Icon-gobustersThis article is about an episode in Tokumei Sentai Go-Busters.

Mission 36: Go-Buster Lioh, Shoom! (ゴ―バスターライオー ガギーン Gobasutaraio Gagin!) is the thirty-sixth episode of Tokumei Sentai Go-Busters. It is a Buddy Roid-focus episode which features the debut of Go-Buster Lioh, the combination of GT-02 and RH-03 with LT-06, taking the place of CB-01 in Go-BusterOh.


To request of better treatment, the Buddy Roids go on strike. This puts the use of Powered Custom in jeopardy, as it requires the Go-Busters and Buddy Roids to synchronize. What will the Go-Busters do?!


The Buddy Roids finished their maintenance, after the Go-Busters were dealing with Escape when she picked a fight to see their Powered Custom abilities firsthand, and talking about something to do with their partners. But when Ryuji and Yoko shirk them off, Usada and Gorisaki come to the conclusion that Tategami Lioh is getting better treatment than them.

Despite Cheeda believing the others are overreacting, the three Buddy Roids form the Buddy Roid Workers' Union to discuss the matter. Nick purposely invites Beet J. Stag to the meeting as well, in the hopes that Jay's disruptive presence will sabotage the movement. After the meeting, the Buddy Roids present their demands to the Go-Busters (taking them to amusement parks. Giving them high octane Enetron. Telling them "Good work" at least once a day). However the Go-Busters think they're just fooling around and dismiss their demands. The Buddy Roids have a second Union meeting where Jay - recalling something Masato said - advises that they go on strike. However, the Go-Busters still don't take their demands seriously.

To complicate matters, the Lio Attache alerts to Messiah Card 05 creating Bulldozerloid in the Sagami district, revealing it to be more helpful than the Buddy Roids at the moment. This forces Gorisaki and Usada to steal the Lio Attache with Nick sent after them while the Go-Busters deal with Bulldozerloid. But when the Messiah Metaloid overpowers them, the Go-Busters learn they cannot use the Powered Custom.

At that time, not coming to Hiromu's aid in order to talk sense in Usada and Gorisaki, Nick convinces them that Tategami Lioh is lonely and they should be friends with it as the Lio Attache warns them that Ryuji and Yoko's weak points are taking effect. Arriving with their well being their utmost concern, Usada and Gorisaki make up with their partners before the Go-Busters assume their Powered Custom modes as Escape arrives. While the others deal with Bulldozerloid, Blue Buster deals with Escape before forcing to fall back her weapons are destroyed and her data damaged. But when Bulldozerloid proves too durable to be defeated in unarmed combat, Red Buster uses the Lio Attache's Lio Blaster mode to finish the Messiah Metaloid off as BulldozerZord appears with Ryuji asking permission for the GT-02 and the RH-03 to deployed with Tategami Lioh to form Go-Buster Lioh to destroy the Type Delta Megazord. Soon after, as Masato beats Jay for causing the strike, Ryuji and Yoko apologize to their Buddy Roids as Nick is down in the dumps when he is being left out of the moment after what Usada and Gorisaki put him through.


Guest Cast[]



DVD/Blu-ray releases[]

Tokumei Sentai Go-Busters Volume 9 features episodes 33-36: Mission 33: Morphin'! Powered Custom, Mission 34: BeetBuster Is the Enemy?!, Mission 35: Roar, TategamiRaiOh! and Mission 36: Go-BusterRaiOh Gakiin!. [1]

See Also[]

External links[]



Icon-gobusters List of Tokumei Sentai Go-Busters Episodes
Episodes 1-10
Mission 1: Tokumei Sentai, Assemble!Mission 2: A Promise Made 13 Years AgoMission 3: GT-02 Animal, Deployed!Mission 4: Special Ops and DeterminationMission 5: Dangerous Feverish Runaway!Mission 6: Combine! Go-Buster OhMission 7: Bad Maintenance on Ace?!Mission 8: Protect the Machine Blueprints!Mission 9: Usada Rescue Strategy!Mission 10: A Reason to Fight
Episodes 11-20
Mission 11: The Targeted WeakpointMission 12: You Like Going Undercover?Mission 13: A Surprise HolidayMission 14: Ça va? Rescue OperationMission 15: The Gold Warrior and the Silver BuddyMission 16: The Man from Hyper SpaceMission 17: Its Name is Go-Buster BeetMission 18: Cooperative Operations 3000 Meters in the EarthMission 19: My Combination! Buster HerculesMission 20: 5-Man Concentration! Great Go-Buster!
Episodes 21-30
Mission 21: Farewell, Blue BusterMission 22: The Beautiful Avatar: EscapeMission 23: The Will of the InheritorsMission 24: A Très Bien Summer FestivalMission 25: Pursue the Mystery of the Avatars!Mission 26: The Tiny Enemy! Control Room SOSMission 27: An Out of Control Combo to Escape the Labyrinth!Mission 28: Beware of Chickens!Mission 29: Breaking Into Hyperspace!Mission 30: Messiah Shutdown
Episodes 31-40
Mission 31: Space Sheriff Gavan Arrives!Mission 32: Friendship Tag With Gavan!Mission 33: Morphin'! Powered CustomMission 34: The Enemy Is Beet Buster?!Mission 35: Roar, Tategami Lioh!Mission 36: Go-Buster Lioh, Shoom!Mission 37: The Black and White BridesMission 38: Live! Ace DeathmatchMission 39: Finishing Blow! Messiah's FistMission 40: Suffering J. and the Messiahloid
Episodes 41-50
Mission 41: The Thief Pink Buster!Mission 42: Attack! Within the MegazordMission 43: Christmas DeterminationMission 44: Christmas Eve - Time to Finish Our MissionMission 45: Happy New Year! Another Small Formidable EnemyMission 46: The New Fusion and Overheated Rampage!Mission 47: Reset and BackupMission 48: Setting the TrapMission 49: Preparation and SelectionFinal Mission: Eternal Bonds
Movies & Specials
Movies: Kamen Rider x Super Sentai: Super Hero TaisenIcon-crosswikiTokumei Sentai Go-Busters the Movie: Protect the Tokyo Enetower!Tokumei Sentai Go-Busters vs. Kaizoku Sentai Gokaiger: The MovieTokumei Sentai Go-Busters Returns vs. Doubutsu Sentai Go-BustersZyuden Sentai Kyoryuger vs. Go-Busters: Dinosaur Great Battle! Farewell, Eternal Friends
Specials: Tokumei Sentai Go-Busters vs. Beet Buster vs. J