Icon-magirangerThis article is about a set of summons and spells in Power Rangers Mystic Force.

Mystic Force Spells[]

Morphing Call[]

  • Magical Source, Mystic Force!

Mystic Morpher[]

Number Light Syllable Dark Syllable Meaning-Origin
1 Galwit Uthe Galw "call"- Welsh
2 Mysto * Mustes "secret"- Greek
* Also a special spelling of "mystic"
3 Ranger From "Power Ranger," which comes from rangier, "to arrange in a row" (military troop) - French
4 Motro * Motor/moveo "move" - Latin
* Also a special spelling of "motor"
5 Prifior Mejor * Light: Prifio "grow"- Welsh
* Dark: Mejor - a special spelling of "major"
6 Unios Unithos * Unus "one" - Latin
* "Unios" and "Unithos" are a Light and Dark spelling of "union"
7 Du duo "two"- Latin
8 Tryn trinus "third" - Latin
9 Aerotan aer "air" - Greek
0 Neramax W. nerth + L. maximus "power" + "greatest"- Welsh/Latin

Spell Codes[]

Digits Entered Spell Incantation Purpose of Spell
123 Galwit Mysto Ranger Morphing Spell
129 Galwit Mysto Aerotan Summon Mystic Racers. This spell morphs a broomstick into a Mystic Racer
124 Galwit Mysto Motro Summon Mystic Speeder. Additionally morphs a Mystic Racer into a Mystic Speeder
125 & 107 Galwit Mysto Prifior / Galwit Neramax Du Transform into Mystic Titans
106 Galwit Neramax Unios Combine four Mystic Titans into Mystic Dragon
126 Galwit Mysto Unios Combine all five Mystic Titans into Titan Megazord
883 Tryn Tryn Ranger Summon Mystic Force Fighters
10 Galwit Neramax Xander's "Mystic Muscles" Spell
120 Galwit Mysto Neramax Morph a Ranger into Legend Warrior form
086 Neramax Tryn Unios Xander's own "Mystic Force Fighters" Spell

Mystic Lion Staff[]

  • Code 1: A powerful elemental blast attack - each Legend Warrior has a different elemental blast:
    • Red: Fire Storm
    • Yellow: Lightning Bolt
    • Blue: Tidal Wave
    • Pink: Whirlwind
    • Green: Rock Slide
  • Code 2: Legend Warrior United Formation, Combines the Rangers' powers for a group energy blast. The Staffs are aligned by their users as a star formation for this attack
  • Code 3: Transforms the Red Legend Warrior into the Mystic Firebird.
  • Code 4: Transforms the Yellow, Blue, Pink and Green Legend Warriors into the Mystic Lion.
  • Code 5: Transforms the Legend Warriors into the Manticore Megazord.

Dark Magic[]


  • Uthe Mejor Catastros: A simultaneous casting of:
    • Uthe Mejor: Self-enlargement
    • Mejor Catastros: Morph Catastros to Zord form. This spell also summons Catastros straight to Zord form
      • Sumbol Unithos Equestras: Combination of Koragg and Catastros into Knight Wolf Centaur
        "Sumbol" - a special spelling of "sombra", Latin for "shadow"
        "Equestras" - a special spelling of "equestrian", Latin for "horseman"
      • Uthe Mejor Ultimas: Centaurus Wolf Megazord. If the Knight Wolf Centaur is formed before this Spell is cast, Knight Wolf Centaur morphs into Centaurus Wolf Megazord without separation into Koragg and Catastros
  • Uthe Sastos: Self-teleportation
  • Uthra Norqua Ozarro: Teleportation of others
  • Uthra Mejor: Enlargement of others
  • Dark Source, Evil Force: Dark spell that is capable of stealing mystical power from good
  • Basilichi Infredo: Opens Portal to Underworld
    • Oderfni Ihcilisab: Reversal of the seal
  • Northrex Uthum Sondor: Summon Fire Heart
  • Uthe Negrucious: Return magic to self
  • Uthe Zazare: Teleportation of both self and others


  • Vistran Mightor - Morph subject into an insect form.
  • Mejura - Destroyed Xander's vines.
  • Ignacio - Used Xander's vines against him with a minor explosion.
  • Bombosa - Morph self into a black tornado.
  • Entoa - Summoned a tornado used to repel Madison's water attack.
  • Ulafow - Deflected Chip's lightning attack.
  • Malorus Melavacardum - Self-enlargement to standard giant size.
    • Vilastow - Self-enlargement far beyond standard giant size.
  • Mutra Vento - Dark Lightning attack.
  • Luthaar - Self-teleportation.
  • Dereus Malorium - Breaking of protection spells.
  • Venturius Ulmatium - Opens the Oblivion and releases the four Barbarian Beasts.
  • Megaro Zanga Meru Douza - A Forbidden Spell used to resurrect and combine wandering souls that were defeated and sealed away by Leanbow in the Dimension of Wandering Souls to create the Chimera

Neutral Spells[]

  • Mysto Aerotan - summon broomsticks.
  • Corum Oviat Ditrum - morph caster into a sheep.
    • Morthay Mammun - revert to human form, from that of a sheep.
      "Mammum" - a special spelling of "mammal"
  • Utum Zore - change the Rangers' magic wands into Mystic Morphers.
  • Florum Xylo Copa - summon a swarm of bees.
    "Florum" - a special spelling of "flora", Latin for "flower"
  • Craneor Magnus - enlargement of a brain (and head) to a bigger size.
    "Craneor" - a special spelling of "cranium", meaning "brain"
    "Magnus" - one of several Latin words meaning "great" or "big", related Latin words: "magna"
  • Sorvadum Nuchaios - unpetrify someone turned to stone, unless the magic used for petrification is stronger than this spell.
  • Reflectus Targo - summon a large mirror and send attack back.
    "Reflectus" - a special spelling of "reflection"
  • Levitatus Milanda - levitation.
    "Levitatus" - a special spelling of "levitate"/"levitation", meaning to hover over land
  • Counter Spell - counter a spell that has been used.
  • Hilarium Shenolia - cause victim of magic to become bald.
  • Finishio - disappearance. Uses/benefits:
    • Prevention of allergic reaction.
    • Healing of wounds.
    • Hiding from evil (invisibility or transportation).
  • Colinog Trebanage - contact lost loved ones.
  • Nominiminiminous Rox - unknown.
  • Vivacim Erectu - bring a cardboard cutout to life and reverse.
    "Vivacim" - a special spelling of "viva", a Latin word referring to life, living, live happenings/events, alive.
    "Erectu" - a special spelling of "erection", meaning "to rise", "rise up".
  • Noru Estraba Luxrotu - conjure a giant spectral image of oneself.
    "Luxrotu" - a special spelling of "luxury", a word referring to "beyond", "more", "greatness"
  • Malorium Orvis - short-distance teleportation.
  • Udfus Methud Arborus - growth of trees.
  • Fluidus Maloria - allow oneself to enter the Underworld. Dark Magic.
    "Fluidus" - a special spelling of "fluid"/"fluidity"
  • Udfus Bethud - throw a giant monster off balance.
  • Mysto Ribito - morph caster into a frog/morph self and others through merging into a single frog.
    "Ribito" - a special spelling of "ribbit"
  • Nusatu Valerium (Maximum) - dissolve a cage. (breaks sleeping spell)
  • Sureium Novium - separates one's Physical & Spiritual Forms.
  • Gojika - conceals target in a sphere of fire.

See Also[]
