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- "Master Satan Egos take me with you, please."
- ―Salomé's final words before her death[src]
Salomé (サロメ Sarome) was the Egos American branch officer who came to Japan to aid Hedder with her super strength.
Salomé was originally brought to Japan by Commander Hedder, who saw her as a powerful ally to have for facing down Battle Fever in combat. In her first battle, she easily stands down against the team and even protects Hedder from the heroes' Penta-Force, being enough to prove to Satan Egos of her value to the team. TV STORY-Ep. 19: The World's Strongest Beauty!!
Although mostly notable for her physical strength in the early missions, Salomé eventually became the main field commander of Egos as their mission against Battle Fever goes on, leading the Cutmen and Egos Monsters in combat. She also ends up leading to the departure of both of Battle Fever's major departures. When she worked alongside the Dracula Monster in kidnapping the sister of Diane Martin, Salomé lead to the first Miss America to become weakened to the point of sacrificing her powers to replacement Maria Nagisa. TV STORY-Ep. 24: Tears! Diane Falls Further, she lead an army of Cutmen to attack Kensaku Shiraishi, the first Battle Cossack, in broad daylight, leading to his murder and his replacement by Makoto Jin.
TV STORY-Ep. 33: Cossack Dies for Love
After Hedder ends up dying trying to take down his rival General Kurama Tetsuzan, Salomé is used in the final scheme of Satan Egos for the downfall of Battle Fever, using a disguise to lure the team to Egos' headquarters in order to be trapped inside the Monster-Making Machine. When Battle Fever destroy the machine, Satan Egos' power to grow ends up trapping Salome in rubble within the collapsing headquarters. She is ultimately killed as the building collapses around her. TV STORY-Final Ep.: The Symphony of the Heroes
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Powers and Abilities[]
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Behind the Scenes[]
- Salomé was portrayed by Maki Ueda (マキ 上田 ).
- Salomé was designed by character designer Muneo Kubo.
- "Spider-Man. I was impressed by the fact that it was a female executive I designed after Amazones of the "Spider-Man". Unlike Hedder, I didn't know that this was played by Maki Ueda (laughs). She was a former female professional wrestler who dominated the world with her beauty pair, so she had a toughness to her, so I guess it was different from the image I had first thought of. In designing the costume, I was conscious of the Vampirella costume from American comics. Especially the costumes with the large open chests.” (Kubo)
Concept Art[]
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- She is the first recurring female villain in Sentai.
Battle Fever J
- Ep. 19: The World's Strongest Beauty!!
- Ep. 20: Hazardous Ghost Hunting
- Ep. 21: Assault the Dinosaur Peninsula!!
- Ep. 22: The Female Spy Team's Counterattack
- Ep. 23: Decisive Battle!! All Monsters Appear
- Ep. 24: Tears! Diane Falls
- Ep. 25: The Film Studio is a Strange Haunt
- Ep. 26: The Bandage Man's Masked Report
- Ep. 27: Be Careful of the First Love Thief
- Ep. 28: Chase the Mysterious Boat
- Ep. 29: Did You See Her!? The Kuchisake-Onna
- Ep. 30: The Villainous, Omnivorous Head Chef
- Ep. 31: Violent Dash Track Siblings
- Ep. 32: Hometown Homicide Village
- Ep. 33: Cossack Dies for Love
- Ep. 34: The Dark General Who Laughs at Hell
- Ep. 35: The Great Starvation Panic
- Ep. 36: The Blown-Up Wedding
- Ep. 37: Lightning Sword vs. Pinwheel Sword
- Ep. 38: Bizarre! The Costume Party
- Ep. 39: The Friend Who Became a Demon
- Ep. 40: The Beautiful Teacher, in the Nick of Time
- Ep. 41: A Big Counterattack on the Verge of Explosion
- Ep. 42: Electric Humans: The Fireworks of Love
- Ep. 43: Assassin Jackal
- Ep. 44: The Tsukikage Clan of Hell Valley
- Ep. 45: Five Minutes Before the Heart Stops!
- Ep. 46: The Cursed Straw Doll
- Ep. 47: A Mystery! Strategic Grass-Lot Baseball
- Ep. 48: The Great Thief and the Robber Boy
- Ep. 49: The Rebel Army of Class 2-5
- Ep. 50: The Masked Demon Who Aims for the General
- Ep. 51: Egos' Revival Ceremony
- Final Ep.: The Symphony of the Heroes