Icon-gogofiveThis article is about a villain in Power Rangers Lightspeed Rescue.

"Diabolico. Excellent. But where is my magnificent palace?"
―Queen Bansheera's first lines after she arrived and Diabolico informed her that they had been making preparations for her return.[src]

"I, Queen Bansheera, have returned!"
―Queen Bansheera revealing her return to a physical form (via a projection in the sky) during the Rangers' battle against Spellbinder.[src]

"Vypra, you have failed me too many times! As punishment, I will take your life energy! I should have done this long ago."
―Queen Bansheera to Vypra before absorbing her.[src]

"The transformation is working! My bodily form is finally returning to me!"
―Queen Bansheera when assuming her true form.[src]

"Welcome to my lair, Red Ranger. (...) Yes, I've been wishing for this day."
―Queen Bansheera when Carter confronted her in the Skull Cavern's throne room.[src]

"I wouldn't bet on it. (...) You only destroyed my Skull Cavern. So I'll just return the favor and destroy your city!"
―Queen Bansheera after growing giant.[src]

―Queen Bansheera when Diabolico revealed his treachery due to her murders of Loki and Vypra and her final word before her presumed destruction.[src]

Queen Bansheera was the evil banshee-themed matriarch of the Demons and the main antagonist of Power Rangers Lightspeed Rescue. Her ultimate goal was to destroy Mariner Bay to bring the Skull Cavern to the surface world and conquer humanity to rule over.



The Demons were said to have ruled the Earth some five thousand years ago. They formed a real danger to early humans as they conquered and destroyed everything in their path. Fortunately, a powerful wizard arose and managed to seal all the Demons in a tomb where they remained imprisoned for thousands of years.

Lightspeed Rescue[]

At the beginning of the series, Queen Bansheera is released from captivity by some explorers but is not present yet mentioned by her followers, namely Diabolico, on multiple occasions. Her absence is never explained but she is unable to gain physical form due to needing an immense infusion of power. Tvicon TV STORY-Operation Lightspeed

When Bansheera finally makes her return at the Skull Cavern, she appears in her spiritual form and not in her body. She is disappointed by the fact that her domain, her “Magnificent Palace”, is stuck in another dimension because the human race have built a city in its place that came to be known as Mariner Bay. She is even more angered to learn that the city is under the protection of the latest generation of the Lightspeed Rangers and their Lightspeed Aquabase, which is hidden underwater (the one element that demons are vulnerable to as it drains their power). This explains why her minions haven't rebuilt her palace for her return to power. Queen Bansheera quickly takes matters into her own hands by resurrecting two monsters: Magmavore and Trifire as more powerful demons in order to awaken a dormant volcano that can destroy Mariner Bay. Unfortunately for her, without her bodily form, her powers had quickly diminished and she declared that she must leave her minions in order to regain what strength she had. After parting from her minions and her son Impus, her plan to use the volcano against the Rangers and Mariner Bay had failed when the Rangers use the Supertrain Megazord to defeat Magmavore and Trifire as well as keep the volcano from fully erupting. Tvicon TV STORY-Rising From Ashes

When Queen Bansheera returns to the Skull Cavern once again, she expresses her anger and frustration to her once great general Diabolico by protesting his inability to defeat mortal beings like the Power Rangers and threatens to have him replaced with Impus by granting the infant demon the Star Power. Diabolico is far from willing to allow this to happen and is even willing to destroy the queen's son with no one present to witness his attempt to do so only to be interrupted by Jinxer. When Diabolico is destroyed by the Rangers, Queen Bansheera makes good on her word to bestow the energies of the Star Power to her son Impus, which transforms him into an adult Demon called Olympius. Tvicon TV STORY-The Cobra Strikes

As the planets of the Solar System are on the verge of aligning, Queen Bansheera is granted the opportunity to regain her body through a ceremonial ritual performed by Spellbinder. Despite Spellbinder's defeat by the Rangers, and Ryan's interruption in the ceremony by smashing the conduit the energy is being channeled through, Bansheera still managed to return, but in a deformed and incomplete body due to the ceremony being disrupted. Tvicon TV STORY-The Queen's Return

As revenge for trapping her in a pillar-like body, Queen Bansheera uses a meteor from space which will level Mariner Bay only for the new Omega Megazord to destroy it. Tvicon TV STORY-The Omega Project

Trakeena's Revenge[]

Queen Bansheera attempts to regain her full body with the use of human life-force, so she employs the powerful demon Triskull to make this possible. However, Triskull's true allegiance is with the evil galactic princess Trakeena, who survived her battle against the Galaxy Rangers on Terra Venture but is badly scarred from the battle, which forces her to conceal her injuries with a mask. Trakeena plans to use the human life-force to regain her father's powers and regain her insectoid form in order to get her revenge against the Galaxy Rangers and dominate the demon forces. The Queen eventually learns of Triskull's treachery and sends Olympius to deal with Triskull and Trakeena. However, she is fearful that if Trakeena manages to regain her insect form, then many of her minions, including her son, will be outclassed by the princess. As a result, Olympius uses a poisoned dagger to contaminate the life energy feed between Trakeena and the captured human hosts for the life force, turning her into a massive mindless abomination which is eventually destroyed by the combined team of the Lightspeed and Galaxy Rangers. Tvicon TV STORY-Trakeena's Revenge

Queen Bansheera becomes increasingly more obsessed with rebuilding her palace. Furthermore, she places too much faith in her son Olympius with the task of defeating the Rangers. When she learns that Diabolico has been resurrected by Loki and Vypra, she forcibly withdraws her minions and even Freezard to welcome him back as extra help. Tvicon TV STORY-In the Freeze Zone

After Diabolico traps Olympius along with the Gatekeeper in the Shadow World, he expects to face Bansheera's wrath alongside Loki and Vypra, but instead the Queen decides to disown Olympius and commends her remaining forces for their actions against her own son. Once again, she appoints Diabolico in charge of her operations. Tvicon TV STORY-Sorcerer of the Sands (episode)

Defeated and Imprisoned[]

Queen Bansheera regains much of her energy in the process of restoring her body. Still requiring energy from someone else to complete her transformation, she summons Vypra before her. Bansheera declares that she will take Vypra's life energy, citing the act as "punishment" for her many failures in the past. Queen Bansheera consumes Vypra and her energy and, at long last, regains her bodily form and by doing so, is driven to further insanity by her obsession to destroy the Lightspeed Rangers and rebuild her Palace. Bansheera deceives Loki into believing that he is her mightiest enforcer and motivates him to fighting a hopeless battle against the Rangers. She is overheard by Diabolico as Loki and the rest of her minions being only “expendable” for the bigger picture, that being restoring her throne. When Loki engages four of the Rangers in battle (with Carter not present at the time), Bansheera takes the opportunity to teleport all of them to the outside of her Skull Cavern. Bansheera forces Diabolico to use Loki's own bazooka against the Rangers in order to destroy them. Unfortunately, Loki is caught in the cross-fire as Bansheera uses her telekinesis on Diabolico to fire Loki's weapon and thus Loki is mortally wounded. Loki perishes after expressing confusion and sadness from being betrayed by his Queen and bids his friend goodbye. Enraged by the death of both Vypra and Loki, Diabolico rebels against Queen Bansheera. Bansheera then uses Diabolico's own energies in an attempt to destroy the Rangers. However, Carter, who is not captured by Queen Bansheera during the struggle with Loki, confronts Bansheera at the Skull Cavern. From Diabolico's advice, Carter learns of Queen Bansheera's weakness: striking her where her heart should be. Queen Bansheera releases her hold on Diabolico and the Rangers, but is not finished as she briefly attacks Mariner Bay herself as a giant. The Rangers fight Queen Bansheera with the Lightspeed Megazord but she quickly escapes after being shot by its lasers. Tvicon TV STORY-Wrath of the Queen

Olympius, who has escaped from the Shadow World, returns to Queen Bansheera after defeating Diabolico and taking him prisoner. Queen Bansheera turns Diabolico into a slave to her will and uses him to combine forces with Olympius to attack the Rangers. Both demons are destroyed in battle, but Queen Bansheera resurrects them both as powerful but mindless Super Demons. Diabolico and Olympius succeed in destroying most of the Rangers' Megazords before finally meeting their end by the Lifeforce Megazord. When Queen Bansheera demands that Jinxer send another monster to defeat the Rangers, he reveals that he is out of monster cards. However, before she can kill him for his incompetence, he reveals that he did succeed in placing the final card containing an army of Batlings on the Lifeforce Megazord (not long after Diabolico and Olympius' defeat) to infiltrate the Aquabase. Tvicon TV STORY-Rise of the Super Demons

The Batling card activates under Jinxer's power shortly thereafter and the army were able to take control of the Lifeforce and Omega Megazords, allowing the Queen to begin a new ceremony that will free her demon subjects from the Shadow World to roam the Earth. Having underestimated the Rangers decisively, namely Carter, Bansheera is knocked over the tomb that acts as the entry to the Shadow World, but attempted to take Carter with her in the process, who is also on the verge of falling into the endless waves of Demons that waited below. Queen Bansheera meets her demise however when the spirit of Diabolico assists the Rangers one last time by forcing her into the Shadow World. Whilst the Rangers seal off the tomb to the Shadow World, Queen Bansheera is attacked and presumably destroyed by her fellow Demons of the Shadow World as revenge for her disloyalty to them, much to Diabolico's pleasure as he gleefully witnesses the fall of his former Queen, due to him also succeeding in getting revenge of his own. Tvicon TV STORY-The Fate of Lightspeed

Even if Bansheera remains alive in the Shadow World, she will never pose a threat to the Earth ever again.


Queen Bansheera was traitorous, sadistic, ruthless, cruel, remorseless, and insane. Nothing short of being obsessive, Bansheera would go to any lengths of returning to power and became notorious for sacrificing her minions to achieve her agenda. The first most significant realization of Bansheera's obsession is expressing how pleased she was that Diabolico, Vypra, and Loki had imprisoned her son Olympius in the Shadow World; seeing her own son as expendable just as her other minions. She also didn't show any concern for Olympius when he was finally killed. She is also supremely arrogant, thinking that no one can stop her. After she had consumed Vypra's energy to obtain her full body, Bansheera became dangerously unstable with power to the point that not even the Rangers and her own minions were safe from her madness. She is also shown to expect her forces to remain loyal no matter what. However, her treachery proved to be her undoing since in the final episode, when Diabolico's spirit returned one last time, she expected him to help her, despite the fact she made him kill his best friend.

Much to her credit, however, Bansheera did prove to be a loving mother when Olympius was still the infant Impus. In the episode "Go Volcanic", when she returned to the Skull Cavern after a long and unexplained absence, she expressed her joy in seeing Impus again. Also, considering that Impus had for some time been longing for his mother, this further proves that the Queen can at the very least, act like a good mother if she wants to. It is also shown that she can respect her allies when they do their missions right. She is also very wise and highly intelligent and admittedly does show some points of concern regarding her minions, as in the final part of the two-part team up special episode "Trakeena's Revenge", she is fully aware that if Trakeena regains her lost powers and insect form, she will be strong enough to destroy her comrades, including her own son Olympius even when he had Diabolico's Star Power. Though given what she does to them in her final moments, these good qualities are likely due to pragmatism more than anything else.


Being the ruler of all demons, Queen Bansheera possessed immense supernatural powers and abilities that surpassed Diabolico, Loki, Vipra, Jinxer, and Olympius combined, making her the strongest and most powerful villain in Power Rangers Lightspeed Rescue. It should be noted that at one point in the episode "Wrath of the Queen", Queen Bansheera did engage the Rangers in battle against their Lightspeed Megazord; but she quickly withdrew from the battle after taking only a few blows from their Megazord. Given the anti-climatic scenario, it was unknown if she is truly capable of overwhelming the Zords herself.

KSGV-Grand Witch Grandiene (Spirit Form)

When Queen Bansheera appeared for the first time, she took the form of a blue-white spirit-like vortex where only her face was shown. She had black eyes with no pupils and her mouth was nearly visible.

Powers and Abilities[]


  • Flight: Bansheera was able to fly effortlessly while in her spirit form.
  • Resurrection Empowerment: In the episode "Rising From Ashes", when Bansheera returned in her spiritual state, she was able to resurrect both Magmavore and Trifire as powerful enforcers.
  • The Star Power: Queen Bansheera had the ability to grant anyone its power as seen in the episode "The Cobra Strikes", it was awarded to her son Impus after Diabolico's first defeat by the Rangers.


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Appearances: LR Episodes 9, 10, 13, 15, 16

KSGV-Grand Witch Grandiene (Incomplete Form)

Due to the ceremony being interrupted by the Lightspeed Rangers, Queen Bansheera's body gets mangled up in a cocoon-like shape with many tentacles and a large tentacle below it, but she gets more facial features on her face, which is similar to that of a demonic woman with light purple-white skin, red-orange tiger-like eyes, red lips, long elven ears, long orange-brown hair, and a crown-like headwear with a dark green colored jewel in the middle.

Powers and Abilities[]


  • Teleportation: Queen Bansheera could teleport to any location at will.
  • Tidal Wave: In the episode "The Queen's Return", Queen Bansheera was shown to have an ability to cause a massive tidal wave in an attempt to destroy Mariner Bay.
  • Lightning Bolt: In the episode "In the Freeze Zone", Queen Bansheera could cast a powerful indigo-white colored lightning bolt.
  • Projection: Bansheera was able to make a projection of herself appear in the sky.
  • Tractor Beam: Bansheera could fire a pink-purple lightning-like tractor beam.
    • Biological/Life Energy Absorption: Though her tractor beam, Queen Bansheera could absorb other living beings and their life energy as seen when she used it on Vypra.
      • Transformation: After absorbing a sufficient amount of life energy, Bansheera could transform into her ultimate form at will.


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Appearances: LR Episodes 19-21, 23-25, 30, 32, 35-37

KSGV-Grand Witch Grandiene

After absorbing Vypra, Queen Bansheera was at long last at the height of what she described as her "magnificent powers", thus gaining a new form that resembles an angelic creature with a white vampiric head, sharp teeth, yellow tiger-like eyes, three dark red jewel-like pieces on her forehead, a version of her hair that is spiked upward, large transparent insect/bat-like wings behind her head, huge shoulder pads composed of white rocks, black arms with large clawed hands, a sleeveless bodysuit of the same color with a demonic face on her stomach area, a skirt-like appendage with the faces of Fireor, Aquafiend, Arachnor, and two unused Gogo monsters: Zombeast and Godai attached to it, and clawed black legs with black and gold greaves around them.

Powers and Abilities[]


  • Self Growth: Queen Bansheera could become giant-sized at will. How she did this is unclear as she did this off-screen.
    • Shrinking: Queen Bansheera was able to return to human size at will as well.
  • Teleportation: Queen Bansheera could teleport to any location at will.
    • Teleport Cast: Queen Bansheera could teleport other beings to her at will.
  • Sonic Scream: Being banshee-based, Queen Bansheera could generate a powerful sonic scream.
  • Telepathic Communication: Queen Bansheera could focus her mind onto her minions to talk with them.
  • Telekinesis: Queen Bansheera possesses telekinesis, allowing her to move an object and/or person with her mind.
  • Power Removal: Queen Bansheera could fire a red energy beam that can take powers away from other people, but where she fired it is unknown.
  • Pyrokinesis: Queen Bansheera could manipulate fire in the form of a streak of flames around her enemies.
    • Fire Negation: Bansheera's presence caused the fire in the torches of the demons' tombs to go out when she confronted Ryan during the episode "The Fate of Lightspeed, Pt. 1".
      • Electronic Disruption: Bansheera's presence cut off Ryan's communicator when the torches in the demon's tomb went out.
  • Lightning Blast: Queen Bansheera could cast powerful green or purple lightning blasts at her enemies.
  • Wind Gust: Queen Bansheera could blow a strong gust of wind from her hands.
  • Electrocution Touch: Queen Bansheera could electrocute anyone with purple electricity on contact.
  • Tractor Beam: Queen Bansheera retained her ability to fire a pink-purple lightning-like tractor beam like she did in her deformed and mangled body but it was fired from her hands and could grab other beings.
    • Lightning Beam Formation: Queen Bansheera's tractor beam could also be used to do physical harm to the enemy, making it similar to the lightning bolt from her first form.
  • Darkness Atmosphere: Much like Olympius, Bansheera had the ability to make the sky turn dark as a way to power down the Lightspeed Rescue Power Rangers' Megazords.
  • Levitation: Bansheera could hover in the air unassisted, allowing her to seamlessly float in the air.
  • Invisible Force: Queen Bansheera could fire an invisible force from her hands.
  • Energy Lasers: Queen Bansheera's strongest ability where she could fire powerful red colored energy lasers from her hands as well. They were strong enough to cast Carter and Ryan out of the Skull Cavern and knock the Red Ranger's helmet off of him with just one blast each.


  • Durability: Queen Bansheera possesses thick skin that can withstand her enemies' attacks, being able to shrug off a blast from Carter's Rescue Blaster and withstand punches from the Lightspeed Megazord's Ladder Arms.


  • Vulnerable Heart: Queen Bansheera's powers can be negated if she is struck in the area where her heart would naturally be.


  • Demon Claws: Queen Bansheera possesses large clawed hands for combat.
    • Tentacle Fingers: Queen Bansheera could stretch and turn her fingers into rope-like tentacles to wrap her enemies with.
      • Hypnosis: Queen Bansheera could use her tentacle fingers to hypnotize other beings.
      • Hyper Empowerment: Arguably Queen Bansheera's most significant display of power as shown in the penultimate episode of Power Rangers Lightspeed Rescue "Rise of the Super Demons" where she turned her clawed fingers into rope-like tentacles to stab where her minions exploded, hyper-enhancing them by turning them into powerful Super Demons.
Appearances: LR Episodes 37-40









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Behind The Scenes[]



  • Queen Bansheera was based upon a banshee in all of her forms.


  • Queen Bansheera is named after a banshee, a female spirit from Irish myth whose piercing shriek is considered a harbinger of death.


  • Queen Bansheera was the last female main antagonist in the series until Madame Odius eighteen years later in Power Rangers Super Ninja Steel, although there were others with a lower rank than the boss.
    • Although Madame Odius did appear in Power Rangers Ninja Steel, she was serving under Galvanax at that time.
  • In Kyukyu Sentai GoGoFive, Grand Witch Grandiene (Queen Bansheera's Japanese counterpart) was originally killed by the Lightspeed Solarzord's counterpart in the episode “Wrath of the Queen”, but possessed and empowered her minions only to be destroyed with them in the equivalent of “Rise of the Super Demons” (which was GoGoV’s finale).
    • This was changed for Power Rangers Lightspeed Rescue because her destruction was a massive anti-climax by fans since she was defeated very indirectly.
  • Much like her Super Sentai counterpart, it's unknown what Queen Bansheera looked like before her body got mangled up from returning to Earth.
  • Queen Bansheera was the only villain in Power Rangers Lightspeed Rescue to be defeated by one of her own comrades since Diabolico delivered the final blow that sent her into the Shadow World.
  • Queen Bansheera is the first villain to be defeated by another villain (even though Diabolico redeemed himself) and not destroyed.
  • Queen Bansheera was the first main villain in the Power Rangers series to be imprisoned instead of destroyed. The others were Emperor Gruumm, Broodwing, Mora, and the A-Squad Rangers from Power Rangers S.P.D., Octoroo from Power Rangers Super Samurai, and Scrozzle from Power Rangers Beast Morphers.
  • Bansheera's fate was similar to Daimaou from Kakuranger in that both of them were sealed, not destroyed.


See Also[]



Power nav icon Power Rangers Lightspeed Rescue Icon-gogofive
Carter Grayson - Chad Lee - Joel Rawlings - Kelsey Winslow - Dana Mitchell - Ryan Mitchell
Rescue Morpher - Titanium Morpher - Rescue Blaster - Rescue Bird - Battle Boosters - V-Lancer - Titanium Laser - Lightspeed Cycles - Rescue Rover - Trans Armor Cycle
Captain William Mitchell - Angela Fairweather - Leo Corbett - Damon Henderson - Kai Chen - Maya - Kendrix Morgan - Wesley Collins - Jen Scotts - Lucas Kendall - Katie Walker - Trip - Eric Myers - Cole Evans
Zords and Megazords
Rail Rescue 1 - Rail Rescue 2 - Rail Rescue 3 - Rail Rescue 4 - Rail Rescue 5 - Pyro Rescue 1 - Aqua Rescue 2 - Aero Rescue 3 - Haz Rescue 4 - Med Rescue 5 - Max Solarzord - Omegazord 1 - Omegazord 2 - Omegazord 3 - Omegazord 4 - Omegazord 5
Lightspeed Megazord - Supertrain Megazord - Lightspeed Solarzord - Omega Megazord - Lifeforce Megazord
Queen Bansheera - Prince Olympius - Diabolico - Loki - Vypra - Jinxer - Batlings
Ghouligan - Magmavore - Quakemon - Whirlin - Fireor - Gold Beaked Monster - Elestomp - Strikning - Cyborg Rangers - Smogger - Trifire - Liztwin - Demonite - Thunderon - Falkar - Troika - Cobra Incarnate - Thunderclaw - Shockatron - Spellbinder - Moleman - Cyclopter - Mantevil - Vilevine - Freezard - Infinitor - Birdbane - Memorase - The Gatekeeper - Furnace Monster - Ghoular - Flowar - Mermatron - Fire Wasp - Aquafiend - Arachnor - Treevil
Triskull - Ghouls