Icon-ryusoulgerThis article is about a villain turned ally in Power Rangers Dino Fury and Cosmic Fury.Icon-prdf

"Greetings, all! I am Slyther, a master of illusion. Behold my dazzling deception! (...) Ta-da!"
―Slyther's first lines upon being activated and turning into Void Knight.[src]

"Fine, you caught me. I'm really *changes back into his real form* Slyther. Hold for applause."
―Slyther revealing himself to Zayto.[src]

"Oh dear...."
―Slyther's catchphrase.[src]

"The terrific two!"
―The redeemed Slyther during Javi's concert.[src]

Slyther is a robotic bishop/ringmaster-based general who was created by Mucus to be Void Knight's third general, his new second-in-command following Boomtower's first destruction, and one of the secondary antagonists of Power Rangers Dino Fury. After several battles and the defeat of Void Queen, Slyther and Mucus redeemed themselves, founding a magic show together and becoming allies of the Cosmic Fury Rangers in their war against Lord Zedd.


Dino Fury[]

Season 1[]

Slyther activated

Slyther is activated.

Slyther is created by Mucus, with the latter placing the data on the Rangers and their base into the new robot whilst the former installs a Sporix into him to help him grow giant, having learned from Boomtower that a robot installed with a Sporix can enlarge. When he is activated, his first words are a direct introduction and demonstration of his powers. He appears to be jovial but doesn't care about Mucus being his creator or her request to be friends but he is interested in helping Void Knight with a plan to use his illusion abilities to fool the Rangers so he can steal their Sporix. From there, Slyther sneaks over to Dinohenge, overseeing Zayto and Solon creating an intercom to communicate with Rafkon, which Slyther planned to take advantage of. He later returned to the same place, having transformed into a Rafkonian woman named Arla and met the Rangers, Zayto especially being happy that someone from his world did manage to hear the message. Pretending to have Zayto's abilities to gain their trust, the robot was let into the base, with the intent of stealing the Sporix. However, Solon did not allow it and after everyone left the room, Slyther changes back into his true form and contacts Void Knight, informing him and Mucus that he has entered the base.

Slyther is discovered by Solon and they have a confrontation but Solon is defeated and Slyther returns to the base to steal the Sporix. Thankfully, Zayto figures out something is wrong and stops him before he can obtain the Sporix. In the ensuing fight, Slyther tries to destroy Zayto but he is saved by the Rangers and Zayto manages to defeat the robotic general. However, Slyther transforms into a giant Roostafa but is defeated by the Dino Fury Megazord Warrior Formation's Mega Blast. Although Slyther survives, he ends up being electrocuted over a set of power lines which fries his memories completely. However, Mucus is able to locate him and, after using his amnesia to convince him to be her friend, they return to Area 62. Tvicon TV STORY-Phoning Home

Slyther (as Void Knight)

Slyther as Void Knight.

At some point, Slyther gets his memory back for he and Mucus manage to find Fogshell who they recruit, only for the three of them to be discovered by Javi and Izzy in Evergreen Park. He sees them there and shows the new Sporix Beast how he deals with Rangers before blasting them with his staff. In addition, he finds an unhatched Sporix and delivers it to Void Knight. Tvicon TV STORY-Super Hotshot

Sometimes later, Slyther disguises himself as a human athlete but upon hearing the Black Ranger's conversation with Adrian, he heads to a safe spot to change back into his real form and calls Void Knight to discuss a plan that requires Fogshell's help. Slyther kidnaps Adrian, and at first attempts to trick the Green Ranger so that he could capture her, but that failed, so he decided to blackmail the Rangers into giving him all their Sporix in exchange for their friend. The Rangers give him their Sporix and free Adrian. Slyther takes their Sporix and sends Fogshell to fight them. The Rangers defeat Fogshell and Slyther tried to retrieve the monster's Sporix, but the Rangers catch it first, forcing him to flee. When he decided to do surprise Void Knight with what he got, the chest containing all the Sporix the Rangers collected so far disappeared. Void Knight suddenly realizes that it was an illusion and the Rangers tricked his generals. He becomes angry and punishes them both by first fling Slyther into the gong, and after fling the gong at Mucus, he approaches Slyther with with anger as the later craws backward in fear. Tvicon TV STORY-The Matchmaker


Slyther and company meet Lord Zedd.

When a mysterious cloaked figure invades Area 62 to get the Sporix, Slyther confronts them alongside Void Knight and Mucus. However, the figure reveals himself to be Lord Zedd who easily defeats Slyther and Void Knight although his master Reaghoul then stops him to form an alliance. Tvicon TV STORY-Old Foes

Slyther disguises himself as Mr. Wiz to lure the Rangers into a trap and sends Tidemare to destroy them but he flees with Mucus when Aiyon the Gold Ranger awakens and defeats Tidemare soon after. Tvicon TV STORY-Storm Surge

After stealing a boat with a group of Hengemen, Slyther and Mucus use the parts to create a new general for Void Knight, Wreckmate, to destroy the Mosa Razor Zord but Wreckmate is eventually destroyed by the Mosa Razor Zord Battle Mode. Tvicon TV STORY-Ancient History (Dino Fury)

After Mucus finds Trawler, they teleport to Area 62. Slyther and his comrades watch the BuzzBlast news showing the Gold Ranger won by the popularity. After Void Knight imagines a plan, Slyther disguises once more as a human to trick the Gold Ranger into calling his Zord for his fans. Soon after the Mosa Razor Zord's arrival, Trawler captures it. Void Knight rejoins Slyther and asks him if it is the same Zord that destroyed Wreckmate, which the general confirms. He tells his plan to his master: hypnotize the Mosa Razor Zord so it would only obey Void Knight and destroy the Rangers under his command. After Void Knight's departure, Slyther tries to hypnotize the Mosa Razor Zord, but Javi turns invisible using the Invisi Dino Key and destroys the Hengemen, allowing Aiyon to stop the hypnosis. The Mosa Razor Zord combines with the Dimetro Blazing Zord to form the Electro Zord who attacks Slyther, prompting the general to flee. Tvicon TV STORY-Our Hero

Slyther and Mucus encounter Boneswitch, who has the power to swap bodies. When they reach Area 62, the two generals show Void Knight the Beast's abilities and he does a test by swapping their bodies. Returning to their normal bodies, a disgusted Slyther retires to take a shower. Tvicon TV STORY-The Makeover

On Void Knight's orders, Slyther releases Reaghoul who resurrects Boomtower to fight the Rangers. When Boomtower asks his master to give him a Sporix so he can enlarge, he refuses by saying he doesn't have any to spare. But at this moment, Mucus remarks to Slyther that he never used his Sporix so he can to give it Boomtower. Void Knight agrees and orders two Hengemen to restrain Slyther while Boomtower takes his Sporix. Slyther says that it is just a loan. Tvicon TV STORY-Waking Nightmares

Dark Dimension in Dino Fury

Slyther and Mucus trapped in the Dark Dimension.

Mucus and Slyther (with Reaghoul and Boomtower) help Void Knight kidnap Dr. Akana, who is thrown into a vortex. Reaghoul also throws Mucus and Slyther in there with her after Void Knight leaves. When Zayto destroys Reaghoul and frees Dr. Akana, Mucus and Slyther are both left behind. Tvicon TV STORY-Void Trap

Mucus and Slyther manage to escape the Dark Dimension through unknown means and plan to avenge Void Knight by destroying the Rangers. Slyther steals Santa's Magic Sketchbook to create the Spider Sketch Monster and then a clone of him but both creations are destroyed by the Rangers. After their failure, Mucus and Slyther flee to Area 62. Tvicon TV STORY-Secret Santa

Season 2[]

Slyther and Mucus try to break into Void Knight secret room with a wrecking ball but this fails due to the door's strength. After Slyther is forced to reform Mucus (much to their disgust), Void Knight (having survived his apparent death) contacts them them via a screen. When asking if that's the real Void Knight, Bitscreem teleports in and threatens to destroy them if they dare to question Void Knight again. Slyther and Bitscreem are later able to steal the Fix-it Key from the Ranger when he poses as a flower trolly owner and has Javi fix it with said Key only for Bitscreem to steal it. Later, Slyther and Mucus work as a distraction so that Bitscreem can steal back the Void Knight Saber. Tvicon TV STORY-Numero Uno

Wreckmate vs

Slyther competes against Wreckmate

Mucus is horrified at the arrival of a seaweed creature at Area 62 but Slyther reassures her that it is just a Sporix Beast. However the being discards the seaweed, revealing himself to be none other than Wreckmate, who survived his previous Megazord battle and has returned to serve Void Knight. Although surprised at his creation’s return, Slyther is disgusted by his sea shanty and tells him to leave which leads to an argument and nearly a fight. Before they can brawl, Void Knight insists that they fight the Power Rangers and they agree to a contest where whoever kills the least Rangers has to leave forever. Slyther unveils a potion that will supercharge the drinker’s abilities for several minutes but Wreckmate snatches and drinks it instead before throwing Slyther across the room. Recovering, the two of them teleport away to attack the Rangers with Mucus helping. Upon arriving, they split up with Slyther and Mucus going to the downtown over-bridge so the Rangers split-up with Aiyon, Izzy and Javi going to fight Slyther. They morph and take Mucus out of the fight with a Mosa Blast so Slyther fights alone but is overwhelmed so he summons Hengemen and retreats until the three-retreat due Wreckmate’s intervention. Slyther then emerges to bicker with Wreckmate before they both withdraw. Tvicon TV STORY-The Festival

After Occulo arrives in Area 62 and reveals his omni-directional vision and x-ray vision, Slyther reveals that he found an amulet capable of erasing memories in the base’s basement. He states that this plan will allow them to steal Sporix without the Rangers remembering where they were. He first uses it in an encounter with the Dino Fury Rangers and then returns a day later with Occulo and Mucus to collect more Sporix. Though they encounter the Rangers, he uses the amulet on them to make them think they found a pickle before withdrawing. When they return later that day, Slyther learns that they have all of the Sporix in Pine Ridge before the Rangers arrive so he summons Hengemen. Once Occulo takes them down, Slyther uses the amulet to make them think that they found a giant teddy bear but Zayto (having previously been absent to look for Rafkon arrives on the Dino Fury Cycle. With it, he hits Slyther with Plasma Blasts until he tosses the amulet and destroys it which restores the Rangers. Angry, Slyther charges but Zayto uses the Light Key to take the general down and free his friends from the memory spell so the villainous trio send more Hengemen and retreat.Tvicon TV STORY-Missing Pieces

At Area 62, Slyther, Mucus, and Wreckmate see Void Knight insert another Sporix brought by Occulo into the machine, but it wasn't enough power, so he tries to use Occulo until hearing about the Baby Pacha Zord, sending Wreckmate and Occulo to kidnap the new Zord, in exchange for Sporix. After Occulo's defeat, Slyther and the company watched as the machine was powered up by Occulo's Sporix.Tvicon TV STORY-Tiny Trouble

In the Void Knight's secret room, Slyther and Mucus try to listen to what is happening without success, before seeing the disgusting Junkalo emerge from the machine, whom he sends to get parts for the Zord Jammer. Slyther and Wreckmate watched Junkalo eat Mucus, although he later regurgitated it. Tvicon TV STORY-Stitched Up

Zord Jammer

Slyther activates the Zord Jammer.

With help from Mucus and Wreckmate, Slyther finished creating the Zord Jammer to jam the Rangers' Zords, and the army received more help when Doomsnake woke up again. When the Rangers attack, Slyther activates the Jammer, rendering his enemies unable to summon their Zords, angered when Zayto criticized the Jammer's appearance, and then fled with Void Knight and Doomsnake after the latter was knocked unconscious. Returning to Area 62, Slyther learned from Mucus about the Ptera Freeze Zord, so the entire army confronted the Rangers for the Zord, however, the heroes managed to obtain it to destroy the Jammer. After losing Doomsnake, Slyther, Void Knight, Mucus, and Wreckmate returned to the lair, discovering Void Knight's machine at work. Tvicon TV STORY-Jam Session

Now being led by Void Queen, Slyther, Mucus and Wreckmate met Squashblight, who was sent to poison the water supply, and they are betrayed by Void Knight, who stands against his wife's actions. Tvicon TV STORY-New Leaf

Under Void Queen's orders, Slyther, Mucus, and Wreckmate had a group of Hengemen create the new robotic general Snageye to finish off the Rangers, before attempting to chase down Void Knight. Tvicon TV STORY-The Hunt

With Void Knight trapped, Slyther and the group saw Mucus acquire a growth necklace, so the Void Queen sends Flapnarok to wear the necklace and fight the Rangers. Tvicon TV STORY-Losers Weepers

Slyther and Wreckmate discover Mucus and the Hengemen doing a dance for the Songathon, angering Slyther that Mucus didn't tell him about the contest, before watching as Wreckmate shoots Mucus to stop her. Tvicon TV STORY-The Copycat

Eventually, Slyther and the Void Family, now Void King, receive an unexpected visit from Lord Zedd, who reveals his new soldiers Sizzurai and Scrozzle, agreeing to their alliance to rule the universe together, but they end up discovering that Zedd betrayed them, bringing Boomblaster, a new version of Boomtower, as his new henchman. Tvicon TV STORY-Love Hate

Slyther sees Mucus win a hat for wishing on Hexcurio, but because of the wish, she turns into a human as a curse, drawing the attention of the Void Queen, who sends Mucus and Hexcurio to trick the Rangers. Due to the failures of Mucus and Wreckmate, Slyther and Hexcurio head to face Zayto, Aiyon and Javi. Slyther fights face to face against Zayto and Izzy, who has become the T-Rex Champion Zord, summoning the Dino Knight Armor to attack Slyther, who escapes, leaving the Hengemen to fight. Tvicon TV STORY-Wishful Thinking

Slyther and Wreckmate mocked Mucus because paradise without humans would be better without her. Slyther and the group are ordered by the Void Queen and Void King to devise a plan to distract the Rangers while they attempt to use a drill to travel underground to the Rangers' base and take their Sporix. While Mucus was in Japan distracting the Rangers with Sugarhit, Slyther, Void King, and Wreckmate use the stolen drill key to power up the drill, which fails, causing the two generals to laugh, incurring Void King's wrath. Tvicon TV STORY-Guilt Trip

Having Javi and Izzy under their control, Slyther, Mucus and Void Queen learn that they failed to steal the Sporix from their base, complaining because the key to the excavator never worked, discovering that they must know a password to do so. Tvicon TV STORY-Bad Vibes

With all the Rangers' Sporix, Slyther and the Void Family watch with pride as Void Queen spreads them all over Pine Ridge, causing immense chaos. Tvicon TV STORY-The Invasion

Mucus and Slyther as humans

Mucus and Slyther in their new life as humans.

In an attempt to infiltrate Area 62, Amelia tries to go unnoticed, encountering Slyther, who shapeshifts into Warden Carlos Garcia, but fails to trick her, destroying her Dino Fury Morpher, and the two begin a fight, in which Slyther had the advantage, dodging their attacks. When the Rangers arrive at Area 62 to save Amelia, Slyther summons the Hengemen to fight the Rangers while he personally fought against Zayto and his Dino Knight armor, managing to defeat him, but before being destroyed, he teleports away, leaving the base. Tvicon TV STORY-The Truth

After the defeat of the Void Queen and the Nemesis Beast, Slyther and Mucus had redeemed themselves, leaving evil behind and opening a magical circus called Dr. Sly's Magical Mushroom Circus, advertised by flyers near Aiyon's Café. Tvicon TV STORY-The Nemesis

Cosmic Fury[]

Slyther and Mucus survived the events of Dino Fury and began masquerading as humans. They started a traveling circus, which was interrupted by Lord Zedd's attack.

After Aiyon discovers them performing street magic, they agree to go undercover to help the Rangers get the intel they need to free Ollie from Zedd's evil.


Slyther is very deceptive, being able to fool Zayto by pretending to be a Knight of Rafkon. He is also very dramatic and showy, loudly announcing his attacks while battling the Rangers, and introducing himself like an announcer introducing a stage act. He also has a habit of reviewing his opponents and their attacks as if critiquing a stage performance. At first, he didn't seem to care that Mucus had created him and brushed her aside, making fun of her for wanting him as a friend while appearing to be loyal to Void Knight and faking to give Mucus a high five to embarrass her. After he was defeated as Roostafa and fell into some power lines, he appeared to have amnesia and due to this, Mucus tricked him into being her friend to which he gladly accepted, possibly meaning he has a much more caring side now following his memory loss. Out of all of Void Knight's generals, Slyther is the smartest one, coming up with brilliant plans like using Ollie's desire for a new laptop to give him a hacked one so he could steal the data to find what was causing the storm or hacking into the Ranger Hotline to intercept Sporix Beast reports to catch Sporix before the Rangers which succeeded as he managed to steal one and recruit Fogshell before his plan was foiled. He is very loyal to Void Knight and upon learning his master was presumably destroyed by the Rangers, he planned to avenge him by destroying them.





Powers and Abilities[]


  • Armor: Being a robot, Slyther has strong armor that lets him withstand powerful blows from his enemies, as seen when he survived getting electrocuted by powerlines and later repeatedly shot by the Dino Fury Cycle’s Plasma Blast.
  • Mirakinesis: Slyther can create, shape and manipulate illusions, causing people to see, hear, and touch nonexistent things.
  • Shapeshifting: Slyther's primary ability where he can change his physical shape to disguise himself as a different person, such as Arla and Roostafa.
    • Voice Manipulation: While in any of his disguised forms, Slyther can manipulate his voice to make it sound different.
    • Deception: Slyther can use his shapeshifting powers as a way of deceiving others.
  • Teleportation: Slyther is able to teleport in a vertical column of blue or purple energy.
  • Hengemen Summoning: Slyther can summon Hengemen to aid him and Sporix Beasts under his command in battle.
  • Enlarging: Being powered by a Sporix, Slyther can enlarge himself although he has yet to do so, but he did enlarge via transforming into Roostafa. However, it's unknown if he can do this while in his real form. In the episode "Waking Nightmares", he most likely lost this power after the Sporix was ripped out of him by a revived Boomtower.
  • Power Combination: Slyther can combine his enlarging and shapeshifting powers which allowed him to assume Roostafa's form while growing giant at the same time.
  • Shockwave Kick: Slyther can release light blue shockwaves with his kick.
Wizeru eyes
  • Hypnosis: Through his eyes after lifting his visor, Slyther can influence other people's minds to his command. He tried to do this on the Mosa Razor Zord but failed.
  • Fire Resistance: Slyther was able to resist being caught on fire by the Electro Zord’s lightning breath.
  • Item Summoning: Slyther can summon items into his hands, such as a paintbrush and an arm-mounted palette.
  • Levitation: Slyther was able to levitate as seen when he was drawing a giant copy of himself into Santa's sketchbook.
  • Space Survivability: As a robot, Slyther is able to survive in the vacuum of space.


  • Expert Fighter: Having data on the Rangers in his system, Slyther is incredibly skilled at fighting, being able to avoid the Red and Green Rangers' blows with ease all the while being able to counter them.
  • Leaping: Slyther can leap great distances.
  • Intelligence: Slyther appears to be very intelligent, being able to come up with ideas to trick the Rangers and later build robots.
  • Alchemy: Slyther has an unspecified degree of knowledge in alchemy.
    • Potion Brewing: Slyther was able to concoct a potion that can supercharge the drinker's abilities for a few minutes.


  • Forced Reversion: When Slyther is in any of his disguised forms, getting hit by a strong enough attack will force him to change back to his real form.
  • Vulnerability to Electricity: Being a robot, Slyther can be harmed by electricity, which can wipe out his memories.
  • Ineffective Hypnosis: Slyther's hypnotic power is useless against those with a strong will, as seen when Aiyon stated that his Zord has always been loyal to him.


  • Microphone Staff: Slyther wields a microphone-style staff for close combat that can be used like a sword.
    • Communication: Slyther can use the microphone part of his staff to communicate with others.
    • Energy Balls: From the bottom of his staff, Slyther can shoot purple energy balls.
      • Paralysis Effect: The energy balls from Slyther's staff can also paralyze any victim if hit on contact.
      • Explosion: The energy balls from Slyther's staff can sometimes create large explosions.
    • Energy Blasts: Slyther can fire light blue energy blasts from the bottom of his staff in rapid succession.
    • Deflection: Slyther can deflect projectiles with his microphone staff.
    • Energy Empowerment: Slyther can charge up the bottom of his microphone staff with clear blue or green energy and swing it at full force.
    • Deceptobeam: Slyther's staff can fire a transparent violet energy beam to create illusions using Fogshell's fog.
    • Soundwaves: Slyther can also fire red soundwaves from his staff as demonstrated by his giant clone created through Santa's magic sketchbook.
    • Jogging Pointy Strike: Slyther's self-devised attack where he can jog with the bottom tip of his staff pointed at his opponents to presumably stab them, but was blocked by Zayto.
    • Energy Laser: Slyther can fire a transparent blue energy laser from his staff.
  • Communicator: Slyther briefly stole Solon's communicator to teleport into the Rangers' base.
  • Hypnosis Pendulum: Slyther has a pendulum tied to a rope, which he can use to hypnotize his enemies.
  • Hyper Hacker: Slyther used this device to hack into the Ranger Hotline. It was destroyed when he accidentally deflected a Dino Dagger at it.
  • Christmas Star Bomb: Slyther smuggled a Christmas star-shaped bomb that would destroy the Rangers' base in ten minutes.
Santa's Magic Sketchbook creating Giant Slyther
  • Santa's Magic Sketchbook: Slyther stole Santa's magic sketchbook to create his own monsters, such as the Spider Sketch Monster and a giant copy of himself. It was destroyed by the Dino Fury Megazord Warrior Formation.
  • Memory Mix-Up Amulet: Slyther used a special amulet that can erase people's memories and replace them with fake ones. It was destroyed by Zayto.


Sporix Beasts[]
Season 1[]
  • Roostafa (used his likeness as a disguise to battle the Rangers' Megazord)
  • Fogshell (first Sporix Beast of Season 1)
  • Tidemare
  • Trawler (final Sporix Beast of Season 1)
Season 2[]
Other Monsters[]


Void Knight

Powers and Abilities[]


  • Slyther showed no powers in Void Knight's form.


  • Slyther showed no abilities in Void Knight's form.


  • Slyther showed no weaknesses in Void Knight's form.


  • Microphone Staff: Slyther retained his staff in this form.

KSR-Cockatrice Minosaur


  • Height: 184 cm → 45.1 m
  • Weight: 276 kg → 672.2 tons

Powers and Abilities[]


  • Flight: As Roostafa, Slyther could use his arms to lift himself off the ground and achieve flight.


  • Slyther had shown no abilities in Roostafa's form.


  • Blindness from Light: In his Roostafa form, Slyther was blinded by the bright light created from a reflective surface by the Dino Fury Megazord Warrior Formation through the Slick Dino Key.


  • Right Sickle Hand: Slyther had a sickle blade for his right hand in his Roostafa form, but he never used it.
  • Left Mace Hand: Slyther had a spiked mace for his left hand in his Roostafa form, but he never used it.







Behind the Scenes[]




  • Slyther's name was derived from the words "sly" and "slither", fitting his cunning nature and ability to sneak into places thanks to his disguises.
    • Slyther shared his name with a hostile alien species that featured in the 1960s Doctor Who serial The Dalek Invasion of Earth.


  • Despite Void Knight hinting at his creation at the end of "Cut Off", it seemed Mucus was heavily involved in making Slyther as well though she took full credit for creating him. In the Sentai, Slyther's counterpart was not created by Mucus' counterpart, but they were great friends which is what Mucus wants with Slyther.
  • Slyther is the only robot general to survive at the end of Dino Fury and the only one to return in Cosmic Fury.


See Also[]



Power nav icon Power Rangers Dino Fury Icon-ryusoulger
Ancient Dino Fury Rangers: Zayto - Blue Ranger I - Pink Ranger I - Green Ranger I - Black Ranger I - Aiyon
Modern Dino Fury Rangers: Zayto - Ollie Akana - Amelia Jones - Izzy Garcia - Javi Garcia - Aiyon
Dino Fury Morpher - Dino Fury Keys - Dino Fury Battle Belt - Chromafury Saber - Dino Dagger - Mosa Blaster - Mosa Blade - Mega Fury Saber - Dino Knight Morpher - Dino Master Saber
Solon - Mick Kanic - General Shaw - Morphin Masters - Orria - Rafkonian Army
Civilians: Dr. Lani Akana - Ed Jones - Warden Garcia - Rina Garcia - Jane Fairview - J-Borg - Annie - Stan - Fern - Adrian
Grid Battleforce Rangers: Devon Daniels - Ravi Shaw - Zoey Reeves - Nate Silva - Steel
Zords & Megazords
T-Rex Champion Zord - Tricera Blade Zord - Ankylo Hammer Zord - Tiger Claw Zord - Stego Spike Zord - Mosa Razor Zord
Dimetro Blazing Zord - Electro Zord - Shadow Raptor Zord - Light Raptor Zord - Cosmic Combo Raptor Zords - Pacha Smash Zord - Baby Pacha Zord - Ptera Freeze Zord - Ptera Rex Zord
Dino Fury Megazord - Dino Fury Megazord Blade Formation - Dino Fury Megazord Hammer Formation - Dino Fury Megazord Claw Formation - Dino Fury Megazord Spike Formation - Dino Fury Megazord Warrior Formation - T-Rex Blazing Megazord - Fusion Ultrazord - Mosa Shadow Megazord - T-Rex Cosmic Megazord - Dino Fury Megazord Smash Formation - Ptera Smash Ultrazord - Primal Ultrazord - Mosa Cosmic Megazord - Dino Fury Megazord Warrior Spike Formation - Dino Fury Megazord Warrior Blade Formation
Warfare Tribe Druidon Logo Void Family
Leader: Void Knight/Void King - Santaura/Void Queen
Generals: Mucus - Boomtower - Slyther - Wreckmate - Snageye - Boomblaster - Nulleye
Sporix Beasts:
Season 1: Shockhorn - Vypeera - Draknarok - Brineblast - Smashstone - Doomsnake - Wolfgang - Roostafa - Tombtress - Fogshell - Tidemare - Trawler - Stone Triplets - Boneswitch
Season 2: Fly Sporix Beast - Bitscreem - Occulo - Junkalo - Squashblight - Trackenslash - Flapnarok - Hexcurio - Quickspine - Sugarhit - Clawfare - Crashflood - Nemesis Beast
Footsoldiers: Hengemen
Others: Lord Zedd - Reaghoul - Spider Sketch Monster - Santa's Magic Sketchbook - Zord Jammer - Lothorn - Scrozzle - Sizzurai
Power nav icon Power Rangers Cosmic Fury Icon-prdf
Zayto - Amelia Jones - Ollie Akana - Izzy Garcia - Javi Garcia - Aiyon - Fern
Other Rangers: Billy Cranston - Heckyl - Mick Kanic
Cosmic Morpher - Master Staff - Ankylo Hammer - Tricera Blaster - Tiger Claw Daggers - Stego Spike - Mosa Razor Blaster - Solono Claw
General Shaw - Solon - Morphin Masters - Lani Akana - Tarrick - Slyther - Mucus
Jane Fairview - J-Borg - Carlos Garcia - Lily - Ed Jones - Rina Garcia
Zords & Megazords
Cosmic Lion Zord - Cosmic Wolf Zord - Cosmic Bull Zord - Cosmic Chameleo Zord - Cosmic Shark Zord - Cosmic Scorpion Zord
TBA - Cosmic Cobra Zord - Cosmic Eagle Zord - Cosmic Grizzly Zord - Cosmic Dragon Zord
Cosmic Fury Megazord - Cosmic Dragon Megazord
Cosmic Fury Ultrazord
Squid Ink Inc.
Leader: Lord Zedd
Generals: Bajillia Naire - Squillia Naire - Inkworth - Scrozzle - Doodrip - Jozotic - Omwhyzo
Monsters: Krymzo - Snoutia - Quaddo - Jadana
Footsoldiers: Zentinels - Copyguards