Icon-mightymorphinThis article is about an ally in Mighty Morphin Power Rangers.
"My pleasure. And welcome back, But the key was there inside you, Zack."

Quagmire is a small man who resides on the Island of Illusion.


It's unclear if Quagmire lived on the Island of Illusions or was banished there by Rita Repulsa (as his fear of her would indicate).

Quagmire watched the Rangers from the bushes and trees when they arrived on the Island of Illusion. Zack was the first to see him, but thought he merely imagined him.

Soon, the other Rangers see him after they first hear him playing his flute. He originally assumed the Rangers were sent by Rita when Kimberly mentioned her name, yelling at them before teleporting away He soon learns that they're not with Rita, and helps them by speaking riddles to help them regain their confidence and escape the island before Rita can blow it up. He managed to escape as well somehow. He is last seen as a DJ at the dance competition Zack participates in. He is never seen again but presumably either still lives there or moved back to wherever he came from.

Behind the Scenes


Powers and abilities

  • Durability: Quagmire jumped out of a tall tree to the ground without injury.
  • Teleportation: Quagmire can spin on the spot to teleport in a puff of purple smoke. He can also apparently teleport in between dimensions.
  • Flute Playing: Quagmire was extremely good when playing his flute.
  • Psychic: Quagmire talked to Jason through his mind during his trial.
  • Fourth Wall Awareness: Shown at the start of Part II when he turned to the camera in the middle of trying to help Zack.
  • Stealth: Quagmire was able to sneak about after the Rangers without being seen.


  • Quagmire's name is often confused with Quasimodo as a running "joke."

See Also

