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Icon-supersamuraiThis article is about a comic book in Power Rangers Super Samurai.

Memory Short is the first Power Rangers graphic novel published by Papercutz Comics, based on Power Rangers Super Samurai.


At a concert at the Deep Gorge Park, the singer of a band welcomed the Samurai Rangers. Meanwhile, in the Netherworld, Master Xandred became furious upon learning of the concert. Dayu suggested sending Oblivitor to make the concert goers forget the existence of the Power Rangers. Back at the concert, Oblivitor had arrived by crossing through a gap. However, there was a Furry Wart on top of his head, which had caused him to panic. At the Shiba House, Mentor Ji and the Samurai Rangers had learned of Oblivitor's presence through the gap sensor. On the stage, Oblivitor shot blasts of energy with his trident and erased the memories of the concert goers. When the Power Rangers had arrived, Oblivitor used his trident to erase Jayden's memories. Jayden regained his memories with the help of his teammates and they transformed into Super Samurai Mode and defeated Oblivitor. The Rangers defeated Oblivitor's giant form with the Claw Armor Megazord. Afterwards, the concert goers remembered the Power Rangers and the band dedicated a song to them.


Main article: Samurai Rangers
Color Role
Red Samurai Ranger Jayden Shiba
Blue Samurai Ranger Kevin
Pink Samurai Ranger Mia Watanabe
Green Samurai Ranger Mike
Yellow Samurai Ranger Emily
Gold Samurai Ranger Antonio Garcia



Main article: Nighlok


