Icon-ninningerThis article is about an episode in Shuriken Sentai Ninninger.

Shinobi 29: Definitive Edition Ninja Sugoroku! (忍者すごろく決定版! Ninja Sugoroku Ketteihan!) is the twenty-ninth episode of Shuriken Sentai Ninninger.


The next Izayoi Ninja creates a board game based on Tsumuji's life, prompting Yakumo to bring him for help, with the risk of revealing what has truly happened to his powers.


Kicking off directly from last episode, Yoshitaka tells the Ninningers that Kyuemon had taken Tsumuji's powers, as well as his memories of training. In case it might hurt his feelings, they all decide to not tell him. As this is happening, Kyuemon summons the Izayoi Ninja Ikkakusai, who creates a "ninja board game", inviting children into it.

When the team arrives, Ikkakusai explains that the children are at the end of the game and they have to reach it to save them. Takaharu, Nagi and Kinji head on first, and find that each space is interactive and will trigger a "cutscene". When Yakumo, Kasumi and Fuka reach their space, they find that the interactive events are all based on Tsumuji's life as a ninja. As they discuss this, the team in the foreground end up in a "game over" zone with the children, as there is no way to win in the board game.

While bringing Tsumuji to help would give them a better chance, it would also end up showing him the loss of his powers. After pondering about this for a while, the remaining team uses the "go back" dice to exit the game and go get him. Even so, everyone ends up being trapped in the game over zone, with Tsumuji now aware of how Yoshitaka reprimanded him for having a soft heart- which may result in a ninja's undoing- and how Kyuemon, after hearing this, removed his powers and memories. However, he tells everyone he's alright, and that they shouldn't end up like him. They should instead pursue their dreams with everything they have, even if they don't know how - particularly Yakumo, whose dream of becoming a magic ninja is unprecedented.

The Ninningers use their abilities to create a bright path of dreams, helping them escape the board game. Once they're out, they use the Kakuranger powers to duplicate themselves to easily beat Ikkakusai, who then enlarges to face Ha-Oh Shurikenjin in a city-wide board game... but then starts explaining how board games came to be for no reason at all, irritating Yakumo to the point where he tells Takaharu to finish it up. Ikkakusai is then obliterated by the Ha-Oh Appare Buster.

Once everything is over, Yoshitaka apologizes to Tsumuji, as in the long run it may have been because of him that he lost his powers. The latter is alright, however, and asks him to stay for dinner. The team watches from a few feet away, and since he shouldn't interrupt, Takaharu runs outside to scream his catchphrase as a certain female character watches from behind a tree.


Guest stars[]

Suit actors[]

Nin Shuriken[]


  • On the first obstacle of the board game, it says Takaharu got a compliment for hitting the bullseye even though it shows that he didn't hit it.


Wizard of Oz Wikipedia passage

Yakumo's book about the Wizard of Oz.

  • The text in Yakumo's book is directly copied from the English Wikipedia page for the Wizard of Oz (Character).
  • During the flashbacks, Kyuemon is seen wearing green ninja robes, as foreshadowing of his future role as Midoninger.

DVD/Blu-ray releases[]


Ninninger Volume 8, DVD cover

Shuriken Sentai Ninninger Volume 8 features episodes 29-32: Shinobi 29: Definitive Edition Ninja Sugoruku!, Shinobi 30: Targeted Ninja School!, Shinobi 31: The Runaway Ninja! and Shinobi 32: Extremely Hot Ninja! Acha!


Ninninger Collection 3, Blu-ray cover

Blu-ray Collection 3 comes with 12 episodes.

See Also[]

External links[]



Icon-ninninger List of Shuriken Sentai Ninninger Episodes
Episodes 1-10
Shinobi 1: We're Ninja!Shinobi 2: Become the Last Ninja!Shinobi 3: Formidable Enemy Gabi Appears!Shinobi 4: It's Here! PaonmaruShinobi 5: The Space Ninja UFOmaru!Shinobi 6: Tengu's Spiriting AwayShinobi 7: Spring Ninja Festival!Shinobi 8: The Nekomata Who Leapt Through Time!Shinobi 9: Ninjutsu vs. Magic, the Great Battle!Shinobi 10: Yee-haw! The Gold StarNinger
Episodes 11-20
Shinobi 11: Shinobimaru, Come Back!Shinobi 12: Ultimate Battle! Miracle CombinationShinobi 13: Burning! Ninja Sports DayShinobi 14: Beware of the 'Help-Me' Scam!Shinobi 15: Youkai, I Never FailedShinobi 16: The Father Tsumuji Is a Super Ninja!?Shinobi 17: Good Bye, StarNinger!Shinobi 18: The Youkai That Yakumo LovedShinobi 19: Search For It! The OtomoNin of the SkyShinobi 20: The Chozetsu! Lion Ha-Oh
Episodes 21-30
Shinobi 21: Burn! Ninja Baseball of DreamsShinobi 22: Super Combination! Ha-Oh ShurikenjinShinobi 23: It's Summer! Ninja Courage TestShinobi 24: It's Summer! The Chilling Arrival of Western Yokai!Shinobi 25: It's Summer! Beware of DraculaShinobi 26: It's Summer! Last Ninja Race Intermediate Announcement!Shinobi 27: It's Summer! Chozetsu Star is Born!Shinobi 28: Race to It! The Kibaoni Ninja SquadShinobi 29: Definitive Edition Ninja Sugoroku!Shinobi 30: Targeted Ninja School!
Episodes 31-40
Shinobi 31: The Runaway Ninja!Shinobi 32: Extremely Hot Ninja! Acha!Shinobi 33: The Kunoichi That Loved YakumoShinobi 34: Enter Jiraiya, Legendary World Ninja!Shinobi 35: Kinji Enters the Yokai Labyrinth!Shinobi 36: Kinji, the Glorious Super Star!Shinobi 37: Shuriken Legend ~The Road to Last Ninja~Shinobi 38: The Witch Girl Loves Yakumo?Shinobi 39: Kibaoni's Son, Mangetsu Appears!Shinobi 40: Look Out For Santa Claus!
Episodes 41-41
Shinobi 41: The Five Games of the Kibaoni Party!Shinobi 42: OtomoNin Wars! Nekomata Strikes BackShinobi 43: The Legendary Ninja! Yokai Karuta TacticsShinobi 44: The Final Battle! The Ordeals of the Last NinjaShinobi 45: Three Generations of Fathers and Sons! All Ninjas GatheredShinobi 46: The Last Shuriken Appears!Shinobi Final Chapter: To a Future Without Hiding, Wasshoi!
Movies & Specials
Movies: Super Hero Taisen GP: Kamen Rider 3Icon-crosswikiShuriken Sentai Ninninger The Movie: The Dinosaur Lord's Splendid Ninja Scroll!Shuriken Sentai Ninninger vs. ToQger The Movie: Ninjas in WonderlandCome Back! Shuriken Sentai Ninninger: Ninnin Girls vs. Boys FINAL WARSDoubutsu Sentai Zyuohger vs. Ninninger: Message from the Future from Super Sentai
Specials: Shuriken Sentai Ninninger Vs. Kamen Rider Drive Spring Vacation One-Hour Combining SpecialIcon-crosswikiShuriken Sentai Ninninger: AkaNinger vs. StarNinger Hundred Nin Battle!