Icon-gaorangerThis article is about an Org in Power Rangers Wild Force.

"Your Zords are forsaking you, and now I will show you the TRUE power of the Animal Crystals!"
―Master Org describing the Quadra Org to Merrick before creating him from the Rangers' Animal Crystals.[src]

Quadra Org is a chimera-themed Org and is one of the primary villains of the seven-part Zen-Aku story arc, in which he is the final Org. He serves as the primary antagonist of the episode "The Lone Wolf", the seventh/final part of the Zen-Aku story arc.


This animal-like monster was created out of the Elephant, Giraffe, Black Bear, and Polar Bear Animal Crystals by Master Org, which were stolen by Zen-Aku. He battled Merrick and made a beatdown on him, so the Rangers came and morphed to do battle with this monster, but none of their weapons have any effect on him. They then used the Jungle Sword's Savage Slash on him, but even that just bounced right off of him. The monster then attacked the Rangers by using the powers of all four stolen Wildzords, and had the Rangers at his mercy.

Quadra Org

The creation of Quadra Org

He was about to make the final strike on them until Merrick stepped forward and did battle with the Org again, but he was outmatched. But no matter how much Quadra Org attacked, Merrick will not stay down, so the Lion Wildzord called the Wolf, Hammerhead and Alligator Wildzords to help out Merrick and gave him a Lunar Caller, which lets him turn into the new Lunar Wolf Wild Force Ranger. With this new power, he does battle with the Quadra Org and no matter how much the Org tried, he was no match and was destroyed by the Laser Pool finisher.

After Toxica revives the Org as a giant, Merrick summons his Wildzords and they formed a purified version of the Predazord, the Light Predazord, while the Wild Force Rangers summon their Wildzords to form the Wild Force Megazord Striker to aid the Predazord in battle. With the combined attacks of the Wild Force Megazord's Final Strike finisher and the Predazord's Revolver Phantom finisher, Quadra Org was destroyed once and for all and the four Animal Crystals were released and returned to the Rangers.Tvicon TV STORY-The Lone Wolf


Unlike most Orgs that came before him, Quadra Org seldom speaks. But judging from his actions, he is a sinister monster that loves to mock his enemies with his power. Despite all of this, he is shown to be loyal to Nayzor.

Powers and Abilities[]


  • Lightning Burst: Quadra Org can release a wild spread of orange-yellow lightning from around himself. This pushed back and wiped out all five Wild Force Rangers.
  • Lightning Bolts: From the horns on his head or the giraffe head located in the middle of his forehead, he can fire orange-yellow or red-orange lightning bolts that are powerful enough to take out the five Wild Force Rangers in one blast.
  • Forehead Giraffe Lightning Beam: From the giraffe head located in the middle of his forehead, Quadra Org can fire red-orange lightning beams.
  • Lightning Vision: Quadra Org can fire lightning from his four eyes in the form of red lightning beams or a blast of orange and yellow colored electricity. A single blast took down all the five Wild Force Rangers and blasted Merrick right off a hill.
  • Head Lightning Balls: Quadra Org can fire light orange lightning balls from his head in rapid succession.
  • Polar Bear Ice Breath: From the Polar Bear Wildzord head on his right shoulder, Quadra Org can launch a stream of powerful ice at his enemies.
  • Black Bear Fire Breath: From the Black Bear Wildzord head on his left shoulder, Quadra Org can launch a stream of strong flames at his enemies.
  • Mega Fireballs: Presumably Quadra Org's strongest attack. By charging his hands up with energy from the Wildzord heads on his body in the form of orange, green, violet, and blue lightning, Quadra Org can launch a big fireball from his arms. Although this had no effect on the Zords, the nature of the attack implies this is the best he could muster.


  • Strength: Having been created from the stolen Animal Crystals, Quadra Org has an incredible amount of strength, being able to best all five Rangers in battle. He was even able to toss Merrick to the ground with just one arm.
  • Durability: Quadra Org has incredibly thick skin that is strong enough to be unaffected by the Wild Force Power Rangers' weapons striking him at once. Even two slashes from Merrick's clawed gloves did absolutely nothing. He also shrugged off a blast from Merrick's Lunar Cue Sniper Mode and fired back. When made giant, the Wild Force Megazord's Shark Surge and Tiger Fury attacks combined with a double punch from the Predazord just made him stumble back. It took the power of the Lunar Break attack and later the Wild Force Megazord Final Strike and the Predazord's Revolver Phantom to end him for good.


to be added


  • Right Trunk Arm: The Quadra Org's right arm is in the shape of the Elephant Wildzord's trunk, which he can use to wrap his target with great force.
    • Extendable Trunk Arm: Quadra Org can extend his trunk arm at incredible lengths.
    • Trunk Tying: Quadra Org can launch a trunk from his trunk arm that tightly wraps his enemies.
  • Clawed Left Hand: Quadra Org has a clawed left hand that looks like a mix of the Black Bear and the Polar Bear for combat.
    • Deflection: He was able to deflect the Jungle Sword Savage Slash with the swipe of his hand.

Behind the Scenes[]



to be added


  • The first part of Quadra Org's name comes from the word Quadra, which is another word for the number four. It is also a reference to how he is made out of four different Wildzords.


  • Quadra Org is the third fusion chimera-type monster to appear in the series (the first being the Cog Impursonator and the second being Troika).
  • While the Quadra Org doesn't talk, after taking out the the Wild Force Rangers and being stopped by Merrick, it is possible to make out the word "Yes?".
  • Second to Locomotive Org, the Quadra Org is one of the strongest and most powerful monster in Power Rangers Wild Force, being powerful enough to take out all five Rangers with ease and when giant, it took the power of the Wild Force Megazord and the Predazord to take him down.
    • The reason for Quadra Org's high power is due to the fact that he was created by the Animal Crystals, which in terms have the power of their specific Wildzords.
  • The Quadra Org is the first monster to be fought by the Predazord Hero Mode.
  • The Quadra Org is the first monster in Wild Force to be fought by two Megazords.


See Also[]



Power nav icon Power Rangers Wild Force Icon-gaoranger
Cole Evans - Taylor Earhardt - Max Cooper - Danny Delgado - Alyssa Enrilé - Merrick Baliton
Growl Phone - Lunar Caller - Crystal Sabers - Power Animal Crystals - Red Lion Fang - Golden Eagle Sword - Blue Shark Fighting Fins - Black Bison Axe - White Tiger Baton - Jungle Sword - Lion Blaster - Lunar Cue - Falcon Summoner - Falconator - Armadillo Puck - Sword of Pardolis - Rhino Shooter - Deer Clutcher - Jungle Blaster - Savage Cycles - Wild Force Rider - Animarium Armor
Princess Shayla - Kite - Ancient Warriors - Time Force Rangers - Ransik - Nadira - Alpha 7
Veteran Red Rangers (Forever Red): Jason Lee Scott - Aurico - Tommy Oliver - T.J. Johnson - Andros - Leo Corbett - Carter Grayson - Wes Collins - Eric Myers
Zords and Megazords
Red Lion Wildzord - Yellow Eagle Wildzord - Blue Shark Wildzord - Black Bison Wildzord - White Tiger Wildzord - Elephant Wildzord - Giraffe Wildzord - Black Bear Wildzord - Polar Bear Wildzord - Gorilla Wildzord - Soul Bird - Wolf Wildzord - Hammerhead Shark Wildzord - Alligator Wildzord - Rhino Wildzord - Armadillo Wildzord - Deer Wildzord - Falcon Wildzord - Black Lion Wildzord - Condor Wildzord - Saw Shark Wildzord - Buffalo Wildzord - Jaguar Wildzord
Wild Force Megazord - Kongazord - Predazord - Isis Megazord - Animus - Pegasus Megazord
Other Zords
Astro Megaship
Master Org - Putrids
Duke Orgs: Jindrax - Toxica - Zen-Aku - Artilla & Helicos - Onikage
General Orgs: Retinax - Nayzor - Mandilok
Mut-Orgs: Takach - Kired - Rofang
Machine Empire: General Venjix - Gerrok - Steelon - Automon - Tezzla - Cogs - Serpentera
Turbine Org - Plug Org - Barbed Wire Org - Camera Org - Bell Org - Tire Org - Ship Org - Cell Phone Org - Bulldozer Org - Freezer Org - Vacuum Cleaner Org - Bus Org - Scooter/Motorcycle Org - Lawnmower Org - Quadra Org - Karaoke Org - Signal Org - Bowling Org - Wedding Dress Org - Samurai Org - Tombstone Org - Flute Org - Juggelo - Lion Tamer Org - Monitor Org - Toy Org - Clock Org - Locomotive Org