Icon-abarangerThis article is about a lair in Power Rangers Dino Thunder.
Evorian Island Fortress

Mesogog's Island Fortress in Power Rangers Dino Thunder.

Mesogog's Island Fortress was Mesogog's base of operations.

Mesogog's Island Fortress was set on a mountainous island out at sea. The island was originally home to Anton Mercer's Lab, but the entire island was destroyed after a failed experiment, and sunk beneath the sea. Mesogog then brought it back in order to serve as his headquarters.

Mesogog's Island Fortress was destroyed by Hayley using the Tricermax Command Center Truck. Tvicon TV STORY-Thunder Struck


Although from the outside, the island looked like nothing more than barren rocks, and there were still some trees left and the fortress was on the highest peak. Inside, the fortress was a cross between a scientific laboratory and an evil lair. In the main room was the Geno-Randomizer, along with shelves of test tubes and jars that were filled with colored liquids. There were several tables of scientific equipment, a screen which could be used to watch battles, and Mesogog's Throne.

There were also several corridors and cells which held prisoners including one with what looked like a gyroscope. Anton Mercer was imprisoned in that when Mesogog finally separated from him.

Most of the fortress' walls were painted black or another dark color, including the floors and ceilings. The lights were mainly yellow, and were set into the walls and into the ceiling.



See Also[]

Power nav icon Power Rangers Dino Thunder Icon-abaranger
Conner McKnight - Ethan James - Kira Ford - Tommy Oliver - Trent Fernandez-Mercer
Dino Gems - Dino Morpher - Brachio Morpher - Drago Morpher - Triassic Morpher - Triassic Battlizer Morpher - Thundermax Saber - Tyranno Staff - Tricera Shield - Ptera Grips - Brachio Staff - Drago Sword - Z-Rex Blaster - Super Dino Mode - Shield of Triumph - Triassic Battlizer - Raptor Riders - Raptor Cycles - Dino ATVs - Hovercraft Cycle - Triceramax Command Center Truck
Hayley Ziktor - Sensei Kanoi Watanabe - S.P.D. Rangers - Cassidy Cornell - Devin Del Valle - Anton Mercer
Ninja Rangers: Shane Clarke - Tori Hanson - Dustin Brooks - Hunter Bradley - Blake Bradley - Cameron Watanabe
Zords and Megazords
Tyrannozord - Tricerazord - Pterazord - Brachiozord - Dragozord - Stegozord - Cephalazord - Dimetrozord - Parasaurzord - Ankylozord - Mezodon Rover
Thundersaurus Megazord - DinoStegazord - Mezodon Megazord - Triceramax Megazord - Valkasaurus Megazord
Mesogog - Zeltrax - Elsa - White Ranger Clone - Tyrannodrones - Triptoids
Evil Space Ninjas: Lothor - Izzy & Pupperazi - Zurgane - Kelzaks
Aerial Assault Craft - Birdbrain - Pollinator - Donkeyvac - Demagnetron - Dysotron - Goldenrod - Scorpex - Megalador - Creature - Angor - Rojobot - Insectolite - Fossilador - Termitetron - Ka-Ching - Mad Mackerel - Copyotter - Other World Monster - White Terrorsaurus -Terra Assault Craft - Jupitor - Tutenhawken - Thornox - Deadwood - Horn-Rimmed Monster - Jade Gladiator - Skortch - Squidrose - Croco D'Vile - Rumba Monkey - Rude Elf - Fridgia - Ruby Dragon - Ugly Monster
Zords: Replicantzord - Zelzord