Icon-ryusoulgerThis article is about a system in Power Rangers Dino Fury.
PRDF-Ranger Hotline
"Working together will keep us safe. If you find a Sporix or a Sporix Beast, call, text or direct message the Ranger hotline immediately."
Dino Fury Red Ranger's annoucement[src]

The Ranger Hotline is a system where the citizens of Pine Ridge can report a Sporix Beast or any other related emergency to the Rangers.


The Hotline was developed shortly after the Sporix Beasts were unleashed onto Pine Ridge. Typically Solon is the one who receives the reports, while she relays the information to the Rangers personally.'

The number to the hotline is 555-0172.

After the hacking by Slyther, Solon added new security features so that Void Knight and his minions could never hack it ever again. Tvicon TV STORY-Super Hotshot


Case Type of Emergency Reporter Location Episode
Vypeera Sporix Beast Report J-Borg City Plaza Lost Signal
Draknarok, Boomtower & Mucus Sporix Beast Report Javi Garcia Pine Ridge Museum New Recruits
Brineblast Sporix Beast Report Unnamed girl Pine Ridge City Park Winning Attitude
Sporix Beast Report Jane 5th & 6th Street Winning Attitude
Ed Jones Attack (Mistakenly) Unnamed man BuzzBlast Superstition Strikes
Smashstone Sporix Beast Report Unnamed man Factory Lane Superstition Strikes
Boomtower Attack J-Borg (Voice Only) Pine Ridge City Stego Search
Void Knight, Mucus & Roostafa Sporix Beast Report (Failed) Jane & J-Borg Pine Ridge Fountain Cut Off
Void Knight & Hengemen Attack Unnamed woman Park Phoning Home
Fogshell Sporix Beast Report (Failed) Warden Garcia Evergreen Park Super Hotshot
Wreckmate, Mucus & Hengemen Attack Unknown Beach End Plaza Ancient History
Hengemen Attack Unknown Albert Park Our Hero
Trawler Sporix Beast Report Unknown Neptune Beach Our Hero
Void Knight & Squashblight Sporix Beast Report Unknown Pine Ridge Community Pool New Leaf
Trackenslash, Slyther & Mucus Sporix Beast Report Unknown Harris Plaza Serious Business
Lothorn Attack Stan and Annie Dinohenge Ultimate Mystery
Quickspine, Mucus & Hengemen Attack Mime City Plaza Things Unspoken
Quickspine & Hengemen Attack Warden Garcia Running Track Things Unspoken
Sugarhit Attack Dr. Lani Akana Osaka, Japan Guilt Trip
Void King, Wreckmate & Slyther Attempted Theft Warden Garcia Pine Ridge Park Department Guilt Trip
Void Queen, Wreckmate, Mucus, Fogshell, Tidemare and Crashflood Sporix Beast Report Ed Jones Pine Ridge Dam The Invasion

Real Life[]

From December 6th to December 31st, an actual hotline was callable through the number 1-833-366-3879. Once dialed, the caller is introduced by Zayto (voiced by Russell Curry), who asks the caller to dial certain numbers to get to certain pathways.

  • Dial 1 if the caller was born before December 2003.
    • Dial 1 to report a Sporix Beast. This simply leads to Zayto explaning what Sporix Beasts are and tips to avoid them.
    • Dial 2 to get tips on what makes a great Ranger. The caller will then hear the voice of Amelia Jones (Hunter Deno).
    • Dial 3 to hear music from Javi.
    • Dial 4 to hear the latest BuzzBlast story. The caller will then hear Jane Fairview (Kira Josephson) report on cats.
    • Dial 5 to check out more on the Dino Fury Rangers. The caller will then hear Izzy Garcia (Tessa Rao) explain the show's synopsis.
    • Dial 6 to re-hear the options.
  • Dial 2 if the caller was born after January 2004. This option immediately hangs the caller up due to the caller being under the age of 18 at the time.


  • In the real life option, the caller can only be born before 2003 to use the line.