
The Dino Charge Megazord will appear in Episode 2, "Past, Present and Fusion". MacKing (talk) 02:32, February 1, 2015 (UTC)

How do you know that?  Digifiend  Talk  PR/SS  KR  MH  Toku  JD  Garo  TH  CG  UM  Logos  CLG  DW  03:01, 1/2/2015 
This is just a hunch because the five core team members will have already been assembled at that point, so actually it should be more likely that episode 3 would be the debut. MacKing (talk) 03:14, February 1, 2015 (UTC)

Cockpit Info[]

Is it possible to add an image of the cockpit for the PR version, or is there no point in doing so?Lokker G (talk) 21:48, March 22, 2015 (UTC)
