tommy and Kimberly, and ultimately destroy the model. Kim is distraught over the damage. The design is due later that day.

Finster creates Spit Flower for Rita. Its flowers will drain people of their energy.

Tommy takes the remains of the float design and leaves. Meanwhile, the others are summoned to the Command Center. Zordon informs the five about Spit Flower. The Rangers confront the monster, but it covers them all in ferocious flowers that weaken them. Rita's wand turns Spit Fire into a giant.

Tommy decides to rebuild Kimberly's design. He's sent to help the Rangers and knocks Spit Flower down with a blast from his Dragon Dagger. Dragonzord Battle Mode spars with Spit Flower, but the beast is too strong. The Rangers are brought back to the Command Center. Zordon says that destroying the monster's mist sack will weaken it. Green Ranger is told to stay behind in case the other five fail.

Elsewhere, Bulk and Skull are attacked by some of the biting flowers.

Pink Ranger hits Spit Flower's sack with an arrow from her Power Bow. Together, the Rangers win by using the Power Blaster.

Alpha helps Tommy finish fixing the float design. At the Youth Center, the gang watches the parade on television. Kimberly sees her float and thanks Tommy. Bulk and Skull appear covered in bandages, but Zack scares them off with a bouquet of flowers.



  • Spit Flower's real name is Flora Expectarosa, according to Finster.
  • Green Ranger is the only Ranger to ever harm a giant monster without using a zord. That is until the episode Quantum Secrets.
  • One can gather by now that Green Ranger is more of backup to the main five Rangers, and is only summoned when help is really needed.


  • Just before being destroyed, Spit Flower's tendril/claw is seen on the ground nearby. Who cut it off?
  • If Kimberly was making a model to be turned into a float, how was there enough time for Tommy to remake the model, submit it to be looked at by those running the float, AND make the full size float before the end of the day?