Icon-hurricanegerThis article is about an episode in Ninpu Sentai Hurricaneger.

Meteor and Three Wolves (流星と三匹の狼 Ryūsei to Sanbiki no Okami) is the thirty-first episode of Ninpu Sentai Hurricaneger. It is the beginning of the three-part climax of the conflict between Ikkou Kasumi/KabutoRaiger and the Third Spear, Manmaruba, and as well as begins a battle between the ninja and the Sixth Spear, Satarakura's "pets": the Ninja Wolf Beasts Fangol


Fearful of his final fate from Manmaruba's scorpion, Ikkou tries to prepare Yosuke to face his Jakanja rival without being around; all as Saturnakura summons some pets to hasten Earth's destruction.


Meteors are heading for the Earth. Ikkou gets beat up by Manmuraba in a dream. He wakes up in a cold sweat and leaves. Manmuraba has a new cocoon. Tao Zanto wants to know what Satorakura has up to. He calls 3 space wolves with his whistle. Ikkou has called Yosuke in the late of night to Ikazuchi's Valley and he challenges him to a fight, they are equally matched. Isshu wakes up to find Ikkou gone. Ikkou focuses his power in the blade. Yosuke races at him. Ikkou leaps at him in a stream of lightning first kicking hard and then he swipes his boken down on the his head. He tells him this is Ikazuchi's power and not to forget it. He wants to go again. Yosuke demands to know what he is doing this for. Ikkou punches Yosuke after saying there is no time. Isshu arrives to say that how much what is happening hurts him and holding his brother's fate secret is killing him. Shurikenger is also listening in. In the morning, wolves eat people's shadows and it takes away their humanity, making them act like wolves. Yosuke meets up with the other two and the city is silent. Tenkujin flies above them and Shurikenger tells them that he has found the wolves. They find them in the forest and see the wolf-like people and are beat up by the wolves. Ikkou hears the battle cries in his changer. He tells Isshu to fight together, because this will be his last fight. Isshu doesn't want to hear this. Ikkou gets closer to him saying that they as Goraijer have always have been prepared for this. Ikkou says he is prepared to face his fate. Ikkou walks away, saying he must do it alone now. Isshu strangling on feelings too powerful for him to express. Ikkou is far from him and wonders what is his brother's fate. Isshu joins him and agrees to fight together. The Goraijer join in the battle as the Hurricanger and Shurikenger are being beaten up. The seven are then hit by lightning. Manmuraba, Wendine, Frabeejo, and Sargain have arrived. Satorakura fights Red, Wendy fights Yellow, Sargain fights Shurikenger, the Goraijer fights Manmuraba and Nanami willingly fights Frabeejo for revenge. Ikkou falls, Ishuu protects him. Ikkou challenges Manmuraba. Red and the Goraijer leave, leaving the others to take a hit. Yosuke grabs Isshu who tries to run and tells him he knows what is going on. Ikkou arrives to Ikazuchi Village. Yosuke is shocked to find out that Ikkou has an alien scorpion egg in him. Isshu is for obeying Ikkou to ignore the situation, Yosuke doesn't agree and decks him with a right cross. He makes him realize how he really feels.Yosuke thinks back to eariler that morning with Ikkou. Manmaruba arrives to Ikazuchi village and Ikkou transforms. Shurikenger informs the others and they run off. Not before he tells them that if they don't stop those wolves, they won't be able to save the people. A newswoman is reporting and is turned wolf-like as the wolves attack. At night, Ikkou gets the pain in his chest. He lures Manmaruba in and to strike him with his staff but the weapon caught and his strike rendered harmless. Manmuraba raises the staff in the air. He finishes him off and he un-transforms. Yosuke arrives and hits Manmuraba, scolding him. He tells him Ikkou is not going to die. Isshu arrives and tells him he's going to be okay. The foe tosses Ikkou's staff aside. Yosuke morphs and does the technique Ikkou did earlier and Manmaruba's flat on his back.The egg in Ikkou's chest hatches into a scorpion. Manmuraba laughs and teleports away. Yosuke shakes Ikkou as he is on the floor. He pulls Ikkou up, cradles his head and clings to his chest. Ikkou doesn't respond. He shakes Ishuu and tells him they are going to fight together. He lets him go. The meteors rain in. Mugensai is shocked from what he hears from Gozen in his phone.


Guest Cast[]



Space Ninja File 31: Ninja Wolf Beasts Fangarou

DVD Releases[]

Hurricaneger DVD Vol 8

Hurricaneger Volume 8, DVD cover

  • Ninpuu Sentai Hurricaneger Volume 8 features episodes 29-32.[1]
File:Ninpu Sentai Hurricaneger The Complete Series.png

Hurricaneger: The Complete Series (Shout! Factory)

  • The complete Hurricaneger series was released in North America by Shout! Factory on March 26, 2019.

See Also[]



Icon-hurricaneger List of Ninpu Sentai Hurricaneger Episodes
Episodes 1-10
Scroll 1: Wind and NinjasScroll 2: The Giant and GadgetsScroll 3: An Impostor and 60 SecondsScroll 4: The Tunnel and SiblingsScroll 5: The Master and The BathScroll 6: Scissors and Girl NinjasScroll 7: Thunder and NinjasScroll 8: Hayate and Ikazuchi (Wind and Thunder)Scroll 9: The Thunder Brothers and The HourglassScroll 10: The Thunder God and The Destroyed Valley
Episodes 11-20
Scroll 11: The Dream Eater and Starting AnewScroll 12: A Steel Frame and Father & DaughterScroll 13: Whiskers and The Engagement RingScroll 14: The Crybaby and CandiesScroll 15: Megatagame and ContestScroll 16: The Mist and The Prophecy DeviceScroll 17: The Darkness and Battle IslandScroll 18: A Father and The Bonds of BrothersScroll 19: The Big Box and the Wind-Thunder GiantScroll 20: The Punch and The Rival
Episodes 21-30
Scroll 21: Masks and RiddlesScroll 22: Wings and NinjasScroll 23: Cologne and the Great DetectiveScroll 24: The Taiko Drum and LightningScroll 25: Ghosts and SchoolgirlScroll 26: The Bow & Arrow and Sea BathingScroll 27: Skewers and Zero GravityScroll 28: The Hurrier and The CounterattackScroll 29: Lingering Summer Heat and The StampScroll 30: Idols and Friendship
Episodes 31-40
Scroll 31: Meteors and The Three WolvesScroll 32: The Grim Reaper and the Final Secret ArtScroll 33: The Mammoth and The Six NinjaScroll 34: The Mushroom and 100 PointsScroll 35: The Sparkle and The ShamisenScroll 36: Rings and RevengeScroll 37: The Third Spear and The Great EscapeScroll 38: The Demon Sword and BalloonsScroll 39: The Seventh Spear and the The Mysterious StoneScroll 40: The Decoy and Ninja Law
Episodes 41-51
Scroll 41: The Medal and ComediansScroll 42: Armor and The Raging ArrowScroll 43: Super Fusion and The Big ClashScroll 44: Gozen and The Misfortune Fan BeastScroll 45: The Refuge and Spring CleaningScroll 46: The New Year's Meal and The Three GiantsScroll 47: The Seal and Galactic UnificationScroll 48: The Trap and Eternal LifeScroll 49: The Mission and The Galactic NinjaScroll 50: Darkness and A New WorldFinal Scroll: Wind, Water, and Earth
Movies & Specials
Movies: Ninpu Sentai Hurricaneger vs. GaorangerNinpu Sentai Hurricaneger: Shushuuto the MovieBakuryu Sentai Abaranger vs. HurricanegerNinpu Sentai Hurricaneger: 10 YEARS AFTERNinpu Sentai Hurricaneger Degozaru! Shushuuto 20th Anniversary
Specials: Ninpu Sentai Hurricaneger Super Video: Super Ninja and Super KurokoNinpu Sentai Hurricaneger with Donbrothers