Icon-gingamanThis article is about a mecha in Seiju Sentai Gingaman.


Steel Starbeast GigaRhinos (鋼星獣ギガライノス Kōseijū GigaRainosu) is one of two Steel Starbeasts, other one being Steel Starbeast GigaPhoenix, in Seiju Sentai Gingaman.


GigaRhinos is armed with the double barreled Gigantis Buster (ギガンティスバスター Gigantisu Basutā) cannon which can fire either single blasts or a rapid fire barrage and can fire a red energy beam through it's chest. In battle, it possesses great strength which it uses to ram through opponents along with great mental focus, which enabled it to resist the illusory powers of the Iliess Majin Merudameruda. When deployed alongside GigaPhoenix, the two are able to combine for an energy cyclone attack. It and GigaPhoenix were both destroyed after fighting Demon Beast Daitanix II in Gingaman vs. Megaranger. Its suit actor was Yasuhiro Takeuchi.

Appearances: Gingaman Episodes TBA


Formerly the red rhinoceros-like Starbeast GingaRhinos (星獣ギガライノス Seijū GingaRainosu), GigaRhinos was mortally wounded when its homeworld was attacked and destroyed by the Barban. Its body was recovered by Dark Merchant Biznella who rebuilt it into a robot along with Steel Starbeast GigaPhoenix and GigaBitus. All three Steel Starbeasts were then sold to the Barban in an attempt to destroy the Starbeasts of the Gingamen. When the Gingamen were able to reach the hearts that still lived inside them on the night of the Star Festival, the Steel Starbeasts broke free and joined the Gingamen as allies.


When not battling, GigaRhinos exists as the five GigaWheels (ギガホイール GigaHoīru) that are stored in the rear bay of GigaBitus. When needed, the GigaWheels are deployed from GigaBitus' Scramble Mode and combine into GigaRhinos through "Beast-Land Fusion" (獣陸合体 Jūriku Gattai). They and the GigaWings are both controlled by the spirits of their respective Starbeasts and don't require pilots to function.

GigaWheel 1[]

GigaWheel 1: GigaWheel 1 forms GigaRhinos' head and back and the "clip" of the Gigantis Buster. Deploys from the lower abdomen of GigaBitus Scramble.

Appearances: Gingaman Episodes TBA

GigaWheel 2[]

GigaWheel 2: GigaWheel 2 forms GigaRhinos' upper torso and the targeting scope of the Gigantis Buster. Deploys form the left hip of GigaBitus Scramble.

Appearances: Gingaman Episodes TBA

GigaWheel 3[]

GigaWheel 3: GigaWheel 3 forms GigaRhinos' waist and the "frame" of the Gigantis Buster. Deploys from the left hip of GigaBitus Scramble.

Appearances: Gingaman Episodes TBA

GigaWheel 4[]

GigaWheel 4: GigaWheel 4 forms GigaRhinos' arms and the muzzles of the Gigantis Buster. Deploys from the left hip of GigaBitus Scramble.

Appearances: Gingaman Episodes TBA

GigaWheel 5[]

GigaWheel 5: GigaWheel 5 forms GigaRhinos' helmet and legs and the "barrel" of the Gigantis Buster. Deploys from the right hip of GigaBitus Scramble.

Appearances: Gingaman Episodes TBA

Behind the Scenes[]


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Concept Art[]


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See Also[]



Icon-gingaman Seiju Sentai Gingaman
Ryoma - Hayate - Gouki - Hikaru - Saya - Hyuga
Ginga Forest: Elder Orghi - Fairy Bokku - Wisdom Tree Moak - Miharu
Others: Haruhiko Aoyama - Yuuta Aoyama - Suzuko Mizusawa - BullBlack - Krantz - Shunsuke Kishimoto
Legend Sentai: Kenta Date - Kouichirou Endou - Shun Namiki - Chisato Jogasaki - Miku Imamura - Matoi Tatsumi - Nagare Tatsumi - Shou Tatsumi - Daimon Tatsumi - Matsuri Tatsumi
Transformation Devices
Ginga Brace - Bull Riot
Starbeast Swords - Mechanical Blade Kiba - Beast Attack Rods - Knight Axe
Beast Racehorses - Galeo Pulsar
Lights of Ginga - Beast Armor Shine
Mecha and Robos
Starbeast GingaLeon - Starbeast Gingalcon - Starbeast Gingarilla - Starbeast Gingaverick - Starbeast Gingat - Heavy Starbeast GoTaurus
GigaBitus - GigaWheel 1 - GigaWheel 2 - GigaWheel 3 - GigaWheel 4 - GigaWheel 5 - GigaWing 1 - GigaWing 2 - GigaWing 3 - GigaWing 4 - GigaWing 5
Giant Robos:
Seiju Gattai GingaiOh - Combined Beast-Warrior BullTaurus - GigaBitus Scramble Mode - Steel Starbeast GigaRhinos - Steel Starbeast GigaPhoenix
Space Pirates Barban
Leader: Captain Zahab
Crew: Steerwoman Shellinda - Barreled Scholar Bucrates - Dark Merchant Biznella
Balban Majin Army Generals: Gun Boss Sambash - Samurai General Budoh - Spectral Empress Iliess - Destruction King Battobas
Sambash Majin Gang
Kolshizer - Rigurou - Dreddredder - Bucter - Tagredor - Torbador - Dolmar - Mandiger - Sutoijii - Neikaa - Gurinjii
Budoh Majin Mob
Komuhachi - Fudasoujou - Kemuemon - Amehoshi - Kugutsudayuu - Kairikibou - Sunabakutou - Hyoudogasa - Houretsudou - Dotoumusha - Onimaru & Yamimaru
Iliess Majin Tribe
Medoumedou - Wangawanga - Geltgelt - Morgumorgu - Hielahiela - Barukibaruki - Gaaragaara - Merudameruda - Desphias
Battobas Majin Corps
Bammers - Bombs - Gobies - Magdas - Bazoogas - Degius - Dangs - Chainzaws - Zakkas - Mizziles
Demon Beasts
Demon Beast Daitanix - Earth Demon Beast
Grunts: Seamen Yartots
Other Villains: Hizumina - Captain Gregory - Demon Beast Daitanix II - Demon Beast Fortress Ghelmadix