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Icon-alienThis article is about a/an Ranger identity in Mighty Morphin Alien Rangers.

Red Aquitar Ranger

Red Aquitar Ranger may refer to:

Red Aquitar Ranger[]


Red Aquitar Ranger

Powers and Abilities[]


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Appearances: MMPR S3 Episode 35-40, 42, 43; Zeo Episode 48; PRIS Episode 42; WF Episode 34; SM Episodes 20 & LBEV

Legendary Ranger Devices[]

NinjaRed Ranger Key

The Red Aquitar Ranger Key.

The Red Aquitar Ranger Key is Aurico's personal Ranger Key. This key along with the majority of the Core Ranger Keys are seen lining the Command Center's interior walls. This key is mainly used by Troy Burrows (Super Megaforce Red) who uses it to fight as the Red Aquitar Ranger.

File:Mighty Morphin Alien Charger.jpg

MMAR Dino Charger

The Red Aquitar Ranger is one of the Rangers that represent the Alien Rangers for the MMAR Dino Charger, released as part of Dino Charger Power Pack Series 3 with each charger depicting four pictures. In the Alien Rangers' case, it featured the Red Aquitar Ranger, Ninjor, the Shogun Megazord, and the MMAR title. This Charger was paired with the Super Megaforce Dino Charger.

"Legendary Red Star! Activate!"
―announcement in the DX Ninja Battle Morpher

The Red Aquitar Ranger Ninja Power Star is a special Ninja Power Star that bears the likeness of the Red Aquitar Ranger and is marked with the kanji for "red". Unlike its counterpart in Ninninger, the first version of this star is exclusive to the Ninja Steel toyline while the second version was originally a part of the Super Ninja Steel toyline, but was ultimately never released.


See Also[]
