Icon-shinkengerThis article is about a Ranger in Power Rangers Samurai.

"This is to be yours. One day, the great responsibility of being the Red Ranger will fall to you. Remember, protect the world from evil, standby your allies, and never run from a battle."
―Mr. Shiba's last words to his son before his death.[src]

Mr. Shiba was the previous Red Samurai Ranger before his children, Jayden and Lauren, as well as the 17th leader of the Shiba clan, he was only able to seal Master Xandred temporarily.


Knowing that he couldn't master the Sealing Symbol, Mr. Shiba put his faith in his son Jayden and daughter Lauren. Before leaving for his battle, he gave Jayden the Lion FoldingZord. Soon Master Xandred and his Nighloks were waging an intense battle that overwhelmed the Rangers.

Mr. Shiba began to perform the symbol during battle, hoping that even an imperfect seal would at least temporarily send Xandred away along enough for Lauren and Jayden to defeat him as adults. According to Lauren during Shattered Grid, Mr. Shiba perished that night while performing the seal.

Years later, Lauren had successfully perfected the Sealing Symbol and returned to seal Master Xandred forever. However, Master Xandred absorbed Dayu and gained an immunity to it, effectively rendering all of Lauren's effort to master it in vain. Despite this, Jayden and his team are able to finally destroy Master Xandred once and for all, avenging Mr. Shiba's death in the progress.


to be added


Red Samurai Ranger[]


Red Samurai Ranger



Behind the Scenes[]



  • Although never explicitly shown on screen, it is assumed the other modern-day Samurai Rangers' parents were his teammates, such as Kevin's Father.
  • When Mr. Shiba is seen using the sealing power of the Shiba Clan on Master Xandred in "Jayden's Challenge", he uses the version of the Samuraizer available at the time ("The Great Duel").


See Also[]

Power nav icon Icon-shinkenger Power Rangers Samurai & Power Rangers Super Samurai Icon-supersamurai
Jayden Shiba - Kevin - Mia Watanabe - Mike - Emily - Antonio Garcia - Lauren Shiba
Samuraizer - Samurai Morpher - Black Box - Power Discs - Spin Sword - Mega Blade - Fire Smasher - Hydro Bow - Sky Fan - Forest Spear - Earth Slicer - Barracuda Blade - Shark Sword - Bullzooka - Mega Mode - Super Mode - Super Mega Mode - Shark Attack Mode - Mega Shark Mode - Shogun Mode - Samurai SUV
Mentor Ji - Farkas Bulkmeier - Spike Skullovitch - Eugene Skullovitch - Cody - Scott Truman
Zords and Megazords
Lion FoldingZord - Dragon FoldingZord - Turtle FoldingZord - Bear FoldingZord - Ape FoldingZord - BeetleZord - SwordishZord - TigerZord - OctoZord - Samurai ClawZord - LightZord - SharkZord - BullZord
Samurai Megazord - Beetle Blaster Megazord - Swordfish Fencer Megazord - Tiger Drill Megazord - Samurai Battlewing - Battlewing Megazord - Octo Spear Megazord - Claw Battlezord - Claw Armor Megazord - Samurai Battle Cannon - Light Megazord - Samurai Shark Megazord - Bull Megazord - Samurai Gigazord - Samurai Lightzord - Samurai Shark Gigazord
Master Xandred - Octoroo - Serrator - General Gut - Moogers - Spitfangs - Furry Warts - Papyrox
Deker - Dayu
Venjix Computer Network: Professor Cog - Grinders
Tooya - Scorpionic - Rofer - Doubletone - Dreadhead - Negatron - Yamiror - Madimot - Desperaino - Robtish - Vulpes - Steeleto - Antberry - Splitface - Arachnitor - Rhinosnorus - Sharkjaw - Sergeant Tread
Armadeevil - Switchbeast - Eyescar - Crustor - Skarf - Duplicator - Grinataur - Epoxar - Maldan - Trickster - Pestilox - Fiera - Gigertox - Gred
Red Rangers
Jason Lee ScottRocky DeSantosAuricoTommy OliverT.J. JohnsonAndrosLeo CorbettCarter GraysonAlexWesley CollinsCole EvansShane ClarkeConner McKnightJack LandorsSchuyler TateBridge CarsonNick RussellMack HartfordCasey RhodesScott TrumanJayden ShibaLauren ShibaTroy BurrowsTyler NavarroBrody RomeroDevon DanielsZaytoAmelia Jones
Rocky DeSantos (movie)BrittJason Scott (2017 movie)Marvin ShihGrace SterlingMiguel Diaz
Secondary Rangers
Eric MyersHunter BradleyLeanbow
Twin ManJustinRockoFarai JukwaRobo T.J.CrashPsycho RedRed Cyborg RangerEvil Time Force RedLion Shadow RangerEvil ShaneEvil HunterCharlieOfficer TateEvil Red Mystic RangerEvil Red Overdrive RangerMr. ShibaThe Grand ShogunDane RomeroMick KanicRobo Red RangerBlaze
Power Sets
Red RangerRed Aquitar RangerZeo Ranger V RedRed Turbo RangerRed Space RangerGalaxy RedRed Lightspeed RangerTime Force RedQuantum RangerRed Wild Force RangerRed Wind RangerCrimson Thunder RangerRed Dino RangerS.P.D. Red RangerRed Mystic RangerWolf WarriorRed Overdrive RangerJungle Fury Red RangerRanger Operator Series RedRed Samurai RangerMegaforce RedSuper Megaforce RedDino Charge Red RangerNinja Steel RedGrid Battleforce Red RangerDino Fury Red RangerCosmic Fury Red Ranger
Red Ranger (1995 movie)Red Ranger (2017 movie)