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Logo-supersentaiThis article is about a collectible card game in the Super Sentai series.
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Rangers Strike (レンジャーズストライク Renjāzu Sutoraiku) is a Japanese collectible trading card game developed by Bandai under the Cardass brand. It was released in 2006 in commemoration with the 30th anniversary of Super Sentai.

Originally based on only the Super Sentai series, it has since expanded with several expansion packs such as The Masked Rider Expansion (ザ・マスクドライダーEXP Za Masukudo Raidā EXP) collection in 2007, featuring characters from the Kamen Rider SeriesIcon-crosswiki, and the Special Metal Edition (スペシャルメタルエディション Supesharu Metaru Edishon) in 2008 featuring characters from the Metal Hero SeriesIcon-crosswiki. The new X Gather (クロスギャザー Kurosu Gyazā) expansions also featured characters from Shotaro Ishinomori's other works such as Robocon, Kikaider, and Inazuman.

Game cards[]

There are four rarity categories: Normal, Rare, Super Rare, and Secret Rare. There are three kinds of cards: Unit Cards, Operation Cards, and Vehicle Cards, which were introduced in The Masked Rider Expansion.

  • Unit Cards are divided into four sizes: Small (warriors), Medium (individual mecha), Large (mecha combinations), and Extra Large (mecha carriers).
    • If a Unit Card has a Strike Point mark of "1", it can deliver damage. If it has an SP mark of "!", It can use an attack which is described in the card text. If it has no mark, it cannot Strike.
  • Operation Cards involve Sentai related powers. They can be "Stationary" (the operation is in effect for as long as the card is in use) or "Counter" (can be used during your opponent's turn).
  • Vehicle cards allow small Unit Cards to be "mounted".

Game play[]

To Hold Command (which enables cards of a certain category to be controlled) over a particular category, turn the card to its left side. To Release Command, turn it back.

The play sheet used in this game has a space for the deck, a space for Operation Cards, a "Power Zone", a "Command Zone", a "Rush Area", and a "Battle Area".

In order to Rush a card (bring into the Rush Area), one must Hold Command over a particular category. Each Card requires a certain number of cards in the Power Zone (the face can be up or down) to be Rushed.

Turn phases[]

Each turn is divided into five "Phases".

  • In the Start Phase, you draw one card from your deck.
  • In the Charge Phase, you can place a card in the Power Zone, Hold/Release Command, or even activate an Operation card.
  • In the Rush Phase, you bring a card to the Rush Area (you should be Holding Command over that card's catergory).
  • In the Battle Phase, you bring a card to the Battle Area and attack your opponent. Cards that are bested in Battle Points are considered "struck", and must be removed from the sheet.
  • In the End Phase, you end your turn.


Main article: List of Rangers Strike cards

The card collection is divided into various packs:


Cards are divided into five categories, though they occasionally intertwine on the card illustrations (e.g.: the Rescue Fighter card, an Over-Technology card from Carranger, shows the Rescue Fighter healing the GaoBear and GaoPolar, which are Wild Beast cards, from Gaoranger). Furthermore, the game has also received a Kamen Rider Series add-on set known as The Masked Rider Expansion and a Metal Hero add-on set called the Special Metal Edition.

Wild Beast[]

Main article: :Category:Wild Beast

Wild Beast (ワイルドビースト Wairudo Bīsuto) cards feature characters whose powers come from nature, animals, or monsters, symbolized by a red wolf's head. The Wild Beast category covers characters and items from the following series:

Super Sentai Series
Kamen Rider Series
Metal Hero Series

Earth Technology[]

Main article: :Category:Earth Technology

Earth Technology (アーステクノロジー Āsu Tekunorojī) cards feature characters whose powers arise from present-day technology made on the Earth, symbolized by a green globe grid. The Earth Technology category covers characters and items from the following series and films:

Super Sentai Series
Kamen Rider Series
Metal Hero Series
Other series


Main article: :Category:Over-Technology

Over-Technology (オーバーテクノロジー Ōbā Tekunorojī) cards feature characters whose powers come from extraterrestrial, other-dimensional, or futuristic sources, symbolized by a blue atom. The Over-Technology category covers characters and items from the following series:

Super Sentai Series
Kamen Rider Series
Metal Hero Series
Other series

Mystic Arms[]

Main article: :Category:Mystic Arms

Mystic Arms (ミスティックアームズ Misutikku Āmuzu) cards feature characters whose powers come from supernatural or paranormal means, and also includes ninjutsu, symbolized by a yellow five-pointed star formed from aura comets. The Mystic Arms category covers characters from the following series and films:

Super Sentai Series
Kamen Rider Series
Metal Hero Series
Other series

Dark Alliance[]

Main article: :Category:Dark Alliance

Dark Alliance (ダークアライアンス Dāku Araiansu) cards feature the various villains and anti-heroes of the Super Sentai, Kamen Rider, and Metal Hero series, symbolized by a purple demon's eye. To date, the Dark Alliance category has covered the following:

Super Sentai Series
Kamen Rider Series
Metal Hero Series


Multi-Category (マルチカテゴリ Maruchi Kategori) cards categorize characters or items that can belong in more than one of the categories Wild Beast, Earth Technology, Over Technology, Mystic Arms, and Dark Alliance. Example Multi-Category cards include:

  • ChangeDragon (チェンジドラゴン Chenji Doragon, Mystic Arms & Earth Technology)
  • Go-on Red (ゴーオンレッド Gōon Reddo, Wild Beast & Over Technology)
  • Geki Red (ゲキレッド Geki Reddo, Wild Beast & Mystic Arms)
  • Kamen Rider Abyss (仮面ライダーアビス Kamen Raidā Abisu, Wild Beast & Dark Alliance)
  • Kamen Rider Kuuga Rising Ultimate (仮面ライダークウガRU Kamen Raidā Kūga Raijingu Arutimetto, Mystic Arms & Dark Alliance)
  • B-Fighter Kabuto (ビーファイターカブト Bī Faitā Kabuto, Wild Beast & Earth Technology)
  • Dark Magic Horse Valkyon (魔導馬バリキオン Madōba Barikion, Mystic Arms & Dark Alliance)

Most forms of Kamen Rider Double are Multi-Category cards, color-coded to the forms Kamen Rider Double takes. Forms that use the Metal Memory are only one category, but have a different colored symbol than usual.

See also[]

External links[]
