Icon-hurricanegerThis article is about a monster in Ninpu Sentai Hurricaneger.

"Eh heh heh heh heh! Eh heh heh heh heh heh! Space Ninjutsu: Sleep Tight. Sleep, sleep, my babies."
―Nightmare Ninja Yumebakushi's first words when sending the children of Tokyo to sleep.[src]

"These guys..."
―Yumebakushi seeing the supposedly dead Hurricangers.[src]

"This is a dream. This is a dream."
―Yumebakushi's words before his initial defeat.[src]

"Are there any good babies here?"
―Yumebakushi after being enlarged and as he looks through a hospital window.[src]

"No way!"
―Nightmare Ninja Yumebakushi's final words before his death.[src]

Nightmare Ninja Yumebakushi (悪夢忍者ユメバクー師 Akumu Ninja Yumebakushi, 11, 25) is a member of Chuuzubo's Ninja Corps.


A Tapir Chunin working under Second Spear, Chuuzubo who was his "best ninja" (although this is probably just because Futabutabou was already dead. He used his "Space Ninpou: Sleep Tight" to place children into a deep dream that they could never wake up from, turning them to stone. Somehow, this was allow Jakanja to take over the Earth although how is not made clear since Chuuzubo never elaborates. His only offensive attack is "Space Ninpo: Explosive Flames" where he fires a massive wave of fires from his eyes that swirl into the enemy. The most notable thing he did was send back a message to the Jakanja leadership that the Hurricangers were somehow still alive (having been thought dead after Gouraijin defeated Senpuujin when they had just been put in a coma]]). Yumbakushi's "dream self" was defeated by Hurricane Yellow and obliterated by the Triple Gadget, mortally wounding Yumebakushi in the real world and making him collapse dead, forcing the dream world to finish. He was then enlarged by Wendine's bazooka only to be killed by Senpuujin with the Goat Hammer. Tvicon TV STORY-Scroll 11: The Dream Eater and Starting Anew

Yumebakushi was one of five Chunin resurrected by Vamp-Ivan, Yumebakushi attacked Nagoya and battled HurricaneBlue until Vamp's death forced Yumbakushi back to the afterlife. Tvicon TV STORY-Scroll 25: Ghosts and Schoolgirl


to be added

Powers and Abilities[]


to be added


  • Space Ninpo: Fast Asleep (宇宙忍法 バクスイ Uchū Ninpō Bakusui)
  • Space Ninpo: Bombshell (宇宙忍法 バクレツ弾 Uchū Ninpō Bakuretsudan)
  • Space Ninpo: Come on, Gouraiger! (宇宙忍法 カモン!ゴウライジャー Uchū Ninpō Kamon! Gouraijā)
  • Space Ninpo: Explosive Heat (宇宙忍法 バクネツカイ Uchū Ninpō Bakunetsukai)


to be added


  • Explosive Cane (バクレツジョウ Bakuretsujō)

Behind the Scenes[]



Concept Art[]


  • His name is a portmanteau of "yume" (夢, "dream"), "baku" (バク, "tapir"), and "kitoushi" (祈祷師, "shaman").


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See Also[]

External Links[]



Icon-hurricaneger Ninpu Sentai Hurricaneger
Hurricanegers: Yosuke Shiina - Nanami Nono - Kota Bito
Gouraigers: Ikkou Kasumi - Isshu Kasumi
Space Union Ninja School: Shurikenger - Tenkai
Hurricane Gyros - Gourai Changers - Shuriken Ball - Shinobi Medals - Hayatemaru - Assumable Staff Ikazuchimaru - Shuriken's Bat - Dry Gun - Sonic Megaphone - Quake Hammer - Triple Gadget - Horn Breaker - Stag Breaker - Double Gadget - Kiraimaru - Victory Gadget - Ninjamisen - Final Gadget - Hurricane Wingers - Bari Thunders
Sensei Mugensai Hinata - Oboro Hinata - Kuroko Robot - Kagura - Meiko Bito - Ayame Bito - Suzune Bito - Riku Bito - Gaorangers - Abarangers - Gokaigers - Ninningers
Mecha and Robos
Hurricane Hawk - Hurricane Lion - Hurricane Dolphin - Gourai Beetle - Gourai Stag - Tenkuujin - Revolver Mammoth - Karakuri Balls
Ninpu Gattai Senpuujin - Ikazuchi Gattai Gouraijin - Ryuhachoetsu Furai Gattai Gourai Senpuujin - Hisho Henkei Tenkuujin - Gingachoetsu Sanjin Gattai Tenrai Senpuujin
Space Ninja Group Jakanja
Evil Will - Boss Tau Zant
Seven Dark Spears: Frabeejo - Chuuzubo - Manmaruba - Wendine - Sargain - Satarakura - Sandaaru - Chubouzu
Alien Ninja Corps: Barrier Ninja Kekkaibo - Copy Ninja Kurrisotsubo - Poison Flower Ninja Hanasakkadoushi - Dimensional Ninja Futabutabou - Propagation Ninja Kuttsukuhoushi - Nightmare Ninja Yumebakushi - Dancing Ninja Higenamazukin - "Back To" Ninja Octonyuudou - Mist-Spitting Ninja Kirikirimaishi - Island Ninja Girigirigaishi
Puppet Ninja Corps: Magnet Ninja Jishakkumo - Excavation Ninja Mogudrago - Severing Ninja Shiransu - Water Absorbing Ninja Gamajakushi - Metal Ninja Tekkotsumeba - Disaster Ninja Kangaroulette - Thunder Ninja Undaigo - Love-Sickness Ninja Chupid - Brainwashing Ninja Jukukinoko - Gliding Ninja Musasabistal - Corrosion Ninja Fushokuruga - Fireworks Ninja Tamayadon
Masked Ninja Corps: Mirage Ninja Jin-Giron - Perfume Ninja Kira-Cologne - Revival Ninja Vamp-Iyan - Gravity Ninja Omo-Karu - Lingering Summerheat Ninja Bero-Tan - Balloon Ninja Gomubi-Ron - Manzai Ninja Tsukko-Mina
Fan Ninja Beast Corps: Misfortune Fan-Beast Badogi - Disaster Fan-Beast Dezargi - Cursed Fan-Beast Madogi
Jakanja Karakuri Giants: Megatagame (Mark I - Mark II - Mark III - Mark IV/Sexy) - Gaingain - FrabeejenRobo - GiantMusasabistal
Genin Magerappa - Pretty Ninja Frabeejenu - Ninja Wolf Beasts Fangol/Giant Beast Fangerus - Satarakura Jr. (Gokaiger) - Sandaaru Jr. (Gokaiger) - Zero Spear, Bat Zhe Rumba
Others: Zaru Clan/Ashurazaru