Icon-gaorangerThis article is about a monster in Power Rangers Wild Force.

"Now for some real fire power!"
―Plug Org's first words before firing his lightning beams at Turtle Cove dam tower.[src]

"That won't help you. Yaah!"
―Plug Org reacting to the Jungle Sword and his final words before his destruction.[src]

Plug Org was (as his name implies) a plug-themed Org and secondary antagonist of the pilot episode of Power Rangers Wild Force "Lionheart".


Wild Force[]

Plug Org is one of two first Orgs that attack Turtle Cove and he combined his attack with Turbine Org. He is also one of the first Orgs that Cole ever witnessed. He first rescued Turbine Org from the four Wild Force Rangers before they defeated the Rangers together and retreated.

The two Orgs later returned and attacked the dam of Turtle Cove. There they encountered the five Wild Force Rangers (with Cole joined in to be the Red Ranger). He fought with DannyAlyssa and Cole, who has become the new Red Ranger, but with his combined attack with Turbine Org, they nearly won. But the Red Ranger ordered the other Rangers to combine their weapons and form the Jungle Sword. Plug Org fought the Rangers first and he was finally destroyed by the Jungle Sword Savage Slash. Tvicon TV STORY-Lionheart

Dino Thunder[]

Plug Org was featured in a chronicle of Power Ranger history that Tommy Oliver compiled shortly after he formed the Dino Rangers, which was found by the nascent Ranger team in the Dino Lab. Tvicon TV STORY-Legacy of Power


Plug Org was a very arrogant, prideful, confident, selfish, and boastful Org who was very arrogant, stubborn, and confident and it was shown that he didn't respect his enemies, just like other Orgs. He was very boastful, destructive, chaotic, power-hungry, and thinks he always wins. He very appreciates his fire power and thought he can easily defeat the Power Rangers. He was even somehow more arrogant than Turbine Org as he went first in battle and ignored Turbine Org's warning about the Jungle Sword. His arrogance and stubbornness led to his demise in the battle. 

Powers and Abilities[]


  • Shoulder Electric Bolts: Plug Org could fire yellow colored electric bolts from the antennas on both of his shoulders. This was his strongest attack as two blasts from his electric attack took down all four Rangers.
    • Shoulder Lightning Bolts: Plug Org could also fire yellow lightning bolts from the spots on his shoulder in conjunction with his shoulder electric bolts. These could take out Alyssa and Taylor in one hit.
  • Energy Combination: Plug Org could combine his energies with an ally, as shown when he combined his power with Turbine Org to perform their strongest attack.
  • Teleportation: Plug Org could teleport to any location at will.


  • Durability: Plug Org was slammed into a tree by Danny and unfazed and a scratch on the side of his face from Alyssa's claws also did nothing.


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  • Right Fist: Plug Org's right hand was a fist which he could use in combat.
  • Left Plug Arm: Plug Org's left arm was a plug which he could launch lightning attacks from.
    • Electric Beams: Plug Org could fire yellow colored beams of electricity from his plug-shaped arm. This was shown to be powerful enough to blast a massive tower into scrap pieces.
    • Double Energy Beam: By combing his power with Turbine Org, Plug Org could charge up yellow electricity into his chest and then firing it from his plug arm. This was their strongest combined attack as it knocked down all five Rangers in one blast.

Behind the Scenes[]



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See Also[]



Power nav icon Power Rangers Wild Force Icon-gaoranger
Cole Evans - Taylor Earhardt - Max Cooper - Danny Delgado - Alyssa Enrilé - Merrick Baliton
Growl Phone - Lunar Caller - Crystal Sabers - Power Animal Crystals - Red Lion Fang - Golden Eagle Sword - Blue Shark Fighting Fins - Black Bison Axe - White Tiger Baton - Jungle Sword - Lion Blaster - Lunar Cue - Falcon Summoner - Falconator - Armadillo Puck - Sword of Pardolis - Rhino Shooter - Deer Clutcher - Jungle Blaster - Savage Cycles - Wild Force Rider - Animarium Armor
Princess Shayla - Kite - Ancient Warriors - Time Force Rangers - Ransik - Nadira - Alpha 7
Veteran Red Rangers (Forever Red): Jason Lee Scott - Aurico - Tommy Oliver - T.J. Johnson - Andros - Leo Corbett - Carter Grayson - Wes Collins - Eric Myers
Zords and Megazords
Red Lion Wildzord - Yellow Eagle Wildzord - Blue Shark Wildzord - Black Bison Wildzord - White Tiger Wildzord - Elephant Wildzord - Giraffe Wildzord - Black Bear Wildzord - Polar Bear Wildzord - Gorilla Wildzord - Soul Bird - Wolf Wildzord - Hammerhead Shark Wildzord - Alligator Wildzord - Rhino Wildzord - Armadillo Wildzord - Deer Wildzord - Falcon Wildzord - Black Lion Wildzord - Condor Wildzord - Saw Shark Wildzord - Buffalo Wildzord - Jaguar Wildzord
Wild Force Megazord - Kongazord - Predazord - Isis Megazord - Animus - Pegasus Megazord
Other Zords
Astro Megaship
Master Org - Putrids
Duke Orgs: Jindrax - Toxica - Zen-Aku - Artilla & Helicos - Onikage
General Orgs: Retinax - Nayzor - Mandilok
Mut-Orgs: Takach - Kired - Rofang
Machine Empire: General Venjix - Gerrok - Steelon - Automon - Tezzla - Cogs - Serpentera
Turbine Org - Plug Org - Barbed Wire Org - Camera Org - Bell Org - Tire Org - Ship Org - Cell Phone Org - Bulldozer Org - Freezer Org - Vacuum Cleaner Org - Bus Org - Scooter/Motorcycle Org - Lawnmower Org - Quadra Org - Karaoke Org - Signal Org - Bowling Org - Wedding Dress Org - Samurai Org - Tombstone Org - Flute Org - Juggelo - Lion Tamer Org - Monitor Org - Toy Org - Clock Org - Locomotive Org