This article is about a/an spinoff show/RPG in the Power Rangers franchise.
Power Rangers HyperForce is tabletop role-playing-game web-series produced by Saban Brands. It is streamed live by Hyper RPG on Twitch, and also available in audio format as a podcast. The events of the RPG take place within the main timeline, later crossing over with Shattered Grid and the Recharged comic book story arcs. The Hyperforce Rangers appeared again in the Darkest Hour story event and received their own comic as part of it, which served as a follow up to their cancelled show.
Set in the year 3016 at Time Force Academy, a team of Time Force Ranger cadets must band together to defeat an ancient evil who is set on unraveling the very fabric of the universe. Under the leadership of their mentor, Jen Scotts, and with the show’s Game Master, Malika Lim, the newly minted Rangers will cross both time and space to complete their mission while running into many familiar eras (and faces) along the way.
Because of this, HyperForce can also be considered the first full-fledged American season without a Super Sentai counterpart.
After every episode, except Director Ransik, Fight for the Corona Aurora and the Villain Special, various cast and production members hold a "Fireside Chat" where they interact with the viewers and talk about the show for ~30 minutes.
Due to a site-wide Twitch bug on March 2018, the Fireside Chat for the episode Dr. Tommy Oliver Returns! became corrupted and was deleted. It is believed to be mostly irrecoverable outside maybe a few one to two minute short snippets that would have been clipped by fans during the original live airing.
Episodes were not named when they aired but rather a week later when they were uploaded to YouTube.
This is the first Ranger team to be based on Greek Mythology.
While the show was in production, Peter Sudarso independently pitched the idea of a Power Rangers RPG show to Saban Brands unaware that Hyper RPG was already in production of HyperForce. As a result, Peter got involved in HyperForce, becoming a main cast member and designing the Ranger suits.
Vesper Vasquez is the first female Black Ranger in Power Rangers history.
This is the first series to add a new Ranger to a previous team after their series had already ended (Joe Shih added to the Time Force Rangers).
This is the first series to introduce a female Green Ranger (Lina Song).
Episodes 19-20 is an official crossover with Boom! Studios' Shattered Grid event. In these episodes, Zac Eubank plays the Game Master instead of Malika Lim.
Episode 20 reveals that the adventures of the team would continue with the actual comic storyline.