Icon-magirangerThis article is about a lair in Power Rangers Mystic Force.

Ten Terrors Chamber

The Ten Terrors Chamber is a chamber located deep within the Underworld. It is the base of operations of the Ten Terrors. The Terrors were led by Sculpin.


The Chamber of the Ten Terrors originally existed only in the worst nightmares and the Ten Terrors were located there and waited for the return of their Master Octomus. After the Master was defeated, the Terrors waited him, and wanted to aid him in his conquest of the Surface World, but they eventually started doubt his return.

The Chamber first appeared in the twenty-fourth episode. When the Fortress of the Underworld was destroyed by Leanbow in the twenty-third episode Tvicon TV STORY-Heir Apparent, Necrolai found the Book of Prophecy, Necrolai tumbled into the inner sanctum, and found the Ten Terrors. The Queen of the Vampires encountered the Ten Terrors and told the Guards of the Underworld about Octomus's defeat at the hands of Leanbow and Imperious's destruction at the hands of Daggeron The Solaris Knight. The Terrors agreed to help Necrolai eliminate the Mystic Rangers and conquer the Human World. Necrolai relocated to the Chamber of Terrors along with remnants of Hidiac and Styxoid armies. Tvicon TV STORY-The Light

The Ten Terrors seek to resurrect Octomus with their ways - the chosen Terror must fight the Power Rangers and if he wins, the Master will be resurrected. All Terrors are in their giant size in the chamber. The Terrors have the Rules of Darkness and follow them to resurrect Octomus. But the Terrors sometimes started to doubt the return of the Master. The Terrors have highly severe hierarchy. The break of Rules of Darkness risk the destruction of the Terrors. The Terrors are even ready to destroy the Terror who dared to break the rules. The Terrors tried to defeat the Rangers by following the rules, but some Terrors eventually broke the rules and attempted to take down the Rangers by cheating and trespassing. The first Terror to break the rules was Megahorn. Megahorn attacked Daggeron and tried to destroy the Solaris Knight to impress the Master and become the main Terror. Megahorn nearly destroyed Daggeron, but Itassis intervened and stopped Megahorn. The Terrors were furious of Megahorn and claimed that it could be a catastrophe as he broke the laws. Tvicon TV STORY-The Hunter

Serpentina also tried to take down the Rangers by deception. She forced Hekatoid to enchant Nick and Vida and take away their Ranger powers and easily destroy the weakened Rangers. But Itassis again intervened and restored the powers of the Rangers. The Rangers defeated Serpentina. Sculpin noticed Leanbow in the Lake of Lament and realized that Leanbow trapped the Master. Tvicon TV STORY-Hard Heads

Eventually the Terrors noticed that Octomus didn't show any signs of return and it was Leanbow who interfered him. Sculpin originally followed the rules but easily broke them when he found out that they don't work. When Megahorn was chosen and battled the Rangers, Sculpin broke the rules and sent Black Lance to help Megahorn, despite Itassis insisted that it was the break of the rules. Sculpin actually did it to lure Leanbow. Sculpin gave Necrolai his scale to track down Leanbow. Megahorn and Black Lance nearly overpowered the Rangers, but Leanbow intervened in the form of Koragg and defeated Black Lance. However, Necrolai placed the scale on Leanbow and the Terrors used it to track down Leanbow. Tvicon TV STORY-The Snow Prince

Hekatoid tried to defeat the Rangers by kidnapping Udonna and poisoning Briarwood, but was again defeated by the Mystic Rangers. Tvicon TV STORY-Light Source

In the final try to defeat the Rangers and conquer the Human World, the Terrors attempted to resurrect Octomus by using a vessel for him. Matoombo was chosen to attack the Surface World, but turned good and stopped serving the Master. The Rangers tried to save Matoombo, but Sculpin killed Matoombo and used his body as a vessel for the Master. Tvicon TV STORY-The Return

In the finale of Mystic Force, Octomus and all the Terrors were destroyed by the Rangers. Most of the Terrors were destroyed, except Itassis and Matoombo who redeemed themselves. After the defeat of the Ten Terrors, their secret chamber was abandoned. Tvicon TV STORY-Mystic Fate

Power nav icon Power Rangers Mystic Force Icon-magiranger
Nick Russell - Chip Thorn - Madison Rocca - Vida Rocca - Xander Bly - Daggeron - Udonna - Leanbow
Mystic Morphers - Snow Staff - Solar Cell Morpher - Wolf Morpher - Fierce Dragon Morpher - Magi Staffs - Mystic Force Fighters - Laser Lamp - Mystic Muscles - Mystic Legend Armor - Mystic Lion Staff - Red Dragon Fire Ranger - Ancient Mystic Mode - Knight Saber - Wolf Shield - Xenotome - Mystic Racers - Mystic Speeder - Mystic Carpet
Clare - Toby Slambrook - Phineas - Jenji - Leelee Pimvare - Fire Heart - Tribunal of Magic - Snow Prince - Mystic Mother
Zords and Megazords
Mystic Phoenix - Mystic Garuda - Mystic Mermaid - Mystic Sprite - Mystic Minotaur - Solar Streak - Catastros - Mystic Firebird - Mystic Lion - Brightstar
Mystic Titans: Dragon Formation - Titan Megazord - Centaurus Wolf Megazord - Centaurus Phoenix Megazord - Solar Streak Megazord - Manticore Megazord - Phoenix Unizord
The Master
Morticon - Necrolai - Koragg, The Knight Wolf - Imperious - Hidiacs - Styxoids
Ten Terrors: Sculpin - Magma - Oculous - Serpentina - Megahorn - Hekatoid - Gekkor - Matoombo - Itassis - Black Lance
Dark Troll - Mucor - Hydra Worm - Clawbster - Rock Troll - Taxi Cab Monster - Giant Spider - Flytrap - Boney - Skullington - Gargoyle of the Gates - Jester the Pester - Behemoth - Gnatu - Spydex - Screamer - Barbarian Beasts (Warmax - Shrieker - 50 Below - Fightoe) - Ursus - Chimera