Icon-gogofiveThis article is about a character in Power Rangers Lightspeed Rescue.

Simon is Joel's cousin and an ally who appears in Power Rangers Lightspeed Rescue.

Character History

*Simon is Joel's young cousin, and a child prodigy. When Joel returns to the Aquabase late after hanging out with Simon a bit too long, he promises not to do it again. When Olympius sends an asteroid to Earth to cause destruction, Simon sees it, and immediately contacts Joel, who angrily reminds him that he's only to call him for emergencies. Simon informs Joel about the asteroid and together they try to warn Ms. Fairweather about it. Simon finally shows her that the danger is real and the Rangers are sent into outer space to destroy it with the new Omega Megazord. When the asteroid explodes, everyone at the Aquabase fears they've been destroyed, but then Carter reveals they survived. Later, Joel thinks Ms. Fairweather wants to go to the planetarium with him, but she goes with Simon instead.


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Behind the Scenes

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See also

