Icon-kyoryugerThis article is about a/an Zord in Power Rangers Dino Charge and Power Rangers Dino Super Charge.

For the similarly named Zord in Power Rangers Dino Thunder, see Stegozord.
"Dino Charger, Ready! Summon Stego Zord!"
―Koda summoning the Stego Zord[src]

The Stego Zord is the sentient personal Zord of the Dino Charge Blue Ranger. It possesses the spirit of the Stegosaurus that was given the Blue Energem 65 million years ago, just before Sledge's ship electro-net was disabled when his ship was bombed and the meteors therein caused the dinosaur extinction.


PRDC Stego Zord

Stegosaurus Spirit

to be added

Appearances: DC Episodes 3-4, 6-8, 10, 12-14, 16, 20, 22; DSC Episodes 3, 6, 13, 14, 16, 19, 21, 22; BM S2 Episode 13


The Stego Zord awakened when Koda acquired the Blue Energem. Later on, Kendall determined how to combine it with the T-Rex Zord and Tricera Zord to form the Dino Charge Megazord: Tri-Stego Formation. Tvicon TV STORY-A Fool's Hour

Behind the Scenes[]


to be added


to be added


to be added

Dino Charger[]

ZSK-Zyudenchi 3

Stego Charger


to be added


See Also[]



Power nav icon Power Rangers Dino Charge & Power Rangers Dino Super Charge Icon-kyoryuger
Tyler Navarro - Chase Randall - Koda - Riley Griffin - Shelby Watkins - Sir Ivan of Zandar - James Navarro - Prince Phillip III - Kendall Morgan - Zenowing
Energems - Dino Charge Morpher - Gold Ptera Morpher - T-Rex Super Charge Morpher - Titano Charge Morpher - Dino Com - Dino Saber - Dino Blade Blaster - Dino Chargers - T-Rex Smasher - Para Chopper - Stego Shield - Raptor Claw - Tricera Drill - Dino Spike - T-Rex Chopper - Triple Spike - Gold Ptera Saber - Royal Dino Punch - Dino Steel - Dino Armor X - Dino Super Drive Saber - Dino Cycle
Keeper - Albert Smith - Heckyl
Zords and Megazords
T-Rex Zord - Para Zord - Stego Zord - Raptor Zord - Tricera Zord - Ptera Zord - Ankylo Zord - Pachy Zord - Plesio Zord - Titano Zord - Spino Zord
Toy-Exclusive Zords
Deinosuchus Zord - Oviraptor Zord - Ammonite Zord - Archelon Zord
Dino Charge Megazord - Ptera Charge Megazord - Plesio Charge Megazord - Titano Charge Megazord - Dino Charge Ultrazord - Spino Charge Megazord
Sledge & Snide's Crew
Sledge - Snide - Wrench - Poisandra - Fury - Curio - Vivix - Vivizords - Spikeballs
Lord Arcanon's Crew
Lord Arcanon - Singe - Doomwing
Iceage - Scrapper - Slammer - Spellbinder - Cavity - Stingrage - Duplicon - Puzzler - Bones - Smokescreen - Gold Digger - G-BO - Memorella - Shearfear - Meteor - Wish Star - Greenzilla
Cloaked Alien - Nightmare - Ninja - Hunter - Game Face - Spell Digger - Half-Bake - Hookbeard - Beauticruel - Scumlaw - Leisure - Loafer - Fortress - Screech - Conductro - Professor Strickler - Badussa - Heximas