PR2020 logo This article is about a/an characters in a videogame featuring in the Power Rangers franchise.

Listed are all the characters in Power Rangers Legacy Wars.


Mighty Morphin Power Rangers[]

Jason Lee Scott (MMPR Red Ranger I)[]

UI Ranger RedRng S01

"Jason Lee Scott is the original MMPR Red Ranger and a natural born leader. A 17-year-old black belt, Jason's sly smile betrays his rugged young warrior mantle to reveal a kid next door with a bit of a mischievous streak."

Class: Attacker
Rarity (Leader): Common
Rarity (Assist): Common

Move Type EP Cost Cancel? Effect
Triple Kick (Primary) Strike 3 Yes Three kicks that do increasing damage.
Karate Kick (Primary) Strike 2 No A jumping kick that launches enemies into the air.
T-Rex Takedown (Special) Strike 4 No A dashing Power Sword attack that strikes twice.
Rising Power Slash (Special) Breaker No A jump attack with the Power Sword that knocks enemies into the air.
Blade Blaster (Assist) Strike 3 No Three laser attacks from the Blade Blaster with the final shot knocking the enemy away.

Jason Lee Scott (MMPR Red Ranger I with Dragon Shield)[]

UI Ranger RedRng S01 RedShield

"To prevent Tommy's Green Ranger powers falling into Rita's hands, Tommy gave Jason his Dragon Power Coin. This enables Jason to summon the Dragon Shield, giving him more power, strength, and the Dragon Dagger; which has the ability to summon the Dragonzord."

Class: Attacker
Rarity (Leader): Legendary
Rarity (Assist): Legendary

Move Type EP Cost Cancel? Effect
Rising Power (Primary) Strike 3 No Jason's Rising Power Slash gets an upgrade with an extra hit with the Dragon Dagger.
Dino Dragon Fury (Primary) Counter 3 Yes A flurry of slashes from Dragon Dagger and Power Sword for combo damage.
Power Leap (Special) Breaker 4 No Jason leaps at his opponent for a mighty slash of the Power Sword quickly followed up by the Dragon Dagger.
Dragon's Eye (Special) Breaker 4 No Blade in each hand, Jason spins creating a whirlwind with multi-hit damage.
Dragonzord Power Super ---- No With the strength of the Dragon Shield Jason's Rising Power Attack is now followed up with a descending double stab. Jason's Power Leap in now so powerful it creates an explosion after the final hit.
Cross Slash (Assist) Strike 4 No Jason dashes up to his opponent for a cross slash.

Zack Taylor (MMPR Black Ranger I)[]

UI Ranger BlkRng S01

"Zachary "Zach" Taylor, the MMPR Black Ranger, is a charismatic smooth-talker with a good heart. His love of music & dance results in his own unique fighting style he calls "Hip-Hop-Kido"."

Class: Defender
Rarity (Leader): Rare
Rarity (Assist): Common

Move Type EP Cost Cancel? Effect
Hip Hop Kido (Primary) Strike 2 Yes A stylish combo using Zack's innovative Hip Hop Kido.
Breakin' Kick (Primary) Breaker 3 Yes Powerful spinning kick.
Spinning Axe (Special) Strike 4 No A rapid Power Axe attack that pulls in and stuns the opponent.
Cosmic Cannon Blast (Special) Breaker 5 No A slow to start but damaging attack with a short range.
Axe Splitter (Assist) Breaker 6 No Flying attack using the Power Axe to devastate and launch opponents.

Zack Taylor (MMPR Black Ranger I with Dragon Shield)[]

UI Ranger BlkRng S01 BlkShield

"Zack Taylor is the original Black Ranger. After successfully escaping Rita's control, Tommy lends his strength to Zack. Powered up with the Dragon Shield, Zack's Hip Hop Kido fighting style has never been better."

Class: Defender
Rarity (Leader): Epic
Rarity (Assist): Epic

Move Type EP Cost Cancel? Effect
Kido Flip (Primary) Strike 2 Yes An acrobatic kick while stepping forward, followed by a dangerous backflip that sends opponents flying.
Windmill (Primary) Strike 4 No A stylish slide followed by a painful breakdancing windmill.
Bring It On (Special) Counter 3 No Zack taunts his opponent, provoking an attack. If he's attacked, he'll unleash a devastating breakdancing vortex.
Mastodive (Special) Breaker 5 No Zack focuses his power and performs a high speed dive with his fists outstretched, traveling a great distance.
Dragonzord Power Super ---- No Utilizing the Dragon Shield, Zack gains access to two unique abilities that have armor. They may still lose to clash-outs, but the same clash type will fail against them.
Perfect Form (Assist) Breaker 5 No Zack squares his shoulders before letting loose a devastating blow with his Power Axe.

Billy Cranston (MMPR Blue Ranger)[]

UI Ranger BluRng S01

"Billy Cranston is a sweet, ultra-intelligent nerd. He might not be the strongest fighter, but don't underestimate his ability to utilize the tiniest flaw in his opponent."

Class: Defender
Rarity (Leader): Common
Rarity (Assist): Common

Move Type EP Cost Cancel? Effect
Tricera Combo (Primary) Strike 3 Yes A fast and scrappy combo, but with a slow recovery.
Vaulting Kick (Primary) Strike 4 No A quick kick, using the Power Lance for extra momentum.
Mighty Launcher (Special) Breaker 4 No Billy uses the Power Lance to launch opponents quickly into the air.
Power Lance Pull (Special) Strike 5 No A stunning attack that pulls the opponent in close from afar.
Staff Slam (Assist) Breaker 5 No A defensive breaking jumping attack.

Trini Kwan (MMPR Yellow Ranger I)[]

UI Ranger YelRng S01

"Trini Kwan is a devoted spiritual martial artist. She is observant, intelligent, and, above all, patient. With her razor-sharp fighting skills and lightning fast reflexes, she's someone you don't want to mess with."

Class: Attacker
Rarity (Leader): Common
Rarity (Assist): Common

Move Type EP Cost Cancel? Effect
Tiger Strikes (Primary) Strike 3 Yes Series of fast strikes ending with a kick.
Claw Counter (Primary) Counter 2 No A defensive counter attack that deals massive damage.
Spinning Blades (Special) Strike 4 No Multiple, rapid slashes from the Power Dagger.
Flying Dagger (Special) Breaker No A jumping, air to ground attack that launches the opponent.
Rushing Daggers (Assist) Strike 4 No A fast, charging Power Dagger combo.

Kimberly Hart (MMPR Pink Ranger I)[]

UI Ranger PnkRng S01

"Kimberly Hart is a strong and independent teenager who longs for adventure. This champion gymnast is able to use her acrobatic skills to flip out of any situation."

Class: Attacker
Rarity (Leader): Epic
Rarity (Assist): Common

Move Type EP Cost Cancel? Effect
Power Chops (Primary) Strike 3 Yes Devastating combo that knocks back the opponent.
Backflip Kick (Primary) Strike 4 No A quick, flipping kick that launches the opponent.
Jump Shot (Special) Breaker 3 No A skillful shot while jumping away from the opponent.
Arc Shot (Special) Strike No An angled, tricky shot that stuns the opponent.
Straight Shot (Assist) Strike 3 No A fast, straight arrow from the Battle Bow.

Tommy Oliver (MMPR Green Ranger)[]

UI Ranger GrnRng S01

"Tommy Oliver is always there to lend a helping hand when things get tough. Stoic and good-hearted, Tommy is the epitome of what it means to be a Power Ranger."

Class: Balanced
Rarity (Leader): Rare
Rarity (Assist): Rare

Move Type EP Cost Cancel? Effect
Kickin' It (Primary) Strike 3 Yes Tommy kicks it up a notch.
Spinning Heel Kick (Primary) Breaker 3 No A single spinning kick that can break through opponent's defense.
Dragon Charge (Special) Strike 5 No Highly damaging charging attack using the Power Dagger.
Dagger Quake (Special) Strike 3 No Drives the Power Dagger into the ground, sending out cracks that launches opponents.
Flying Kick (Assist) Strike 3 No Powerful and fast flying attack that knocks the opponent back.

Tommy Oliver (MMPR White Ranger)[]

UI Ranger WhtRng S01

"When Billy discovers Zordon and Alpha constructing a new White Power Ranger, the other teens don't take his revelation too well as they believe that Tommy deserves the new powers. Though Tommy had lost his Green Ranger powers, Zordon deemed Tommy worthy and true of the new White Ranger power due to his courage, strength and honor. As the White Ranger, Tommy is the leader of the Power Rangers."

Class: Attacker
Rarity (Leader): Epic
Rarity (Assist): Epic

Move Type EP Cost Cancel? Effect
Flying Tiger (Primary) Strike 3 Yes Tommy defies gravity to kick the opponent several times.
Flash Kick (Primary) Strike 3 No An extremely fast kick that is crucial for linking together Tommy's moveset.
Feinting Rush (Special) Strike 4 Yes Tommy dodges back before thrusting forward with Saba. Can be canceled into any move.
Saba Throw (Special) Breaker 4 No A highly damaging ranged attack that stuns the opponent.
Saba Slasher (Assist) Counter 3 No Two quick and damaging attacks using Saba that go through strikes.


UI Ranger Ninjor S01

"Ninjor is the powerful and mysterious keeper of the lost Temple of Power and creator of the Power Coins. The Rangers enlisted his help to restore their powers in which he granted them the power of the Ninja! Ninjor would become one of the Rangers most powerful allies against Rita & Lord Zedd."

Class: Defender
Rarity (Leader): Epic
Rarity (Assist): Epic

Move Type EP Cost Cancel? Effect
Katana Triple Strike (Primary) Strike 5 Yes A triple sword slash that forces opponents to stagger back.
Burning Ninja (Primary) Breaker 3 Yes Bad just burns me up! A block-breaking slash that knocks back opponents.
Deceptive Dash (Special) Strike 4 Yes Use the cunning of the ninja to fake out opponents with this dashing slash.
Waiting Game (Special) Counter 3 No Whenever you're ready. Never underestimate the Power of Ninja. Ninjor's got this.
Thunder Storm (Assist) Breaker 4 No Ninjor hops on his cloud and flies across the screen to inflict some ninja damage.

Rocky DeSantos (Red Ninja Ranger)[]

UI Ranger RedNijRng S01

"Rocky DeSantos, initially visiting Angel Grove for a ninja competition, encountered Tommy, Kimberly and Billy when he saved a baby. His combat skills caught the attention of Lord Zedd, leading to his selection as the Dark Ranger. Eventually, during a peace conference, Rocky became the second Red Ranger. Sadly, the Zords were destroyed by Rito Revolto, prompting Rocky to receive new powers from Ninjor, allowing him to transform into the Red Ninja Ranger."

Class: Attacker
Rarity (Leader): Legendary
Rarity (Assist): Legendary

Move Type EP Cost Cancel? Effect
Bushido Combo (Primary) Strike 3 Yes Rocky performs a stylish ninja combo to strike the enemy.
Retreat Launcher (Primary) Counter 3 No Rocky performs a retreat backflip, launching the enemy into the air if it connects.
Run and Slide (Special) Breaker 3 No Rocky runs and performs a slide to sweep the enemy.
Acrobatic Monkey (Special) Breaker 4 No Rocky stuns the enemy. If he connects, he retreats and performs a dive kick, launching the enemy into the air, and executing a spectacular aerial combo.
Ninjetti Spirit Super ---- No Rocky attacks the enemy, launching them into the air. As they fall, he performs a spectacular combo from behind and delivers a powerful final strike to defeat them.
Ninjetti Speed (Assist) Strike 3 No Rocky enters the combat, swiftly moving around the enemy, striking them and launching them into the air with a final hit.

Adam Park (Black Ninja Ranger)[]

UI Ranger BlkNijRng S01

"When Zack left Angel Grove, Adam took his place as the new Black Mighty Morphin Power Ranger. All was well until the destruction of the Thunderzords kept the Rangers from morphing. With the guidance of Ninjor, Adam and the other Rangers were granted new Power Coins, harnessing the power of Ninja to become the Ninja Rangers."

Class: Balanced
Rarity (Leader): Legendary
Rarity (Assist): Legendary

Move Type EP Cost Cancel? Effect
Twin Slicer (Primary) Strike 3 No Two quick kicks followed up by a divekick from an Adam clone.
Vanishing Drop (Primary) Strike 3 Yes Adam performs a vanishing trick and teleports above the enemy to deliver a staggering blow to the head.
Explosive Escape (Special) Breaker 3 No Adam performs a vanishing trick for a hasty getaway and leaves a bomb behind to prevent enemies from pursuing him.
Flanking Frog (Special) Breaker 4 No After an elbow strike, Adam summons a clone for a devastating combination attack from both sides.
Maximum Ninjetti Super ---- No Adam turns his Ninjetti skill up to maximum, giving him access to two new attacks that utilize his clones to their full potential. Leapfrog summons two clones in a simultaneous attack and Shredding Star unleashes a devastating shuriken with a clone at the ready to counter retaliation.
Star Burst (Assist) Counter 4 No Adam leaps into action with a series of 3 flying kicks followed by an explosive shuriken.

Billy Cranston (Blue Ninja Ranger)[]

UI Ranger BluNijRng S01

"Billy, along with the rest of the other rangers, lost their ability to morph after being defeated by Rito and his gang of monsters. To restore their powers they went on a quest to seek the original creator of the power coins, Ninjor. Upon reaching his temple and convincing him that their intentions were pure Ninjor grants the rangers the power of ninja."

Class: Defender
Rarity (Leader): Legendary
Rarity (Assist): Legendary

Move Type EP Cost Cancel? Effect
Blue Ninja Combo (Primary) Strike 3 Yes Very fast flurry of combination attacks into a flash kick.
Ninja Vault (Primary) Strike 3 No Billy vaults Adam into a spectacular tag team aerial combo.
Ninja Deception (Special) Counter 3 No Billy fakes a block only to drop in on an unsuspecting victim knowing full well Aisha has his back.
Ninja Silencer (Special) Breaker 4 No Billy and Tommy jump into action with an unrelenting combination of attacks silencing any who dare to step up.
Team Ninja Go Super ---- No Billy unleashes the full force of team Ninjetti.
Sneaky Ninja (Assist) Counter 3 No Billy summons Rocky to blindside the victim without prejudice.

Aisha Campbell (Yellow Ninja Ranger)[]

UI Ranger YelNijRng S01

"Aisha Campbell was visiting Angel Grove for a ninja team competition when she became a target for Lord Zed due to her combat skills. Nevertheless, the Rangers were able to intervene and rescue her. But in order to do so, they had to reveal her identity, thus Zordon promised her to keep her secret. When the Rangers went to the peace conference, Aisha became the second yellow Ranger, after Rito Revolto destroyed the Zords and she received new powers from Ninjor making her able to transform into the Yellow Ninja Ranger."

Class: Balanced
Rarity (Leader): Legendary
Rarity (Assist): Legendary

Move Type EP Cost Cancel? Effect
Shinobi Strikes (Primary) Strike 3 Yes Aisha performs a spinning and agile combo just to finish with a powerful kick attack.
Underground Attack (Primary) Strike 3 No Aisha disappears underground, quickly approaches the enemy and surprises him by coming out with a strong attack from the ground.
Ninjetti Skills (Special) Breaker 4 No Aisha makes a dashing attack, if the attack connects, she throws a smoke bomb that launches the enemy into the air and finish them with a strong attack from underground.
Ninja Backflip (Special) Breaker 4 No With her Ninjetti agile skills, Aisha performs a backflip attack upon hitting the enemy, she attacks with a powerful combo and a big explosion at the end.
Berserker Bear Super ---- No Aisha slams the ground charging up power and then delivers a heavy blow with the force of a bear.
Smoke Screen (Assist) Counter 3 No Aisha appears into the battle to throw a smoke screen with a big explosion, hitting the enemy and throwing them into the air.

Tommy Oliver (White Ninja Ranger)[]

UI Ranger WhiNijRng S01

"After Rito Revolto returned to earth, taking advantage of the damaged Command Center, he destroyed the Rangers Zords and Power Coins, leaving the Rangers unable to morph. Tommy and the other Rangers went on a mission to find the Power Coin's creator and restore the morphing power to defeat Rito."

Class: Defender
Rarity (Leader): Legendary
Rarity (Assist): Legendary

Move Type EP Cost Cancel? Effect
Ninja Strike (Primary) Strike 3 Yes Tommy performs a combo that finishes with a kunai attack from the air.
Meditation (Primary) Counter 3 Yes Tommy starts meditating. If he gets hit, he quickly moves towards the enemy to counter the attack with a ninja combo.
Dashing Impact (Special) Breaker 4 Yes Tommy dashes towards the enemy, hitting him with his elbow and performing a dropkick afterwards.
Teleport Attack (Special) Strike 4 No Tommy stuns the enemy, then teleports behind them and launches them through the air, finishing the attack with a drop down punch.
Shinobi Jutsu Super ---- No Tommy uses his Shinobi Jutsu skill, giving him a new ninja special move once active.
Falcon Launch (Assist) Strike 4 No Tommy performs a backflip kick, launching the enemy through the air.

Delphine (White Aquitar Ranger)[]

UI Ranger WhiRng S03

"Delphine became the leader of the Rangers from Aquitar, an aquatic planet. She has telepathic powers to control the zords that were given to her over a millennium ago by Ninjor. She's the strongest member of the Alien Rangers and can stay out of water longer than her peers by recharging her energy with nearby water sources."

Class: Balanced
Rarity (Leader): Rare
Rarity (Assist): Rare

Move Type EP Cost Cancel? Effect
Aqua Combo (Primary) Strike 4 Yes Delphine lands several strikes with her Aquatian saber, knocking the enemy back.
Aquitian Fist (Primary) Strike 3 No Delphine lands a power punch with her Aquitian fist, staggering her opponent.
Bubble Shot (Special) Strike 4 Yes Delphine launches extremely fast bubbles at her opponent, launching them in the air.
Hydro Slash (Special) Breaker 5 No With her Aquitian power, Delphine makes two strong saber cuts, knocking the enemy back.
Psychic Bubble (Assist) Strike 5 No Delphine makes a slow bubble that stuns her opponent on impact.

Power Rangers Zeo[]

Tommy Oliver (Zeo Ranger V Red)[]

UI Ranger RngRed S04

"When Goldar and Rito stole the Zeo Crystal, Tommy and the Power Rangers thought they had lost their powers forever. But when they recovered the crystals, it's power made them even stronger than before. Tommy became Red Zeo Ranger V, leading the Zeo Rangers to protect Earth from the Machine Empire."

Class: Attacker
Rarity (Leader): Epic
Rarity (Assist): Epic

Move Type EP Cost Cancel? Effect
5-Pointed Combo (Primary) Strike 3 Yes A five-hit combo ending in a powerful roundhouse that sends the opponent flying back.
Fired Up Kick (Primary) Strike 4 No Tommy quickly lunges forward with one of his masterful karate kicks, knocking back the opponent and setting up for a combo.
Big Bang Slash (Special) Breaker 5 No Tommy slashes with his Battle Sword and strikes a pose. The powerful energy from the attack leads to an explosion that launches foes sky high.
Heroic Leap (Special) Strike 4 No A series of gravity-defying aerial kicks to stagger the opponent.
Swift Pursuit (Assist) Strike 4 No A flying kick that covers a long distance. If performed up close, Tommy attacks with a quick roundhouse before the flying kick.

Adam Park (Zeo Ranger IV Green)[]

UI Ranger GrnRng S04

"The rangers were transformed into children but without altering their memories so they can succeed in their new mission: Finding the Zeo Crystals. When all the crystals were gathered, the rangers returned to their normal age but problems once again appeared when King Mondo and his Machine Empire expelled Rita and Zedd away to begin their own conquest of the Earth. The old Rangers powers were destroyed so Adam uses the Zeo Crystals to obtain new powers and by taking the rectangular crystal he becomes the Green Zeo IV, second in command."

Class: Defender
Rarity (Leader): Epic
Rarity (Assist): Epic

Move Type EP Cost Cancel? Effect
Green Zeo Punch (Primary) Strike 3 Yes Adam kicks the enemy and finishes with a power punch attack, knocking them back.
One Hand Attack (Primary) Counter 4 Yes Adam gets one hand behind him and attacks the enemy repeatedly with only the front hand, throwing a last fierce punch.
Power Hatches (Special) Strike 3 No Adam makes a big jump and descends rapidly with a powerful attack with his hatchets.
Zeo Power Strikes (Special) Breaker 5 No Adam strikes his enemy with a powerful punch, if he connects, he makes a flurry attack that launches his enemy into the air with the last hit.
Twin Axes (Assist) Breaker 4 No Adam jumps and hits the enemy with his axes, lifting and finishing them in the air.

Tanya Sloan (Zeo Ranger II Yellow)[]

UI Ranger Tanya S04

"When Master Vile's spell de-aged the Power Rangers, they were scattered across time to retrieve Zeo Crystal fragments, Aisha, the Yellow Ranger, ended up in Africa. Saved by young Tanya from a lion, they found the crystal together. Aisha stayed to fight a wildlife epidemic, sending Tanya back with the crystal. When the spell broke, Tanya grew up and joined as the new Yellow Ranger."

Class: Balanced
Rarity (Leader): Epic
Rarity (Assist): Epic

Move Type EP Cost Cancel? Effect
Zeo Power Club (Primary) Strike 3 Yes Very quick strikes using her nunchuks that leads to a low launcher.
Zeo Power Deflect (Primary) Counter 3 No Deflects incoming strikes while moving to a safer distance and sends opponents sky high as punishment for overreaching.
Zeo Power Kicks (Special) Strike 4 No Upon landing a far reaching sweep, she unleashes an unrelenting flurry of Zeo Power Kicks stunning opponents in their tracks.
Zeo Battle Sword (Special) Breaker 4 Yes Tanya sends opponents reeling back from a staggering kick only to receive a deadly combination from her Zeo Battle Sword and Zeo Blaster.
Zeo Club Finale Super ---- No Unleashing the full might of her weapons she takes to the air to land a devastating final blow that sends opponents flying back.
Smashing Kick Spike (Assist) Breaker 3 No Tanya lunges into action with an acrobatic side-spinning Power Kick and launches her opponents.

Katherine Hillard (Zeo Ranger I Pink)[]

UI Ranger PnkRng S04

"Katherine 'Kat' Hillard was once brainwashed into sabotaging the Power Rangers. But when the spell was broken, Kat became the new Pink MMPR Ranger. Her bravery and agility proved her worthy of her new power."

Class: Defender
Rarity (Leader): Common
Rarity (Assist): Common

Move Type EP Cost Cancel? Effect
Tai Chi Combo (Primary) Strike 3 Yes A fluid set of attacks.
Feint Palm (Primary) Strike 2 No Double palm strike that knocks back.
Fire Cloud (Special) Breaker 3 No Kat winds up and unleashes a fast, unblockable fireball.
Disc Spin (Special) Counter 5 No Using her Zeo Power Disc, Kat propels and spins herself forward.
Shield Throw (Assist) Strike 5 Yes Kat unleashes a high range combo using her Zeo Power Disc.

Jason Lee Scott (Gold Zeo Ranger)[]

UI Ranger GoldRng S04

"Quick as lightning, strong as steel, the indomitable Gold Ranger is secretly Trey of Triforia. But when injury forced Trey to temporarily transfer his Power to another, Jason Lee Scott returned to service as the mighty Gold Zeo Ranger."

Class: Balanced
Rarity (Leader): Legendary
Rarity (Assist): Legendary

Move Type EP Cost Cancel? Effect
Quadruple Kick (Primary) Strike 3 Yes A flurry of kicks that sends his opponents crashing into the wall behind them.
Leg Sweep (Primary) Breaker 3 No A leg sweep that's as strong as steel and leaves the opponent vulnerable.
Golden Pulse (Special) Strike 4 Yes Jason shoots a flurry of energy attack at his opponent that is both deadly close up and at a distance.
Lord's Assault (Special) Breaker 4 No Like a bolt of lightning, Jason dashes at his opponent as a golden blur, leaping onto his opponent multiple times.
Gold Rush (Assist) Breaker 4 No Jason rushes at his opponent shooting powerful bolts of energy at anything in his way.

Power Rangers Turbo[]

Tommy Oliver (Red Turbo Ranger I)[]

UI Ranger RedRng S05

"Since Power Rangers Zeo, it was time to shift into a higher gear. Tommy obtains the powers of the Red Turbo Ranger to fight against Divatox after she launched an attack on earth. With a little help, Tommy can pull out the last mission as a ranger, without first leaving a successor for the Red Turbo Ranger powers."

Class: Attacker
Rarity (Leader): Epic
Rarity (Assist): Epic

Move Type EP Cost Cancel? Effect
Red Combo (Primary) Strike 3 Yes Tommy punches the enemy and finishes the attack with a spectacular kick combo.
Auto Combo (Primary) Breaker 4 Yes With the helmet flashlight, he stuns the enemy and then shoots with his auto blaster.
Turbo Lightning Sword (Special) Strike 4 Yes Tommy uses his Turbo Lightning Sword to make a dashing attack. If it connects, he attacks the enemy very fast several times, causing a big explosion in the last hit.
Turbo Speed (Special) Breaker 3 No Tommy kicks the enemy. If it connects, he performs a spectacular combo, moving very fast and jumping to make a last fierce attack.
Red Crash (Assist) Strike 4 No Tommy uses his speed to crash with the enemy and knock back them if it connects.

Cassie Chan (Pink Turbo Ranger II)[]

UI Ranger PnkRng S05

"Cassie, while a bit of a rebel who isn't afraid to speak her mind, is a good person who will do anything for her friends. She knows what she wants out of life and is motivated to achieve her goals. Initially chosen to replace Katherine as the Pink Turbo Ranger, she also goes on to becoming the Pink in Space Ranger."

Class: Defender
Rarity (Leader): Common
Rarity (Assist): Common

Move Type EP Cost Cancel? Effect
Turbo Charge (Primary) Strike 3 No Cassie charges into the fray with this staggering flying kick.
Wind Chaser (Primary) Strike 3 Yes Three successfully more damaging kicks.
Turbo Wind Fire (Special) Strike 5 No The Turbo Wind Fire shoots pink energy bolts for some serious damage.
Braking Kick (Special) Counter 3 No Cassie will put the brakes on anyone with this stunning roundhouse counter kick.
Star Burst (Assist) Strike 4 No Put a curb on opponent's attacks with this high kick followed by a stunning axe kick.

Phantom Ranger[]

UI Ranger PhaRng S05

"Phantom Ranger travels the galaxy in his spaceship, helping those in need. No one knows the true identity of this mysterious Ranger but with his Power Ruby and high-tech camouflage, he's always ready and able to lend the Power Rangers a hand."

Class: Attacker
Rarity (Leader): Legendary
Rarity (Assist): Legendary

Move Type EP Cost Cancel? Effect
Phantom Fury (Primary) Strike 4 Yes A few good hits followed up by the trusty Phantom laser and a final staggering punch for some serious damage.
Specter Rush (Primary) Strike 3 Yes A dashing one-two uppercut that can be cancelled early with another ability.
Backpedal Barrage (Special) Strike 3 Yes Phantom Ranger fires multiple shots as he leaps away from his opponent.
Ruby Blast (Special) Breaker 4 No Phantom Ranger harnesses the power of the ruby embedded in his chest and shoots a crimson blast across the arena.
Trick Shot (Assist) Strike 4 No Phantom Ranger comes to the rescue with a launching kick, setting opponents up for a trick shot.

Power Rangers in Space[]

Andros (Red Space Ranger)[]

UI Ranger RedRng S06

"Born on the planet KO-35, Andros has single-handedly manned the Megaship, since his best friend, Zhane, the Silver Ranger was critically injured. Andros is loyal and kind-hearted, but his time alone in space and his difficulty understanding Earth culture distances him from others. Despite this, he is dedicated to defending the galaxy and finding his long lost sister."

Class: Attacker
Rarity (Leader): Rare
Rarity (Assist): Rare

Move Type EP Cost Cancel? Effect
Cosmic Combo (Primary) Strike 3 Yes A quick flurry of punches, followed by a kick that knocks back opponents.
Shooting Star (Primary) Strike 2 No Use the Astro Blaster to shoot at the ground, creating an explosion that launches opponents into the air.
Saber Slash (Special) Breaker 4 No A devastating double slash attack with the Spiral Saber.
Saber Drill Attack (Special) Strike 4 No Using his drill-like Spiral Saber, Andros propels himself across the arena for some heavy damage.
Slash n' Blast (Assist) Strike 3 No Andros charges into battle, sword swinging and blaster blasting.

T.J. Johnson (Blue Space Ranger)[]

UI Ranger BluRng S06

"Theodore Jay "T.J." Johnson was originally the brave and heroic Red Turbo Ranger, succeeding Tommy Oliver. When the battle against evil moved to the stars, T.J. was given a new morpher and became the Blue Space Ranger."

Class: Defender
Rarity (Leader): Common
Rarity (Assist): Common

Move Type EP Cost Cancel? Effect
Astro Axe Combo (Primary) Strike 3 Yes T.J. covers a lot of ground with this Astro Axe three hit combo.
Stellar Smash (Primary) Strike 4 No T.J. jumps into the air to deliver a staggering blow.
Star Struck (Special) Breaker 4 No A slow windup into a flurry of fast jabs from the Astro Axe will leave the opponent seeing stars.
Rising Star Strike (Special) Counter 4 No Stagger opponents with the Astro Axe before sending them to space.
Meteor Storm (Assist) Strike 3 No A kick followed by a barrage of lasers from the Astro Blaster.

Zhane (Silver Space Ranger)[]

UI Ranger SlvRng S06

"A telekinetic-adept human born in space, Zhane, had his dreams come true when he became a Power Ranger. Badly injured saving his friend Andros, the Red Space Ranger, Zhane was cryogenically frozen. Now he's awake and ready to fight alongside his friends."

Class: Balanced
Rarity (Leader): Epic
Rarity (Assist): Rare

Move Type EP Cost Cancel? Effect
Z Storm (Primary) Strike 4 Yes Zhane punishes his opponent with a wild, rapid kick and Silverizer combo.
Star Shot (Primary) Counter 3 No A fast shot from the Silverizer that can bypass strikes.
Silverizer Slash (Special) Strike 3 Yes A quick slash followed by a charge and launching attack that can be used to start combos.
Laser Break (Special) Breaker 5 No Zhane winds up and performs a jumping slash with the Silverizer for huge damage.
Run n' Gun Slash (Assist) Strike 5 No Zhane's power may be running out but he'll go out with guns blazing and sword swinging.

Power Rangers Lost Galaxy[]

Leo Corbett (Galaxy Red)[]

UI Ranger RedRng S07

"Younger brother to Mike, Leo stows away in the space colony Terra Venture to find a new world. They encountered a stranger, Maya, who came out of a portal in need of help. Against his brother's wishes Leo enters the portal into Mirinoi. In the heat of battle Mike pulls the first of five Quasar Sabers from the stone followed by four other senior members...Leo not one of them. Outgunned they retreat with haste and Mike falls into a crevice. Mike tosses his Quasar Saber to Leo before falling to his death allowing Leo to morph into the Red Ranger."

Class: Balanced
Rarity (Leader): Legendary
Rarity (Assist): Legendary

Move Type EP Cost Cancel? Effect
Quasar Saber Combo (Primary) Strike 3 Yes Slashing and dashing, Leo cuts through his victim with deadly accuracy.
Quasar Counter (Primary) Counter 3 No Draw the opponent in with a sword parry and finish them off with a volley of Quasar Blaster shots.
Transdagger Combo (Special) Breaker 3 No Quickly leap into danger and avoid projectiles with the power of the Trans Dagger and set your victims ablaze.
Quasar Cutter (Special) Strike 4 Yes Engulfed in flames and energy...Leo unleashes justice in one final cut.
Red Armor Super ---- No The weapon of a mighty warrior that was said to become "invincible" when two keys used to activate its powers were merged together.
Fire Power (Assist) Strike 4 No Leo enters the battlefield blazing fast and slashes in rapid succession the naked eye cannot see, only to deliver brutal judgement by fire.

Kendrix Morgan (Galaxy Pink I)[]

UI Ranger PnkRng S07

"Highly intelligent and analytical by nature, Kendrix has an interest in all things scientific. She always has a logical explanation for everything, and that sometimes prevents her from seeing the wonder that's around her."

Class: Balanced
Rarity (Leader): Common
Rarity (Assist): Common

Move Type EP Cost Cancel? Effect
Relentless Spirit Combo (Primary) Strike 3 Yes Kendrix unleashes a 5 hit combo that knocks the opponent back.
Quasar Crusher (Primary) Breaker 3 No Kendrix spins in the air, slashing down with her Quasar Saber.
Saber Riser (Special) Strike 4 No An inverted rising uppercut that launches her opponent into the air.
Wildcat Reflex (Special) Counter 4 No Kendrix counterattacks with her Beta Bow from a grounded position.
Galaxy Thrust (Assist) Strike 4 No A thrusting strike that soars from a Lost Galaxy.

Mike Corbett (Magna Defender)[]

UI Ranger MagnaDefender S07

"Michael "Mike" Corbett was the one intended to be the Red Lost Galaxy Ranger. However, an ensuing battle forces him to hand the saber to his younger brother, Leo Corbett, as he falls into an abyss to his assumed death. He is later revived and becomes the second Magna Defender after the original Magna Defender sacrificed his life to save Terra Venture."

Class: Defender
Rarity (Leader): Legendary
Rarity (Assist): Legendary

Move Type EP Cost Cancel? Effect
Valiant Combo (Primary) Breaker 4 Yes Magna Defender shrugs off blows as he focuses on this multi-hit combo.
Noble Blow (Primary) Strike 3 Yes Magna drives his blade vertically, launching his opponent into the air.
Zika's Vengeance (Special) Breaker 5 No A devastating spinning attack filled with the vengeance of Zika.
Magna Storm (Special) Strike 2 Yes Magna unloads a barrage of gunfire from his Magna Blaster.
Brave Bluff (Assist) Breaker 3 Yes A highly damaging breaker that can be cancelled before the attack.

Power Rangers Lightspeed Rescue[]

Carter Grayson (Red Lightspeed Ranger)[]

UI Ranger RedRng S08

"Carter Grayson is one of the best firefighters in the city who chose this career path after a firefighter saved his life as a child, who is later revealed to be Captain Mitchell. Over the years, Captain Mitchell kept an eye on Carter, chosen to be the leader of the Power Rangers Lightspeed Rescue, who courageously led the Rangers against Diabolico and Bansheera's force. After Lightspeed Rescue disbanded, he resumed his role as a firefighter."

Class: Attacker
Rarity (Leader): Legendary
Rarity (Assist): Legendary

Move Type EP Cost Cancel? Effect
Rescue Combo (Primary) Strike 3 Yes Cater performs a spectacular combo, finishing with an energy blast punch.
Thermo Blaster (Primary) Breaker 3 No With the Thermo Blaster, Carter shoots a hot beam, burning the opponent.
Blaster V Shot (Special) Breaker 4 Yes Carter uses his Rescue Blaster and V-Lance to shoot the enemy multiple times.
V-Lancer (Special) Strike 4 Yes With the V-Lancer, Carter performs an incredible combo, launching the enemy into the air with the last hit.
Lightspeed Rescue Arsenal Super ---- No Carter attacks the enemy with a super punch. Upon impact, he uses his Lightspeed Rescue weapons to perform an amazing combo.
Rescue Bird (Assist) Strike 3 Yes Carter enters combat, shooting the enemy with his Rescue Bird.

Dana Mitchell (Pink Lightspeed Ranger)[]

UI Ranger PinkRng S08

"Dana Mitchell, the daughter of Captain Mitchell and younger sister of Ryan Mitchell, is a serious and intellectual individual. She works as a paramedic and assists her father in various processes and operations. One day, when all the rangers were assembled and the only color missing was pink, Dana was taken aback when Captain Mitchell chose her to be the final ranger for the Power Rangers Lightspeed Rescue Team."

Class: Defender
Rarity (Leader): Epic
Rarity (Assist): Epic

Move Type EP Cost Cancel? Effect
Lightspeed Combo (Primary) Strike 3 Yes Dana performs a stylish combo fishing with a wheel kick.
Rescue Shot (Primary) Strike 3 No Dana uses her Blaster Rescue in blaster mode to shoot the enemy.
Blaster Rescue Baton (Special) Breaker 4 No Dana performs a spectacular combo with her Blaster Rescue Baton.
V-Lancer Strike (Special) Strike 4 No Dana lands an acrobatic kick. If it connects, she uses the V-Lance to finish the attack.
First Aid Kit Super ---- No Dana performs first aid and regains some health.
Making Way (Assist) Breaker 4 No Dana enters on combat running and shooting with her Blaster Rescue.

Ryan Mitchell (Titanium Ranger)[]

UI Ranger TtnRng S08

"Ryan was brainwashed by Diabolico after a childhood car crash into thinking his father rejected him. But on learning the truth, he left Diabolico and joined the Lightspeed Rangers as the Titanium Ranger."

Class: Balanced
Rarity (Leader): Epic
Rarity (Assist): Epic

Move Type EP Cost Cancel? Effect
Lightspeed Kick (Primary) Strike 5 No A fast spinning kick that sends opponents flying back.
Titanium Blazer (Primary) Strike 3 Yes Ryan follows up this combo with a blast from the Titanium Laser, then quickly morphs it into Axe Mode and throws it to launch the opponent.
Shockwave Slam (Special) Breaker 4 No Ryan uses the Titanium Laser in Axe Mode and hurls it to the ground, creating a shock wave that hits opponents in the air.
Demon's Bane (Special) Counter 4 No Ryan launches opponents into the air, then delivers a crushing blow so powerful opponents bounce off the ground they get launched a second time.
Titanium Torrent (Assist) Strike 3 No Moving at lightspeed, Ryan jumps into action to sweep opponents off their feet.

Power Rangers Time Force[]

Wesley Collins (Time Force Red)[]

UI Ranger RedRng S09

"A millionaire's son who is forced to live the life his father wants for him, but Wes resolves to find his own future. Wesley abandons the trappings of wealth after discovering the true meaning of friendship and good will and chooses to help the Time Force rangers fight evil as the Red Ranger."

Class: Balanced
Rarity (Leader): Rare
Rarity (Assist): Rare

Move Type EP Cost Cancel? Effect
Fast Forward (Primary) Strike 3 Yes Time flies, and so will opponents after this double kick followed up by a running punch with knockback.
Split Second (Primary) Breaker 3 No A staggering high kick.
Time Strike (Special) Breaker 5 No Trip up opponents with this multi-hit attack.
Chrono Saber Fury (Special) Strike 4 Yes Two quick slashes, followed up by a jumping double Saber hit that trips the opponent.
Time's Up (Assist) Strike 5 No Wesley sweeps his opponent's feet from under them then launches them into the air with a second slash.

Jen Scotts (Time Force Pink)[]

UI Ranger PnkRng S09

"Jen Scotts is the highly motivated and focused leader of the Time Force Rangers; a super serious girl who is all business when it comes to catching bad guys. When interacting with the others, she often seems outspoken, direct and even standoffish, but eventually, her caring personality comes out!"

Class: Attacker
Rarity (Leader): Rare
Rarity (Assist): Rare

Move Type EP Cost Cancel? Effect
Overclocked (Primary) Strike 3 Yes Jen's devotion to her training shows with this 5-hit combo with knockback.
Temporal Takedown (Primary) Strike 3 No Jen lunges forward with both Chrono Sabers to sweep opponents off their feet.
Time Strike (Special) Breaker 5 No Striking a 6 o'clock pose, Jen delivers a devastating multi-hit slash that knocks opponents back.
Saber Laser (Special) Strike 2 No With a quick leap into the air, Jen shoots two shots from the Chrono Sabers, launching opponents.
Full Power (Assist) Breaker 4 No Charging Jen's Chrono Sabers to full power creates two powerful slashes.

Eric Myers (Quantum Ranger)[]

UI Ranger QtmRng S09

"Discontent with being a mere soldier, the ambitious Eric obtained the Quantum Morpher to become the Quantum Ranger. He dishes out his own brand of justice, clashing with the Rangers. Eric can be a very bitter & distant person; but when push comes to shove, he always does the right thing."

Class: Attacker
Rarity (Leader): Legendary
Rarity (Assist): Legendary

Move Type EP Cost Cancel? Effect
Quantum: Alpha (Primary) Strike 3 Yes In blaster mode, Eric performs Quantum Rush, a 3-hit combo attack. In blade mode, Eric performs Quantum Displace, a deadly dash attack.
Quantum: Beta (Primary) Strike 4 No In blaster mode, Eric goes into Quantum Leap, a series of jumping blaster shots. In blade mode, Eric performs Formation: Sword, turning his Quantum Defender into a deadly flying projectile.
Quantum: Breaker (Special) Breaker 5 No In blaster mode, Eric fires his Maximum Shot, a powerful beam blast. In blade mode, Eric executes Airblade, a rising sword upper into a dive kick.
Drop Shot (Special) Counter 3 No Eric fools his opponent with an evasive, low-profile blaster shot.
FS Variant (Assist) Counter 4 No Eric fools his opponent with an evasive, low-profile blaster shot. He then finishes with Quantum Displace, a dash attack in which Eric utilizes his Quantum Defender in blade mode.

Power Rangers Wild Force[]

Taylor Earhardt (Yellow Wild Force Ranger)[]

UI Ranger YelRng S10

"Taylor was a skilled fighter pilot in the Air Force. While following the Yellow Eagle Wild Zord, she landed in the Animarium where Princess Shayla asked her to become the Yellow Ranger. Mature and dedicated, Taylor is a great leader in her own right."

Class: Attacker
Rarity (Leader): Epic
Rarity (Assist): Epic

Move Type EP Cost Cancel? Effect
Delta Strikes (Primary) Strike 4 Yes Using her Golden Eagle Sword, Taylor strikes the opponent several times, finishing with a kick that throws them off.
Soaring Darts (Primary) Strike 3 No Taylor stuns her opponent by throwing feather-like darts at their feet.
Lofty Kick (Special) Breaker 3 No As part of Taylor's military training, she uses her skills to double kick enemies, throwing them in the air.
Exemption Nudge (Special) Counter 3 No With her dagger in hand, Taylor disrupts the enemy attack by quickly moving forward.
Swooping Dagger (Assist) Breaker 6 No Taylor deploys her wings nosediving towards her enemies to attack and launch them into the air.

Danny Delgado (Black Wild Force Ranger)[]

UI Ranger BlkRng S10

"Danny Delgado, the Black Wild Force Ranger, will strike his power pose and charge straight into danger for those he loves."

Class: Defender
Rarity (Leader): Rare
Rarity (Assist): Common

Move Type EP Cost Cancel? Effect
Wild Kick Combo (Primary) Strike 3 Yes A rapid flurry of kicks.
Spinning Roundhouse (Primary) Breaker 3 No A slow to hit move, but unblockable AND cheap.
Bison Charge (Special) Strike 3 No Bison Power!!!
Axe Flurry (Special) Strike 4 Yes Danny attacks so rapidly with the Bison Axe, it blurs.
Bison Kick (Assist) Breaker 4 No Danny turns around and kicks with both feet, devastating and stunning the opponent.

Alyssa Enrilé (White Wild Force Ranger)[]

UI Ranger WhtRng S10

"Alyssa Enrilé, the Noble White Tiger Ranger, was recruited in second place and is the kindest and most loving member of the Wild Force. She is a very good student with a full scholarship at the university; also she is the daughter of a renowned martial arts instructor that trained her from young age and made her very skilled in combat. When the war with the Orgs ended, Alyssa was released from her life as a Ranger, finishing college and becoming a kindergarten teacher."

Class: Balanced
Rarity (Leader): Epic
Rarity (Assist): Epic

Move Type EP Cost Cancel? Effect
Wild Launch Strike (Primary) Strike 3 Yes Alyssa performs a kick combo that launches the opponent into the air on the last hit.
Tiger Claw (Primary) Breaker 3 No Like a tiger, Alyssa jumps and descends attacking the enemy with her claws.
White Tiger Baton (Special) Breaker 5 Yes Using her White Tiger Baton, Alyssa repeatedly strikes her enemy staggering them in the last hit.
Tiger Thrust (Special) Strike 4 Yes Alyssa charges her White Tiger Baton with pink and white energy to strike the enemy, finishing them with a big explosion.
Tiger Wave (Assist) Counter 4 No Alyssa enters the combat jumping and shooting a fast energy wave that staggers the enemy.

Merrick Baliton (Lunar Wolf Ranger)[]

UI Ranger LnrRng S10

"Merrick swore to protect Princess Shayla by any means, leading him to wear the forbidden mask of Zen-Aku. The mask possessed him and was imprisoned for the sake of humanity. After 3,000 years, Master Org released Merrick to fight the Power Rangers as Zen-Aku. The Wild Force Rangers managed to free him from the curse and Merrick joined them as the Lunar Wolf Ranger."

Class: Attacker
Rarity (Leader): Legendary
Rarity (Assist): Legendary

Move Type EP Cost Cancel? Effect
Lunar Cue (Primary) Strike 3 Yes Using his Lunar Cue Saber, Merrick strikes the opponent several times, finishing with a strong attack to stagger them.
Ancient Warrior (Primary) Strike 4 Yes Merrick makes a spectacular combo starting with a saber attack, followed up by several kicks that knock back his enemy.
Moon Slash (Special) Breaker 4 No A frontal jump attack so strong that it knocks back the opponent.
Howling Wolf (Special) Breaker 4 No Merrick attacks his enemy quickly back and forth like a savage wolf, launching his opponent in the air.
Laser Pool Super ---- No Merrick projects a pool table that snares the opponent and hits them with the animal crystals, launching them in the air.
Lunar Sniper (Assist) Breaker 4 No Merrick enters the fight and hits the opponent with his saber, then uses the Lunar Cue Sniper mode to shoot them.

Power Rangers Ninja Storm[]

Tori Hanson (Blue Wind Ranger)[]

UI Ranger BluRng S11

"Water control and superhuman skills are some of Tori's abilities gained through training at the Wind Ninja Academy. Tori can move across water, create bursts of water and even produce objects with it. Logical and sensible, Tori is a loyal teammate, capable of resolving most conflicts with words rather than fists. Her determination and abilities earned her a place in the Wind Ninja Academy as an instructor."

Class: Defender
Rarity (Leader): Epic
Rarity (Assist): Epic

Move Type EP Cost Cancel? Effect
Seaquake Combo (Primary) Strike 4 Yes Tori deals several attacks making a spectacular ninja combo.
Surfer Kick (Primary) Breaker 4 No Tori lands a strong kick, staggering the opponent.
Ninja Beams (Special) Strike 3 No Tori throws shuriken beams to her opponent, stunning them.
Sea Wave Cuts (Special) Breaker 4 No Tori jumps forward to land a hit, if it connects she hits her opponent using her ninja sword, launching the opponent in the air.
Washed Out (Assist) Counter 4 No Tori controls water and creates a shield, if the enemy hits it she creates a water column, launching the enemy in the air.

Blake Bradley (Navy Thunder Ranger)[]

UI Ranger NavyRng S11

"Blake Bradley and his brother, Hunter, make up the Thunder Rangers in Power Rangers Ninja Storm. Effectively raised by the Thunder Ninja Academy, Blake skillfully carries the mantle of the Navy Thunder Ranger."

Class: Balanced
Rarity (Leader): Legendary
Rarity (Assist): Legendary

Move Type EP Cost Cancel? Effect
Triple Tempest (Primary) Strike 3 Yes They say lightning never strikes twice, but this ability is a storm of three expertly executed strikes. Thunder Mode: Final hit launches opponents.
Grand Slam (Primary) Breaker 4 No Blake charges up a great deal of power and knocks the opponent out of the park, dealing a ton of damage. Thunder Mode: Electric discharge harms nearby foes during the startup, and launches opponents.
Shocking Pinch (Special) Breaker 4 No This ability lunges forward with great speed to initiate a shocking combo with his Stinger. Thunder Mode: Final hit is a knockback.
Pincer Paralyzer (Special) Strike 3 No The Navy Thunder Ranger paralyzed his opponent with an electric shockwave, leaving them in a hover state for a followup. Thunder Mode: Hits multiple times.
Thunder Mode Super ---- No Available only during an intense fight, Blake harnesses extra power from the Thunder Morpher, enhancing his attacks and granting him energy.
Not a Scratch (Assist) Counter 3 No Blake heroically puts himself in harm's way. Should an opponent attack, he counters by immobilizing his foe with electricity.

Cameron Watanabe (Green Samurai Ranger)[]

UI Ranger GrnRng S11

"Cameron Watanabe is the sarcastic and intelligent son of Sensei Kanoi Watanabe, the master of the Wind Ninja Academy. Though his father never allowed him to become a ninja himself, he traveled to the past in a dangerous mission to become the Green Ranger. Despite being good at combat, his greatest asset is being the team's brain. He designs strategies and weapons to increase the team's power."

Class: Balanced
Rarity (Leader): Legendary
Rarity (Assist): Legendary

Move Type EP Cost Cancel? Effect
Slicer Kick (Primary) Counter 4 No Cam lands a spinning jump kick, following with a saber attack that knockback the opponent.
Honorable Soul (Primary) Strike 3 Yes A powerful slash combo with his samurai saber hitting several times.
Samurai Slasher (Special) Strike 4 No Cam dashes towards the opponent and connect a strong slash following up with a launcher.
Samurai Saber (Special) Breaker 6 No After several kicks, Cam finishes his attack with a saber strike, shocking the enemy.
Wind Walk (Assist) Breaker 6 No Cameron quickly enters the fight kicking in the air several times doing an arc finishing with a descending slash, stunning the opponent.

Power Rangers Dino Thunder[]

Conner McKnight (Red Dino Ranger)[]

UI Ranger RedRng S12

"Conner is the leader of the Dino Rangers. His main interest is playing soccer and aspires to be a big star. He once thought about resigning as a Ranger because it was conflicting with his professional soccer career. On the mission before resigning, he saved a girl that thanked him after the battle, making him change his mind and not give up his Ranger duties."

Class: Attacker
Rarity (Leader): Epic
Rarity (Assist): Epic

Move Type EP Cost Cancel? Effect
Thundermax Saber (Primary) Strike 4 Yes Conner uses his Thundermax Saber to strike his enemy, knocking them back.
Goal Kick (Primary) Breaker 2 No Conner lands a powerful kick to his enemy, staggering them.
Tyranno Staff (Special) Breaker 4 No Dashing forward with his Tyranno Staff, Conner lands several hits to the opponent, launching the enemy in the air.
Speed Cyclone (Special) Breaker 4 No Conner climbs on his staff, spinning very fast and hitting the enemy many times, finishing with a strong attack.
Tyranno Onslaught (Assist) Strike 5 No Conner enters the battle with his Tyranno Staff really fast and hits the enemy, staggering them.

Ethan James (Blue Dino Ranger)[]

UI Ranger BluRng S12

"Ethan is the genius of the group, known for his intelligence and sarcasm. He is a skilled hacker and computer expert, and he's always seen with his computer or playing video games. After meeting Conner and Kira during a school mishap, they discovered the Thunder Dino Gems, which transformed him into the Blue Dino Thunder Ranger."

Class: Defender
Rarity (Leader): Epic
Rarity (Assist): Epic

Move Type EP Cost Cancel? Effect
Tricera Strikes (Primary) Strike 3 Yes Ethan performs a combo with his Tricera Shield.
Frontal Horn (Primary) Strike 3 No Ethan jumps and strikes to the front with his Tricera Shield.
Shield Disruptor (Special) Counter 3 No Ethan performs an attack to get rid of his enemies around him and staggers them if he hits them.
Tricera Power (Special) Breaker 4 No With the Tricera Shield, Ethan strikes the enemy in front, stunning and launching them into the air to finish the attack.
Tricera Skin Super ---- No He summons the strength of the Triceratops to harden its skin and take less damage for a time.
Tricera Launch (Assist) Counter 4 No Ethan enters combat with a fierce ground impact using his Tricera Shield. If it connects, the explosion launches the enemy into the air.

Kira Ford (Yellow Dino Ranger)[]

UI Ranger YelRng S12

"Kira is very smart and it shows in her lyrics, where her real emotions come up while singing in her own band, where she also plays the guitar. She dresses in her own neo-punk style and despite caring for others, she likes to show a tough appearance. Tommy Oliver went to recruit her after she refused to have anything to do with the Dino Gems, at this moment she accepts and putting her fears aside, she joins the Dino Thunder Rangers as the Yellow Ranger."

Class: Balanced
Rarity (Leader): Epic
Rarity (Assist): Epic

Move Type EP Cost Cancel? Effect
Jurassic Strike (Primary) Strike 3 Yes With her Ptera Grips, Kira attacks the enemy and performs a fancy combo that sweeps the enemy.
Thundermax Combo (Primary) Strike 3 Yes Using her Thundermax Saber, Kira makes a combo that knocks down the enemy in the last hit.
Ptera Dive (Special) Breaker 4 No Kira jumps really high and descends to strike her opponent with her Ptera Grips.
Ptera Scream (Special) Breaker 3 No Kira uses her power to emit a blast like sonic screech causing severe damage to the enemy.
Dino Gem Power (Assist) Counter 3 No Kira defends herself, emitting a sonic scream with destructive power.

Tommy Oliver (Black Dino Ranger)[]

UI Ranger BlkRng S12

"This mild mannered science teacher is not all he seems. Tommy Oliver, long standing Ranger, takes up the mantle once more as the Dino Thunder Black Ranger. He recruits three students chosen by the Dino Gems and fights alongside them using his powers of invisibility and the Brachiozord."

Class: Attacker
Rarity (Leader): Legendary
Rarity (Assist): Legendary

Move Type EP Cost Cancel? Effect
Jurassic Strike (Primary) Breaker 3 No Tommy leaps into action and performs an attack that stuns the opponent. Super Mode: Tommy travels further and attack becomes a multi-hit.
Brachio Beatdown (Primary) Strike 3 Yes Some double arm slashes followed up by a punch that sends opponents flying. Super Mode: Covers more ground and the last hit is a multi-hit.
Wind Strike (Special) Counter 4 No Tommy slams the Brachio Staff into the ground creating a whirlwind. Super Mode: Faster activation.
Energy Orb (Special) Breaker 5 No Calling on the power of the Brachio Staff, Tommy summons an Energy Orb that flies across the arena. Super Mode: Sets opponents on fire.
Super Dino Mode Super ---- No By drawing energy from the Dino Gems, the Dino Rangers undergo an almost feral transformation. Their helmets roar and the patterns on their suits transform into spike armor. 3 EP gain on activation, 50% damage boost & faster ability activation.
Dino Rush (Assist) Strike 4 No A staggeringly strong two hit combo with the Brachio Staff.

Trent Fernandez (White Dino Ranger)[]

UI Ranger WhtRng S12

"Initially turned evil by the White Dino Gem, Trent joins Mesogog in the battle against the Power Rangers."

Class: Balanced
Rarity (Leader): Legendary
Rarity (Assist): Epic

Move Type EP Cost Cancel? Effect
Drago Assault (Primary) Strike 4 Yes Trent stylishly strikes the target with the Drago Sword.
Dashing Punch (Primary) Strike 3 No A rapid running punch that can be used near or far.
Laser Arrows (Special) Breaker 4 No Trent launches several extremely fast arrows at the opponent.
Super Speed Attack (Special) Counter 4 No Trent interrupts and stuns the opponent with his super speed.
Arrogant Stride (Assist) Breaker 4 No Trent saunters out to deliver a fiercely rapid breaker combo.

Power Rangers S.P.D.[]

Jack Landors (S.P.D. Red Ranger)[]

UI Ranger RedRng S13

"Having a hard life, Jack became a street thief, but when the life of his best friend, Elizabeth "Z" Delgado, was in danger, he volunteered to become the Red SPD ranger to save her and the other rangers. Much to Sky Tate's chagrin, Jack became the leader of Squadron B, often clashing with the chain of command. Despite proving to be a capable leader, what Jack wanted the most was helping people on the streets. After defeating Emperor Gruumm, he retired from the SPD."

Class: Attacker
Rarity (Leader): Epic
Rarity (Assist): Epic

Move Type EP Cost Cancel? Effect
Triple Combo (Primary) Strike 3 Yes Jack throws a punch toward the enemy, then kicks it and finishes the attack with a powerful kick that knocks back his foe.
Red Delta Strike (Primary) Strike 3 No Wielding his two blasters forward, Jack sprints to gain momentum, then slides while shooting a burst of blaster shots toward the enemy.
Frontal Assault (Special) Breaker 4 Yes Jack charges toward the enemy shooting. He ends the move with a frontal corkscrew jump, lands, and makes a spectacular last shot.
Blaster Combo Mode (Special) Strike 4 No The Red Ranger prepares the attack by stunning the enemy with a powerful kick. If it connects, Jack charges his Combo Mode Blaster and sends the enemy flying into the air with a big explosion.
Delta Blaster Strike (Assist) Counter 4 No Jack uses his genetic power to phase through the floor, making a ninja jump upwards. While in midair, he shoots at the enemy with his blasters and falls to the ground, phasing through it again.

Sky Tate (S.P.D. Blue Ranger)[]

UI Ranger BluRng S13

"As a child, Sky looked up to his father, who was a Red Ranger from whom he inherited his powers to create force fields. His father died in combat, since then, he was inspired to be like his father and become the Red Ranger, but despite being very skilled, the decision was made by General Kruger who assigned him as the Blue SPD Ranger, second in command."

Class: Attacker
Rarity (Leader): Epic
Rarity (Assist): Epic

Move Type EP Cost Cancel? Effect
Delta Combo (Primary) Strike 3 Yes Sky is highly skilled in hand-to-hand and weapon combat, showing his skills during a spectacular combo.
Kick and Shoot (Primary) Breaker 4 No The cadet jumps towards the enemy with a flying kick. Upon impact, he jumps back and shoots the opponent with his Deltamax Striker.
Blue Barrier (Special) Counter 2 No With the inherited power to create powerful shields, he creates a blue barrier to protect himself, activating a propelling force upon contact.
Deltamax (Special) Breaker 4 No Sky approaches the enemy fast with a melee attack, then it moves away by jumping backwards and shooting at him with his Deltamax Striker.
Deltamax Striker (Assist) Strike 4 Yes Sky enters combat shooting his enemies several times with his Deltamax Striker.

Bridge Carson (S.P.D. Green Ranger)[]

"Born of a simple life Bridge grew up to be an aspiring member of the Space Patrol Delta where he becomes a cadet. With his fellow cadets Sky and Syd as the B-Squad, they apprehend a couple of market thieves, Jack and Z. They later join the team with Jack as their leader. With the A-Squad reported MIA the B-Squad got elevated to active duty. In the year 2025 Bridge Carson becomes the Green Ranger. The season ends in his promotion to Blue Ranger...later in his career to Red Ranger and leader of the B-Squad."

Class: Defender
Rarity (Leader): Epic
Rarity (Assist): Epic

Move Type EP Cost Cancel? Effect
Delta Strike (Primary) Strike 3 Yes Quickly lunges forward with a high hook, low sweep and heavy turning kick to knockdown opponents.
Deltamax Blaster (Primary) Counter 3 No Blast your victim from the ground to the sky with the Deltamax Blaster.
Deltamax Launcher (Special) Breaker 4 No Launch your opponent with the standard issue Deltamax Striker.
Delta Reversal (Special) Counter 3 No Spin forward and punch with staggering force. Counter attack with a launching combo.

- Counter attack applies defense debuff to the victim.

- Transition to counter attack on hit while insight buff is active.

Insight Super ---- No Bridge reveals the opponent's weakness greatly enhancing his critical hit chance.

- Apply defense debuff on victim.

- Apply critical hit chance buff.

Car Toss (Assist) Breaker 4 No Bridge lifts a full size sedan and throws it forward.

Anubis "Doggie" Cruger (S.P.D. Shadow Ranger)[]

UI Ranger ShdwRng S13

"Sworn defender of the galaxy and sole survivor of the planet Sirius, Anubis "Doggie" Cruger is the Commander of S.P.D.'s Earth Branch. He proves to be one of the most valuable assets to the S.P.D. Rangers by becoming the Shadow Ranger."

Class: Balanced
Rarity (Leader): Legendary
Rarity (Assist): Legendary

Move Type EP Cost Cancel? Effect
Shadow Slice (Primary) Strike 4 No Like a fleeting shadow, Doggie dashes forward for a quick slice with the Shadow Saber, launching the opponent before moving back out of range.
Justice Combo (Primary) Strike 3 Yes Solid and stoic, Doggie delivers justice with this Shadow Saber combo that sends opponents staggering.
Confinement (Special) Counter 5 No Using the Patrol Morpher, Doggie confines his opponents, restricting their ability to dash.
Shadow Saber (Special) Breaker 4 No Calling on the power of his Shadow Saber, Doggie charges in for a powerful hit with knockback.
Saber Strike (Assist) Strike 3 No Doggie releases an energy blast from the Shadow Saber, knocking opponents off their feet.

Sam (S.P.D. Omega Ranger)[]

UI Ranger OmgRng S13

"As a child, Sam could make objects disappear, leading him to be rejected by other kids. To save the Power Rangers and the planet, he later came from the future to stop Emperor Gruumm. Determined and relentless, Sam is a valuable asset to the S.P.D. Rangers."

Class: Attacker
Rarity (Leader): Legendary
Rarity (Assist): Legendary

Move Type EP Cost Cancel? Effect
Omega Combo (Primary) Strike 3 Yes Sam lands several kicks to the opponent, throwing them far away.
Hyper Mode (Primary) Strike 2 Yes A flurry of punches at high speed thanks to the Omega Morpher.
Electro Mode (Special) Breaker 3 No An electric ground projectile that stuns the opponent.
Blast Mode (Special) Breaker 4 No With a high amount of energy, Sam strikes the target with his palm, knocking them back.
Light Beam Mode Super ---- No Sam charges the Omega power mode and strikes the enemy with a powerful punch and a knock up kick, landing later with a powerful punch from the sky.
Omega Strikes (Assist) Strike 4 No Omega strikes the enemy multiple times as a light orb, leaving the opponent stunned.

Kat Manx (S.P.D. Kat Ranger)[]

UI Ranger KatRng S13

"Kat has designed most of the Rangers weapons and is Commander Cruger's trusted assistant and friend. She is recruited to S.P.D. central command under request by Supreme Commander Birdie. She returns to Earth with a temporary Morpher and becomes the Kat Ranger to stop an old friend with a grudge. Although her time as a Ranger is limited, she realizes the Rangers need her skills on Earth."

Class: Balanced
Rarity (Leader): Epic
Rarity (Assist): Epic

Move Type EP Cost Cancel? Effect
Cat Scratch (Primary) Counter 2 Yes Kat goes on the defensive and will claw at her opponents with this counter combo.
Backflip Pounce (Primary) Strike 3 Yes With cat-like jumping skills, Kat performs a no-handed cartwheel kick.
Cat Stunners (Special) Breaker 4 No Leaping into the air, Kat gives herself some room to scatter her Kat Stunners.
Feline Grace (Special) Breaker 4 No A graceful spin that launches opponents in the air.
Split Kick (Assist) Strike 3 No Cats are known for their speed and flexibility. This Kat uses both for a swift jumping split kick.

Power Rangers Mystic Force[]

Nick Russell (Red Mystic Ranger)[]

"Bowen, child of Udonna and Leanbow, was taken away during the Great Battle between the Morlocks and the Mystic Wizards. With the help of Phineas he was taken to the Human World with only a blanket from his mother as a keepsake. There he was adopted and given the human name Nick Russell. As he comes of age fate steers him back to where it all started only to be reunited with his mother. Nick and his new found friends were granted the powers of Mystic Force Rangers upon believing in magic."

Class: Attacker
Rarity (Leader): Legendary
Rarity (Assist): Legendary

Move Type EP Cost Cancel? Effect
Magi Staff and Sword (Primary) Strike 3 No Stun your enemies with a forward thrust or leap back to safety while shooting fiery projectiles at your enemies.

- Swipe back during startup to do "Magi Staff and Sword v2."

Reflectus Targo (Primary) Counter 2 No Summon a wall before you and reflect back your opponent's attack stunning them in their tracks.
Mystic Force Fighter (Special) Strike 3 Yes Launch your opponent with a leaping punch and combination of quick strikes.
Fire of the Phoenix (Special) Breaker 4 No Fly forward and burn them all or jump up quickly and stun your enemies with a magic spell

- Swipe back during startup to do "Fire of the Phoenix v2."

Red Dragon Fire Ranger Super ---- No Call upon the power of the Red Dragon Fire Ranger.
Phoenix Fury (Assist) Breaker 4 No Descend from the sky and with a flaming slash and burning your victims where they stand.

Xander Bly (Green Mystic Ranger)[]

UI Ranger GrnRng S14

"Alexander "Xander" Bly comes from Australia and when he first arrived people teased him because of his accent and was excluded many times. When he worked at Rock Porium with other Rangers, he usually assigned his work to someone else. Because of his big ego and overconfidence, he got into trouble many times, but he still knows how to admit mistakes."

Class: Attacker
Rarity (Leader): Epic
Rarity (Assist): Epic

Move Type EP Cost Cancel? Effect
Kick and Punch (Primary) Strike 3 Yes Xander performs a basic combo with a kick and a punch that staggers the opponent.
Mystic Force Fighter (Primary) Breaker 3 No Xander summons the mystic-fighter-gloves and makes a speed dive. If he connects, he performs a stylish combo launching the enemy in the air.
Magi Staff (Special) Strike 3 No Xander hits the ground with his magic-staff-axe, upon connecting, the enemy is stunned and he summons vines to finish the attack.
Mystic Muscles (Special) Breaker 4 No Xander charges at the enemy and throws a fierce punch. If it connects, he enters into Mystic Muscles Mode, hitting the ground and launching his enemy into the air. Then, he waits for the enemy to land to hit him with a super punch.
Magic Vines (Assist) Breaker 4 No Xander enters combat to help summoning vines that attack the enemy.

Udonna (White Mystic Ranger)[]

UI Ranger WhiteRng S14

"Udonna is a powerful sorceress who trains the Power Rangers in the art of magic and is their guide to unlocking the secrets of the Xenotome. She is an inhabitant of the magical dimension and was around during the great battle years ago where she lost her husband and son. An accomplished sorceress, she has the power of snow."

Class: Balanced
Rarity (Leader): Epic
Rarity (Assist): Epic

Move Type EP Cost Cancel? Effect
Mystic Avalanche (Primary) Strike 3 Yes A spinning staff attack that launches enemies into the air with a cryoseismic explosion.
Ice Storm (Primary) Strike 4 No An icicle shoots from Udonna's Snow Staff to freeze opponents in their tracks.
Blizzard Rush (Special) Counter 5 No Udonna transforms herself into a snow storm before rematerializing for a defensive strike.
Cold Spell (Special) Breaker 5 No With a flick of her Snow Staff, Udonna brings the freeze.
Flurry of Snow (Assist) Strike 3 No Turn opponents into a popsicle with this freezing flurry of snow.

Daggeron (Solaris Knight)[]

UI Ranger GoldRng S14

"Daggeron was a disciple of Leanbow, who trained him so he could be the protector of Udonna and her son. In a battle with Calindor, also known as Imperious, both were enchanted and trapped in a magical cave. When Daggeron woke up, a long time had passed and things were not like before. Leanbow was destroyed and the baby he had to protect was missing. Daggeron now protects Udonna and trains the Power Rangers Mystic Force to eradicate evil and keep peace on earth."

Class: Defender
Rarity (Leader): Legendary
Rarity (Assist): Legendary

Move Type EP Cost Cancel? Effect
Solaris Succession (Primary) Strike 4 Yes A quick combo from the mystic legendary warrior makes the enemy burn after they've been hit.
Mystic Carpet (Primary) Breaker 3 No Daggeron uses his carpet to fly across the stage, hitting the enemy and shooting them after.
Golden Kicks (Special) Breaker 4 No Daggeron lands several kicks to the enemy, staggering them with his sword in the last one.
Sun Beam (Special) Counter 4 Yes Daggeron charges energy in him to shoot a big Sun beam from his hand.
Awaken Flames Super ---- No Daggeron changes all his move set and adds D.O.T. to his attacks until the fight is over.
Jenji to the Rescue (Assist) Breaker 4 No Daggeron enters the combat calling his friend Jenji, the Lamp Genie.

Leanbow (Wolf Warrior)[]

UI Ranger Leanbow S14

"Thought to have perished in the Great Battle against the Supreme Master of the Underworld, Leanbow was overtaken by Dark Magic and was turned into the Knight Wolf - Koragg. Thanks to the help of his wife, Udonna, and the other Mystic Force Rangers, Leanbow was freed and became the Wolf Warrior."

Class: Attacker
Rarity (Leader): Epic
Rarity (Assist): Epic

Move Type EP Cost Cancel? Effect
Blazing Slash (Primary) Strike 3 Yes Leanbow unleashes two giant swings of the Knight Saber, each of which releases a powerful projectile.
Wolf Attack (Primary) Strike 4 No Leanbow thrusts his Wolf Shield forward causing his opponent to stagger back. Before they are able to recover, he sends a fiery wolf head that both stuns and sets them aflame.
Burning Heart (Special) Breaker 3 No Leanbow ignites the Wolf Shield in flames and swings it at his opponent.
Shield of Light (Special) Breaker 5 No Leanbow slams his Wolf Shield onto the ground causing an eruption beneath his enemies feet.
Charge of Truth (Assist) Breaker 4 No Leanbow charges across the battlefield with his shield at the ready, hitting any foes he comes in contact with.

Power Rangers Operation Overdrive[]

Tyzonn (Overdrive Mercury Ranger)[]

UI Ranger SlvRng S15

"Tyzonn came to Earth from planet Mercuria looking for his enemies, the Fearcats. Here he was confronted by Moltor, who cursed him for rejecting his offer to join his army, turning him into a monster. Mack, the Red Ranger, realized Tyzonn was not evil and decided to help him. Thanks to the Corona Aurora gems, he was able to return him to his normal form, and later joined the team as the sixth ranger."

Class: Balanced
Rarity (Leader): Epic
Rarity (Assist): Epic

Move Type EP Cost Cancel? Effect
Drive Blaster (Primary) Strike 3 Yes Using his mercurian skills, he performs a combo finishing it with a shot from his Drive Detector Blaster.
Mercurian Armor (Primary) Strike 4 No Tyzonn covers himself in a mercury armor and then attacks the enemy with his Drive Detector in lance form.
Overdrive Kick (Special) Strike 4 Yes Using his Drive Detector Blaster form, he jumps back shooting at the enemy to land a flying kick.
Drive Detector (Special) Breaker 6 Yes Tyzonn attacks the enemy with a spectacular combo, finishing with a strong attack with his drive detector lance mode, launching the opponent into the air.
Mercury Overdrive Super ---- No With his weapon, he makes a crest of energy to shoot at the enemy. Upon impact, it throws them into the air.
Rushing Shots (Assist) Breaker 4 No Tyzonn enters the fight dashing and shooting the opponent with his Drive Detector blaster mode.

Sentinel Knight[]

UI Ranger Sentinel S15

"In the past, Sentinel Knight hid the Corona Aurora and it's five jewels all over planet Earth. His spirit returned hundreds of years later to guide the new Rangers to protect the Corona Aurora from new threats. Mack recovers the Excelsior Sword and gives it to Sentinel Knight, restoring him a new physical form."

Class: Defender
Rarity (Leader): Epic
Rarity (Assist): Epic

Move Type EP Cost Cancel? Effect
Sentinel Strikes (Primary) Strike 3 Yes Sentinel Knight performs an espectacular combo, showing how skillful and capable he is in combat.
Guardian Knuckle (Primary) Counter 4 No Sentinel Knight performs a super punch to ward off any enemy that dares to approach.
Sentinel Sword (Special) Strike 4 No Sentinel Knight lands a fierce kick, transforming into a sword form to execute a series of attacks and returning to combat mode.
Energy Kicks (Special) Breaker 5 No Sentinel Knight performs a combination of kicks, dealing a lot of damage to the enemy.
Gem Blast (Assist) Breaker 4 No Sentinel Knight shoots an energy blast from the green gem on his chest.

Power Rangers Jungle Fury[]

Casey Rhodes (Jungle Fury Red Ranger)[]

UI Ranger RedRng S16

"Casey Rhodes, a Pai Zhuq Academy cub, triggered the Spirit of the Tiger defending a fellow cub. Headmaster Mao, witnessing this, summons Casey along with final candidates Lily and Theo to reveal Casey's potential as the new Tiger Master after Jared's dismissal. Conflict ensues, freeing Dai Shi and leading to Master Mao's death. Casey, Lily and Theo seek their next master, RJ, who grants them Solar Morphers, transforming them into Power Rangers with Casey becoming the Jungle Fury Red Ranger."

Class: Attacker
Rarity (Leader): Epic
Rarity (Assist): Epic

Move Type EP Cost Cancel? Effect
Tiger Style Combo (Primary) Strike 2 Yes Quick and effective strike for a low cost.
Mopping the Floor (Primary) Breaker 3 No Casey chases you down with the technique he unknowingly learned from cleaning his master's floor.
Jungle Chucks (Special) Strike 3 No Casey sends multiple shockwaves from his newly mastered weapon, the Jungle Chucks.
Shark Sabers (Special) Breaker 4 No Wielding dual Shark Sabers, Casey leaps into action avoiding all projectiles to cut down his victim.
Master Arts Super ---- No Ability extension from Jungle Chucks and Shark Sabers that unleashes extra damage at the cost of 1 additional EP.
Claw Booster (Assist) Breaker 3 No Casey enters the screen from the back line to deliver a very powerful attack that sends the victim flying back with a knockdown.

Robert "R.J." James (Jungle Fury Wolf Ranger)[]

UI Ranger PurRng S16

"R.J. grew up at the Order of the Claw and trained under his father Master Finn. While R.J. was a skilled martial artist he never felt his father's Shark Style fit him. Sent out to gain more life experience, R.J. opened "Jungle Karma Pizza" where he serves as the Jungle Fury Rangers' boss and mentor."

Class: Attacker
Rarity (Leader): Legendary
Rarity (Assist): Legendary

Move Type EP Cost Cancel? Effect
Alpha Wolf (Primary) Strike 4 Yes A quick series of kicks and flips that sends opponents flying.
Hunter's Ploy (Primary) Strike 3 No Using predator-like instincts, R.J. lulls opponents into a false sense of security by dashing back before coming in with a powerful overhand punch.
Wolf Beam (Special) Breaker 2 No Using the power of his Wolf Morpher, R.J. shoots a Wolf Beam for a multi-hit combo.
Predator Pounce (Special) Breaker 4 No R.J. comes in for a stunning double fist that sets up for an uppercut that tosses opponents into the air like pizza dough.
Wolf Beam Blast Super ---- No Time to turn up the heat with some extra Wolf Energy for a super charged Wolf Beam Blast.
Flying Pounce (Assist) Breaker 5 No R.J. swoops in with a double punch knee strike that leaves opponents staggering.

Dominic Hargan (Jungle Fury Rhino Ranger)[]

UI Ranger WhiRng S16

"Dominic was Jarrod's roommate at the Pai Zhuq academy and stood out as one of the best students, he was almost chosen as a protector but his teacher sent him to find his way in life. Six years later when he returned, he was rejected for being a joker and not having a serious attitude, but the Rangers regained confidence in him when they saw the courage and refined techniques he used to save Fran, thus joining the team as the Rhino Ranger."

Class: Attacker
Rarity (Leader): Epic
Rarity (Assist): Epic

Move Type EP Cost Cancel? Effect
Rhino Fury (Primary) Strike 4 Yes With the Rhino Power, Dominic performs a combo using his Rhino Blade.
Super Slash! (Primary) Strike 3 No Using his Rhino Blade, Dominic creates an energy field, sending his opponents through the air upon impact.
Blade Attack! (Special) Strike 5 No Dominic performs a kick attack. Upon impact, he launches the opponent into the air and jumps to hit him several times with the Rhino Blade, launching them into the air with the last hit.
Rhino Blade (Special) Breaker 5 Yes Dominic slashes the enemy with his Rhino Blade several times, backing up and gathering momentum for his last attack.
Rhino Stampede (Assist) Counter 3 No With his Rhino Morpher, Dominic enters the combat with a strong attack that staggers the enemy and them shoots him.

Power Rangers RPM[]

Ziggy Grover (Ranger Operator Series Green)[]

UI Ranger GrnRng S17

"Ziggy became the Green Ranger in order to prevent the power of the Green Morpher from falling into the hands of Venjix. Initially a bit of a coward in combat, Ziggy comes into his own and always has the best interests of his fellow rangers at heart."

Class: Balanced
Rarity (Leader): Epic
Rarity (Assist): Epic

Move Type EP Cost Cancel? Effect
Revs Per Minute (Primary) Strike 3 Yes A series of roundhouse kicks ending in a powerful finisher. If he lands the last kick, Ziggy will regenerate some EP after nursing his wound.
Woodsplit Swing (Primary) Breaker 5 Yes An overhead swing of Ziggy's Turbo Axe, sure to find its target.
Green Fortress (Special) Counter 2 No Ziggy calls upon his superior defensive capabilities, erupting in a powerful uppercut if an opponent is foolish enough to strike. If Ziggy lands this punch, he will regenerate some EP after celebrating his victory.
Turbo Blast (Special) Breaker 3 No Ziggy harnesses the power of his Turbo Axe to send damaging projectiles hurtling toward his foe.
Turbo Twister (Assist) Breaker 3 No Ziggy spawns in with a multi-hit spinning axe attack.

Gemma (Ranger Operator Series Silver)[]

UI Ranger SlvRng S17

"Gem and Gemma, nicknamed "The Boom Twins" have incredibly hyperactive, child-like personalities, and finish each other's sentences. Raised to be test pilots of the Ranger Operator Suits, they were seemingly killed in an explosion trying to save their ranger suits. The twins survived the blast and would help the RPM Rangers as the Gold and Silver Rangers."

Class: Balanced
Rarity (Leader): Epic
Rarity (Assist): Epic

Move Type EP Cost Cancel? Effect
Cyclone (Primary) Strike 4 Yes Never one to sit still, Gemma's combo turns the Cloud Hatchet into a fast flurry of blades.
Direct Aim (Primary) Strike 3 No Gemma jumps in for a backflip kick. If she makes contact she'll follow up with a shot.
Energy Mode (Special) Strike 3 No Gemma leaps into the air and sends an energy blast down on her opponents.
Ice Mode (Special) Breaker 5 No Gemma flips switch #2 to release an icy blast from the Cloud Hatchet.
Sky Shift Blazer (Assist) Breaker 3 No Launch opponents with this destructive finishing move.

Power Rangers Samurai[]

Antonio Garcia (Gold Samurai Ranger)[]

UI Ranger GoldRng S19

"The most outgoing and playful of the Samurai Rangers. Unlike the others, Antonio did not receive formal Samurai training and learned to fight on his own. This computer wiz uses his electronic power symbols to program his Zords."

Class: Attacker
Rarity (Leader): Legendary
Rarity (Assist): Legendary

Move Type EP Cost Cancel? Effect
Barracuda Dash (Primary) Strike 3 Yes Antonio dashes forward, if his initial attack hits, he continues the momentum and turns this attack into a 5 hit combo. Taunt to activate the Marks of Light and do additional damage for each successful hit.
Barracuda Blur (Primary) Strike 3 Yes A fast four hit combo that sweeps opponents off their feet. Taunt to activate the Marks of Light and do additional damage for each successful hit.
Stealth Slash (Special) Counter 5 No Speed is the name of the game. This close ranged attack is a 7 hit combo bringing the Marks of Light to their max of 7. Finish off with a taunt to activate the Marks for additional damage.
Barracuda Blade (Special) Breaker 4 No A devastating 5 hit combo that summons forth a lightning strike. Taunt to activate the Marks of Light and do additional damage for each successful hit.
Barracuda Bite (Assist) Strike 4 No Send opponents staggering back, followed by a projectile slash.

Power Rangers Super Samurai[]

Lauren Shiba (Red Samurai Ranger II)[]

UI Ranger RedRng S19

"Lauren, the female Samurai Red Ranger, spent her life mastering the Sealing Symbol to protect the world from evil. Sweet, tough and kind-hearted, Lauren is the epitome of a great Red Ranger."

Class: Attacker
Rarity (Leader): Epic
Rarity (Assist): Rare

Move Type EP Cost Cancel? Effect
Samurai Combo (Primary) Strike 3 Yes Lauren strikes multiple times with her Spin Sword.
Samurai Strike (Primary) Strike 4 No An extremely fast sword slash, great for interrupting breakers.
Fire Sword Charge (Special) Breaker 4 No Lauren readies her sword, then deals a flaming slash with great range. Opponents will be set on fire and take burn damage over time.
Kanji Blast (Special) Strike 4 No Lauren draws a flaming Kanji symbol, then directs it to explode on the opponent who will take some burn damage over time.
Fire Sword Slash (Assist) Breaker 6 No Deals a burning blow with the sword, setting opponents ablaze and dealing burning damage over time.

Power Rangers Megaforce[]

Robo Knight[]

UI Ranger RoboKnight S21

"Created by Gosei eons ago, Robo Knight is powered by the Earth. Buried underground for centuries, the Earth itself calls upon its defender when it senses a significant threat."

Class: Attacker
Rarity (Leader): Epic
Rarity (Assist): Epic

Move Type EP Cost Cancel? Effect
Maximum Force (Primary) Strike 4 Yes Robo Knight slashes with his Robo Blade, ending with a knockback attack.
Silver Slash (Primary) Breaker 3 No Robo Knight uses the Robo Blade to slash through his opponent's defenses.
Rapid Flurry (Special) Strike 3 No Robo Knight unleashes havoc with the Robo Blaster, firing off a flurry of shots.
Blasterize (Special) Breaker 3 No Robo Knight fires multiple shots that have different effects, ending with a launcher.
Target Practice (Assist) Breaker 4 No Robo Knight uses the opponent for quick target practice, breaking their defense.

Power Rangers Super Megaforce[]

Gia Moran (Super Megaforce Yellow)[]

UI Ranger YelRng S21

"Gia, the Yellow Super Megaforce Ranger, is generally unflappable and carries herself with a sense of confidence that comes from her success. Strong and capable, Gia will never back down from protecting her friends."

Class: Balanced
Rarity (Leader): Legendary
Rarity (Assist): Rare

Move Type EP Cost Cancel? Effect
Stun Gun Trio (Primary) Strike 3 Yes Gia attacks 3 times with her gun, resulting in a stun.
Sword Stinger (Primary) Counter 3 No A rapid series of swinging sabre hits.
Skeet Shot (Special) Breaker 4 No Gia uses her sabre to launch the opponent in the air for target practice.
Sabre Whip (Special) Strike 4 Yes A wide ranged sabre attack that hits multiple times and causes stun.
Hand Cannon Shot (Assist) Breaker 4 No A spinning, stylish shot that is unblockable.

Orion (Super Megaforce Silver)[]


"Orion comes from Andresia, a planet similar to earth, where he worked as a miner. One day in the quarry he found the 6th key, shortly after the Armada attacked his planet and destroyed everything. Without anything to lose he became the Super Megaforce Silver Ranger, but needed training for the revenge. He practiced for months until the Armada came back, and Orion destroyed one of their ships. For months he worked repairing the ship, when it was ready he traveled to the earth, becoming the Super Megaforce Silver Ranger."

Class: Balanced
Rarity (Leader): Legendary
Rarity (Assist): Legendary

Move Type EP Cost Cancel? Effect
Silver Combo (Primary) Counter 4 Yes Orion strikes the enemy, performing a spectacular combo with his silver spear.
Super Spear Blaster (Primary) Breaker 4 No Orion lands a kick and with his Super Spear Blaster shoots the enemy repeatedly.
Silver Spear (Special) Strike 3 Yes Orion performs a spinning combo striking with his spear staggering the enemy in the last hit.
Final Strike (Special) Breaker 4 No With his spear he performs a front attack, and if it connects he makes a flurry attack launching the enemy to the air with a big explosion.
Power Sixth Unite Super ---- No Orion attacks the enemy with his spear, if it connects he transforms in Gold Mode and performs an attack with the power of Sixth Rangers launching the enemy to the air with a last explosion.
Spear Crest (Assist) Strike 3 No Orion uses his Silver Spear to shoot an energy crest stunning the enemy if it connects.

Power Rangers Dino Charge[]

Koda (Dino Charge Blue)[]

UI Ranger BluRng S22

"Koda, the Blue Dino Charge Ranger, is a super strong caveman. He survived being frozen in ice for thousands of years, and uses his sharp survival skills and fluid fighting style to help his team to protect the world."

Class: Defender
Rarity (Leader): Epic
Rarity (Assist): Rare

Move Type EP Cost Cancel? Effect
Capoeira Combo (Primary) Strike 3 Yes A series of capoeira moves that will surprise the opponent.
Half Moon Kick (Primary) Breaker 2 Yes Koda taps his capoeira skills to stagger the opponent with a kick to the head.
Shield Slam (Special) Breaker 4 No Koda jumps and smashes the opponent with his Stego Shield.
Shield Toss (Special) Strike 3 No Koda flings his Stego Shield at the opponent, stunning them.
Spinning Shield (Assist) Strike 5 No Koda sends the Stego Shield out, where it spins & hovers, dealing multiple hits.

Kendall Morgan (Dino Charge Purple II)[]

UI Ranger PurRng S22

"Kendall helped Keeper find and hide the Energems from the alien bounty hunter Sledge. She wasn't a Ranger from the start, but with her tenacity, skill and intelligence, she is chosen as the second Purple Dino Charge Ranger."

Class: Balanced
Rarity (Leader): Common
Rarity (Assist): Rare

Move Type EP Cost Cancel? Effect
Bayonet Slasher (Primary) Strike 4 Yes Kendall lets loose a barrage of close range attacks that end with a launch.
Gun Bash (Primary) Counter 3 No Kendall interrupts any strike by bashing the opponent and leaving them stunned.
Reverse Blast (Special) Breaker 5 No A defense breaking shot pops the opponent toward Kendall for a slashing follow up.
Plesio Slide (Special) Strike 3 No Kendall slides through projectiles and jumps back shooting if she connects.
Dino Morpher Blast (Assist) Breaker 4 No A powerful shot that sends Kendall and her opponent flying. That's some kickback.

Power Rangers Ninja Steel[]

Preston Tien (Ninja Steel Blue)[]

UI Ranger BluRng S24

"Preston is an amateur magician who likes to perform his magic act before classes at Summer Cove High School. He becomes the Blue Ninja Steel Ranger after pulling out the Blue Power Star from the Ninja Nexus Prism. Armed with a magic wand and spellbook from Princess Viera, the ability to perform real magic, and his Ranger skills, Preston fights alongside his friends to protect the Nexus Prism from Galvanax."

Class: Balanced
Rarity (Leader): Legendary
Rarity (Assist): Legendary

Move Type EP Cost Cancel? Effect
Stealthy Switch (Primary) Strike 4 Yes Using his cunning of the Ninja, Preston can dash cancel out of this move to switch up his ability's type. Breakers turn into strikes, strikes turn into breakers. Does not affect assists or blocks.
Abraca-Grab-Ya (Primary) Breaker 3 No An ordinary scarf. Completely ordinary. Nothing special, until Preston uses it to bind opponents.
Dragon's Ire (Special) Strike 3 No Time for a little magic. Dragon's Ire, full of fire! Summon a magical mini dragon that breathes fire and burns opponents over time.
Blade Slash (Special) Strike 4 No A powerful overhead jumping slash with the Ninja Battle Morpher in Blade Mode.
Presto Freeze-O (Assist) Breaker 3 No With a wave of his magic wand, the amazing Presto Change-O puts his opponents in a state of suspended animation.

Hayley Foster (Ninja Steel White)[]

"Hayley Foster is a high school student from Summer Cove High School who got chosen by the Nexus Prism to be the White Ninja Steel Ranger along with her boyfriend Calvin who was chosen to be the Yellow Ninja Steel Ranger. Later they find out a couple more of their high school friends were chosen along with a new comer who turned out to be their team leader. Together they defend Earth and fight various alien monsters who are after the Nexus Prism and their Ninja Steel."

Class: Balanced
Rarity (Leader): Epic
Rarity (Assist): Epic

Move Type EP Cost Cancel? Effect
White Steel Slash (Primary) Strike 3 Yes Cut into your enemy from mid range while avoiding projectiles.
Arrow Blast (Primary) Counter 3 No Hit the mark with an energized arrow at long range.
Vanishing Earth (Special) Strike 3 No Surprise your enemy at all ranges using the Earth element ninja technique!
Possessed Flames (Special) Breaker 4 No Feel the burn of the white flames of the ninja steel.
Ninja Spin Final Attack Super ---- No Finish your opponent with the final attack. This ability is a breaker.
Crowd Control (Assist) Strike 3 No Shoot your way out of a crowd with the Ninja Blaster.

Sarah Thompson (Ninja Steel Pink)[]


"During Sarah's first day at school, Victor insisted to use her custom hoverboard, crashing into Preston's Magic Show. Sarah, while helping Preston pick up his stuff, notices strange objects coming from the sky. Sarah takes her hoverboard and runs to investigate the falling objects with Preston, where they meet Brody fighting against a monster. After helping him, the Ninja Stars of Power appears in front of them, becoming the Power Rangers Ninja Steel. Sarah is smart and the brain of the team, she intends to be an engineer and she designs high-tech gadgets whenever the Power Rangers."

Class: Defender
Rarity (Leader): Epic
Rarity (Assist): Epic

Move Type EP Cost Cancel? Effect
Star Blade Combo (Primary) Strike 4 Yes Sarah performs a spectacular combo with her Star Blade, making a backflip at the last hit, launching the enemy to the air if it impacts.
Laser Ninja Whip (Primary) Strike 3 No Using her Laser Ninja Whip Mode, Sarah attacks the enemy causing a stagger.
Battle Morpher Bow (Special) Counter 4 No The Ninja Battle Morpher Bow allows Sarah to fire energy arrows.
Fire Star Blade (Special) Strike 4 No With the power of fire, Sarah performs a spectacular combo with flames in her blade.
Pink Power Kick (Assist) Breaker 6 No Sarah enters the combat with a strong flying kick, staggering the enemy if it connects.

Power Rangers Hyperforce[]

Jack D. Thomas (Hyperforce Yellow)[]

UI Ranger YelRng HYP

"This no nonsense, wise Time Force officer turned Power Ranger is still in top form. Experienced, reliable and supportive, the newly formed Hyperforce Rangers often look to Jack for guidance."

Class: Defender
Rarity (Leader): Epic
Rarity (Assist): Epic

Move Type EP Cost Cancel? Effect
Big Horn (Primary) Strike 3 No Jack rushes forward and uses the horns on his Ranger helmet to deal some serious damage.
Ram Rage (Primary) Counter 3 Yes A berserker onslaught of powerful melee attacks.
Ram Rush (Special) Breaker 4 No Jack squares up and drops a shoulder to charge forward zero-g football style.
Hammer Time (Special) Breaker 5 No Stun, launch, then send opponents flying back with this powerful combo from the Crius Hammer.
Crius Crush (Assist) Strike 5 No Jack won't hold back with this crushing Crius Hammer combo that knocks back opponents.

Vesper (Hyperforce Black)[]

UI Ranger BlkRng HYP

"Vesper Vasquez is a Time Force Academy cadet; her parents are Dr. Antonio Vasquez and Dr. Lucero Vasquez; she is a beautiful but tough woman, smart, and an expert in technology. The Hyperforce team accidentally travels to 2009 (RPM year), where Vesper is revealed to be a gynoid after being infected by the Venjix virus that makes her lose control and goes berserk. Despite being a gynoid she doesn't care about going unnoticed. She is very loyal to her team and will not hesitate to be aggressive in order to protect them."

Class: Balanced
Rarity (Leader): Epic
Rarity (Assist): Epic

Move Type EP Cost Cancel? Effect
Karate for All (Primary) Strike 3 Yes Vesper resolves all with karate; so she executes a superb karate combo, knocking the attacker back with a powerful finishing attack.
Shield Strikes (Primary) Breaker 4 Yes Vesper throws her shield to attack the enemy from distance staggering the enemy in the last hit.
Coeus Axe (Special) Strike 3 No Vesper uses her Coeus Axe to perform a spectacular combo, knocking down the enemy in the last hit.
Titan Assault (Special) Breaker 5 No Vesper uses her main weapon as a shield to attack the enemy. If it connects, the enemy is launched in the air and finished with a powerful axe attack.
Cerberus Rage Super ---- No Vesper gets infected with the Venjix Virus. As a result she activates autopilot, goes berserk and attacks the enemy repeatedly.
Coeus Shield (Assist) Breaker 4 No Vesper dashes forward, deflecting projectiles with her Coeus Shield in order to knock her adversary down.

Power Rangers (2017 Movie)[]

Jason (Cenozoic Red Ranger)[]

UI Ranger RedRng MOV

"Jason, the Red Ranger, was a football legend in his small town of Angel Grove until one fateful mistake. In need of redemption, he is given a chance to lead a new team and must find it in himself to rise to the challenge."

Class: Balanced
Rarity (Leader): Common
Rarity (Assist): Common

Move Type EP Cost Cancel? Effect
Roaring Tiger (Primary) Strike 3 Yes A fierce combination of punches and kicks.
Shoulder Tackle (Primary) Strike 3 No Football style tackle that knocks back the opponent.
Perfect Spiral (Special) Breaker 3 No A fast, football shaped energy projectile that can't be blocked.
Aerial Assault (Special) Strike 4 No A spinning, flying kick that knocks back the opponent.
Dashing Kick (Assist) Strike 3 No Two charging kicks that launch the opponent into the air.

Zack (Cenozoic Black Ranger)[]

UI Ranger BlkRng MOV

"Zack, the Black Power Ranger, is filled with bravado and swagger. He is tough and cool on the exterior, but has layers beyond his fearless appearance. Zack advertises everything about himself, except the truth."

Class: Defender
Rarity (Leader): Common
Rarity (Assist): Common

Move Type EP Cost Cancel? Effect
Daredevil Chain (Primary) Strike 3 Yes Spinning combo that ends with a launcher.
Rolling Thunder (Primary) Breaker 3 Yes Spinning wheel kick.
One Two Combo (Special) Strike 4 No One: A powerful uppercut. Two: A kick that sends opponents flying.
Power Punch (Special) Breaker 5 No Jumping punch that breaks through defense.
Uppercut (Assist) Breaker 4 No Lightning fast charging uppercut.

Billy (Cenozoic Blue Ranger)[]

UI Ranger BluRng MOV

"Billy, the Blue Power Ranger, has always been challenged in his abilities to communicate and interact socially. Whip-smart and sweet, he is the most pure-hearted of the group."

Class: Balanced
Rarity (Leader): Epic
Rarity (Assist): Epic

Move Type EP Cost Cancel? Effect
Bully Beater (Primary) Strike 4 Yes Series of rapid strikes to the gut, followed by a huge uppercut.
Too Much Power Punch (Primary) Breaker 3 No Billy winds up and lets loose a damaging attack that breaks defense.
Blast Radius (Special) Strike 3 No Billy tosses a small "invention" at the opponent.
EMP (Special) Counter 5 No A release of all Billy's inner energy that interrupts incoming strikes.
Rapid Counter (Assist) Counter 5 No A defensive counter attack that will catch the opponent by surprise.

Trini (Cenozoic Yellow Ranger)[]

UI Ranger YelRng MOV

"Trini, the Yellow Power Ranger, is mysterious, but extremely bright. A loner who owns it, Trini is self-sufficient and contemplative, but always observant."

Class: Balanced
Rarity (Leader): Common
Rarity (Assist): Common

Move Type EP Cost Cancel? Effect
Brawler Combo (Primary) Strike 4 Yes A rough, but powerful combo that launches the opponent.
K.O. Kick (Primary) Strike 3 No A kick so powerful, it would break down a door. Or a face.
Ground 'n' Pound (Special) Breaker 3 No A tricky to hit move that breaks defense and launches the opponent.
Rushing Headbutt (Special) Strike 5 No Trini uses her head to smash the opponent, stunning them.
Flurry (Assist) Strike 4 No A raging whirlwind of punches that leaves opponents stunned.

Kimberly (Cenozoic Pink Ranger)[]

UI Ranger PnkRng MOV

"Kimberly, the Pink Power Ranger, used to be the Queen Bee of Angel Grove High, but is now struggling to find her identity. She has a new rebel-without-cause, edgy attitude but is hiding a secret that makes her feel deeply vulnerable."

Class: Attacker
Rarity (Leader): Rare
Rarity (Assist): Rare

Move Type EP Cost Cancel? Effect
Rapid Fury (Primary) Strike 3 Yes A series of rapid kicks so fast, you can barely see them.
Power Kick (Primary) Breaker 3 No Powerful kick that staggers opponents.
Charging Kick (Special) Strike 5 No A fast moving, flying kick with a great range.
Vortex Launch (Special) Strike 5 No Pink Ranger spins wildly to pull the opponent toward her, then launch them.
Dive Kick (Assist) Strike 4 No Moves over projectiles to deal damage to the opponent, even at a distance.

Power Rangers Beast Morphers[]

Devon Daniels (Grid Battleforce Red Ranger)[]

UI Ranger RedRng S26

"Devon is Mayor Daniels' son. Initially a bit of a slacker who cares more for video games than work, Devon rises to the challenge as the leader of the Beast Morphers. Infused with cheetah DNA, Devon adds speed to his already precise karate fighting style."

Class: Attacker
Rarity (Leader): Legendary
Rarity (Assist): Legendary

Move Type EP Cost Cancel? Effect
Feral Fury (Primary) Strike 3 Yes With lightning quick pace, Devon delivers two punches and then follows through with his Beast X-Saber.
Acrobatic Ambush (Primary) Breaker 4 No Transport! Beast X-Saber! Devon expertly flies through the air before slashing the opponent with his Beast X-Saber.
Ferocious Fang (Special) Counter 3 Yes A high speed dash punch that sends victims flying.
Carnivorous Chase (Special) Strike 4 No Devon uses his great precision to string together a powerful sequence of karate moves to beat 'em up.
Beast X-Blaster Super ---- No Devon truly unleashes the beast with this epic combo. A series of saber slashes that culminates in a vicious shot from his Beast X-Blaster.
Hyperspeed Kick (Assist) Breaker 4 No Utilizing his cheetah DNA, Devon zooms in with a devastating kick.

Power Rangers Dino Fury[]

Zayto (Dino Fury Red Ranger)[]

UI Ranger RedRng S28

"Zayto was the Rafkon planet Knights Leader who faced the Sporix 65 million years ago, but they were defeated and their planet destroyed leaving few survivors. The next target for the Sporix was the Earth. Luckily, the "Legendary Morphin Masters" appeared to help in the fight providing the Dino Fury Rangers Power, being lead by the Zayto."

Class: Attacker
Rarity (Leader): Legendary
Rarity (Assist): Legendary

Move Type EP Cost Cancel? Effect
Red Fury Combo (Primary) Strike 3 Yes Zayto uses his Chromafury Saber to perform a stylish combo.
Dino Dagger (Primary) Breaker 2 No With a backflip, Zayto launches the enemy into the air, finishing the attack by throwing the dino dagger and knocking them back.
Gravi Ball (Special) Counter 3 No With the Gravi Ball Weapon activated, Zayto jumps and spins hitting the enemy. If he connects, the Gravi Ball attacks the enemy.
T-Rex Fury Strikes (Special) Breaker 4 No With the T-Rex Dino Key in the Chromafury Saber, Zayto shoots a powerful projectile.
Stance Change Super ---- No Zayto takes a quick stylish pose announcing the moveset change.
T-Rex Slash (Assist) Counter 3 No Zayto enters the combat with a jump-slash attack, knocking back the enemy.

Izzy Garcia (Dino Fury Green Ranger)[]

UI Ranger GrnRng S28

"Izzy is Javi Garcia's step sister, she met the Rangers and expresses her fandom before learning her step-brother had taken the Nephrite Orb. When Javi broke the orb, she released the Stego and Tiger Dino Keys, which instantly morph Javi and Izzy into the Black and Green Dino Fury Rangers respectively."

Class: Attacker
Rarity (Leader): Epic
Rarity (Assist): Epic

Move Type EP Cost Cancel? Effect
Green Fury Attack (Primary) Strike 3 Yes Izzy performs a jump kick to attack the enemy, leading to a spectacular combo.
Spear Combo (Primary) Breaker 4 No With her sports javelin, she rushes to strike the opponent several times finishing with a vaulting kick.
Chromafury Strikes (Special) Strike 3 Yes Izzy performs a fast combo with her Chromafury Saber, moving fast, striking the enemy.
Athletics Assault (Special) Breaker 4 Yes Izzy throws her javelin forward, then strikes the enemy quickly and upon connecting, she jumps in front to attack her opponent.
Tiger Fury Strike Super ---- No With the Dino Fury powers, Izzy shoots a powerful projectile attack, launching the enemy into the air upon impact.
Javelin Throw (Assist) Strike 4 No Izzy uses the advice that Zayto gave her and throws the javelin further, making it more effective when executing the throw.

Aiyon (Dino Fury Gold Ranger)[]


"Aiyon is a Rafkonian and was part of the Ancient Dino Fury Rangers 65 million years ago, as the Gold Ranger from Planet Rafkon. In the last war to eliminate the Sporix beasts, they had to abandon the Zord, so Aiyon slept at the bottom of the sea for eons. One day, the Mystic Green Ranger woke him up and summoned him to be part of the new Dino Fury Rangers as the 6th Ranger to fight against Lord Zedd."

Class: Attacker
Rarity (Leader): Legendary
Rarity (Assist): Legendary

Move Type EP Cost Cancel? Effect
Mosa Combo (Primary) Strike 3 Yes Aiyon kicks the enemy and finishes the combo with the Mosa Blade electric rays in the last hit.
Electric Slash (Primary) Counter 3 No Aiyon electrifies his Mosa Blade and makes a devastating attack.
Electro Fury Blast (Special) Strike 4 No Aiyon shoots an electric ray from his Mosa Blaster. If it connects, it stuns the enemy and shoots one last projectile, knocking back the enemy.
Mosa Slash (Special) Breaker 4 Yes With the Mosa Blade, Aiyon performs a stylish combo launching the enemy into the air in the last hit.
Mosa Fury Strike Super ---- No Aiyon uses his Mosa Blade to attack the enemy. If it connects, he makes a spectacular combo, finishing with the Mosa Fury Strike knocking back the enemy.
Double Mosa Attack (Assist) Counter 3 No Aiyon enters the combat and shoots to stun the enemy, immediately dashes to the enemy, and hits him with his Mosa Blade.

Power Rangers Cosmic Fury[]

Amelia Jones (Cosmic Fury Red Ranger)[]


"Amelia is the daughter of two refugees from Rafkon, who were captured to experiment on them by Area 62. She was rescued by a janitor names Ed Jones right before the building exploded. He promised to keep Amelia safe. However, it was no easy task since Amelia enjoyed doing dangerous things. Once she grew up, Amelia became the Pink Dino Fury Ranger. Eventually, the Morphin Grid recognized her as the Red Ranger, leader of the Cosmic Fury Rangers."

Class: Attacker
Rarity (Leader): Epic
Rarity (Assist): Epic

Move Type EP Cost Cancel? Effect
Smashing Impacts (Primary) Counter 3 Yes Amelia strikes the enemy with a fierce combo with her hammer.
Red Spinning Smash (Primary) Breaker 3 No Amelia makes a long jump and smashes the ground to attack the enemy.
Cosmic Attack (Special) Strike 4 Yes Amelia throws her hammer at the enemy and performs a cartwheel kick, only to jump back shooting from her Morpher.
Hammer Whack (Special) Strike 4 Yes Amelia performs a somersault to retreat, striking the enemy; only to land and smash the ground with her hammer, creating a big explosion.
Red Cosmic Assault Super ---- No Amelia performs a spectacular combo with her hammer, launching the enemy into the air in the last hit.
Hammer Explosion (Assist) Counter 4 No Amelia enters combat with a potent ground smash, stunning the enemy if it connects.

Zayto (Cosmic Fury Zenith Ranger)[]

UI Ranger Zenith S30

"The Morphin Masters revived Zayto to join the battle against Lord Zedd, Billy built him a morpher and it activated with new powers as the Zenith Ranger, using the Master Staff he performs new magical powers but this has a cost and it drains his vital energy, Zayto undoubtedly sacrifices himself using these abilities to save his team. His spirit ascends to the Morphin Grid and is then reborn as a Morphin Master. Zayto helps the Cosmic Fury Rangers stop Lord Zedd and, after his victory, takes his leave and returns to the Morphin Grid with the other Morphin Master."

Class: Balanced
Rarity (Leader): Legendary
Rarity (Assist): Legendary

Move Type EP Cost Cancel? Effect
Zenith Combo (Primary) Strike 3 Yes Zayto uses his Master Staff to perform a stylish combo.
Red Energy (Primary) Counter 3 No Zayto uses his staff to hit the floor with which many rays appear around him that if they hit, they push the enemy away.
Master Helper (Special) Breaker 3 No Zayto uses his staff to hit with magic-charged attacks, this weakens him and a Morphin Master appears to finish the attack.
Master Staff (Special) Strike 4 No Zayto attacks the enemy with his Master Staff, if it connects, the staff flies around him striking the enemy several times.
Morphin Master Super ---- No Zayto strikes the enemy, and if it connects, he launches the enemy into the air, then appears the Morphin Masters to finish the attack.
Zenith Magic (Assist) Breaker 3 No Zayto uses his Master Staff to stun the opponent with lightning.

Fern (Cosmic Fury Orange Ranger)[]

"First appeared in a marathon race where Izzy Garcia was participating in, and to whom eventually lead into a relationship with. Fern is welcomed into the ranger's group learning their true identities. With her musical background she helps the rangers infiltrate enemy lines in spite her civilian status. Her most daring deed was rescuing Solon by herself equipped only with a Cosmic Morpher for a weapon. Upon coming in contact with Solon and Fern's equipped morpher she morphs into the first ever officially dubbed Orange Ranger."

Class: Balanced
Rarity (Leader): Epic
Rarity (Assist): Epic

Move Type EP Cost Cancel? Effect
Solono Slashes (Primary) Strike 3 ? Scratch your victims to shreds with razor sharp points of the Solono Claw.

Multi-hit strike that leads to a knockdown.

Solono Rising (Primary) Counter 3 ? Hop upwards and send your enemies flying.

Disruptor attack that can launch.

Savage Claw (Special) Breaker 4 ? Leap up high and come down with a heavy smash!

Evasive jumping breaker that ends in a knockdown. Jumping portion is invulnerable to attacks.

Pursuit Claw (Special) Strike 2 ? Chase down your enemies and lock them in place with a good slashing.

Full screen strike that stuns standing victims and has projectile evasion.

Chain and Claw Super ---- No Unleash Chain Mode!

Swipe forward/back during startup for a long range v2 attack. Recovers +1 EP on activation. Long range attack is not a projectile!

Solono Crusher (Assist) Breaker 4 No Fire a chain attack and reel them in for a beating.

Long range breaker that pulls victims in for a knockdown. Long range chain attack is not a projectile!

BOOM! Comics[]


UI Ranger Zordon COM

"In the Eltarian invasion of Earth, Zartus destroyed Zordon's containment tube, leaving his mind fragmented and lost in his memories. The Blue Emissary along with Billy got mixed up in his memories, appearing in front of a young Zordon explaining the situation. After taking his adult form and blaming himself he decides to help but is worried because the containment tube was broken. Billy helps him so he can fight and get back the Earth."

Class: Balanced
Rarity (Leader): Epic
Rarity (Assist): Epic

Move Type EP Cost Cancel? Effect
Bronze Knuckles (Primary) Counter 3 Yes Zordon performs an unarmed stylish combo, knocking down the enemy with a projectile punch in the last strike.
Guardian Assault (Primary) Breaker 3 No Zordon makes a long jump and lands striking with his Eltarian Battle Staff.
Double Uppercut (Special) Strike 3 No Zordon performs a double uppercut, knocking down the enemy if it connects.
Eltarian Strikes (Special) Strike 5 Yes With his Eltarian skills, Zordon uses his weapon to perform a spectacular combo finishing with a fierce attack in the last hit.
Stunning Strike (Assist) Counter 4 No Zordon enters into the combat with a fierce attack stunning the enemy with his weapon.

Eugene Skullovitch (Orange Ranger)[]

UI Ranger OrngRng HOTG

"Skull is a side character that appears in several seasons of Power Rangers. When Rita manages to capture the Rangers with one of her monsters, Zordon quickly recruits him alongside his friend Bulk. Zordon gives them some rare Power Coins that turn them into Power Rangers to fight for him. Once the monster was destroyed Alpha 5 proceeds to erase their memories so that no one discovers that they were once Power Rangers."

Class: Attacker
Rarity (Leader): Epic
Rarity (Assist): Epic

Move Type EP Cost Cancel? Effect
Ramshackle Strikes (Primary) Strike 3 Yes Skull makes a slightly ramshackle attack that knocks back the enemy.
Punk Dance (Primary) Strike 3 Yes Skull dances like in a punk mosh kicking the enemy in the act.
Fight Dirty (Special) Breaker 3 No Skull strikes the enemy with a sweep attack, then, with enough will, Bulk will fall from the air on top of the enemy to finish the attack.
Roach Rendezvous (Special) Breaker 4 No Skull kicks the enemy stunning him, then, Bulk might enter the combat to make a double headbutt.
Finger Guns (Assist) Breaker 5 No Skull enters the combat taking a gunslinger pose and starts shooting the enemy with rays from his fingers.

Dragon Armor Trini[]

UI Ranger TriniDragon COM

"When the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers were attacked by Black Dragon, they were in for the fight of their lives. After defeating Black Dragon, Trini repairs him, making his husk a suit of enhanced armor that she uses in preparation for the last battle versus Lord Drakkon."

Class: Attacker
Rarity (Leader): Legendary
Rarity (Assist): Legendary

Move Type EP Cost Cancel? Effect
Hack and Slash (Primary) Strike 4 Yes With the powerful claws of the Dragon Armor, Trini makes a combo that finishes with a laser beam from her hand.
Mega Launch (Primary) Breaker 4 No Using her claws, Trini strikes the enemy and throws them into the air. After that, she attacks and finishes them with a tail attack.
Heavy Weight (Special) Breaker 5 No Trini jumps in the air and falls down with a strong impact that launches the opponent into the air.
Jet Rush (Special) Strike 3 Yes With the power of the Dragon Armor, Trini dashes towards the enemy and stuns them, finishing with a fierce punch.
Havoc Laser Super ---- No All the damage received in combat is expelled through a laser beam with high destructive power.
Double Beam (Assist) Strike 4 No Trini enters the combat, shooting laser beams from both Dragon Armor hands.

Kimberly Hart (MMPR Pink Ranger I with Dragon Shield)[]

UI Ranger PnkRng S01 PinkShield

"The Dragonzord's power was entrusted to Kimberly by Jason before the final fight against Lord Drakkon. With this power, she resolves to avenge the Tommy Oliver she loved and save all of reality from Drakkon's destructive plan."

Class: Balanced
Rarity (Leader): Legendary
Rarity (Assist): Legendary

Move Type EP Cost Cancel? Effect
Evasive Archery (Primary) Counter 3 No Kim escapes from danger with a backward jump and shoots her bow from the air. When enhanced by Inherited Will, the fired arrow will explode and launch the opponent for a combo.
Dragon's Legacy (Primary) Strike 4 No An attack with the Dragon Dagger that sends out a shockwave of energy. When enhanced by Inherited Will, Kim will send out two more shockwaves.
Skyward Shots (Special) Strike 5 No A sliding attack that kicks the opponent into the air, where Kim uses them for rapid-fire target practice. When enhanced by Inherited Will, Kim slides further and shoots more arrows.
Perfect Shot (Special) Breaker 4 No Kim shoots a high powered arrow that appears to travel to its target instantly. When enhanced by Inherited Will, Kim instead shoots out the Dragon Dagger, which cannot be dodged.
Inherited Will Super ---- No Kim channels the full power of the Dragonzord, enhancing the effects of each of her skills for the rest of the battle.
Trick Arrows (Assist) Breaker 3 No Kim shoots three arrows into the sky that come down evenly spaced across the battlefield.

Ellarien (Purple Solar Ranger)[]

UI Ranger SolarRng COM

"When Ellarien was given stewardship of the Solarix, she was unable to fully control its power. She eventually became able to tame it only by sharing the power and burden amongst herself, her girlfriend Remi, and the others who became the Solar Rangers."

Class: Balanced
Rarity (Leader): Epic
Rarity (Assist): Epic

Move Type EP Cost Cancel? Effect
Vortex Spin (Primary) Strike 3 Yes A spinning series of strikes that culminates with a slice that knocks the opponent into the air.
Solarix Slice (Primary) Breaker 4 No Two strikes followed by an aerial chakram throw that flings the opponent far away.
Void Chakram (Special) Counter 4 No Ellarien vanishes for a moment, but returns with a barrage of blows.
Counter Flare (Special) Counter 3 No Ellarien baits out the opponent's strikes only to counter them explosively.
Gravity Well (Assist) Counter 3 No Ellarien baits out a strike, then uses the momentum to pull the opponent into a flurry of slashes that fling the opponent back.

Heckyl (Dark Ranger)[]

UI Ranger Dark S22

"When Heckyl first came in contact with the Dark Energem, he was corrupted, bent on destroying the Dino Charge Rangers along with his evil alter ego Snide. Once separated from Snide, Heckyl redeems himself. He was named the Keeper of the Dark Energem and learned to harness it's powers, becoming the Dark Ranger."

Class: Balanced
Rarity (Leader): Epic
Rarity (Assist): Epic

Move Type EP Cost Cancel? Effect
Dark Orbit (Primary) Breaker 4 No Heckyl walks slowly towards his opponent as his boomerang circles around him, damaging anything it touches.
Energem Slash (Primary) Strike 3 No Heckyl jumps in the air with a flurry of kicks before sending his opponent flying with a downward slash from his flute.
Backtrack (Special) Strike 4 No Heckyl jumps away as he throws his boomerang, causing his opponent to stumble backwards before circling back and sending them flying towards Heckyl.
Rewind (Special) Counter 3 No Heckyl throws his boomerang through his opponent and like any good boomerang, it eventually returns, hitting the opponent in the back.
Return Trip (Assist) Strike 4 No Heckyl makes a powerful throw sending his boomerang through his opponent. Before exiting, he taunts his opponent, trying to make them forget that a boomerang always returns.

Kiya (Blue Omega Ranger I)[]

UI Ranger BluOmgRng COM

"Kiya's powers came to her one night in her sleep. When she woke up, she had tasted copper, and then a thousand spiderwebs of electricity flew out of her. As these powers escalated, everything nearby was reduced to ash, including her family. As for Kiya, she received a scar on her right arm, which she considers a reminder."

Class: Defender
Rarity (Leader): Epic
Rarity (Assist): Epic

Move Type EP Cost Cancel? Effect
Kiya Punch! (Primary) Strike 3 No Kiya charges her hand with blue energy and hits the enemy very fast with a strong punch.
Deep Scars (Primary) Strike 4 Yes Kiya performs a spectacular combo. Punching the enemy several times before landing some strong kicks.
Blue Hurricane (Special) Strike 5 No Kiya spins like a hurricane and hits the enemy with her trident, then kicks the enemy into the air.
Descending Trident (Special) Breaker 4 No Kiya jumps and performs a powerful attack that descends diagonally with her trident and stuns the opponent.
Feel My Pain (Assist) Strike 4 No Kiya charges her hand with blue energy and hits the enemy very fast with a strong punch.

Tommy Oliver (Master Morpher)[]

UI Ranger TommyMtrMorpher COM

"After 10 years as a science teacher at Township High School, and ready to retire from all those years of saving the world, Tommy received an unexpected visit. He gets warned about his son's disappearance, who by the time was an S.P.D. cadet. After investigating on his own and finding nothing, he decided to take his Master Morpher, which he had not used for a long time, and find his son J.J. Oliver."

Class: Balanced
Rarity (Leader): Legendary
Rarity (Assist): Legendary

Move Type EP Cost Cancel? Effect
Green Strike (Primary) Strike 3 Yes Tommy performs a kick combo to strike the enemy. If it connects the last hit, he transforms into the Green Ranger to finish the attack with a flying kick.
Morpher Disruptor (Primary) Counter 3 No Tommy uses his Master Morpher to attack the enemy, creating a small energy explosion. If it connects, he uses the Green Ranger's Power to finish the attack.
White and Black (Special) Breaker 4 No Tommy kicks the enemy. If it connects, he transforms into the White Ranger to make a spectacular kick air combo, finishing the attack by morphing into the Black Dino Thunder Ranger.
Red Turbo Five (Special) Strike 4 No Tommy strikes the enemy. If he connects, he morphs into the Red Turbo Ranger, attacking very fast, just to finish the attack by morphing into the Red Zeo Ranger.
Soul of the Dragon Super ---- No Tommy uses his Master Morpher to make a spectacular combo, morphing into all the different Rangers he used; using the Morpher to perform the last attack.
Dragon's Combo (Assist) Breaker 3 No Tommy enters in combat, performing a spectacular combo.

Power Rangers Legacy Wars/Street Fighter V[]


UI Ranger Ryu SF5

"Ryu is a fighter. He continues his training in search of true strength. He is very polite and sincere. He travels the world, seeking opponents who can give him a challenge. he is also working to control the Satsui no Hado that resides within him. He seeks not to suppress it, but rather to accept it."

Class: Balanced
Rarity (Leader): Common
Rarity (Assist): Common

Move Type EP Cost Cancel? Effect
Jodan Sanrengeki (Primary) Strike 3 Yes A medium punch followed up by a heavy punch and kick that sweeps opponents off their feet.
Sokuto (Primary) Breaker 3 No Ryu delivers a strong well-placed kick that sends opponents staggering.
Hadoken (Special) Strike 4 No Hadoken is a surging wave of the fighter's energy expelled from the palms.
Shoryuken (Special) Counter 5 No Shoryuken lives up to its name of "Rising Dragon Fist", this uppercut launches opponents.
Super Mode Super ---- No Sets Ryu's moves to Shoryuken and Hadoken, increasing their power and potentially changing their types. One move consumes Super Mode state.
Tatsumaki Senpukyaku (Assist) Strike 4 No Ryu turns into a veritable tornado with this spinning kick with knockback.

Ryu Ranger[]

UI Ranger RyuRanger SF5

"Ryu is a fighter. He continues his training in search of true strength. He travels the world, seeking opponents who can give him a challenge. Ryu was granted a Power Coin to help in the fight against Rita and M. Bison, giving him Ranger powers."

Class: Balanced
Rarity (Leader): Legendary
Rarity (Assist): Legendary

Move Type EP Cost Cancel? Effect
Jodan Sanrengeki (Primary) Strike 3 Yes A medium punch followed up by a heavy punch and kick that knocks back opponents.
Sokuto Rush (Primary) Strike 4 No Ryu slides forward, sliding a strong well-placed kick that sends opponents staggering.
Rise Hadoken (Special) Breaker 3 No Ryu combines the power of the Morphin Grid and Hado to create a hawk shaped energy blast. In Super Mode, this attack does additional midair combo damage.
Tatsumaki Senpukyaku (Special) Strike 4 No Ryu turns into a tornado with this spinning kick. In Super Mode, this powered up attack does 5 hits of damage.
Super Mode Super ---- No Sets Ryu's moves to Hadoken and Tatsumaki Senpukyaku, increasing their power and potentially changing their types. One move consumes Super Mode State.
Shoryuken (Assist) Counter 6 No Shoryuken lives up to its name of "Rising Dragon Fist", this uppercut launches opponents.


UI Ranger ChunLi SF5

"Chun-Li is an Interpol officer best known for her kicks. She became a detective at the age of 18 to search for her missing father. Upon learning that Shadaloo was involved with her father's disappearance, she vowed to bring down the criminal organization. She is unforgiving towards acts of evil, but treasures her friendships with others."

Class: Balanced
Rarity (Leader): Epic
Rarity (Assist): Epic

Move Type EP Cost Cancel? Effect
Tsuitotsuken (Primary) Strike 3 Yes An open-handed thrust attack followed by a punch and sweeping roundhouse kick.
Kikoken (Primary) Strike 3 No Chun-Li focuses her energy and releases it.
Spinning Bird Kick (Special) Breaker 4 No Chun-Li performs a devastating spinning handstand kick that sends opponents flying.
Hyakuretsu (Special) Strike 3 No A blur of legs, Chun-Li kicks so fast it looks like she has 100 legs.
Super Mode Super ---- No Sets Chun-Li's moves to Spinning Bird Kick and Hyakuretsukyaku, increasing their power and potentially changing their types. One move consumes Super Mode state.
Air-Hyakuretsu (Assist) Breaker 4 No Chun-Li leaps into the air taking opponents with her for a series of lightning fast kicks.

Chun-Li Ranger[]

UI Ranger ChuRng SF5

"As Chun-Li's allies fended off M. Bison's army of Evil Rangers, she faced him one on one. With her courage, determination, and teamwork, she was able to retrieve the Phoenix Power Coin and save her newfound friends."

Class: Defender
Rarity (Leader): Legendary
Rarity (Assist): Legendary

Move Type EP Cost Cancel? Effect
Phoenix Dance (Primary) Breaker 4 No Chun Li Ranger launches her foe into the air, then follows up with a powerful aerial assault.
Houkouen (Primary) Counter 3 No A palm strike followed by a roundhouse and finished off with a burst of Phoenix flame.
Kasairyuu (Special) Strike 3 No Dodging through the opponent's attacks, she comes down with a blazing kick that rends the earth asunder.
Hyakugouka (Special) Strike 3 Yes A blur of legs so fast that it sets the foe on fire.
Super Mode Super ---- No Sets Chun-Li Ranger's moves to Phoenix Palm and Senhoukyaku, increasing their power and potentially changing their types. One move consumes Super Mode State.
Spinning Phoenix (Assist) Breaker 6 No Chun-Li Ranger performs a blazing spinning handstand kick that sets opponents aflame.


UI Ranger Guile SF5

"Though calm and collected on the outside, Guile is a hot-blooded guy. He's cool in both looks and speech, and is a hard-boiled character. He fights for American peace. He has vowed to take down Shadaloo, not only for being an evil organization that threatens world peace, but also for revenge for his best friend Nash. Guile prefers to solve his own problems by himself."

Class: Defender
Rarity (Leader): Rare
Rarity (Assist): Rare

Move Type EP Cost Cancel? Effect
Bullet Revolver (Primary) Strike 3 No Guile sends opponents staggering with this 3-hit combo.
Sonic Boom (Primary) Strike 4 No Guile never quite mastered Nash's Sonic Boom, but this projectile is still very powerful.
Somersault Kick (Special) Counter 5 No A somersault backflip kick that moves so fast it leaves a flash in its wake.
Sonic Blade (Special) Counter 4 No A stationary Sonic Boom projectile that stuns.
Super Mode Super ---- No Sets Guiles's moves to Sonic Boom and Somersault Kick, increasing their power and potentially changing their types. One move consumes Super Mode state.
Sonic Cross (Assist) Counter 4 No Guile sends out a staggering Sonic Cross across the arena.


UI Ranger Cammy SF5

"Cammy is a clone created by Shadaloo to be an elite soldier. She lost her memory, and was found by the British Special Forces unit Delta Red. Though she now dedicates herself to destroying Shadaloo, there are still those who doubt her, fearing that she's a Shadaloo spy."

Class: Attacker
Rarity (Leader): Epic
Rarity (Assist): Epic

Move Type EP Cost Cancel? Effect
Lift Upper (Primary) Strike 3 Yes A quick combo of punches followed by a high roundhouse that staggers opponents.
Cannon Strike (Primary) Breaker 3 No Cammy leaps into the air to deliver a crushing flying kick.
Spiral Arrow (Special) Strike 4 No Cammy flies like an arrow, sweeping opponents off their feet.
Cannon Spike (Special) Strike 4 Yes Cammy dashes forward and launches into the air with a high kick, taking her opponent with her.
Super Mode Super ---- No Sets Cammy's moves to Spiral Arrow and Cannon Spike, increasing their power and potentially changing their types. One move consumes Super Mode state.
Razor Edge Slicer (Assist) Breaker 4 No Cammy slides in for a slicing low kick that sweeps opponents off their feet.


Power Rangers Turbo[]

Blue Senturion[]

UI Ranger BluSen S05

"Blue Senturion in an intergalactic police officer that has traveled back in time to warn the Power Rangers of the United Alliance of Evil's invasion. He is the most reliable form of robotic law enforcement in eight galaxies."

Class: Defender
Rarity (Leader): Rare
Rarity (Assist): Rare

Move Type EP Cost Cancel? Effect
Turbo Kick (Primary) Strike 3 Yes Blue Senturion launches a law-enforcing double kick that makes opponents think twice about violating the law.
Blaster Mode (Primary) Breaker 4 No Blue Senturion fires four blaster shots to neutralize criminal threats.
Baton Mode (Special) Strike 4 Yes A series of baton strikes ending with a robo-arm attack.
Citation (Special) Counter 3 No A swift baton strike to punish parking violations.
Haywire Mode Super ---- No Blue Senturion succumbs to a programming malfunction, causing his ability type to output incorrectly.
Senturion Rain (Assist) Breaker 4 No Blue Senturion fires his blaster into air, raining down deadly energy beams upon his enemies.

Power Rangers (2017 movie)[]

Alpha 5[]

UI Ranger Alpha5 MOV

"Alpha 5 is the robotic assistant to the wise sage Zordon. He is an important factor in the training of the Power Rangers to help prepare them for the battle against Rita Repulsa."

Class: Defender
Rarity (Leader): Rare
Rarity (Assist): Epic

Move Type EP Cost Cancel? Effect
Aye yi yi! (Primary) Strike 3 Yes A few quick jabs from Alpha 5. "I was kind of expecting a little more".
Stretchy Windup (Primary) Strike 3 No Here's the windup and the upper cut. Alpha doesn't quite get baseball.
Sunken Smack (Special) Breaker 4 No What lies beneath? Perhaps there's an underground attack down there.
Get Down (Special) Strike 2 No Attack quickly and do extra damage to opponents that are high in the air.
Smack and Slap (Assist) Strike 4 No A stretchy 3 slap attack that covers the entire arena, one for all the opponent's team.

Villains and Evil Rangers[]

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers[]

Rita Repulsa[]

UI Ranger RitVil S01

"A powerful evil sorceress, Rita Repulsa was imprisoned by Zordon in a space dumpster for ten thousand years. Now free, she's determined to take over Earth, but finds herself time and time again foiled by the Power Rangers. Rita is relentless in her quest for control of the Earth, now spending most of her time dreaming up new ways to strip the Power Rangers of their powers."

Class: Balanced
Rarity (Leader): Epic
Rarity (Assist): Epic

Move Type EP Cost Cancel? Effect
Wand Sweeps (Primary) Strike 3 Yes Her staff is good for more than just magic; it's good for keeping underlinings in line.
Such a Headache (Primary) Counter 3 No She's got a headache and no time for your pitiful attacks. She'll more than return the favor.
Stunning Jolt (Special) Breaker 3 No Rita uses her magical might to summon a stunning bolt of lightning.
Mystic Fate (Special) Strike 5 Yes Rita juggles her opponent with two magic blasts. Cancel into an assist for extra chaos!
Witch's Will (Assist) Breaker 4 No Keep struggling. It'll do you no good. You'll never escape Rita's grasp.


UI Ranger GldVil S01

"Goldar is the loud, perpetually angry, and vicious humanoid-ape general of Rita Repulsa. Goldar is one of the few henchmen who's capable of holding his own against the Power Rangers."

Class: Defender
Rarity (Leader): Epic
Rarity (Assist): Rare

Move Type EP Cost Cancel? Effect
Goldar! Slash! (Primary) Strike 4 Yes Three hit sword combo that ends with a stunning hilt bump.
Mighty Punch (Primary) Breaker 4 No A slow but fierce attack that knocks opponents back.
Drop Kick (Special) Strike 3 No A flying drop kick.
Goldar! Stomp! (Special) Breaker 5 No Slow but destructive smash that launches the opponent.
Titan Charge (Assist) Strike 6 No Goldar charges at the opponent, dealing damage but staggering himself.


UI Ranger VilScorpina

"Scorpina is a vicious, fierce, and unmerciful servant of Rita, as well as one of the few enemies of the five Rangers alone. She's often seen fighting alongside Goldar. She transforms herself into a giant scorpion, with an electric tail and a claw in place of her left hand, to fight the Rangers' Megazord."

Class: Defender
Rarity (Leader): Epic
Rarity (Assist): Epic

Move Type EP Cost Cancel? Effect
Ruthless Slashes (Primary) Counter 4 Yes Scorpina uses her weapon to make a flurry of slashes.
Scorpion Tail (Primary) Counter 3 No Scorpina makes a strong half moon attack with her weapon, launching the opponent into the air.
Crescent Blade (Special) Breaker 5 Yes Scorpina throws her boomerang to the opponent, stunning them.
Scorpina's Rage (Special) Breaker 4 No Scorpina jumps and fires laser beams with her unarmed hand to the opponent before landing a strong hit with her weapon.
Venomous Hand (Assist) Breaker 4 No Scorpina fires four rays from her unarmed hand with enough power to knockback her enemy.

Lord Zedd[]

UI Ranger LordZedd

"Nasty, impatient, arrogant, loud and has no sense of humor. Zedd makes it his personal vendetta to rid the world of the Power Rangers using his evilness, superior strength and powerful magic."

Class: Attacker
Rarity (Leader): Rare
Rarity (Assist): Epic

Move Type EP Cost Cancel? Effect
Double Trouble (Primary) Breaker 3 Yes A 2 hit combo that knocks the player back with Lord Zedd's powerful staff.
Vicious Poke (Primary) Counter 2 No Lord Zedd quickly jabs the opponent with his staff, interrupting strikes.
Forceful Blast (Special) Strike 4 Yes Lord Zedd slams the ground, launching the opponent at range, and it follows it up with a blast.
Shock Quake (Special) Strike 5 Yes Lord Zedd pounds the ground, creating a seismic event that pulls the opponent in with each hit.
Emperor's Jolt (Assist) Counter 3 No A charge of lightning from Lord Zedd's staff that interrupts incoming strikes.

Pumpkin Rapper[]

UI Ranger VilPumpkin S01

"The Pumpkin Rapper is a monster created by Baboo and Squatt that speaks mainly in rhymes. Pumpkin Rapper was planted in the earth and was awakened by the Power Rangers' rap. He is one of Lord Zedd's favorite monsters due to his strong and useful powers, capable of confronting the five Rangers at the same time."

Class: Defender
Rarity (Leader): Epic
Rarity (Assist): Epic

Move Type EP Cost Cancel? Effect
Vine Whiplash (Primary) Strike 3 Yes Using his vine tentacles like a whip, Pumpkin Rapper strikes the opponent several times.
Pumpkin Shot (Primary) Breaker 3 No The Rapper summons two pumpkins and throws them at the enemy, stunning them if it hits.
Rapper Tentacle (Special) Breaker 4 No Pumpkin Rapper snares the enemy with his vines, stunning them and launching them in the air after stealing some HP.
Trick or Treat (Special) Counter 3 No Pumpkin Rapper protects himself with floating pumpkins while rapping, if impacted the pumpkins explode knocking back the opponent.
Spiral Eye (Assist) Breaker 4 No Pumpkin shoots a pink spiral from his eye that sends the opponent in the air when hit.

Rito Revolto[]

UI Ranger Rito

"Rito Revolto is the dumb, idiotic brother of Rita Repulsa, son of Master Vile, and uncle of Thrax. He is also partner to Goldar when fighting the Rangers, taking Scorpina's place. Though responsible for the successful destruction of the Thunderzords and the Rangers' powers, Rito had yet to pull off another good idea to help his sister and brother-in-law."

Class: Balanced
Rarity (Leader): Rare
Rarity (Assist): Rare

Move Type EP Cost Cancel? Effect
Stumbling Fool (Primary) Strike 3 Yes Rito is dangerous, even when he trips accidentally.
Heavy Crush (Primary) Breaker 4 Yes A breaking overhead slash attack.
Flying Rito (Special) Strike 3 No Rito's jet pack is mostly for looks, but sometimes it goes off by accident.
Revolto Wallop (Special) Counter 3 No A devastating counter that is useful both close and far.
Rito Roast (Assist) Counter 4 No Turn up the heat with this quick defensive attack that beats out strikes and set your would-be-attacker on fire.

Power Rangers Turbo[]



"Divatox, known as the Intergalactic Pirate Queen and the Toxic Diva, is a highly egotistical pirate boss. She arrived on Earth seeking power. Her plan was to free the demon Maligor to marry him and seize his power in order to take over the universe; but it was foiled by the rangers, forcing Divatox to escape. Weeks later, Divatox returned for revenge, and managed to destroy the command center, forcing the rangers to head into space for their next mission."

Class: Defender
Rarity (Leader): Epic
Rarity (Assist): Epic

Move Type EP Cost Cancel? Effect
Electric Kicks (Primary) Strike 3 Yes Divatox performs a kick combo, finishing with a strong attack, knocking back the enemy in the last hit.
Red Lightning Strike (Primary) Breaker 3 No Divatox expels lightning bolts from her body striking the enemy.
Laser Eyes (Special) Strike 4 Yes Divatox uses her eyes to shoot the enemy, launching them into the air, and finishing with a last shot.
Electro Shock (Special) Breaker 4 No Divatox slaps the enemy, stunning them. If it connects, she makes rays rain to attack the enemy.
Electric Slap (Assist) Breaker 3 No Divatox enters combat and makes a fierce electric slap to attack the enemy.

Power Rangers in Space[]


UI Ranger Astronema S06

"Karone, Andros' sister, was kidnapped and taken to Ecliptor, who raised and trained her to fight the Power Rangers. Now called Astronema, she grew up to become the Princess of Evil. She uses her extensive knowledge of dark magic and the power of her Wrath Staff to fight and hypnotize her enemies. Narcissist, vain and confident, Astronema is the most formidable opponent of the Power Rangers in Space."

Class: Balanced
Rarity (Leader): Rare
Rarity (Assist): Rare

Move Type EP Cost Cancel? Effect
Wrath Staff (Primary) Strike 3 Yes Astronema uses her wrath staff to strike her opponent several times.
Dark Princess (Primary) Breaker 4 Yes Astronema lands several kicks to her enemies, finishing them with a staff strike.
No Joke (Special) Breaker 4 No Karone uses her wrath staff to stun the opponent with lightning.
Sweet Evil (Special) Strike 6 No Astronema hits her opponent with her staff violently, launching them afar.
No Mercy (Assist) Breaker 4 No Astronema enters the fight swinging her staff into the enemy several times, finishing with a lightning strike that launches them far.


UI Ranger Ecliptor S06

"Astronema's diabolical second-in-command. Ecliptor is danger personified, making even the bravest fighter quake. Honorable and loyal, Ecliptor often finds himself at odds with the treacherous Darkonda and bumbling Elgar."

Class: Defender
Rarity (Leader): Epic
Rarity (Assist): Epic

Move Type EP Cost Cancel? Effect
Cutting Edge (Primary) Strike 3 No Moving across the arena at high speed, Ecliptor delivers a slash that sends opponents flying.
Cyber Security (Primary) Breaker 4 No Ecliptor creates a Cyber Shadow on the front lines. The Cyber Shadow will do the dirty work for him.
Electric Overload (Special) Breaker 4 No Ecliptor slams his sword into the ground using it as a conductor for a shocking attack.
Fiber Optics (Special) Strike 4 No Ecliptor shoots green laser beams at the opponent's feet.
Cyber Shadow (Assist) Breaker 3 No Ecliptor forms a Cyber Shadow Head that shoots a super powered version of his laser beams from its eyes.

Psycho Red[]

UI Ranger PsycRng S06

"The brash, ill-tempered, and impulsive leader of the Psycho Rangers. Always battle ready and determined to take down his Power Ranger counterpart."

Class: Attacker
Rarity (Leader): Legendary
Rarity (Assist): Legendary

Move Type EP Cost Cancel? Effect
Psycho Rage (Primary) Strike 3 Yes Fast flurry of sword swings filled with rage.
Rolling Slash (Primary) Breaker 5 No Roll into a slash, the best defense is a good offense.
Mad Dash (Special) Strike 3 No A mad dash toward the opponent finishing in a powerful slash. All or nothing.
Psycho Storm (Special) Strike 3 Yes No mercy with this whirlwind combo of a sword slash, tackle, and lightning blast that steals EP from your opponent and grants you EP.
Power Grab (Assist) Strike 5 No Stun enemies from a distance, and then pull them in for a quick follow up.

Nokrea (Psycho Pink)[]

UI Ranger Psyc S06

"Nokrea, the Psycho Pink is unconditionally loyal to Astronema, as she was her creator through the Dark Specter's magic and sees her as a maternal figure. She is the most powerful Psycho Ranger as she was the only one who survived and obtained the Savage Sword."

Class: Balanced
Rarity (Leader): Legendary
Rarity (Assist): Legendary

Move Type EP Cost Cancel? Effect
Evil Strikes (Primary) Strike 3 Yes Nokrea performs a combo that finishes with a Psycho ray that knocks down the enemy upon impact.
Envious Blow (Primary) Breaker 2 No Nokrea performs a stylish spinning in air, striking with her weapon.
Psycho Speed (Special) Strike 5 No Nokrea moves quickly and spins around the enemy attacking them fast and launching them into the air.
Hidden Hunt (Special) Counter 3 No Nokrea deploys a fake image of herself to distract the enemy, while she disappears jumping back and shooting arrows.
Savage Mode Super ---- No Nokrea expels all her psycho power, gaining new special attacks.
Pink Explosion (Assist) Breaker 3 No Nokrea enters the combat shooting pink rays, launching the enemy into the air.

Power Rangers Lost Galaxy[]


UI Ranger Trakeena S07

"Trakeena was born the rebellious spoiled daughter of the galactic tyrant Scorpius and an unknown human female. Scorpius considered Trakeena to be the evil princess of his alien army and spared no expense to spoil and protect her."

Class: Attacker
Rarity (Leader): Rare
Rarity (Assist): Epic

Move Type EP Cost Cancel? Effect
Insect Queen Combo (Primary) Strike 4 Yes A vicious and long combo she learned from Villamax.
Beetle Sweep (Primary) Breaker 3 No Trakeena sweeps low, breaking opponent defense and staggering them.
Bug Out (Special) Counter 3 Yes A rapid melee combo that can interrupt strikes.
Wasp Sting (Special) Breaker 3 No Trakeena feints back only to dash forward and stab forcefully with her sword.
Mandible Bites (Assist) Strike 3 No A quick double slash with her sword.

Power Rangers Lightspeed Rescue[]


UI Ranger VilVypra S08

"5,000 years ago, Vypra along with other monsters cause terror on earth. They were captured by the sorcerer of the sands, but in the year 2000 she was released from her tomb by a group of adventurers. Along with two other demons, she worked to rebuild the palace of Queen Bansheera and revive her to generate terror on Earth again."

Class: Attacker
Rarity (Leader): Epic
Rarity (Assist): Epic

Move Type EP Cost Cancel? Effect
Ritual (Primary) Strike 3 Yes Vypra jumps front and performs a spectacular combo with her close combat skills.
Fire Breath (Primary) Strike 3 No Vypra breathes out a wisp of fire from her mouth, stunning the enemy.
Sword Blast (Special) Breaker 4 No Vypra jumps back firing projectiles from her sword, then lands giving a last fierce slash.
Hex (Special) Breaker 4 No Vypra uses a black magic spell to hex the enemy. If it connects she attacks repeatedly in the air, knocking the enemy down with the last hit.
Blue Fireball (Assist) Strike 4 No Vypra shoots a blue fireball from her and causing a big explosion launching the enemy to the air if it connects.

Power Rangers Time Force[]



"In the year 3000, humans are born with the perfect DNA, but an accident creates a mutant named Ransik. Being discriminated against for his non-perfect appearance, the most terrible criminal gang in history begins. One day, he came across some prisoners forgotten by time. They used Ransik's body to copy his mutant DNA to free themselves, and as payment, they turned his body into a weapon. In the present, the Time Force intervened with his plans, so he traveled to the past to start the conquest of Earth."

Class: Defender
Rarity (Leader): Legendary
Rarity (Assist): Legendary

Move Type EP Cost Cancel? Effect
Body Weapon (Primary) Strike 3 Yes Ransik performs a combo, finishing with a stylish kick.
Mutant Vengeance (Primary) Breaker 3 No Ransik dashes striking the enemy. If it connects, he finishes with a combo exploding energy in the last hit.
Knee Sword (Special) Strike 3 No Ransik kicks the enemy. If it connects, he stomps the ground and takes a sword from his knee, then he launches the enemy into the air with a fierce slash.
Backbone Sword (Special) Breaker 4 No Ransik takes a sword from his backbone and performs a spectacular combo, throwing the sword at the last hit.
Ransik Rage Super ---- No Ransik attacks the enemy and begins to feel the pain from Venomark's poison, in a desperate attempt, he pounces on the enemy, attacking him ferociously, taking the serum when he finishes hitting to stabilize himself.
Lightning Slash (Assist) Breaker 3 No Ransik uses his sword to shoot electric rays at the enemy, launching them into the air if it connects.

Power Rangers Wild Force[]


UI Ranger ZenVil S10

"For thousands of years, the Lunar Wolf Ranger (Merrick) was fused with an evil wolf mask as Zen-Aku. After Merrick broke free from the mask, Zen-Aku gained a life of his own. This Org seeks to re-merge with Merrick for his power."

Class: Defender
Rarity (Leader): Epic
Rarity (Assist): Epic

Move Type EP Cost Cancel? Effect
Wolf Bite (Primary) Strike 4 No With the strength of the wolf, Zen-Aku lunges forward and takes a bite out of his opponents with his Crescent Blade.
Savage Maul (Primary) Strike 4 Yes This savage four hit combo will sweep opponents off their feet for some guaranteed damage on the final hits.
Crescent Surge (Special) Breaker 5 No A deadly combination that showcases Zen-Aku's skill. Get in close for two hits with the Crescent Blade, followed by two dark energy waves.
Moon Rising (Special) Strike 4 No Launch opponents in the air to perform a mid-air combo.
Full Moon Super ---- No Zen-Aku calls upon the strength of the full moon giving his Crescent Blade the ability to silence his opponents' defensive moves.
Crescent Wave (Assist) Breaker 4 No Zen-Aku cuts through the air, emitting a blade of dark energy that sends opponents flying.

Power Rangers Dino Thunder[]


UI Ranger Mesogog S12

"Mesogog (while mostly calm) is a sinister and cold-hearted mastermind that will do anything in his power to ensure his dream of bringing the Earth back into the age of the dinosaurs is brought to fruition."

Class: Attacker
Rarity (Leader): Epic
Rarity (Assist): Legendary

Move Type EP Cost Cancel? Effect
Mesozoic Rage (Primary) Strike 4 Yes Mesogog unleashes a 3 hit flurry.
Focus Strike (Primary) Breaker 3 No Mesogog focuses his rage into a single punch, breaking the opponent's defense.
Psionic Brain Blast (Special) Strike 4 No Mesogog punishes the opponent with his psionic powers, sending them flying.
Meso Flash (Special) Counter 3 No A deceptive move that will counter strikes by moving so fast, all you see is a blur.
Ripclaw Rush (Assist) Counter 6 No Super fast charging attack that rips the opponent back.

Power Rangers Mystic Force[]


UI Ranger Koragg S14

"Leanbow was once married to Udonna, but was later transformed into Koragg the Knight Wolf. When his memories resurfaced, he rejoined the side of good and became the Wolf Warrior."

Class: Defender
Rarity (Leader): Legendary
Rarity (Assist): Legendary

Move Type EP Cost Cancel? Effect
Knight's Fury (Primary) Strike 2 Yes A rapid melee and sword combo that ends with a powerful launch.
Shield Bash (Primary) Strike 4 No Koragg slams his shield into opponents for a staggering blow.
Wolf Attack (Special) Counter 5 No Drawing on his dark powers, Koragg shoots magic wolf heads from his shield. Behold the Eye of the Master!
Dark Magic Strike (Special) Breaker 5 No No power can compare to that of the Master, this ranged attack can hit up to 4 times up close. Behold his power.
Shield of Darkness (Assist) Breaker 4 No Power courses through the ground to launch opponents into the air.

Power Rangers Operation Overdrive[]


UI Ranger VilKamdor S15

"Not much is known of his past, other than he is a blue ninja-like cyborg warrior who was a ruthless warlord and the master of the Miratrix. After the alien ninja war, he was trapped inside a jewel that Miratrix wore around his neck until he was able to be freed thanks to a device that Will stole for Miratrix when they were in cover. He and Miratrix were more successful than most of their rival villains in searching for the jewels."

Class: Defender
Rarity (Leader): Epic
Rarity (Assist): Epic

Move Type EP Cost Cancel? Effect
Unarmed Combo (Primary) Strike 3 Yes Kamdor performs a bare-handed strike showing that he is also skilled without weapons.
Double Slash (Primary) Counter 4 No Kamdor makes a close-range attack with his double katana.
Double Bladed Baton (Special) Breaker 4 No Kamdor's katanas are joined to make a Double Bladed Baton that he uses to attack the enemy.
Clone Strikes (Special) Strike 5 No Kamdor makes a fierce slash, upon hit, Kamdor summons its clones that attack the enemy repeatedly and finish them with a lightning bolt from his katana.
Malicious Escape (Assist) Breaker 4 No Kamdor slams his lightning katana into the ground, kicking up dust and knocking back the enemy.

Power Rangers Jungle Fury[]

Dai Shi[]

UI Ranger DaiShi S16

"For millennia, the evil eight-headed dragon spirit Dai Shi has been sealed away and protected by the secretive kung fu clan known as the Pai Zhuq, or "Order of the Claw". Jarrod, a former member of the Pai Zhuq, accidentally unseals the container imprisoning Dai Shi. After taking control over Jarrod's body, he is now free to destroy the human civilization so that animals can rule the world."

Class: Attacker
Rarity (Leader): Legendary
Rarity (Assist): Legendary

Move Type EP Cost Cancel? Effect
Zocato Fury (Primary) Strike 3 Yes Dai Shi channels Zocato's energy to unleash a series of vicious blows that end with a fiery slash that sets opponents on fire.
Phantom Beast (Primary) Strike 3 Yes Summon the power of the Black Lion Spirit to bring opponents in for a crushing blow.
Black Lion Rush (Special) Breaker 4 No A lunging attack that hurls Dai Shi into the air before pummeling the opponent below.
Ferocious Roar (Special) Strike 4 Yes A bellowing roar followed up with a flying kick that pushes the opponent back.
Dark Shot (Assist) Strike 2 No Send forth a blast of dark energy that flies across the screen.

Power Rangers RPM[]


UI Ranger VilVenjix S17

"Venjix is a computer virus created by Doctor K. It's the main antagonist of Power Rangers RPM and Power Rangers Beast Morphers. He almost managed to take over the world of RPM but it was defeated. He survived by hiding inside a Cell Shift Morpher. Some time after, Nate Silva experimented with Morph-X and snake DNA but a part of the Venjix virus escaped from the Morpher and became Evox; an avatar who tried to take over the Morphin Grid."

Class: Defender
Rarity (Leader): Legendary
Rarity (Assist): Legendary

Move Type EP Cost Cancel? Effect
Network Disruptor (Primary) Counter 3 Yes Venjix performs a fierce combo with his hands, knocking down the enemy in the last strike.
Failure Merge (Primary) Breaker 3 No Venjix shoots an energy beam from his hand, launching the enemy into the air.
Virus Transfer (Special) Strike 3 No With a short-range attack, Venjix first strikes the enemy and then shoots a beam with a virus, causing them to lose some EP and take damage over time.
Glitch (Special) Breaker 4 No Venjix hits the ground generating an electric barrier. If the enemy is hit by it, they will be stunned and Venjix will attack them several times.
Hacked Super ---- No Venjix creates an energy explosion, stunning the enemy and disappearing, just to attack with a malicious strike and finishing them with a virus infection in the last hit.
Malware Strike (Assist) Strike 3 No Venjix enters combat with a super punch charged with malware. If he connects the punch the enemy loses some EP and receives damage over time by the virus.

Power Rangers Samurai[]

Master Xandred[]

UI Ranger XandVil S18

"The short-tempered leader of the Nighloks was exiled to the Netherworld by the ancestors of the current Samurai Rangers. He cannot escape until the Sanzu River's water level is raised by the tears of humans and he's coming back with a vengeance."

Class: Balanced
Rarity (Leader): Rare
Rarity (Assist): Common

Move Type EP Cost Cancel? Effect
Nighlok Combo (Primary) Breaker 4 No Master Xandred winds up a huge combo, breaking defense with each hit.
Mocking Slash (Primary) Counter 5 Yes Master Xandred begs the opponent to give their best shot, and launches if hit.
Netherworld Bind (Special) Strike 4 No A ranged stun attack, Master Xandred binds the target using his evil magic.
Master's Fury (Special) Strike 3 Yes A 3 hit combo that also creates a wave of flame on the last hit.
Echo of Pain (Assist) Counter 4 No Xandred won't be the only one with a headache after he lets out a ferocious yell.

Power Rangers Dino Charge[]


UI Ranger SldgVil S22

"This hot-headed bounty hunter from space has been chasing the Energems for millions of years, which are now in the hands of the Dino Charge Rangers. Sledge is still more than a match for the Power Rangers and a formidable foe. Nothing will not stop this villain in his quest to rule the universe!"

Class: Attacker
Rarity (Leader): Common
Rarity (Assist): Common

Move Type EP Cost Cancel? Effect
Blindside (Primary) Breaker 3 No Charging into battle, Sledge goes for a shoulder tackle that sends opponents flying.
Darkness Frenzy (Primary) Strike 3 Yes Sledge's hot-headedness gives extra strength to this combo of devastating blows.
Bounty Barrage (Special) Breaker 4 No Aiming at the ground, Sledge launches opponents into the air for some follow up target practice.
Merciless Volley (Special) Strike 3 No Sledge bombards his opponent with his arm mounted cannon.
Vengeful Blast (Assist) Counter 4 No Sledge retaliates with a powerful blast to counter incoming attacks. It's payback time.


UI Ranger VilPoisandra S22

"Poisandra is a bounty hunter and Sledge's wife. They aren't pure evil as Lord Drakkon or Lord Zedd, but their sheer mercenary selfishness has gotten them to confront the Power Rangers many times. She and her precious hubby, Sledge, may have had a hand in the dinosaurs' extinction over 65 million years ago."

Class: Defender
Rarity (Leader): Epic
Rarity (Assist): Epic

Move Type EP Cost Cancel? Effect
Scythe Heart Lance (Primary) Strike 3 Yes Poisandra uses her Scythe Heart Lance to make a spectacular combo, finishing with a mighty kick.
Explosive Cake (Primary) Breaker 3 No Poisandra puts a cake on the ground. After a short delay, it explodes.
Ancient Hunters (Special) Breaker 4 No Poisandra makes a cartwheel kick, and if it connects, she attacks the enemy. Sledge appears from the air to finish the attack.
Double Trouble (Special) Strike 3 No Poisandra strikes the enemy with her heart-shaped attack, if it connects, she uses her Scythe Heart Lance to stun them and Sledge enters the fight to finish the attack.
Flying Cake (Assist) Strike 4 No Poisandra enters the combat and throws a cake at the enemy, stunning them if it connects.


UI Ranger SnidVil S22

"A space outlaw and a destroyer of galaxies, Snide is powerful, proficient, and capable of keeping a cool head during battle."

Class: Attacker
Rarity (Leader): Epic
Rarity (Assist): Common

Move Type EP Cost Cancel? Effect
Rushdown (Primary) Strike 3 Yes Snide rushes in with kicks than finishes with powerful sword strikes.
Exploding Sword (Primary) Strike 3 No A sword attack that has different effects based on distance.
Personality Split (Special) Strike 4 No Teleport to the opponent for a sword slash no matter where they are.
Vortex Slash (Special) Breaker 6 No Sword slash that knocks back opponents and also sends a wave of energy that launches them into the air.
Spinning Combo (Assist) Strike 4 No A quick slash of a sword followed by a backhanded punch.

Power Rangers Beast Morphers[]

Cybervillain Blaze[]

UI Ranger VilBlaze S26

"Cybervillain Blaze is an Avatar created when Evox hacked into the computer in order to create the new Rangers, taking the image, energy and memories of Blaze. This corrupted clone confronts the rangers as Evox's general, with the mission of stealing the Morph-X in order to liberate him from the dimension where he is trapped."

Class: Balanced
Rarity (Leader): Epic
Rarity (Assist): Epic

Move Type EP Cost Cancel? Effect
Violent Cuts (Primary) Strike 3 Yes With his sword, Blaze performs a basic combo striking his enemy and knocking them down.
Corrupted Strikes (Primary) Strike 4 Yes Blaze performs a stylish backflip kick, launching the enemy in the air and finishing them with an attack that drains EP.
Necessary Evil (Special) Strike 5 No Blaze quickly attacks the enemy with his sword, upon impact, he makes a flurry of slashes finishing with a big energy explosion.
Avatar Curse (Special) Breaker 4 No Blaze throws a whip from his hand to attack the enemy, if he hits, he shoots an energy beam from his sword, sealing the enemy's assist slot for a few seconds.
Superiority Complex (Assist) Counter 3 No Blaze enters combat with a mocking gesture, waiting for the enemy to attack him. Upon receiving an impact, he counterattacks with an energy laser beam.

Cybervillain Roxy[]

UI Ranger VilRoxy S26

"Cybervillain Roxy is an Avatar created when Evox hacked into the computer while the new Beast Morphers Rangers were being created. This corrupted clone was made by Evox to be one of his generals. She takes the image, energy and memories of Roxy."

Class: Balanced
Rarity (Leader): Epic
Rarity (Assist): Epic

Move Type EP Cost Cancel? Effect
Double Gun Combo (Primary) Strike 3 Yes Roxy spins attacking with her guns and shooting in the last attack.
Sweet Curse (Primary) Strike 3 No Roxy shoots a mysterious material from her hand stunning the enemy if it connects.
Mocking Shot (Special) Breaker 3 No Roxy jumps backward and shoots the enemy with her guns.
Crazy Shots (Special) Breaker 4 No Roxy kicks the enemy and attacks with a burst of shots if it connects.
Disabling Wire (Assist) Strike 4 No Roxy enters in combat striking with her whip, stunning the enemy if it connects.

Power Rangers Cosmic Fury[]

Ollie Akana (Dino Fury Evil Blue Ranger)[]

UI Ranger VilOllie S30

"Ollie Akana, poisoned by Doodrip, abandoned the rangers and his girlfriend, Amelia. This potent toxin targeted Blue Rangers, corrupting their Tricera Statue to pledge allegiance to Lord Zedd. Under the sway of evil, Ollie aided Zedd in seizing earth, banishing Zayto through a cosmic portal, and fiercely battling against his former allies. However, his allegiance abruptly ended when Mucus and Slyther, undercover agents for the Power Rangers, shattered his Tricera Statue, freeing him from its malevolent control."

Class: Attacker
Rarity (Leader): Epic
Rarity (Assist): Epic

Move Type EP Cost Cancel? Effect
Evil Blue Kicks (Primary) Strike 3 Yes Ollie performs a kick combo to knockdown the enemies.
Blue Energy Slash (Primary) Breaker 3 No Ollie uses his evil Chromafury Saber to perform a Blue Energy Slash.
Evil Thrust (Special) Breaker 4 No Ollie strikes his enemy with his Chromafury Saber and stuns them to shoot him with his Tricera Blaster.
Corrupted Energy (Special) Strike 4 No Ollie launches the enemy into the air and finishes by shooting with his Tricera Blaster.
Evil Blue Blast Super ---- No Ollie charges the Tricera Blaster to shoot a big blue beam.
Evil Roll (Assist) Strike 3 No Ollie rolls into combat with a sweep attacking the enemy, only to then finish the attack with a shot.

Master Zedd[]

"Lord Zedd, Emperor of Evil, resurrected to his former glory gets imprisoned in a crystal and held by the Morphin Masters. Months later he escapes and plans to exact his revenge on his former captors. With an unlikely alliance with Bajillia Naire, chairwoman and CEO of Squid Ink, Inc. They built a machine that captured the Morphin Masters and transferred their powers to Lord Zedd granting him a new form and self proclaimed title Master Zedd."

Class: Attacker
Rarity (Leader): Legendary
Rarity (Assist): Legendary

Move Type EP Cost Cancel? Effect
Master's Call (Primary) Strike 2 Yes Pull your victims close and near for no one dare to refuse the master's call. Long range strike that pulls victims in.
Impending Doom (Primary) Breaker 3 No A giant glistening Z floating above is a sure sign of doom impending. Delayed projectile array that will rain down no matter what.
Kinetic Hold (Special) Strike 3 No Kinetically bound you are lifted and setup for a smashing. Close range strike grab.
Searing Light (Special) Breaker 4 No Lengthy beam projectile slowly creeping in range. Heavy swing followed by a beam projectile that slowly increases in range. Deceptively vulnerable. It's probably a trap.
Unholy Covenant Super ---- No Carve out your insignia over your victim's body remind them that their life now belongs to you. A super attack that steals a portion of their life to yours.
Vortex Return (Assist) Strike 3 No Glide in with your weapon drawn and pull them back in a spinning vortex of sharp steel.

Power Rangers (2017 movie)[]

Rita Repulsa[]

UI Ranger RitVil MOV

"Rita Repulsa is the ultimate villain - calculating, smart and dangerous. She is single-minded in her goal, and will destroy everything in her path to meet it."

Class: Attacker
Rarity (Leader): Legendary
Rarity (Assist): Epic

Move Type EP Cost Cancel? Effect
Telekinesis (Primary) Strike 5 Yes Rita launches several energy flares from her staff.
Claw Launcher (Primary) Breaker 3 No Rita launches the opponent in the air with a single quick swipe.
Repulsa Ball (Special) Strike 2 No A deadly projectile that launches the opponent toward Rita.
Psychic Slam (Special) Strike 6 No Rita corrupts her opponent, suspending them helplessly in the air before knocking them back.
Soul Steal (Assist) Strike 3 No A quick attack that suspends the opponent in the air.


UI Ranger Putty MOV

"Putties are foot soldiers created by Rita Repulsa. These menacing creatures inherit the characteristics of the substance they are created from; be it gold, concrete or dirt. No two Putties look exactly alike, but their mandate is the same: Obey Rita Repulsa and destroy the Power Rangers!"

Class: Defender
Rarity (Leader): Common
Rarity (Assist): Common

Move Type EP Cost Cancel? Effect
Rubble Rouser (Primary) Strike 3 Yes Keep opponents off the ground with this juggling combo and push them back to their own corner.
Seismic Quake (Primary) Breaker 3 No A crushing overhead punch that sends your opponents flying.
Debris Toss (Special) Strike 2 No Hurls a chunk of concrete pulled from the Putty's own back for a stunning blow.
Boulder Barrage (Special) Strike No Combo of quick jabs with a brief stun to finish the job. Extra arms come in handy.
Rock Block (Assist) Counter 4 No Aim for the chest? Good luck. This Putty hits back.

BOOM! Comics[]

Green Ranger V2[]

UI Ranger GrnRngV2 S01

"From across the multiverse, an older, more-seasoned Tommy Oliver joins the battle!"

Class: Attacker
Rarity (Leader): Epic
Rarity (Assist): Epic

Move Type EP Cost Cancel? Effect
Power Beatdown (Primary) Strike 3 Yes Bring the beatdown with these powerful kicks.
Challenger Kick (Primary) Strike 2 No A lightning fast kick filled with the staggering strength of the Green Ranger.
Flying Assault (Special) Counter 7 No Tommy becomes a blur of green as he sails through the air with a fearsome kick.
Nightmare Charge (Special) Breaker 5 No This familiar charge will overpower even those that attempt to block it.
Dragon Power (Assist) Breaker 3 No Tommy calls upon the power of the Dragonzord to rain missiles down onto anyone that tries to get in his way.

Ranger Slayer[]

UI Ranger RangerSlayer COM

"Kimberly Hart was once the Pink Power Ranger, until she was brainwashed by Lord Drakkon and forced to do his evil bidding against her will. She eventually breaks free from his grasp and rejoins the fight on the side of good."

Class: Attacker
Rarity (Leader): Epic
Rarity (Assist): Epic

Move Type EP Cost Cancel? Effect
Blast Trap (Primary) Breaker 2 No Shoot a strategically placed arrow at the ground for a delayed explosion from this ticking timebomb. She always as a smart one.
Slayer's Edge (Primary) Strike 3 Yes A melee combo that staggers opponents. She knows how to do more than shoot a bow.
Blast Blitz (Special) Breaker 3 No Make contact with this jumping kick to backflip off opponents and shoot a seemingly endless volley of arrows at your hapless victim.
Savage Shots (Special) Strike 4 No Time has only made her stronger, Kim shoots a series of arrows in rapid succession.
Arrow Storm (Assist) Counter 4 No Kim shoots high into the air, raining arrows down on her enemies.

Lord Drakkon[]

UI Ranger LordDrakkon COM

"Lord Drakkon is an intensely evil version of Tommy Oliver from an alternate universe who rules his Earth with dystopian philosophies. Lord Drakkon first appeared in Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #9 from BOOM! Studios."

Class: Attacker
Rarity (Leader): Legendary
Rarity (Assist): Legendary

Move Type EP Cost Cancel? Effect
Furious Blade Combo (Primary) Strike 4 Yes A quick double attack that launches the opponent.
Thunder Slash (Primary) Strike 2 Yes A tricky, sword swipe that can be canceled at any time.
Corkscrew Torpedo (Special) Breaker 4 No Spinning vicious attack with a high range.
Surging Cyclone (Special) Breaker 5 No A deadly attack that knocks the enemy up and then again while in mid air.
Mean Streak (Assist) Strike 4 No A quick, staggering attack that can setup combos.

Black Dragon[]

UI Ranger BlackDragon COM

"Black Dragon is a powerful Zord from an alternate universe that's come to destroy Tommy Oliver. Black Dragon first appeared in Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #4 from BOOM! Studios."

Class: Defender
Rarity (Leader): Epic
Rarity (Assist): Epic

Move Type EP Cost Cancel? Effect
Stomp and Chomp (Primary) Strike 3 Yes Black Dragon crushes through the opponent's attacks with a few stunning strikes.
Tail Whip (Primary) Strike 3 No Staggers the opponent with a quick and powerful swing of its tail.
Negabeam (Special) Breaker 4 No Shoots a sustained and quick energy beam, disintegrating anything in its long path.
Chaos Wave (Special) Breaker 3 No Emits a powerful projectile from its mouth, knocking back anything it hits.
Bruiser Missile (Assist) Counter 4 No Black Dragon stops into the arena, launching anything that gets in its way.

Mastodon Sentry[]

"Foot soldiers who enforce the order of Lord Drakkon in a dystopian alternate timeline universe where he rules. Primary foot soldiers of the Ranger Sentries, they police the cites and double as ground/paratrooper infantry."

Class: Attacker
Rarity (Leader): Epic
Rarity (Assist): Epic

Move Type EP Cost Cancel? Effect
Rifle-butt Smash (Primary) Strike 3 Yes Smash your victim with back end of your standard issue rifle before launching them for target practice.
Grenade Toss (Primary) Breaker 3 No Whip out an explosive surprise that detonates on contact.
Door Breach (Special) Counter 3 Yes Charge forward and bust that door down with a stern kick or whoever is in the way.
Focus Fire (Special) Breaker 4 No Unload a couple of high powered rounds focusing the damage onto one area.
Call Reinforcements Super ---- No Call for backup Sentries on your next ability with increased Sentries the higher the stack. Maximum additional Sentries = 3.
Evasive Action (Assist) Breaker 3 No Instantly jump back away from danger while a fellow Sentry covers your landing.

Psycho Green[]

UI Ranger PsycGrn S06

"Trek was turned into Psycho Green by Dark Specter. He was sent to release Rita from her prison on the Moon, but his ship crashed. After awakening from hibernation in 1969, he nearly wiped out all of Grace Sterling's Power Ranger team before he was defeated at great cost."

Class: Attacker
Rarity (Leader): Epic
Rarity (Assist): Epic

Move Type EP Cost Cancel? Effect
Seething Slash (Primary) Strike 3 Yes Psycho Green quickly thrusts his knee up followed by two swirling dagger attacks.
Purging Storm (Primary) Strike 4 Yes Psycho energy shoots from his hand followed by a lighting fast stab to the mid section then sends you flying in the air with a ferocious kick.
Helm Breaker (Special) Breaker 4 No Psycho Green harnesses all his rage and throws it all into one devastating palm strike.
Sadistic Strike (Special) Breaker 4 No With his psycho power infused dagger, he leaps in the air and plunges his weapon down for a devastating finish.
Malicious Intent (Assist) Strike 4 No From across the screen, he travels in a blink of an eye to deliver a fatal blow to the mid section followed by a launching kick and a smashing dagger attack down.


UI Ranger VilDayne COM

"Dayne is an evil Sirian bounty hunter, who loves challenge and possesses a dry and sardonic wit. He was imprisoned on Black Site Prison, but Lord Zedd bribed the officials to transport him to the moon and then hired him to eliminate the Power Rangers. Dayne stated that he didn't normally do jobs like this, but Lord Zedd is an old friend and he pays well."

Class: Balanced
Rarity (Leader): Epic
Rarity (Assist): Epic

Move Type EP Cost Cancel? Effect
Energy Sword (Primary) Strike 3 Yes Dayne uses his weapon as a double bladed plasma saber to attack the enemy in a stylish combo.
Robotic Insects (Primary) Breaker 4 No Dayne attacks the enemy releasing some robot insects from his hand that attacks the enemy stunning them.
Energy Shot (Special) Counter 3 No Dayne charges energy and expels it as a shot from his hand, knocking the enemy back if it connects.
Bounty Hunter (Special) Breaker 4 No Dayne kicks the enemy. If the kick connects, he uses his weapon as a whip, hitting the enemy repeatedly and finishing them with an energy beam from his hand.
Surprise Attack (Assist) Strike 4 No Dayne enters the combat and throws a strange substance that stuns the enemy.

Spa'ark (Death Ranger)[]

UI Ranger DthRng COM

"Spa'ark was chosen as the Gold Omega Ranger. Being unable to understand death, he can not accept the death of Haza, the Blue Omega Ranger. He summoned a dark intergalactic beast that offered the knowledge he was looking for to return his friend from the dead. Spa'ark confronted and destroyed the beast, but he stored a fragment of the beast in his Morpher trying to conquer death itself. Being able to revive the dead, he became the Death Ranger."

Class: Balanced
Rarity (Leader): Epic
Rarity (Assist): Epic

Move Type EP Cost Cancel? Effect
Sun Eclipse (Primary) Strike 3 Yes With dark energy covering his hands, Spa'ark makes a combo and staggers the enemy.
Wrong Nature (Primary) Breaker 4 No Spa'ark can revive a dead and summon it to follow the enemy. If it strikes, the revived dead explodes and stuns them.
Soul Eraser (Special) Breaker 3 No Spa'ark lands a powerful punch. If it connects he makes a dark magical attack who directly hits the soul.
Necromancy (Special) Strike 4 No Spa'ark attacks the enemy with a ferocious punch. If it connects, he revives a dead person and summons ghosts to attack the enemy while charging an attack to finish off the enemy.
Dark Alchemy Super ---- No Spa'ark attacks the enemy to stun them, only to summon an army of revived dead who attack them while he charges dark energy to shoot and destroy everything on the field.
Black Sun (Assist) Breaker 4 No Spa'ark enters the combat to fire an energy shot that launches the enemy into the air if it connects.

Power Rangers Legacy Wars/Street Fighter V[]

M. Bison[]

UI Ranger MBison SF5

"M. Bison is the leader of the secret criminal organization Shadaloo. He plans to rule over the world using his Psycho Power. Psycho Power is born from fear. His body is reaching its physical limits, and as such he plans to transfer himself into a new body. Through transferring his mind and soul, Bison's true ambitions are to keep fighting forever."

Class: Balanced
Rarity (Leader): Legendary
Rarity (Assist): Legendary

Move Type EP Cost Cancel? Effect
Psycho Axe (Primary) Strike 3 Yes A ruthless 3-hit combo ending in a crushing blow with M. Bison's Psycho Power.
Power Slide (Primary) Counter 3 No M. Bison slides forward and knocks opponents off their feet.
Double Knee Press (Special) Strike 4 No M. Bison closes the distance with this front flip that does two hits of damage.
Psycho Inferno (Special) Strike 4 No Raising a pillar of Psycho Power, M. Bison launches opponents into the air.
Super Mode Super ---- No Sets M. Bison's moves to Double Knee Press and Psycho Inferno increasing their power and potentially changing their types. One move consumes Super Mode State.
Psycho Blast (Assist) Counter 3 No A blast of Psycho Power is enough to return any strike attack.


UI Ranger Akuma SF5

"Akuma has defeated numerous fighters since surrendering his will to the Satsui no Hadou. The Satsui no Hadou has tempered his body and granted him superhuman strength. He has no intention of abandoning his path of violence, even going as far as defeating his own brother Gouken. He desires only to find an opponent who can give him the ultimate fight to the death."

Class: Attacker
Rarity (Leader): Legendary
Rarity (Assist): Legendary

Move Type EP Cost Cancel? Effect
Kongoken Combo (Primary) Strike 3 Yes Two punches followed by a crushing fist take knocks opponents off their feet.
Zanku Hadoken (Primary) Counter 4 No A mid-air Hadoken fired down at the opponent causing them to stagger.
Gohadoken (Special) Strike 4 No This counterpart to Ryu's Hadoken, a surging wave of Satsui no Hado.
Goshoryuken (Special) Breaker 5 No Akuma has taken the Shoryuken to a new level combining the rising uppercut with the evil power of Satsui no Hado.
Super Mode Super ---- No Sets Akuma's moves to Gohadoken and Zanku Hadoken, increasing their power and potentially changing their types. One move consumes Super Mode State.
Tatsumaki Zankukyaku (Assist) Strike 6 No Akuma has taken Ryu's Tatsumaki and made it his own, this whirlwind of kicks will send opponents flying.


Mighty Morphin Power Rangers[]

Dino Megazord[]

UI MZ DinoMzd Hubtown

"The first Megazord, used by the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers, is the combination of the five Dinozords: Tyrannosaurus Dinozord, Mastodon Dinozord, Triceratops Dinozord, Sabertooth Tiger Dinozord and Pterodactyl Dinozord."

Rarity: Common

Move Type EP Cost Cancel? Effect
Sabertooth Kick (Primary) Counter 4 No A stunning defensive kick.
Dino Power Combo (Primary) Strike 3 No Triple punch combo of the Mastodon Dinozord.
Power Sword (Special) Breaker 3 Yes Harness the power of the sun with the Power Sword to break through even the best defense.
Jumping Thrust (Special) Strike 5 No A flying leap to deal a mighty blow with the Power Sword.
Lightning Blast (Super) Breaker 6 No The Dino Megazord concentrates power to its head to shoot out a powerful lightning beam.
Rushing Double (Super) Strike 5 No A far reaching dashing punch followed by a quick uppercut.

Mega Goldar[]

UI MZ GoldarMzd S01

"Goldar is the loud, perpetually angry, and vicious humanoid-ape general of Rita Repulsa. Goldar is one of the few henchmen who's capable of holding his own against the Power Rangers. With the powers of Rita and Zedd he's able to grow and fight against Megazords."

Rarity: Rare

Move Type EP Cost Cancel? Effect
Giant Backhand (Primary) Counter 4 No Your opponent will need to regain their footing after a blow from this backhand.
Savage Strikes (Primary) Strike 4 No Goldar swings his trusty sword in a triple combo.
Titan Stomp (Special) Counter 4 No Send opponents reeling with this jumping stomp.
Reverse Guard (Special) Strike 3 No A double kick combo followed by a stunning strike from the pommel of his sword.
Swooping Tackle (Super) Strike 5 No Goldar's wings aren't just for show. Fly from one end of the screen to the other to deliver a shoulder charge.
Seismic Stab (Super) Breaker 6 Yes Goldar stabs his sword into the ground to create a powerful shockwave.


UI MZ DragonZord Hubtown

"The Dragonzord has slept at the bottom of the ocean for thousands of years. Only when it is summoned by the Dragon Dagger will it rise up from under the waves. This powerful zord has fought on the side of both good and evil is more than a match for any opponent."

Rarity: Legendary

Move Type EP Cost Cancel? Effect
Front Kick (Primary) Strike 4 No Using the tail for support, the Dragonzord deals a double front kick to its enemies that sends them flying back.
Dragon Frenzy (Primary) Strike 4 No The Dragonzord goes in for a fast two swipe combo, finishing with a sweep of its tail.
Claw Stomp (Special) Breaker 3 Yes A shockwave emenates from the Dragonzord's mighty stomp that sends opponents staggering back.
Fin Slash (Special) Counter 4 Yes Blow through enemy strikes with this crushing headbutt.
Missile Storm (Super) Breaker 5 Yes Dragonzord shoots the classic missiles from its fingertips for multiple hits of damage.
Tail Stinger (Super) Strike 4 No A quick swipe followed up by the Dragonzord's tail drill for a multi-hit combo.

Thunder Megazord[]

UI MZ ThuMzd S02 Hubtown

"The Thunder Megazord is the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers' second Megazord formation, created by merging the five Thunderzords: the Tyrannosaurus Red Dragon Thunderzord, Mastodon Lion Thunderzord, Triceratops Unicorn Thunderzord, Sabertooth Tiger Griffin Thunderzord and Pterodactyl Firebird Thunderzord."

Rarity: Legendary

Move Type EP Cost Cancel? Effect
Lion's Surge (Primary) Strike 5 No Jump forward with this chest bump attack to do stunning damage.
Thunder Blow (Primary) Breaker 3 Yes A power punch that creates some distance.
Saber Strikes (Special) Strike 3 No Three slashes with the Thunder Megazord's saber.
Saber Parry (Special) Counter 4 No Thunder Megazord retaliates with a strong overhead sword swing with this defensive counter.
Whirlwind (Super) Strike 3 No Use the power of the Thunderzords to summon a tornado that sweeps across the arena.
Mega Beam (Super) Breaker 6 Yes Power gathers in the chest of the Thunder Megazord to shoot a mighty beam.

Power Rangers Wild Force[]


UI MZ PredMzd S10 Hubtown

"Predazord is the third Megazord combined from the Dark Wildzords by Zen-Aku. They were later redeemed and used by the Lunar Wolf Ranger. During the final battle with Master Org they were destroyed along with the Rangers' other Wildzords and Animus, but were revived and joined forces with all Wild Zords to destroy him. This dark combination consists of three Dark Wild Zords: Wolf Wildzord, Alligator Wildzord and Hammerhead Shark Wildzord."

Rarity: Epic

Move Type EP Cost Cancel? Effect
Crescent Boomerang (Primary) Strike 4 No Using the crescent from the Wolfzord that sits on Predazord's chest, Predazord is able to unleash a devastating long ranged boomerang-like assault.
Hammerhead Smash (Primary) Strike 2 No Hammer opponents with a blow from the Hammerhead Dark Wildzord.
Wild Tail Spin (Special) Counter 5 No A spinning staff attack followed by a finishing swing of the Gator Staff.
Gator Staff (Special) Counter 4 Yes A stunning thrust with the Gator Staff, formed from the tail of the Alligator Dark Wildzord.
Predator Wave (Super) Breaker 7 Yes Fear the mighty roar of these predatory Dark Wildzords with a beam eminating from the mouth of the Alligator Dark Wildzord.
Javelin Strike (Super) Breaker 4 Yes Throw the Gator Staff like a javelin for some staggering damage.

Power Rangers S.P.D.[]

Delta Squad Megazord[]

UI MZ SPDMzd Hubtown

"When all five Delta Runners combine together they form the Delta Squad Megazord. Wielding the Mega Blaster and Delta Sword this Megazord's mission is to bring peace and order to the galaxy."

Rarity: Legendary

Move Type EP Cost Cancel? Effect
4-5-4 Combo (Primary) Strike 3 No Delta Runners 4 & 5 go in for a triple punch combo.
Delta Strike (Primary) Breaker 4 Yes This Megazord summons the Delta Sword for a devastating Delta Strike.
S.P.Double Slash (Special) Strike 3 No A quick double slash with the Delta Sword.
Justice Lance (Special) Counter 4 No The Delta Squad Megazord charges into battle, spearing opponents with the Delta Sword.
Delta Dive (Super) Strike 4 No Bring maximum pain with the Mega Blaster during this diving barrel roll that puts some distance between you and the enemy.
Crime Scene Tape (Super) Breaker 4 Yes Stop opponents in their tracks with the Super Crime Scene Tape.

Power Rangers Samurai[]

Samurai Megazord[]

UI MZ SamuraiMzd Hubtown

"The Samurai Megazord is made from the origami-like Lion, Ape, Turtle, Dragon and Bear Foldingzords. This powerful Megazord provides the base for many other Megazord combinations."

Rarity: Epic

Move Type EP Cost Cancel? Effect
Furious Lion Howl (Primary) Breaker 3 Yes The Lion Foldingzord releases a terrible roar and with it burning flames.
Blade Storm (Primary) Strike 3 No Four fast sword strikes finished with a thrust that sends opponents staggering back.
Ape Assault (Special) Strike 4 No The Samurai Megazord pops off the Ape Foldingzord and kicks it across the screen for some spinning boomerang-like action.
Samurai Focus (Special) Counter 4 No Samurai Megazord pauses and takes in its surroundings, waiting for the perfect moment to counter incoming strikes. If no attack is countered, the focus energy manifests itself as a damage boost to his next attack.
Samurai Strike (Super) Breaker 6 Yes This powerful strike cuts the air with ferocity, sending opponents staggering back.
Shield Bash (Super) Strike 5 No Charging headfirst into battle, the Samurai Megazord closes the gap and comes in for a backhand swing with its shield.

Power Rangers (2017 movie)[]

Dino Megazord (2017)[]

UI MZ DinoMzd MOV Hubtown

"Last used by the Power Rangers during a devastating fight on Earth during the Cenozoic era, the Zords were put back into action by a new set of Rangers in 2017. Against insurmountable odds, the Rangers were able to come together against the evil Rita and her creation Goldar to combine the Zords into a new formation: the Megazord. Shimmering with Morphin Grid energy, the Megazord proved key to defeating Rita and banishing her from Earth."

Rarity: Common

Move Type EP Cost Cancel? Effect
Tricera-Strike (Primary) Strike 3 No One, two, three strikes -- a true triple threat.
Mastodon Kick (Primary) Breaker 4 No A solid kick to the opponent that sends them reeling.
Pterodactyl Spin (Special) Breaker 3 No Assault the opponent with a spinning barrage of strikes.
Sabertooth Leap (Special) Counter 4 No A leaping strike, creating shockwaves that stagger the opponent.
Tyranno Assault (Super) Counter 5 No A lunging strike, then two thrown blades.
Dino Drop (Super) Strike 6 No A fast lunging elbow strike.

BOOM! Comics[]

Mega Black Dragon[]

UI MZ BlackDragonMzd Boom

"Mega Black Dragon is a powerful Zord from an alternate universe that's come to destroy Tommy Oliver. Black Dragon first appeared in Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #4 from BOOM! Studios."

Rarity: Rare

Move Type EP Cost Cancel? Effect
Tail Swipe (Primary) Strike 3 No Mega Black Dragon uses his tail for a low sweep, sending opponents staggering back.
Pounding Pummel (Primary) Counter 3 Yes Pounding opponents into the pavement, Mega Black Dragon finishes off this double punch combo with a stunning headbutt.
Negabeam (Special) Strike 2 No The upgraded Negabeam creates a path of destruction across the entire area.
Dragon's Roar (Special) Breaker 5 Yes Mega Black Dragon roars, sending out 3 sonic waves that send the opponent flying.
Havoc Laser (Super) Breaker 5 Yes Charge this destructive double palm laser for some serious damage.
Missile Charge (Super) Strike 5 No This flying headbutt sails across the arena for a staggering attack.
