Icon-mightymorphinThis article is about a monster in Mighty Morphin Power Rangers.

"I can pollute your pathetic little planet faster than you can clean it up!"

The Polluticorn is a humanoid, winged unicorn-like monster who was created by Finster and is the primary antagonist of the episode "Clean-Up Club".


Rita tried again with a new attempt of world conquest and used Polluticorn to pollute the Earth by destroying all attempts to clean the pollution. Polluticorn could fly and summon toxic wind. Rita sent this monster to Angel Grove, after discovering that Rangers: (led by Trini) had organised a clean-up club to clean the city. She first sent down Putty Patrollers|Putties to bide time whilst Polluticorn was being made and the monster flew in from the Moon. The Rangers then confronted Polluticorn and battled against him but he was much too strong, even refusing help from Goldar and Scorpina and forcing the Rangers to retreat to the Command Center. Once there, they learn that the Polluticorn's power came from his horn and he'd be weakened without it. Meanwhile, the Polluticorn went alone to the Angel Grove Recycling Center. Whilst the other Rangers fought against Goldar, Scorpina, and some Putties, Jason faced off against Polluticorn. Although initially no match, Jason summoned the Dragon Shield which mean that energy blasts from Polluticorn reflected off of the shield. Jason then used his Power Sword and the Dragon Dagger to cut off his horn, criplingly weakening him and leaving him open to potential defeat. To prevent this, Rita then enlarged him and the Rangers summoned the Megazord. The monster flew up into the air and slashed the Megazord multiple times before landing and blowing it away with his Toxic Winds whilst firing his eye blasts which took it down. However, they they recovered and Jason summoned the Power Sword before jumping into the air and gliding at him. The monster was shocked so the Megazord took advantage of this and leapt up into the air to finish him off with it's energised slash.


Polluticorn is a highly aggressive and dangerous monster, he will do anything in his power to pollute the Earth and destroy the Rangers. Unlike previous monsters, Polluticorn is shown to be brave and daring, as when Goldar and Scorpina offered to help him, he pushed them away and said that he can take care of them.

Powers And Abilities

  • Strength: Polluticorn is shown to be far stronger then previous monsters fought by the Rangers before hand, being able to swiftly take them out during their first battle.
  • Expert Hand-To-Hand Combat: In addition to Poluticorn's incredible strength, he is also a skilled fighter, being able to both block and avoid the Red Ranger's strikes while at the same time being able to subdue them.
  • Durability- Polluticorn posses strong knight-like armor to withstand blows from his enemies and not even get a scratch.
  • Extraordinary Leaper: Polluticorn can leap incredible distances.
  • Flight: Polluticorn can fly in high speeds thanks to the wings behind his back.
  • Energy Balls: Polluticorn can fire sparkling light pink colored energy balls from his horn on the middle of his forehead.
  • Power Winds: Polluticorn can flap his wings in high speeds and blow his enemies away and also damage them with energy blasts.
    • Toxic Winds: When Polluticorn becomes giant, they get upgraded and become Toxic Winds, they look similar to their counter-part but are now stronger, being able to blow the Dino Megazord off the ground with ease.
  • Lightning Vision: Polluticorn's strongest attack where he can fire highly focus light blue and yellow colored lightning beams from his eyes. These beams are devastating, being able to take out all five Rangers and later the Dino Megazord with just one hit.


  • Claws: Polluticorn posses dragon clawed hands for combat.


Polluticorn is shown to be quite powerful but he does however, have one weakness, his horn. Should it be broken off, he will become weaker. However, as shown during his Zord fight, he is nowhere near finished without it.

Behind The Scenes


  • Polluticorn is voiced by Michael Sorich.
    • As a result, Polluticorn sounds a lot like Squatt albeit it with a less stupid voice and speaks more like the actor himself although he has a goofier tone than the real life man..


  • Polluticorn's name comes from the words Pollute and Unicorn.
  • In Zyuranger, the plot was basically the same concept although Dora Unicorn had an intense hatred for humans due to their abuse of the environment and teamed up with an environmentalist boy named Kouichi to destroy a waste disposal site (not a recycling plant like in this episode).
    • Kouchi is also why he can be seen stopping and turning to talk to apparently nothing whilst confronting nothing in the warehouse fight.
  • The Zord fight was slightly different in the original episode since in Zyuranger, God King Brachion was summoned and Daizyuzin leapt onto it to empower the Super Legendary Lightning Cut to destroy Dora Unicorn due to how tough his skin was. It is unclear why Saban decided to remove the footage of Titanus arriving and doing this.
    • However, the remnants of this cut element does remain since the Megazord jumps up and glides at Polluticorn despite that being completely uneccisary.

See Also

