Icon-gingamanThis article is about a villainess in Seiju Sentai Gingaman.

"Enough, Sambash! What would we do if we broke something?"
―Steerwoman Shellinda's first words when scolding Gun Boss Sambash for getting too eager and shot the ship's wheel.[src]

""Ginga Green... I'm not done yet... I can still fight... DIE! (...) I win"
―Shellinda's final words before her death.[src]

"Long time no see, Gingaman."
―Shellinda's first words after being resurrected.[src]

"The only ruler in the universe was the Space Pirates."
―Shellinda after slashing Hizumina from behind.[src]

"Give up now! All of you go to hell!"
―Shellinda's final words before her death.[src]

Steerwoman Shellinda (操舵士シェリンダ Sōdashi Sherinda, 1-49, Gingaman vs. Megaranger) is the second-in command and navigator of Barban and one of the main antagonists of Seiju Sentai Gingaman.


Shellinda first appeared as the second in command to Zahab; she was the white-haired steerwoman of Barban. She first made an appearance to stop Sambash from destroying her steerwheel.Tvicon TV STORY-Chapter 1: The Legendary Blades

She led the attack on the Ginga Forest in order to gain the forest energy necessary to revive Daitanix. The plan was foiled by Oogi who turned the forest into stone.Tvicon TV STORY-Chapter 2: The Return of the Starbeasts

Shellinda later appeared to confront the Gingaman, for the first time, to prevent them from foiling Sambash's final plan. She led a group of Yartots to confront Ryoma and Hayate on the top of the mountain near Ginga Forest and tossed a Shell Bomb toward them, exploded and throw the latter two off the cliff in the river. When searching for the two men whereabouts she heard Hayate's flute voice from all directions. She used her own shell flute to dispel those from false direction, only to find Ryoma, as Hayate was then far away from her. Furiously, she attacked Ryoma and left the Yartots to kill him. She then left to battle Hayate, who had succeeded in stopping Sutoijii's soundwave. Shellinda then attacked him, only to lose with a wound on her arm. This started her rivalry with him.Tvicon TV STORY-Chapter 10: The Flute of the Wind

When Iliess's scheme to turn the humans into stone by drawing their lifeforce to resurrect Daitanix almost succeeded, Shellinda, thinks that this would be her last chance to vanquish her rival, heads to battle him while the rest of the Gingaman is fighting with GaaraGaara. Despite Hayate slowly turning to stone, Shellinda has claims that this doesn't matter to her as it's Space Pirate's way and draw her sword to battle him. She easily gains the upperhand and almost defeated him if Yuuta didn't interfere.

Hayate slashes Shellinda

Hayate slashes Shellinda

Furiously, she destroy the roof with her energy blast which cause it to crash on Yuuta and laugh at him callously. Hayate, witnessed her action, is fueled with rage and grabbed her sword and launched toward her. Despite attacking him with her energy blast, Hayate managed to rush toward her and slashed on the left side of her chest, caused her to fall down to the floor. Despite her injury, she still kept calling for Hayate to battle her while the latter escape with Yuuta who miraculously survived her attack.

Tvicon TV STORY-Chapter 31: The Cursed Stone Tvicon TV STORY-Chapter 41: The Revival of the Demon-BeastTvicon TV STORY-Chapter 42: The Horrible Demon-Beast Tvicon TV STORY-Chapter 46: The Winds of Anger Tvicon TV STORY-Chapter 48: The End of Moak

Near the finale, around the same time of Battobas's final scheme, after Battobas failed to previously kill Bucrates, Shellinda found Bucrates and critically wounded him.Tvicon TV STORY-Chapter 48: The End of Moak But the latter was later rescued by Hyuga. She then leads a small group of Yartots to find and kill both of them, only for her army to be destroyed within an explosion thanks to Bucrates's sacrifice to save Hyuga and when she arrived at the scene a little later, Shellinda found Bucrates's broken eyeglasses within the wreckage.

Shellinda's Grave

Shellinda's Grave

Afterwards as the Gingamen and Black Knight engaged Battobas and the Yartots, she appeared and forced GingaGreen into one last duel and she was finally defeated by his Hurricane Gust technique. Mortally wounded and refused to admit defeat, she stumbled in an effort to strike Hayate down, only to eventually meet her end as she exploded. Only her sword remained, which was taken back by the Yartots to Zahab.Tvicon TV STORY-Chapter 49: The Mountain of Miracles The sword was later destroyed when Zahab's castle was destroyed by Bull Taurus. Tvicon TV STORY-Final Chapter: The Legends of Tomorrow

Megaranger vs Gingaman[]

Shellinda was resurrected, along with Zahab, the other Generals, and several Maijins. When she learned of Hizumina's treachery, she slashed her, wounding her in the process. Later, she battled GingaGreen and was destroyed by him, once again.


Envisioning the girls in his life cosplaying Sentai characters, Nobuo Akagi, wanting something more "mature", initially saw Sayaka Honiden as Shellinda but decided that she was more of a fit for his own nemesis ©Na. Tvicon TV STORY-Ep. 4: Forbidden Delusion! The Lame Blue Corruption!


Shellinda holding Hayate's bracelet

Shellinda used Miharu's present for Hayate in her scheme.

Shellinda is cruel, selfish, sadistic, and greedy. The mistress of swordmanship, she's a very powerful enemy of the Gingamen. When fighting, she'll never retreat nor leave the battle until the result's shown. She also attacked Hayate, even when he was suffering from the curse of Gaaragaara, saying that it's "the Space Pirate's way". Shellinda never goes easy on anyone, even women or children. Her cruelty's also displayed on her fellow crew members. She never accepts anyone's order(s), except from Zahab. This loyalty to her captain is best shown when Daitanix overheated, she refused to abandon the battle until the captain ordered her to do so. Tvicon TV STORY-Chapter 42: The Horrible Demon-Beast

Apart from fighting against the Gingamen directly, she's also shown to be quite devious, creating an illusion of Hayate's lover to trick him. Overall, all of these eventually proved to be her downfall.

Powers & Abilities[]


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Apart from her swordsmanship, Shellinda utilized various tactics to win the battle. She can lasso her opponent with energy-whip, swinging them around or fires powerful exploding attack from shell ornaments on both of her wrists. Shellinda also uses shell-themed weapon such as a shell bomb on Ryoma and Hayate and Shell Flute to dispel wind power.

As steerwoman and Daitanix's navigator she's the only one (apart from Zahab himself) that can control the demon beast. She also seems to possess some magical abilities, able to create an illusion of Miharu from Hayate's talisman.


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Behind the Scenes[]


Steerwoman Shellinda was portrayed by Kei Mizutani (水谷 ケイ Mizutani Kei).


Concept Art[]


  • Shellinda's name is a combination of the words "shell" and sōdarin (操舵輪), the Japanese word for "helm".


Shellinda in Lost Galaxy

Briefly seen in the background from "Grunchor on the Loose"

Shellinda Dream Battle

Brief shot from "Dream Battle"

  • There are two instances where she can be seen in Power Rangers; once in the episode "Grunchor on the Loose" (standing next to Captain Mutiny just before the Swabbies raise their swords), and once in "Dream Battle" (fighting the Green Ranger briefly).
  • The costume's scar was not repaired when it was used again in Hikonin Sentai Akibaranger.
  • During the series, Shellinda's boots are switched back and forth between ones with heels and ones with no heels.
  • Her rivaled with Hayate was similar to Igum rivaled against Takeru from Hikari Sentai Maskman. However, unlike Igum, Shellinda never chosen to reformed and she died into battle instead.


See Also[]



Icon-gingaman Seiju Sentai Gingaman
Ryoma - Hayate - Gouki - Hikaru - Saya - Hyuga
Ginga Forest: Elder Orghi - Fairy Bokku - Wisdom Tree Moak - Miharu
Others: Haruhiko Aoyama - Yuuta Aoyama - Suzuko Mizusawa - BullBlack - Krantz - Shunsuke Kishimoto
Legend Sentai: Kenta Date - Koichiro Endo - Shun Namiki - Chisato Jogasaki - Miku Imamura - Matoi Tatsumi - Nagare Tatsumi - Shou Tatsumi - Daimon Tatsumi - Matsuri Tatsumi
Transformation Devices
Ginga Brace - Bull Riot
Starbeast Swords - Mechanical Blade Kiba - Beast Attack Rods - Knight Axe
Beast Racehorses - Galeo Pulsar
Lights of Ginga - Beast Armor Shine
Mecha and Robos
Starbeast GingaLeon - Starbeast Gingalcon - Starbeast Gingarilla - Starbeast Gingaverick - Starbeast Gingat - Heavy Starbeast GoTaurus
GigaBitus - GigaWheel 1 - GigaWheel 2 - GigaWheel 3 - GigaWheel 4 - GigaWheel 5 - GigaWing 1 - GigaWing 2 - GigaWing 3 - GigaWing 4 - GigaWing 5
Giant Robos:
Seiju Gattai GingaiOh - Combined Beast-Warrior BullTaurus - GigaBitus Scramble Mode - Steel Starbeast GigaRhinos - Steel Starbeast GigaPhoenix
Space Pirates Barban
Leader: Captain Zahab
Crew: Steerwoman Shellinda - Barreled Scholar Bucrates - Dark Merchant Biznella - Ihab
Balban Majin Army Generals: Gun Boss Sambash - Samurai General Budoh - Spectral Empress Iliess - Destruction King Battobas
Sambash Majin Gang
Kolshizer - Rigurou - Dreddredder - Bucter - Tagredor - Torbador - Dolmar - Mandiger - Sutoijii - Neikaa - Gurinjii
Budoh Majin Mob
Komuhachi - Fudasoujou - Kemuemon - Amehoshi - Kugutsudayuu - Kairikibou - Sunabakutou - Hyoudogasa - Houretsudou - Dotoumusha - Onimaru & Yamimaru
Iliess Majin Tribe
Medoumedou - Wangawanga - Geltgelt - Morgumorgu - Hielahiela - Barukibaruki - Gaaragaara - Merudameruda - Desphias
Battobas Majin Corps
Bammers - Bombs - Gobies - Magdas - Bazoogas - Degius - Dangs - Chainzaws - Zakkas - Mizziles
Demon Beasts
Demon Beast Daitanix - Earth Demon Beast
Grunts: Seamen Yartots
Other Villains: Hizumina - Captain Gregory - Demon Beast Daitanix II - Demon Beast Fortress Ghelmadix