Icon-gogofiveThis article is about a villain in Power Rangers Lightspeed Rescue.

―Olympius' first word (as Impus) when Vypra mentioned Queen Bansheera's name and his first word in the series.[src]

"I am Olympius, son of Queen Bansheera. Bow down before me now, or you will feel my power."
―Olympius introducing himself to the Lightspeed Rangers after gaining Diabolico's Star Power and turning into his adult form.[src]

"I can feel my strength returning, Jinxer! And when I have my full powers back, those who have crossed me will pay!"
―Prince Olympius to Jinxer, while undergoing his healing process.[src]

"That is not going to happen."
―Prince Olympius after Diabolico handed Carter the key to the Shadow World entrance before killing Diabolico and his final words before his first destruction.[src]

Prince Olympius was the son of Queen Bansheera and the secondary antagonist of Power Rangers Lightspeed Rescue.


Prince Olympius initially appeared as the infant Impus; who was cared for by the Demons in Bansheera's absence. Diabolico considered little Impus to be a threat because Bansheera threatened to give Impus the Star Power, plus he had his mother's affections as a baby and her heir, and she wanted him to be powerful.

Impus eventually gained it when Diabolico was destroyed by the Lightspeed Solarzord, maturing into the humanoid dragon warrior, Olympius. He took Diabolico's place as the Rangers' main antagonist, initially not quite so adept as Diabolico due to his youth and inexperience, but throughout his run, as the main "general" tier villain, he proved at least equal to his predecessor. Tvicon TV STORY-The Cobra Strikes

During Olympius' first encounter with the Rangers, he wiped the floor with them and later gained access to the Aquabase; when he captured four of the Rangers and assumed their forms. Carter Grayson (Red Ranger) was able to see right through him and foiled his plans, which resulted in Olympius falling into the sea and losing most of his personal power along with the ability to shape-shift. As a result, he was no longer a physical match for the Rangers. Vypra, Loki, Jinxer & Olympius retreated, but left the monster Thunderclaw behind to kill the Rangers, although he failed. Tvicon TV STORY-Olympius Ascends

When Vypra and Loki took charge, they attempted to exert their control over the Prince. For a time, he reluctantly accepted this, however, after the attempt to revive Bansheera went wrong and she came back deformed, he finally stood up for himself and forced the two back into line. Olympius had managed to revive Bansheera, but little did he know that instead of treating him as her son, she treated him as just another expendable pawn like the rest of her minions. His plans to win her affection were unsuccessful, and he quickly lost favor with her. Tvicon TV STORY-The Queen's Return

Eventually, Olympius managed to destroy 4 of the Rangers once by using a device that allowed him to use the Rescue Bird against them, but by sheer luck, Carter was thrust back in time and was able to prevent Olympius from pulling the trigger and killed his monster Mantevil. Tvicon TV STORY-Yesterday Again

When he discovered that Vypra and Loki were to take his place as second-in-command, he plotted to eliminate the two by using the monster Vilevine to bury them alive. He then claimed that the Rangers had killed them which put him back in Bansheera's favor. However, Vypra and Loki survived and were able to resurrect Diabolico. Tvicon TV STORY-As Time Runs Out

Significantly later, Olympius attacked Miss Fairweather alongside Freezard when she was testing out the new Thermo Blasters and had him eat four of the Rangers although Carter managed to escape with Fairweather when they were confronted by Vypra, Loki and Diabolico. Bansheera recalled them to the Skull Palace, berated them for the interruption, and forced them to work together. Olympius later returned with Freezard under the pretense of returning the Rangers but tricked Carter although he managed to free the others and take out Freezard. Jinxer made him grow and Olympius darkened the sky but the Omega Megazord was quickly summoned and easily finished off the monster with its double slash. Tvicon TV STORY-In the Freeze Zone

After Infinitor proved himself too much for the Rangers, Olympius arrived and gloated about his power although both retreated when the Rangers used their Spectra Blast. Olympius then tells Infinitor that Miss Fairweather and her brother Clark are working on an invention that can defeat him, for which Infinitor says that "they must be destroyed!", Olympius then orders the monster to do so. Unluckily for Infinitor, the new Mega Battle Armors proved too much for him and he was destroyed. After the Lightspeed Megazord and Max Solarzord arrive to fight the now giant Infinitor, Olympius darkened the skies which allowed the monster to defeat both them and the Omega Megazord but he was killed when the Omega Megazord used a variant of the Fire Circle finisher on him when it plucked the Lightspeed Megazord Saber out of the ground. Tvicon TV STORY-The Mighty Mega Battles

A long while later, Olympius and Triskull were deliberating over what to do with the life force that they were stealing from innocent civilians. Olympius wished to use it to restore Queen Bansheera but Triskull had a hidden agenda of using it to restore Trakeena's ultimate insect form. However, after the death of Triskull and whilst Trakeena prepared to mutate herself again, Olympius revealed that he knew of the treachery and corrupted the life force with a poisoned dagger, mutating her into a Demon form. He knew that at least one of his enemies would be killed and they could destroy the other easily although Trakeena quickly fell when the Galaxy Rangers lent their Lights of Orion powers to the Omega Megazord to form the Orion Omega Megazord which destroyed her with one attack. Tvicon TV STORY-Trakeena's Revenge

Sometime after, as an attempt to destroy the Rangers, Olympius employed the services of the Shadow World's Gatekeeper to trap the Rangers in the Shadow World, roaming with defeated demons. However, he himself became trapped at Diabolico's bidding when the gateway was destroyed and the key was stolen. Tvicon TV STORY-Sorcerer of the Sands (episode)

After reuniting with the Gatekeeper, who had lost all hope of escaping, he refused to accept defeat, shortly after being contacted by Jinxer who had discovered a way for him to escape in a grimoire. Olympius was instructed to destroy and absorb the energy from the zombie-like fallen demons, which he did with ease. Upon their defeat, Olympius evolved into an even more powerful dragon-like version of himself and used his new powers to free both himself and the Gatekeeper. Jinxer, through proxy of a possessed Captain Mitchell, placed a Star Power link inside the Aquabase generator to provide Olympius with more energy to maintain his new powers.

Olympius was completely invulnerable during this time, until Angela Fairweather broke the link to the Aquabase's energy and cut off his power supply, leaving him without any way to control his powers, leading to his defeat. His Star Power was destroyed by the Omega Megazord's double slash during the battle and he was seemingly killed by the Lightspeed Solarzord's finishing move. However, Jinxer later found him alive, buried beneath the debris in his regular form again, but cripplingly weakened. Tvicon TV STORY-Olympius Unbound

During the leading few episodes, Olympius was cared for by Jinxer in a cave where he would spend some time recovering, shown to be unable to even stand at times. He would remain there until fully healed. At this point, the cave would be discovered by a lone Carter Grayson out on an exercise run. However Olympius was able to ambush the lone Ranger, demonstrating the return of his power before Carter was able to narrowly escape. Tvicon TV STORY-Wrath of the Queen

Following this, he later took revenge on the recently defected Diabolico in the penultimate episode of Power Rangers Lightspeed Rescue by besting him in battle. He would ultimately decide to return to his mother with Diabolico in chains as an offering. His mother would then turn Diabolico into a mindless slave and send Olympius to attack with Diabolico as his thrall.

Olympius descended to the city and spent some time toying with his enemy before unleashing the mindless Diabolico on the Rangers, before leaping into battle himself. However, the demonic child's plans were derailed when Diabolico regained his mind and rebelled against him. Olympius struck down Diabolico, but was injured following Diabolico's own attack. Ultimately, the combined Mega Battle blasts and the Trans-Armor Cycle's wheels and laser blasts also destroyed him in the process.

This was not the end of the duo, though, as Queen Bansheera transformed them into new Super Demon forms, with Diabolico now back under her control. With their new-found power, they cripple the Omega and Supertrain Megazords and even destroy the Lightspeed Solarzord so the Rangers were forced to resort to the new Lifeforce Megazord. Though it was still dangerous to its users; due to using their very life force to power itself, Olympius and Diabolico were no match and quickly perished against the new machine. Tvicon TV STORY-Rise of the Super Demons


As Impus, he acts like a young baby, only ever saying the word "Mama!" in a baby-like tone, typically in response to a mention of the Queen. Although even in such a seemingly innocent form, he showed evil moments, such as when he created his first monster[1] and proposed the idea of destroying the city.[2]

As Olympius, he is more matured and now prince-like with his personality. His voice also gets deeper with a slight metallic tone, similar to his mother, but this time, he is now ruthless, cold, and will stop at nothing to destroy the Power Rangers. Overall, Olympius is arrogant, thinking that no one can stop him and that he is better than Vypra and Loki, though he can be a bit naïve at times. His relationship with Loki and Vypra begins to break when they failed to stop the Rangers to interfere in the ceremony and Queen Bansheera returned in a deformed body. Then it broke for good when he tried to kill them. He is highly intelligent and incredibly manipulative, being able to trick the Red Ranger by using his ability to shapeshift into one of the four Rangers.

Despite all of this however, Olympius is shown that he can be calm if needed to be, and while he maintains his arrogance, he can show some points of respect to his minions if they are respectful and is good allies with Jinxer (and to a slight lesser extent, Vypra and Loki). He is also highly loyal to his mother, Queen Bansheera and does truly love her, as all of this was shown in the episode "The Queen's Return", where he first expressed his joy in seeing his mother again after all this time, then got depressed when he thought his mother was gone for good after the Titanium Ranger ruined the ritual that was performed by the Spellbinder, angrily standing up to Loki and Vypra when the former attempted to harm him due to Olympius blaming them for what happened, expressing his relief and joy after seeing his mother has returned, and getting enraged and now seeking revenge on the Rangers when Bansheera told Olympius that her body got mangled up in a cocoon shape due to the ceremony being interrupted by the Rangers.



KSGV-Infant Demon Drop


His first form resembled a a cross between a Furby and a baby dragon. He is mostly colored in red and has big round eyes with light brown eyelids and green pupils, a single light brown hair on top of his head, and two-clawed fingers that peek out from under his head. He has fin-like ears and is always seen with a binky in his mouth and wrapped in red wings similar to that of a baby. There appears to be a small black devil-like tail appearing from underneath and in terms of size, he is small, about the same size as Loki's hand.

Powers and Abilities[]


  • Monster Creations: In both forms, Olympius was responsible for the creation of a variety of different monsters. Most of them were either fire-elemental (like Fireor and Trifire) or reptilian (Freezard and Infinitor); others included a praying mantis-like monster named Mantevil, a plant-themed monster named Vilevine and an unhatched Monster Egg.
  • Cocoon Transformation: After acquiring the Star Power, Impus will turn into a red cocoon, which is his first stage of transforming into the humanoid dragon warrior known as Olympius.


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Appearances: LR Episodes 1-10, 13-16

In his cocoon form, he is a red-colored pill-shaped cocoon with black bars around it. It bears a resemblance to a caterpillar cocoon.

Powers and Abilities[]


  • Flight: Impus can fly while in a cocoon.
  • Dimensional Travel: Impus while in a cocoon form can travel to any dimension at will.
  • Fire Lasers: Impus while in a cocoon form can launch liner fire lasers at the enemy.
  • Supernova: If anyone shoots at Impus' cocoon, the cocoon will explode and cause a massive blast of fire to appear around him similar to that of a supernova which was strong enough to cause a massive crater in the ground below where he exploded.
    • Metamorphosis: After coming out of the cocoon, Impus will evolve into a humanoid dragon warrior named Olympius.


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Appearances: LR Episodes 16 & 17

Being the son of Queen Bansheera and granted Diabolico's Star Power, Olympius is the second strongest and most powerful villain in Power Rangers Lightspeed Rescue (surpassed only by Queen Bansheera herself). His powers are far greater than Loki, Vypra, and even Diabolico's abilities alone, and he can easily take on the Rangers with ease.

KSGV-Dragon Dark King Salamandes

Prince Olympius

His true second form was a humanoid dragon warrior with a white-skinned human face, two horns on his head and fins on the sides, his eyes are now green with white eyelids, he has a set of black and red wings behind his back and a gold-armored body, red shoulder pads with spikes coming out of them, black and gold wristbands encrusted with green jewels and a gold chain on the left, five-clawed fingers, three-clawed feet, and the Star Power is now colored red and located on his chest much like how it was on Diabolico. He is also taller than Loki and Vypra.

As Olympius, he gains many new abilities and has proved to be a noteworthy adversary to the Lightspeed Rescue Power Rangers, but being new at wielding the Star Power, it puts a great strain on him, so he had to slowly get used to his new powers. But even with that little weakness, he is still powerful and can easily outmatch the Lightspeed Rescue Power Rangers' skills and weaponry.

Powers and Abilities[]


  • Telepathic Communication: When infiltrating the Aquabase, Prince Olympius was able to communicate with Vypra and the others by focusing his mind. This was only shown in two of his human disguises.
  • Teleportation: Olympius can teleport to any location at will.
    • Pyroportation: Olympius' other way of teleportation sometimes involves vanishing in a puff of orange fire.
  • Energy Reflection: Olympius can reflect an energy-based attack by swiping his hands which was shown during his first battle when he held out his hand to deflect blasts from Chad's V-Lancer.
  • Extraordinary Leaper: Olympius can leap at an incredible distance.
  • Monster Creations: In both forms, Olympius was responsible for the creation of a variety of different monsters. Most of them were either fire-elemental (like Fireor and Trifire) or reptilian (Freezard and Infinitor); others included a praying mantis-like monster named Mantevil, a plant-themed monster named Vilevine and an unhatched Monster Egg.
  • Enemy Consumption: If the foe he has battled is weakened, he can absorb them into his mouth to make himself stronger and transform into his powered-up form.
    • Transformation: After consuming enough enemies, Olympius can change into his advanced form.
  • Star Power Absorption: From the Star Power located on his chest, he can capture his enemies within the Star Power. However, in the episode "Olympius Ascends", he was weakened from the exposure to water, and he could no longer contain the Rangers inside the Star Power.
    • Shape-shifting: With the prisoners he has captured, Olympius can use his Star Power to turn himself into nearly identical duplicates of his prisoners.
  • Darkness Atmosphere: Olympius' signature ability. By saying the phrase "Darken the sky", he can use his Star Power to cause black storm clouds to appear in the sky and block the sun, causing the sky to later turn red and storm clouds to appear and fire blue lightning bolts, which can be used to power down both the Lightspeed Megazord and the Max Solarzord, as well as the Lightspeed Solarzord.
    • Absolute Darkness: This power also works on a more local basis where he can create a field of absolute darkness around his enemies to localize the dark weather to them.
  • Flamethrower: Being a dragon-themed demon, Olympius can launch a continuous stream of powerful flames from his hands, which was strong enough to take out all four Rangers with one hit (since Carter was pinned under his foot).
    • Flame Wave: Olympius can also launch a wave of fire from his hands.
  • Fireballs: Olympius can also launch fireballs from his hands.
  • Energy Blasts: Prince Olympius can also launch energy blasts from his hands.
  • Lightning Laser: Olympius can also fire a pink energy laser with pink-white lightning around it from his hands.
  • Conjuration: Prince Olympius can conjure up anything as shown when he made a poisoned dagger and later Diabolico's staff materialize in his hand.


  • Strength: Olympius possesses far greater strength than Diabolico and even when his Star Power got destroyed, he still displayed excellent physical prowess and skills in using various weaponry, being able to snatch Carter's Rescue Blaster away from him using just one hand and send him flying with one kick.
  • Durability: Olympius has thick skin/scales that can resist the weapon fire of his enemies or other attacks such as from all five Rangers. The most extreme show of his durability was shown in the final part of the two-part team-up episode "Trakeena's Revenge", where he got blasted by all five of both the Lightspeed and Galaxy Rangers' weaponry, including the Quasar Launchers and Battle Boosters, but did not even get a scratch on him.
  • Hand-to-Hand Combat: In addition to his raw strength, Olympius is also a skilled warrior in hand-to-hand combat, being able to easily evade the Red Ranger's strikes and subdue him (as shown in the episode "Olympius Ascends"), defeat an army of undead demons (as shown in the episodes "Sorcerer of the Sands" and "Olympius Unbound"), and even best Diabolico twice, finally destroying him the second time.
  • Speed and Agility: Olympius also has the ability to move fast in a blink of an eye.
  • Batling Summoning: Olympius can summon an army of Batlings to aid him in battle.
  • Flight: Also being a dragon-like demon, Olympius has the ability to fly at high speed thanks to the wings behind his back. His speed is shown to rival that of the Mobile Armor Vehicle's base top speed prior to boosting.


  • Water Exposure: It is shown that like most demons, if Prince Olympius is exposed to water, he will be severely weakened.


  • Double-Bladed Spear: When in combat, Olympius primarily used a double-bladed spear.
    Prince Olympius

    Prince Olympius's Double-Bladed Spear

    • Energy Ball: Olympius can fire a red energy ball from his spear which was strong enough to destroy a weakened Diabolico with one hit.
    • Energy Laser: Olympius can shoot out a light orange colored energy laser from his spear.
      • Summoning: He was able to make a brainwashed Diabolico appear in a flash of blue fire through his spear's energy laser.
    • Fireballs: Olympius can also launch fireballs from his spear.
  • The Rangers' Weapons: At times, he even used some of the Rangers' own weapons against them, including Carter's Rescue Blaster in the episode "Olympius Ascends" and the Rescue Bird in the episode "Yesterday Again". The former was stolen when he fought Carter hand to hand and the latter was taken using a tractor device.
  • Tractor Device: Olympius also has a tractor device that lets him fire a red colored tractor beam to hold objects and steal them. He used this to steal the Rescue Bird in the aforementioned "Yesterday Again."
  • Spy Bat: Olympius used a special bat to monitor Triskull, thus learning of his alliance with Trakeena. It was only seen in the final part of "Trakeena's Revenge".
  • Poison Dagger: Olympius also used a dagger with a poisoned blade to contaminate Trakeena's energy supply. It was also only seen in the final part of "Trakeena's Revenge".
  • Shadow World Key: Olympius was in possession of a key that opens a gateway to the Shadow World until Diabolico snatched it from him.
  • Claws: Even without weapons, Olympius has clawed hands for combat.
Appearances: LR Episodes 17-27, 29-35, 37, 38

KSGV-Ghost King Salamandes

Prince Olympius in his advanced form.

The first dragon form was a more draconic and demonic version of himself, with his well known white face developing a malebolgia-like jaw. He also gains new red and gold shoulder pads and a long dragon tail, his body is covered in extra gold armored plating, and his horns are larger.

In his more powerful draconic form, he displayed great powers by resisting the Rangers' weaponry and firing his own energy. However, to maintain his strength in this form, he needed another energy source, which was why he had Jinxer gain access to the Aquabase so the former can drain its power. Once the link to the Aquabase was broken, leaving him without a suitable energy source, he was considerably hindered. Even so, he managed to survive blows from the Omega Megazord and Lightspeed Solarzord that would have normally destroyed other monsters, weakening him enough only to revert him back to his normal form but at the cost of losing the Star Power for good.

Powers and Abilities[]


  • Lightning Beams: Olympius can fire light orange colored lightning beams from his hands which were powerful enough to tear a hole in the Shadow World.
  • Size Changing: Much like Diabolico, Olympius can change his size at will, although it is unknown if he can do the same in his normal form.
  • Dimensional Travel: Olympius can travel to other dimensions at will.
  • Energy Drain: From the Star Power located on his chest, Olympius can drain energy from the Aquabase to increase his strength. But if the link to the base fails, he will be weakened.
  • Wing Twister Blast: Olympius can fire light green colored energy twisters from his wings.
  • Fireballs: Olympius can launch fireballs from his hands similar to the way he did in his original form.
    • Green Fireballs: Olympius can also launch green fireballs as well.
  • Flamethrower: Olympius can fire a stream of flames from his hands like he can in his original form, but they are colored green and stronger.


  • Strength: By absorbing his foes, Olympius is now far stronger than before.
  • Durability: Olympius's skin is far more durable than before, as all five of the Rangers' Rescue Blasters did not make a scratch on him.
  • Flight: Olympius retains his ability to fly like before.
    • Charging: Olympius can charge at full speed towards the enemy while flying.


  • Severed Aquabase Link: If Olympius's link to the Aquabase is severed, he will lose some of his powers.


  • Claws: Olympius retains his clawed hands for combat.
    • Heat Empowerment: Olympius can heat up his claws for an increase in power so that they are hot enough to melt the Lightspeed Megazord's Saber.
  • Dragon Tail: In this form, Olympius possesses a long tail that he can use to bash his enemies with.
Appearances: LR Episode 33

KSGV-Destruction God Salamandes Dragon

Olympius in his Super Demon form.

His final form was more like Godzilla mixed in with a dragon, with a prominent reptilian snout replacing his white human-like face.

In his Super Demon form, he was at the peak of his power. By combining his powers with Diabolico, he managed to cripple or destroy nearly all of the Rangers' Megazords, a feat that very few villains and monsters are capable of achieving. Eventually, they were both destroyed by the Lifeforce Megazord.

Powers and Abilities[]


  • Mouth Tractor Beam: Olympius can spew out a blue colored lightning-like tractor beam from his mouth, which is powerful enough to pick up the Supertrain Megazord with ease.
    • Lightning Beam: Super Demon Olympius's tractor beam can also be used to do physical harm to the enemy, similar to that of his regular Lightning Beam.
  • Mouth Flame Beam: Olympius can also spew out a strong flame beam from his mouth. It is possibly an upgraded version of the Flamethrower ability he had in his previous two forms, but is shot out of his mouth and far stronger.
  • Mega Beam: By combining his powers with Diabolico, he can fire a super strong yellow energy beam. This was the strongest attack to appear all season, destroying the Lightspeed Solarzord completely and critically damaging the Supertrain and Omega Megazords.
  • Force Field: Olympius was able to create a transparent blue force field to deflect the Lightspeed Solarzord and Omega Megazord's attacks.


  • Strength: Being powered by Bansheera, Olympius is now far stronger than before.
  • Durability: Olympius's skin is now more durable since he can take a Turbine Blast and a punch from the Supertrain Megazord and not even get a scratch.


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  • Claws: Olympius retains his clawed hands for combat like before.
Appearances: LR Episode 38











Behind the Scenes[]


Impus was voiced by Brianne Siddall, while Olympius was voiced by Michael Forest in his only Power Rangers role. His suit actor in Super Sentai footage from GoGoFive was Seiji Takaiwa (高岩 成二 Takaiwa Seiji), (who also was the suit actor for the Red Lightspeed Ranger and Diabolico in GoGoFive footage) & his suit actors in US footage were Terence J. Rotolo and Takaharu Miyazaki (宮崎高春 Miyazaki Takaharu), While disguised as others, he is portrayed by their respective actors while retaining his role.


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Concept Art[]


  • His name probably comes from Mount Olympus, home of the Greek pantheon of gods.
    • His baby name, Impus, comes from "Imp", which is archaic Latin for "impure", alluding to "little devil" or "small evil thing".


  • It is unknown who Olympius' father was, if there ever was one.
  • While Olympius' first televised appearance was "Olympius Ascends", he first appeared in the VHS release (titled Power Rangers In 3D) of "Trakeena's Revenge".
  • The Star Power symbol on Olympius' chest varied differently in design between original footage and Sentai footage. In early episodes (as well as in Trakeena's Revenge), the symbol is simply colored red on the empty star-shaped crater on his chest, while in later episodes up until Olympius losing the Star Power, the section was filled with a red star-shaped gem, as per his Super Sentai (GoGoFive) counterpart. Various inconsistencies in filming rose due to some footage showing him with the Star Power when he had already lost it.
  • Olympius has the most forms out of any villains in Power Rangers Lightspeed Rescue, and the second most forms out of any villain in the entire Power Ranger franchise, having a total of five forms (including his cocoon form).
  • As Impus, he was the secondary smallest villain in the entire Power Ranger franchise with Orbus just barely managing to beat him.
  • In contrast with the Sentai, Impus transformed into Olympius before Bansheera returned whereas in GoGoFive, he grew as a result of the ceremony whose footage was used for the episode "The Queen's Return".
  • Olympius, alongside Jinxer, is the only villain to remain loyal to Queen Bansheera until the very end of Power Rangers Lightspeed Rescue.
  • Olympius is the first villainous general to be destroyed for good by the Rangers with one of their Megazords and the second to be destroyed at the hands of the Rangers since Diabolico was brainwashed by Queen Bansheera and the Rangers were forced to destroy him for good with their Megazord.
  • During filming of the final few episodes of Lightspeed Rescue, it can be seen that the suit was finally breaking apart at the back, likely due to the additional US-filmed scenes in which he battled against Diabolico.


See Also[]



Power nav icon Power Rangers Lightspeed Rescue Icon-gogofive
Carter Grayson - Chad Lee - Joel Rawlings - Kelsey Winslow - Dana Mitchell - Ryan Mitchell
Rescue Morpher - Titanium Morpher - Rescue Blaster - Rescue Bird - Battle Boosters - V-Lancer - Titanium Laser - Lightspeed Cycles - Rescue Rover - Trans Armor Cycle
Captain William Mitchell - Angela Fairweather - Leo Corbett - Damon Henderson - Kai Chen - Maya - Kendrix Morgan - Wesley Collins - Jen Scotts - Lucas Kendall - Katie Walker - Trip - Eric Myers - Cole Evans
Zords and Megazords
Rail Rescue 1 - Rail Rescue 2 - Rail Rescue 3 - Rail Rescue 4 - Rail Rescue 5 - Pyro Rescue 1 - Aqua Rescue 2 - Aero Rescue 3 - Haz Rescue 4 - Med Rescue 5 - Max Solarzord - Omegazord 1 - Omegazord 2 - Omegazord 3 - Omegazord 4 - Omegazord 5
Lightspeed Megazord - Supertrain Megazord - Lightspeed Solarzord - Omega Megazord - Lifeforce Megazord
Queen Bansheera - Prince Olympius - Diabolico - Loki - Vypra - Jinxer - Batlings
Ghouligan - Magmavore - Quakemon - Whirlin - Fireor - Gold Beaked Monster - Elestomp - Strikning - Cyborg Rangers - Smogger - Trifire - Liztwin - Demonite - Thunderon - Falkar - Troika - Cobra Incarnate - Thunderclaw - Shockatron - Spellbinder - Moleman - Cyclopter - Mantevil - Vilevine - Freezard - Infinitor - Birdbane - Memorase - The Gatekeeper - Furnace Monster - Ghoular - Flowar - Mermatron - Fire Wasp - Aquafiend - Arachnor - Treevil
Triskull - Ghouls