Icon-shinkengerThis article is about an episode in Power Rangers Samurai.

Team Spirit is the sixteenth episode of Power Rangers Samurai. The episode introduces the Claw Battlezord.


When a Nighlok steals people's spirits, including the Yellow Ranger's, the other Samurai Rangers must defeat him before his victims fall into an eternal sleep.


While the Rangers, minus Emily are decorating for her birthday. Splitface, a Nighlok who steals spirits, attacks a businessman and several other people in the city by taking their souls.

Splitface easily takes down Mike, Antonio, Mia, Jayden, Kevin, and Emily. The Nighlok then takes Emily's spirit. He mocks the other Rangers, and tells them that they only have twenty-four hours to defeat him or Emily and 54 other people, who he stole spirits from, will be asleep forever. Splitface then tells them he is going away and is never coming back.

Back at the Shiba House, Emily temporarily wakes up and tells the other Rangers she feels sorry for letting it get to her, and she feels empty inside before falling back asleep once more.

Mike becomes enraged and confronts Splitface at the location of their previous battle, calling him a coward and demanding he come out and fight. Suddenly, Deker appears and informs the Rangers that the only way to enter the Netherworld is for them to give up their humanity and become Nighloks. Just as they are about to give in, Antonio arrives and claims he knows how they can rescue Emily and the others humans. The Rangers use their Symbol Power to summon the ClawZord and engage the Nighlok. Because Antonio marked him, Splitface is unable to perform the Body Swarm.

Antonio uses ClawZord with the help of the Samurai Battlewing to defeat Splitface and return the spirits.

Later, the Rangers celebrate Emily's birthday, as well as ClawZord's.


Power Discs[]


  • Samurai ClawZord/Claw Battlezord
  • Samurai Battlewing
    • TigerZord
    • SwordfishZord
    • BeetleZord
  • LionZord (Mega-Mode Morph only)
  • DragonZord (Mega-Mode Morph only)
  • BearZord (Mega-Mode Morph only)


  • to be added


  • Only the male Rangers use their Zords in this episode. Emily was incapacitated the whole episode and Mia's Zord cannot form any other combinations let alone form a Megazord on its own.
  • Paul Schrier (Bulk) and Felix Ryan (Spike) do not appear in this episode.

See Also[]

External Links[]

Power nav icon List of Power Rangers Samurai and Super Samurai episodes Icon-shinkengerIcon-supersamurai

1 & 2: Origins • 3: The Team Unites • 4: Deal With a Nighlok • 5: Day Off • 6: Sticks and Stones • 7: A Fish Out of Water • 8: There Go the Brides • 9: I've Got a Spell on Blue • 10: Forest for the Trees • 11: Test of the Leader • 12: Jayden's Challenge • 13: Unexpected Arrival • 14: Room for One More • 15: The Blue and the Gold • 16: Team Spirit • 17: The Tengen Gate • 18: Boxed In • 19: Broken Dreams • 20: The Ultimate Duel • Halloween Special: Party Monsters • Christmas Special: Christmas Together, Friends Forever

Super Samurai

1: Super Samurai • 2: Shell Game • 3: Trading Places • 4: Something Fishy • Movie: Clash of the Red Rangers • 5: The Rescue • 6: The BullZord • 7: He Ain't Heavy Metal, He's My Brother • 8: Kevin's Choice • 9: Runaway Spike • 10: The Strange Case of the Munchies • 11: A Sticky Situation • 12: Trust Me • Halloween Special: Trickster Treat • 13: The Master Returns • 14: A Crack in the World • 15: Stroke of Fate • Christmas Special: Stuck on Christmas • 16: Fight Fire With Fire • 17: The Great Duel • 18: Evil Reborn • 19: The Sealing Symbol • 20: Samurai Forever
