Icon-mightymorphinThis article is about a foot soldier in Mighty Morphin Power Rangers.
Super Putties

Super Putties

""Excellent Finster! You’ve really outdone yourself. “Thank you your Evilness. Just a few more and your army will be complete." “And those irritating teenagers will be powerless to stop them?”"
Rita and Finster discussing the Super Putties.[src]
""“{The Super Putties} are made from the Super Putty that she mined and are nearly indestructible.”"
Zordon describing the Super Putties to the Power Rangers.[src]

The Super Putty Patrollers were upgraded versions of the Putty Patrol, made from the Super Putty that Rita Repulsa and her minions mined during the time that they were dealing with Rita's Frankenstein monster. They serve as the primary antagonists of the episode "Gung Ho!" alongside Titanus.

The Super Putties were supposedly nearly indestructible. These "Super Putties" had a unique ability. Every time one was supposedly defeated it instead split into two more Putties. The Black and Pink Rangers appeared to have gained the upper hand temporarily by splitting two Super Putties in half with the Blade Blaster and Power Axe respectively, only to succumb to the resulting creation of two more Super Putties.

The only thing that could defeat the Super Putties were special weapons that were retrieved by Jason and Tommy, which were under guard by the Carrierzord, Titanus. These weapons were able to fire lasers that vaporised each of them with single hits.

Despite Rita promising to have them return in the future, they were never seen again.

See Also
