Icon-ninningerThis article is about a/an episode in Power Rangers Ninja Steel.

My Friend Redbot is the sixth episode of Power Rangers Ninja Steel. The Gold Ranger's civilian form, Levi Weston makes a cameo in this episode.


Hayley is targeted by Galvanax's latest monster, Badpipes. Isolated from the other Rangers, she and Redbot must work together to save them.


Redbot is seen reading a story in the Ranger's base, where a Prince asks a maiden to the ball. Inspired by this, Redbot tries to ask Hayley to the upcoming school dance in the same manner as the prince, bowing on one knee as if to propose marriage. She rejects him, believing him to be just a machine, unintentionally hurting his feelings. Hayley decides to go help the rangers set up the rest of the way. However upon arriving, both Hayley and Brody are doused with punch, courtesy of Victor's failed dance attempt. The duo decided to go back to the base, where they discover Redbot is missing, but his book remains open. Brody realizes Hayley must have hurt Redbot's feelings. Guilty, Hayley decides to go look for him with her dog Kody.

On the Warrior Dome, Cosmo is doing a jig with several Kudabots, courtesy of today's contestant Badpipes. His enchanted bagpipes hypnotizes whoever listens to it to do whatever Badpipes orders them to do. With Kody's help, Hayley tracks Redbot to the forest where she meets Badpipes, and almost gives him her power star. However Redbot shows up, immune to the effects, and pushes Badpipes over, disarming the monster of his instrument. Snapped out of it, Hayley morphs and fights Badpipes. failing to keep them away. Just as Badpipes is allowed to finish her off, Redbot steps in and protects Hayley, taking a shot to the leg. As a means of escape, Kody throws dirt on the monster, allowing the two to escape. However, being that one of his thrusters was busted, Redbot crashes, malfunctioning. In horror, Hayley sends Kody off, and tries to get Redbot fixed. However the robot successfully reboots himself. The two reconcile, as the other ranger arrive, as does Ripcon. While Brody fights Ripcon, the others stop Bagpipes.

The audience loves Bagpipes, however, allowing him to be Gigantified, only to be stopped by the Rumble Tusk Ninja Steel Megazord. Madame Odius captured the mysterious Gold Ranger to make him evil. At the dance, Victor makes a fool of himself, and Hayley dances with Redbot & eventually the Rangers in the base.


Ninja Power Stars[]


  • When Redbot initially leaves the storybook on the table, it is closed. However, when Brody and Hayley went to the base, it is open.
  • The punch bowl flew across before splattering Brody and Hayley before landing near their feet, but it is later seen next to Victor.
  • Both times when Hayley morphs, it zooms up to her Ninja Battle Morpher, and her Ninja Power Star does not spin.
  • One of the pages of the book that Redbot was reading got bent from Cody, but in the next shot with Redbot, the bend is no longer there.


  • This episode is focused on Hayley and Redbot.
  • When the Rangers dance at the end of the episode, Peter Sudarso, as Preston, references Nan Ja Mon Ja! Ninja Matsuri! by performing the shuriken throwing move of the dance sequence.
  • Hayley sent Cody with her damaged Ninja Com so the other Rangers could rescue her and Redbot. This is exactly how Kat sent Smokey with her damaged communicator so the other Zeo Rangers could find her in Zeo's seventh episode.
  • This is the first episode Mick is absent in. This is due to the fact that Badpipes was voiced by Kelson Henderson, the same actor who plays Mick and his contract did not permit playing two characters at once due to the leg work that would require.
    • The in-show explanation for this is likely that the day was spent at the park where Mick simply did not want to join them and all of the attacks were directed at them so they did not require him notifying them of the attacks.

See Also[]

External Links[]



Power nav icon List of Power Rangers Ninja Steel and Super Ninja Steel episodes Icon-ninninger
Ninja Steel

1: Return of the Prism • 2: Forged in Steel • 3: Live and Learn • 4: Presto Change-O • 5: Drive to Survive • 6: My Friend Redbot • 7: Hack Attack • 8: Gold Rush • 9: Rocking & Rolling • 10: The Ranger Ribbon • 11: Poisonous Plots • 12: Family Fusion • 13: Ace and the Race • 14: The Royal Rival • 15: The Royal Rumble • Halloween Special: Grave Robber • 16: Monkey Business • 17: The Adventures of Redbot • 18: Abrakadanger • 19: Helping Hand • 20: Galvanax Rises • Christmas Special: Past, Presents, and Future

Super Ninja Steel

1: Echoes of Evil • 2: Moment of Truth • 3: Tough Love • 4: Making Waves • 5: Game Plan • 6: Attack of the Galactic Ninjas • 7: The Need for Speed • 8: Caught Red-Handed • 9: Outfoxed • 10: Dimensions in Danger • 11: Love Stings • 12: Fan Frenzy • 13: Prepare To Fail • 14: Sheriff Skyfire • 15: Tech Support • 16: Car Trouble • 17: Happy to Be Me • Halloween Special: Monster Mix-Up • 18: Magic Misfire • 19: Doom Signal • 20: Reaching the Nexus • Christmas Special: The Poisy Show
