Icon-gekirangerThis article is about a monster in Juken Sentai Gekiranger.

Confrontation Beast Archerfish Fist Pououte (臨獣アーチャーフィッシュ拳ポウオーテ Rinjū Āchāfisshuken Pōōte) is a Beast-Man of Rinjuken Akugata.


A Confrontation Beast Archerfish-Fist (臨獣アーチャーフィッシュ拳 Rinjū Āchāfisshuken) user subservient to Rageku and received Maku's Fury Confrontation Ki. GekiFire and GekiTohja Wolf were fighting him until Long uses his power to turn Gou Fukami on the others, allowing Pououte to resume his mission. GekiBlue and GekiYellow fought him on their own while Jan is keeping the werewolfed Gou hurting people. Soon after, a restored GekiViolet arrives and defeats Pououte, who enlarges and dies fighting GekiTohja Wolf, with GekiFire as its backup.


  • Favorite places: Rivers, estuaries, waterfronts
  • Favorite food: Insects, etc.
  • Favorite saying: "Like a fish to water." (水を得た魚 Mizu o eta uo)


The Rinshi (リンシーズ Rinshīzu) are the jiangshi warriors revived by Rio performing the Ringi technique "Rinzai". The Rinsi are in turn led by Mele, who is in charge of their development in some cases, being low-level users in the Akugata, they wear masks formed by a hat and a blindfold and use lances as their weapons. If a Rinshi can cross through the Chamber of Trials, defeating the other Rinshi inside single-handed, he/she can remove the mask and the animal motif on the forehead materializes, with the Rinshi receiving new attire and promoted to the more powerful rank of Rinrinsi who can assume "Beast-Man" form for a tentative amount of time. When they die, their bodies petrify and explode in violent bluish flames.

The Rinrinshi (リンリンシー Rinrinshī) are high-ranking Rinshi who pass the Chamber of Trials, allowed to remove the mask as the animal signature to his/her fighting style forms on the forehead and gain a new attire to signal the rank. Rinrinshi can obtain Beast-Man form, but only for a short among of time depending on the level of Rinki amassed inside. However, the Rinrinshi empowered by Maku's power can assume Beast-Man form for an indefinite amount of time. Like the Rinshi, the Rinrinshi die as their bodies petrify and explode in violent bluish flames.

Powers and Abilities[]


  • Archerfish Ringi
    • Water Stream Supremacy (水流覇, Suiryū Ha) and the stronger
      • Fury Confrontation Ki Water Stream Supremacy (怒臨気水流覇, Dorinki Suiryū Ha): which fires a blast of Confrontation Ki-charged water from the nozzle gauntlets, much like the archerfish does to catch its prey.


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Behind the Scenes[]



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Concept Art[]


Pououte's name is "Archerfish" (テッポウウオ Teppō'uo) with the "te" kana moved to the end of the word and the suon kana removed.


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See Also[]

External Links[]



Icon-gekiranger Juken Sentai Gekiranger
Jan Kandou - Ran Uzaki - Retsu Fukami - Gou Fukami - Ken Hisatsu
GekiChangers - GongChanger - SaiBlade - GekiNunchaku - GekiTonfa - GekiHammer - GekiFan - GekiSaber - GekiBazooka - Super GekiClaw - Virtuous Beast Sword - Super SaiBlade
Hong Kong Interpol Officer Lao Fan
Miki Masaki - Beast-Fist Trainer Robo Tough - Natsume Masaki - Fierce Beast Fly-Fist Bae - Kentaro Hisatsu - Sachiko Hisatsu - Bruce Ee - Dan Kandou
The Fist Sages
Master Sha-Fu - Master Bat Li - Master Sharkie Chan - Master Elehung Kam Po - Master Gorrie Yen - Master Michelle Peng - Master Pyon Biao
Super Sentai Teams: Boukengers - Go-Ongers - Gokaigers
DenLiner/Kamen Rider Den-OIcon-crosswiki: MomotarosIcon-crosswiki - UratarosIcon-crosswiki - KintarosIcon-crosswiki - RyutarosIcon-crosswiki
Mecha and Robos
GekiTiger - GekiJaguar - GekiCheetah - GekiElephant - GekiBat - GekiShark - GekiGorilla - GekiGazelle - GekiPenguin - GekiWolf - SaiDain - RinLion - RinChameleon
GekiTouja - GekiFire - GekiTouja Wolf - SaiDaiOh - SaiDaiGekiFire - SaiDaiGekiTouja - SaiDaiGekiRinTouja
Rinjuken Akugata
Rio - Mele - Sky Fist Demon Kata - Sea Fist Demon Rageku - Land Fist Demon Maku - Rinshi
Beast-Men: Makirika - Gyuuya - Muzankose - Nagiu - Rasuka - Rutsu - Dokariya - Eruka - Confrontation Machine Soldiers (Wagataku - Butoka) - Tabu - Marashiya - Hihi - Pououte - Niwa - Chouda - Tsuneki - Mukoua - Baka - Meka
Five Venom Fists: Kademu - Moriya - Sorisa - Maga - Braco
Long - Sanyo - Suugu
Twin Phantoms: Shiyuu - Gouyu - Haku - Hiso - Dorou - Sojo - Shuen - Kou
Other Villains
Mechung Fu: Hong Kong Media King Yang - Yang's Secretary Miranda - Machine-Men - Mechan'non
Cosmic Kenpo: Cosmic Kenpo Master Pachacamac XII