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"Ay-yi-yi, this place is a disaster!"

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Icon-boukengerThis article is about an episode in GoGo Sentai Boukenger.

Task. 8: The Treasure of Atlantis (Task. 8 アトランティスの秘宝 Tasuku Eito: Atorantisu no Hihō) is the eighth episode of GoGo Sentai Boukenger.


A discovery tied to the lost city of Atlantis unleashes a metamorphic monster upon Souta and Natsuki as they watch SGS base.


GoGo Marine Diver is underwater and Gajah is above water. Sakura detects a Precious and lifts a rock. She heard Gajah's chanting before the light blinds her. The Precious jumps out of the water and into Gajah's hands. He becomes startled when he sees BoukenRed. Yellow tosses a boulder in his face and the Precious lands in Black's hands. Gajah blasts Black and Black tosses it to Blue. Blue flips and catches it. The four gather and Karths appear. The Boukenger fight the Karths and Pink jumps in and help them. The Karths then all gather around Gajah. Red dons the Accel Tector. They use the Drill Head of the Dual Crusher to destroy the Karths around Gajah, making him fall. They plan to do the same with Gajah using the Mixer Head. Before they shoot, he asks if they know what they possess. Blue thinks it is Oriharcon, a mystical metal from Atlantis. Gajah calls them idiots, saying that it is Vril. Gajah can't wait for the Boukenger to pay for their incompetence. Red shoots but unfortunately Gajah teleports down. Black is happy to have it and tries to get it from Blue's hands but it slips and ends up in Yellow's hands. Yellow says Morio will be angry if it is damaged and then tosses it in the air carelessly.

Back at SGS, Morio's love for the Precious makes the others giggle. Morio's dream is to prove Atlantis exists. Natsuki opens her candy box and is upset there is only one left. Souta plays his guitar. Masumi says Morio is strange. Satoru announces free time. Mister Voice appears and says the place can't be abandoned, and that he is going out. The Boukenger loose their stance in Anime-fashion. Voice says someone has to take care of the place. All heads turn to him and he becomes flustered. Souta volunteers, saying he has stuff to do. Sakura thinks a second person should stay. Masumi thinks they should find out who stays using their usual routine.

Meanwhile in Morio's lab, he detects the Precious has a zero hazard level. He tries to open it and it reveals a second one. He opens it to reveal yet another smaller one. The Boukenger play a game where they must come up with a word that has the same letter in the beginning as the letters from the last word. Masumi says Saba (Mackerel), Sakura says Barukan Hou (Vulcan Cannon), and Satoru says Ushi (Cow). But Natsuki loses with Shyokupan (bread). Natsuki is upset because she is hungry. They leave. Morio has completely taken it apart and is surprised it is empty. A little marble-like thing bounces around. The detector says warning, hazard level is 130. Morio goes to the computer when he hears the beeping sound and thinks it is broken. The Vril becomes a pen, identical to the one on the table. Morio types and brushes the pen aside. He goes down to get it and finds a stone pig under the couch. He goes to put it where it belongs but he finds the stone pig is already on the wall unit. He decides to put the extra stone pig next to a plant and it becomes the plant. The leaves from the plant stretch out an surround him. Natsuki laments and then goes to Souta's computer is surprised she has pictures of her. She gets upset when she discovers there is detailed information on her. Souta runs to it. She thinks he doesn't trust him. He assures her it has info on everyone, to strategize, but she won't listen. He goes to the elevator and laments that he doesn't feel at ease unless he finds informaiton on his co-workers. He admits this is a bad habit.

Sakura, Satoru, and Masumi are walking in the city and Sakura feels bad for Natsuki but Masumi says to stay firm. They split up, Satoru and Sakura both saying they have places to be. Masumi is surprised.

Meanwhile, Souta enters Morio's lab to find he is not there and discovers two chairs. He sits on one of them and it starts bouncing him around. He falls to the ground and the chair rolls out to the elevator. Souta finds unconscious Morio around the corner. Morio explains Vril attacked him, it wasn't the Oriharcon like they once thought. According to legends from Atlantis, Vril has mysterious power. As he says that, Akashi checks a book (about treasures from Atlantis) in the book store, He finds a chapter about Vril, Satoru remembers what Gajah said.

Meanwhile, Sakura enjoys ice cream in a shop, Masumi enters a guitar store, He picks up a guitar and calls Souta a punk for trying to look cool with his guitar. He tries playing.

Back at SGS, Natsuki is exercising on a bike when the elevator opens. She thinks its Souta so she hides behind the couch. She won't forgive him yet. Souta goes through the information on the laptop. He walks to Natsuki darkly and starts strangling her. She breaks free and he tries hitting her with the guitar, and completely destroys the guitar. She asks who he is. Morio explains to the real Souta that the Precious is dangerous and it grows as it gets more information, eventually to replace humanity. The elevator doesn't work, so Souta seeks to find a way to the main room to save Natsuki. Sakura calls Natsuki to see if she wants something but gets no answer because Vril knocks Natsuki over the railing, knocking her Accellular out of reach. Souta climbs up some steps and then crawls through a railing and his Accellular falls out. He keeps going up. It is Akashi who is calling. he rushes out of the store, with thoughts (Gajah, the book and dumb Morio) running through his head Vril picks up a chair and aims to hit Natsuki.

The real Souta gets out the elevator in time to block the attack. Souta kicks him to the wall. Souta and Natsuki re-acquaint as Vril gets up. Vril then attacks Souta. The two Soutas fight as the real one discovers there is no effect in punching Vril. Souta recoups under the table. He says he copied his moves. Natsuki encourages him by saying no one can mimic him because he is the real one. Souta gets up with vigor and they fight again. Souta gives Vril a good kick in his fake face and he starts overloading. It changes to Satoru, Bouken Yellow, Bouken Black, Natsuki, Bouken Pink, Bouken Red, Masumi, and finally Bouken Blue. Morio rushes in with Souta's Accellular, thinking Vril is him. Vril pushes him aside and runs off. Souta grabs his Accellular and thanks him and follows the imposter. Morio is perplexed. Souta follows Vril out of the building and changes into Bouken Blue and meets Vril down outside. They stance around each other. Masumi whistles as he arrives to the building. Sakura meets up with him with a bag of treats for Natsuki. Natsuki runs into them asking for Souta and Souta. She passes by Akashi and runs off. He asks the two what is up with her. Sakura tells him what Natsuki said. He picks up that Vril copied Souta before all of them leave.

Souta and Vril fight outside of a building. They leap in the air in streaks and fight up in the air. They both drop down. Souta is hurt, down on the floor. Vril jumps up at him but Souta manages to kick him away. Souta recoups as Natsuki approaches. She asks if he is the real one as the others arrives. Vril comes out from under a waste container, growling. Masumi says he will find the real one and transforms in Bouken Black. He calls for his Survi-Buster. Akashi calls out for him. Natsuki stands before the two blues, saying he doesn't know who is the real one. Masumi calls out, "Hey former spy!" Both respond and act the same. Black aims it at Souta, then at Vril and then at... Natsuki. Everyone gasps. Natsuki covers her face and Souta runs after her and grabs her out of the range of fire. Black shoots the Bouken Blue, who didn't move. It glows blue and splits into two. The two impostors run off. The team check if the real Souta is okay. Sakura called the move reckless. Akashi tells them to follow and they run off. Souta stays. He gets an idea and runs off in the opposite direction.

Bouken Red, Black, Yellow and Pink shoot at the two Bouken Blues and they split into multiple Bouken Blues. They all aim their Survi-Busters at the four. Before they can do anything, Souta rolls in with the GoGo Mixer. He mows through the gross of impostors. Souta performs the move Agitation Shoot and cement is released from GoGo Mixer. The multiple Bouken Blues are covered in cement and become stuck, which makes Souta laugh. Akashi tells him good job. They all glow and become a badly-constructed DaiBouken. Souta says it must've taken the DaiBouken data from his laptop. Sakura says maybe the information was not complete. The Boukenger call for their five main GoGo Vehicles and form DaiBouken. DaiBouken and Vril fight. Vril splits into pieces and seem to be invisible. They regather behind DaiBouken. It shoots DaiBouken from its Vril eyes. DaiBouken falls. Souta shoots Vril with lasers from GoGo Mixer. Vril falls. Satoru calls for GoGo Drill and they create DaiBouken Drill and Mixer. They shoot Vril with cement and then destroy it with their Drill's Bind Break attack.

Later at SGS, the five celebrate with food. Morio is sad they couldn't find Oriharcon. Satoru reassures him. Morio quickly bounces back to high spirits and eats the food. Masumi falls on his butt. Natsuki asks Masumi how he knew Souta would shield her. She wonders if it could be that they have a close bond. Masumi brushes it off by saying Souta is an idiot. Souta deletes the data from his computer. Natsuki is happy. Souta goes to Natsuki and says its their time for a break. Natsuki jumps up saying it's a date. Souta fulfills her fantasy in saying they will go to the amusement park. Masumi is jealous.


The 30 Sentai Encyclopedia[]

  • Satoru holds up a plush eagle, Souta holds up a shark hand puppet, and Natsuki holds up a plush panther (specifically, a jaguar), references to the three members of Sun Vulcan. They also use the other meaning for san, the Japanese pronunciation for "Sun" and also the Japanese word for the number three.
  • The first combination robot, the Sun Vulcan Robo, is mentioned. At the end, Sakura is in front of the controls at the end of this featurette, saying goodbye.
  • Song: "Taiyo Sentai Sun Vulcan (song)"performed by Akira Kushida and Koorogi '73
  • The trio attacking Masumi with the plush toys refers to the main enemy of the Sun Vulcan, Machine Empire Black Magma.


to be added


  • As part of Super Hero Time, this episode aired alongside Kamen Rider KabutoIcon-crosswiki episode 11, The Burning GokonIcon-crosswiki
  • Viewership: 6.1%
  • The game played by the Boukenger to determine the left-behind member is called "shiritori" and involves going around in a circle naming words, with the next word always starting with the last syllable of the previous word. Natsuki ended up losing because her word ended with the Japanese syllable "N" (), which nothing starts with.
  • None of the episode footage was used in Power Rangers Operation Overdrive.

DVD releases[]

Boukenger DVD Vol 2

Boukenger Volume 2, DVD cover

GoGo Sentai Boukenger Volume 2 features episodes 5-8: Task 5: The Imperial Pearl, Task 6: The Cursed Fog, Task 7: The Salamander's Scale and Task 8: The Treasure of Atlantis. [1]



Icon-boukenger List of GoGo Sentai Boukenger Episodes
Episodes 1-10
Task. 1: The Heart of the Demon GodTask. 2: The Dragon ThievesTask. 3: The Champion's BladesTask. 4: The Lost VehiclesTask. 5: The Imperial PearlTask. 6: The Cursed FogTask. 7: The Salamander's ScaleTask. 8: The Treasure of AtlantisTask. 9: The Paper Crane NinjaTask. 10: Bouken Red Disappears
Episodes 11-20
Task. 11: The Showdown on the Isolated IslandTask. 12: The Pipes of HamelinTask. 13: The Treasures of Princess KaguyaTask. 14: The Revived PastTask. 15: The Water MetropolisTask. 16: The Water CrystalTask. 17: The Ashu MirrorTask. 18: The Man that LivedTask. 19: The Dazzling AdventurerTask. 20: The Brand-New Giant
Episodes 21-30
Task. 21: The Mallet of UchideTask. 22: The Ring of SolomonTask. 23: The Dangerous PartnerTask. 24: The Hatsune DrumTask. 25: The Forbidden FruitTask. 26: The Glass SlipperTask. 27: The Feng-Shui TrapTask. 28: The Legendary ArmorTask. 29: The Golden SwordTask. 30: The Rage of the Golden Majin
Episodes 31-40
Task. 31: The Flame of the Ruined CountryTask. 32: The Secret of the Adventure SchoolTask. 33: The Sun of LemuriaTask. 34: The Distant MemoriesTask. 35: The Head of GodTask. 36: The Oni's KanabouTask. 37: The Yearned-For Showbiz WorldTask. 38: The Rainbow ClothTask. 39: The Prometheus StoneTask. 40: The Western Ashu
Episodes 41-49
Task. 41: The Mercurius VesselTask. 42: The Age of the QuestersTask. 43: The Dangerous Christmas PresentTask. 44: The Hermit's OnsenTask. 45: The Evilest Wicked DragonTask. 46: The Awakened DarknessTask. 47: The Box of DespairTask. 48: The Fearsome High PriestLast Task: The Boundless Adventure Souls
Movies & Stage Shows
Movies: GoGo Sentai Boukenger The Movie: The Greatest PreciousGoGo Sentai Boukenger vs. Super SentaiJuken Sentai Gekiranger vs. Boukenger
Stage Shows: Boukenger Stage Show at Super Hero New Hero LegendBoukenger Stage Show at 3 Heroes New Hero LegendBoukenger Stage Show at Double Hero Tokyo Dome CityBoukenger Stage Show at Red Heroes Tokyo Dome CityBoukenger Stage Show at Return of Mahou Sentai Magiranger WAKAYAMA Marina-citybleBoukenger Stage Show at Super Hero Nagoya DomeGoGo Sentai Boukenger Final Live Tour 2007