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If a true counterpart of Chaos is set to appear in Dino Supercharge, then wouldn't Sledge be the counterpart to Deboss? I'm just asking to double check on factual accuration New Seeker (talk) 17:06, June 27, 2015 (UTC)

We don't know that Chaos is to appear at all. He was also in the first Dino Charge preview.  Digifiend  Talk  PR/SS  KR  MH  Toku  JD  Garo  TH  CG  UM  Logos  CLG  DW  00:53, 28/6/2015 
Dino "Supercharge" preview... which is what I'm talking about. New Seeker (talk) 01:33, June 28, 2015 (UTC)
What Digifiend is saying is that he appeared in the first one but hasn't yet appeared. Thus he may not be in Super Charge either, even though he is in the trailer. Just because Sentai footage is used doesn't mean it will appear in the show. Chaos' counterpart would have debuted in Dino Charge anyway.  Nbajammer  Talk  RW  KR  MH  TK  KI  JD  Garo  TH  CG  UM  GZ  TF  GoT  48  BS  SH  SI  TFs  FF  SO  RE  GA  CT  DQ  01:39,6/28/2015 