Icon-boomThis article is about a/an comic book in the Power Rangers comic sub-franchise by Boom! Studios.

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers 2018 Free Comic Book Day is a free issue of BOOM! Studios' comic series released in honor of Free Comic Book Day. It is a continuation of the "Shattered Grid " storyline and features the first appearance of the three Emissaries of the Morphin Masters.


Featuring an all-new, original Power Rangers story exclusive to this Free Comic Book Day issue, this has ties to the "Power Rangers: Shattered Grid" event storyline, taking place in the pages of BOOM! Studios' Mighty Morphin Power Rangers and Saban's Go Go Power Rangers comic series! Zordon turns to the Morphin Masters for help in the Power Rangers' darkest hour as they battle Lord Drakkon - an evil version of Tommy, the Green Ranger, from an alternate reality - as he threatens every Ranger in all of existence.


In the aftermath of Lord Drakkon siezing control of the Shiba House and the Samuraizers of the Samurai Rangers (with the exception of Lauren Shiba who escaped), Zordon tells Alpha 5 that he must have an audience with the Emissaries. Alpha 5 reminds Zordon of the risks involved, but Zordon says that for the good of all reality he has to try.  Zordon thus goes to a nether region in space and meets the three Emissaries of the Morphin Masters; who appeara in the form of a Red, Blue, and Yellow Ranger with outfits that constantly shift between the various eras of Power Rangers history. When asked why he sought them out, Zordon tells them of Lord Drakkon's plans and that for the good of all reality, the Morphin Masters must intervene. 


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